Ding Yamin felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the interaction between the two, because so far, he had not even held Guan Jiao's hand.

It's not that he doesn't take the initiative, it's that he has to hide every time he touches her, which makes him so embarrassed that he has the nerve to do anything again.

When Ding Yamin and Jiang Yan were chatting alone at the repair shop in the evening, Ding Yamin thought about it and told him the matter in a whisper.

So are you having a pure spiritual love relationship?

Jiang Yan looked at him with complicated eyes and asked, "When you reread, were you two not together yet?"

Ding Yamin nodded, "Yes, I didn't dare to say it at that time, for fear of affecting my studies. I only said it when filling out my application form, otherwise we wouldn't be able to apply for the same school."

He said it because he was worried that she would be under pressure. After all, it was not that he failed the exam, but that he passed the exam and didn't go.

It was not easy for Jiang Yan to judge this. He could only pat Ding Yamin on the shoulder and comfort him, "Don't worry, there will be a day when all the hardships will be over." As for which day, who knows?

The next day, Jiang Yan took them to play for a whole day. On the third day, he found a job for Ding Yamin in a milk tea shop. Guan Jiao followed Yang Dan in the pizza shop. She didn't want any money, so she just followed him to learn.

It wasn't until New Year's Eve that the three of them got on the train back to Yunzhou.

"Tell me, how much would it cost to donate a library to Jianghai Middle School?"

Jiang Yan's eyelids twitched and he turned to look at Mu Jiawen quickly. When he stopped at a red light, he asked, "When did you come up with this idea?"

"Just in the past few days, I heard Guan Jiao talk about some things when she was repeating her studies, and her classmates in high school. Although many of them have been admitted to college, the gap between them and the kids in the city is still very obvious. You understand , this gap is not only caused by living standards and environment."

Jiang Yan smacked his lips and said, "It's not impossible to donate books. As for how much it will cost, I don't know how much it will cost. It all depends on how much money you plan to spend."

Suddenly an idea flashed, Jiang Yan said, "We can get some sponsorship, like Jing Junyang, don't let him donate too much, just tens of thousands, whatever you want, we can look for it again."

"My eldest brother, second brother, third brother, and my cousin."

Her four brothers gave her 100,000 yuan on her birthday. Plus the money from selling paintings this year, excluding Jiang Yan's dividends and salary, she could donate 500,000 yuan to Jianghai Middle School to build a library.

As for the money in Jiang Yan's salary card, this part must be reserved to buy shops.

The two discussed the details again, and Mu Jiawen immediately called Lao Yu, mainly to ask him for a book list.

Jiang Yan felt that it would be better to donate books directly. Because if you want to donate money, then Mu Jiawen must give the money to Lao Yu.

They knew what Lao Yu was like, so naturally they were not worried, but they were worried that some people with ulterior motives would use this to throw dirty water on him. Because Lao Yu has been promoted relatively quickly in the past two years, directly promoted from grade director to vice principal, it is inevitable to be envied and jealous. After all, intrigues are inevitable in any workplace.

After receiving a call from Mu Jiawen and hearing that she was going to donate a library, Lao Yu's first reaction was not to be happy, but to ask her, "You are only a sophomore in college now. Do you have enough money left to study for a Ph.D. ?Also, there is not much salary for doing research. Even if you have a lot of money now, you still need to make plans for the future, such as buying a house or a car. You must first ensure that your life is not affected before you can think of helping. What others do. Jiawen, you have done enough for Jianghai Middle School. Whether it is building a library or something else, this is something we need to consider, not your responsibility." Regarding the teacher, Mu Jiawen did not hide anything His own life experience, but even so, Lao Yu couldn't help but say this. Sometimes he even worried that she didn't grow up in front of her biological mother. She just found out that he was so good to her to make up for it, but what about the future? Will it always be this good?

He was not worried about how far Mu Jiawen could reach in terms of knowledge, or what achievements he would achieve in the future. But only in the family relationship, he was afraid that she would be hurt.

Keeping more money with you is the best way he can think of to protect himself. After all, with money, you have the ability to be independent. You can live openly and without any embarrassment without relying on anyone.

Mu Jiawen felt warm in her heart. At any time, Lao Yu would do his best to think about her just like he did in high school.

"Teacher Yu, don't worry, I have not withdrawn all my savings. Even if I wanted to do so, Jiang Yan would not agree."

Hearing the word "Jiang Yan", Old Yu snorted. He had long said that this kid had bad intentions. Look, was he right?

Jiang Yan rubbed his nose guiltily beside him. When Wen Zhuanli came to their class, he had promised Lao Yu the hard way that he just wanted to get on with his studies. He definitely and absolutely had no other intentions!

This is not wrong. At that time, he was really focused on studying. He was not studying desperately, but working hard!

As for please after the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination is over, can't he change his mind?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan straightened his back confidently.

Mu Jiawen ignored him and agreed with Lao Yu about buying books. He would discuss a book list with the principal, and she would buy some domestic and foreign masterpieces and try her best to get this done during the winter vacation. Send the book before the end of winter vacation.

After hanging up the phone, Old Yucai touched his bald head in a daze, jumped up from his chair slowly, walked back and forth in the office a few times, then turned around and swooped off to find the principal.

After all, it’s not just about the book list, but a large classroom must be set aside as a library, as well as bookshelves. These are actually simple. The most important thing is the type and quantity of books. When I think of Gawen saying that she will buy at least fifty For a book worth ten thousand yuan, he was so excited that his heart was pounding.

Their high school, which only has a history of 20 years, is an ordinary middle school in a rural town. It is about to have a library worth half a million yuan!

You can't blame Lao Yu for being excited. After all, none of the middle schools in the county here have a serious library, and the county education bureau has no money to allocate, and no one would be so generous as to donate 500,000 books in one go.

Five hundred thousand!

When Lao Yu thought about this number, he started to feel dizzy when he walked.

In order to change Lao Yu's view of him, Jiang Yan actively contacted to buy books, and at the same time collected a donation of 50,000 yuan from his big boss Jing Junyang.

Mu Jiawen borrowed the aluminum basin where Xiao Hei ate, and walked around in front of her four brothers. They all couldn't bear to look at her, and each of them gave her 20,000 yuan. If it wasn't for Xiao Hei's consideration of eating and drinking, Yu Ci would have wanted to grab it and throw it away.

This stinky girl always comes up with whatever she wants.

The two of them made intensive preparations and finally sent out all the professional books on various subjects, domestic and foreign classics, novels and poems that they bought before the end of the winter vacation (End of this chapter)

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