When sending Qi Lihong to buy an old and shabby house in the Third Ring Road, the two of them were surprised to see a demolition notice posted on the wall at the gate of the community.

When he originally bought this house, Jiang Yan expected that it would be demolished in five years. Because among all the old shabby small towns I have seen, this community is considered to be the general among the cripples, who are a little younger, so I thought about how I could survive for five or six years.

It's still five or six years ago, and it hasn't even lasted a year.

Liu Wenhu immediately called Jiang Yan, laughed and told the good news, and finally said, "Tsk, Brother Jiang, you sometimes have bad vision. I should have known you would have bought this community."

Because of his predictions at the time, Jiang Yan did not choose this community, but chose another old and shabby neighborhood across the street.

Liu Wenhu also wanted to buy from there at first, but unfortunately he couldn't find the right one. In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, he chose a third-floor apartment here. The area was not large and the decoration was OK, so after reading it, he decided to give it to Qi Lihong.

Unexpectedly, this gift was the right gift, and it turned out to be the first house to be demolished among all the houses they bought.

After entering the house and putting down his things, he excitedly hugged Qi Lihong and kissed her, then turned around and went out to see the compensation and requirements for the demolition.

In fact, the demolition office called Qi Lihong a few days ago, but she turned off her phone, so she didn't receive it.

Jiang Yan happened to be with Jing Junyang on the other side, so he told him about the matter after hanging up the phone.

Jing Junyang smiled and said, "I don't know if this kid is lucky or Qi Lihong is lucky. I thought I would be the last to be demolished, but I didn't expect to be the first. Isn't this just bad luck?"

However, the areas they chose were almost the same. Qi Lihong's demolition started, and theirs certainly wouldn't have to wait too long.

"You can choose a house or money for demolition. How do you plan to choose when the time comes?" Jing Junyang asked.

"As for the houses, look at the location. If they are good, keep a few units."

Jing Junyang also had this plan.

After the two chatted, they started talking about business. It has been a year since the company was established. From the five of them at the beginning, it has now increased to twenty people. Fortunately, Jing Junyang was ambitious and rented a three-story office building from the beginning, with a lease term of thirty years.

At this rate of development, the company will definitely expand next year.

He was planning to hold an annual meeting two years ago. This was the first annual meeting since the establishment of their company. Jing Junyang took it very seriously, so he specially called Jiang Yan over today to discuss how to do it.

While the two were talking, Jing Junyang's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID, frowning.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yan stood up and said, "Why don't I go out first and wait for you?"

"No, you sit down."

With that said, Jing Junyang pressed the answer button and asked in a very stiff tone, "Is something wrong?"

"You have to come back for the New Year's Eve dinner at home this year. Your grandpa said, no one should be missing."

"I will visit grandpa in advance, and the New Year's Eve dinner will be waived." "Jing Junyang, do you remember that your surname is Jing, right?"

"Hey, I thought you didn't remember my last name." A mocking smile appeared on Jing Junyang's lips, "Don't you have a son and a daughter? Do you still remember who I am?"


When there was nothing to say on the other side, Jing Junyang hung up the phone with a snap.

He raised his hand to rub his gloomy face, took two deep breaths, and then regained his composure, raised his head to discuss things with Jiang Yan again.

After Jiang Yan left, Jing Junyang's phone rang again, but this time it was his sister-in-law instead of his father.

His aunt had a very good relationship with his mother, because his father almost fell out with his father because of the woman and illegitimate child. Not only that, she also found someone to thoroughly investigate the company, including the woman's brother and cousin, etc. Relatives kicked him out of the company and went to his grandfather to make things more jealous. As a result, the plan to let the illegitimate child join the family tree was completely ruined.

During the Chinese New Year last year, his father took a pair of illegitimate children to his old house for New Year's Eve dinner. Jing Junyang was already halfway there when he was originally going to go. His aunt's little cousin called him and told him that they were there, and he immediately Turn around and go back to grandma's house.

Of course, Jing Junyang would not embarrass the old man no matter what. He asked his cousin to give the phone to his grandfather and told him that he would go over and give him New Year greetings the next morning.

As for why the New Year’s Eve dinner was agreed upon in the past but is not going now, is there any need to explain the reason?

After that, although the old man didn't drive the siblings away, he didn't give them a good look either. The meal ended without any embarrassment. It wasn't until Jing Junyang passed by early the next morning that the old man had a smile on his face.

Although he is also his grandson, how can his illegitimate son compare with his eldest grandson who grew up in front of him?

The old man still knows clearly what is light and what is serious.

This happened during the Chinese New Year last year. This year, probably to avoid repeating the same mistake, Jing Junyang’s father planned to inform him in advance, and by the way, he wanted to advise him not to go against him. After all, they are his younger brothers and sisters. .

But before these words could be spoken, he immediately became angry when he heard Jing Junyang's harsh words at the beginning. Jing's father wanted to scold Jing Junyang loudly. If he continued to act like this, he would not give him any property in the future.

But there was no time to say these words, because Jing Junyang hung up the phone.

On the other side, Jing's father was still angry, but here Jing Junyang had already answered his aunt's call--


"Yangyang, your uncle will come back to celebrate the New Year this year, do you know?"

Jing Junyang slapped his forehead, "My sister told me in advance last month, but I've been too busy recently and forgot about it. Aunt, did the uncle tell me what day he will arrive?"

Jing Junyang's uncle is in politics and works in Nan Province. His cousin Jing Huiqi is three years older than him. She was involved in a car accident when she and her mother were out ten years ago. Jing Huiqi was safe and sound under the protection of her mother, but her mother did not. .

Because the tragedy happened right in front of her eyes, that scene left a huge shadow on sixteen-year-old Jing Huiqi. She couldn't sleep all night long and almost suffered a mental breakdown. It was Jing Junyang's mother who stayed with her every day and took her abroad for psychological treatment. It took half a year for her to return to normal and return to school.

After that, he attended the military academy in Nan Province where his father worked. After graduation, he joined the army as a matter of course. Because of the special nature of the work, he has not returned since graduation. However, Jing Huiqi would often talk to Jing Junyang's mother on the phone. In her heart, her second aunt was closer than her aunt.

"At twelve o'clock tomorrow morning, Hui Qi will be with him. Do you want to pick them up with me?"

After saying that, Aunt Jing smiled and said, "I heard that your company is doing well now. If you are really busy and can't leave, it's okay to come over for dinner in the evening. Your uncle and your sister are not outsiders, so they won't care. "(End of chapter)

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