Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 409 Talking, playing and singing

Just two days after Mu Jiawen called her aunt, it was the May Day holiday.

She didn't tell her that she would go back on May Day, and planned to surprise them then.

The Internet cafe in front of Luyang Normal University has opened. I heard that the business is very popular. The second child is very busy. Under such circumstances, he will definitely not be able to spare time to return to Jianghai with them.

Of course, Jiang Yan had no intention of calling him.

But I heard that Hong Jing bought a direct train from Beicheng to Luyang, and she would arrive at 9pm on April 31st.

Jiang Yan couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. This person was no longer in Kyoto, so it would be more convenient for the two of them to date secretly. This was really unexpected!

On the afternoon before the May Day holiday, Mu Jiawen and Ding Yuanyuan walked outside the school together. She was carrying a navy blue handbag in her hand, and Ding Yuanyuan was carrying a backpack on her shoulders and a large bag of snacks in her hand.

"Thank you, honey. My dad said that this medicine is very difficult to buy. I didn't expect that my brother got it right away. This really saved my grandpa's life. I won't say anything else. I owe it to myself to save my life."

"Stop it!" Mu Jiawen rubbed the goosebumps on her arms and said decisively, "Let's just get along with each other personally. My second brother is not a pedophile."

Ding Yuanyuan glanced at her with resentment and said, "I'm an adult, okay? It's not like I haven't seen her body before, so I'm still saying that."

Mu Jiawen was unmoved, "You are so kind to those two xiaolongbao."

"Mu Jiawen!"

Ding Yuanyuan threw herself at her in annoyance, and the two of them arrived at the school gate, quarreling. Big Fatty Jin stood beside the telephone pole on the right side of the gate like a Maitreya Buddha. When he saw the two coming, his eyes were not big and he smiled. Narrowed into a slit.

"The car is already here, over there."

Originally, Big Fatty Jin didn't plan to go back during this holiday. He was learning to install a console from Dai Lei, so a few days of vacation was a good time. But his dad called and said his grandma was sick.

It happened that Ding Yuanyuan's grandfather was also ill some time ago, and she sent her medical records and asked her second brother Mu Jiawen to help buy some medicines that were difficult to buy at their place.

So the two simply went back together again.

Jin Dapang's father sent a driver to pick him up early in the morning. The two got in the car. Jin Dapang looked at the small navy blue bag on Ding Yuanyuan's lap and asked her, "Did you buy the medicine here?"

Ding Yuanyuan nodded, "In addition to the Western medicine that my dad wanted, Brother Yu also helped to buy two kinds of Chinese patent medicine to regulate the body. He is so kind, I can't help it." She said it again. After swallowing it, he smiled and changed the subject, "How is your grandma? Doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter, it was because her blood pressure increased due to anger. She fainted at that time, which scared my dad. But she stabilized after being sent to the hospital. But my dad was worried and wanted her to stay in the hospital for a few days. .”

The driver was driving in the front, and the two of them spent time chatting in the back seat. What's more, they also had a common topic when talking about grandparents, because both of them were raised by old people when they were young.

Ding Yuanyuan said, "Then you have to persuade your grandma when you go back. You can't be so popular in your old age. It's very dangerous."

Jin Dapang: "My grandma usually has a good temper. This time she was so angry with my aunt and cousin that she couldn't control it, which caused her blood pressure to rise. But you are right, next time she can We can't do this anymore, it's too dangerous." Jin Dapang's father started from scratch. When he was young and started his own business, the children could only be left to their parents. Fortunately, in the end, my career was successful and my business was successful, but a lot of troubles followed. First of all, her sister wanted him to make good arrangements for her son. To be honest, it would not be a big deal to arrange a job for her nephew, but the trouble was that it obviously required ability but no ability, and no experience, but she just didn’t want to do it. Starting from the grassroots level, I want to be an official!

It's a beautiful thought.

Ding Yuanyuan gave him some advice, "On the one hand, controlling her temper also keeps people who are angry with her away from her. Sometimes people can't worry too much. For example, if you just say it because of your aunt's face, but if it happens again, What if you are not lucky this time? Where will you find your grandma then? "

An old man's blood pressure will go up and pop for a while, and then you will cry without regrets.

When the driver in front heard Ding Yuanyuan's words, he couldn't help but glance in the rearview mirror. This little girl has a lot of personality.

But I have to say, this is a good idea!

Big Fatty Jin was also stunned for a moment after hearing Ding Yuanyuan's words, but he hesitated, "But my aunt is my grandma's biological daughter. If you ask her not to go to grandma's place, she will definitely not agree, and she might even talk to my dad." Have a fight.”

"Are you stupid?" Ding Yuanyuan glanced at him and said, "Your father can't say this, you have to say it! Just in front of your aunt and your grandma, cry and beg your aunt, and beg her for the sake of your grandma. For the sake of your age, can you come less frequently in the future? I will demonstrate it to you."

Ding Yuanyuan raised her hands and rubbed her face as she spoke, making an expression that seemed like she was crying but not crying, "I won't make any more tears. I'll just show you how to speak with emotion. I'm begging you, aunt." , Grandma is over seventy, and she can’t stand your troubles. If she does this again next time, if something happens to her, my father and I will strangle you to death and we won’t be able to save her life. So just to be on the safe side, you Don’t come here again, otherwise I’m afraid my mother won’t be able to wait for me to take care of the baby. What do you think? Is this appropriate?”

Big Fatty Jin looked at her and nodded blankly, "It's quite appropriate."

The driver in front almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. The little girl could do it, and she could also talk, play and sing.

Ding Yuanyuan hadn't finished her words yet, "I'm telling you this to your aunt. There's no need to be so polite to your cousin. As a rich second generation, you have to show off your rich second generation style and reprimand him fiercely: "Dick" Who do you think you are if you are picky if you don’t have the ability? You can do it, but you can’t. It’s just my dad who spoils you. When I came back after graduation and took over the company, the first one to open was someone like you who had nothing. Relevant households, remember, your expression should be cruel and a little contemptuous, that’s it.”

As she said that, she showed Big Fatty Jin a grinning expression, which stunned the stupid kid. For the first time, he realized that he could be so vicious.

The two of them talked all the way, which was not boring at all.

When they arrived in Qingzhou, Big Fat asked the driver to see Ding Yuanyuan off first.

Because he had dropped her off before, the driver knew where her home was, but if Ding Yuanyuan didn't go home this time, she would have to go to the hospital.

"Uncle Wang, please send me to the First People's Hospital. I agreed with my grandfather that I would come back to see him first, and I have to keep vigil tonight."

Big Fatty Jin said in surprise, "Are you keeping vigil? Do you want to stay in the hospital to take care of your grandfather?"

Ding Yuanyuan asked, "Don't you go to the hospital to take care of your grandma when you come back?"

He would go, but he wouldn't stay there forever. After all, his mother and the nanny were here, so there was nothing he needed to do.

Ding Yuanyuan shook her head, "I'm telling you, we were brought up by them. We take care of ourselves personally, and it will definitely feel different from taking care of others. If you don't believe me, try it."

good night!

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