Chapter 41 Processing Results (Second Update)
Xu Yan, Meng Qing and Deng Tao were brought to the office.

The head teacher of Class [-] had already understood the general situation. He looked at Deng Tao. Although she was not the one who did it, the origin, course, development and result of the incident were all closely related to her.

Being condemned by many students in Class [-], Xu Yan has now gone from being angry and flustered at the beginning to being calm and collected now.

Therefore, the first moment she saw Teacher Gao, she was able to describe the matter in a clear and coherent manner. After finishing, she said, "Many people saw Meng Qing looking through the hole in my desk. My deskmate even stopped her, but the drawing Teacher Gao, I think Deng Tao did it on purpose, she just wanted to ruin this painting."

What a pity, this is the painting Song Jiawen painted for her. She expressed all the artistic conception and emotions she wanted to express. This is the part that she couldn't do when painting. She has been looking at it over and over again these two days. Thinking about it, I want to be able to complete the missing parts when I paint.

But before she could do it, the painting was destroyed.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan's eyes turned red again, and she raised her head and glared at Deng Tao fiercely.

She didn't know if she did it on purpose, but she just wanted to say that she did it on purpose.

You pretend to be noble all day long, how great do you really think you are?That’s amazing, why would you want to see other people’s paintings?

"Obviously you came up to force me, how can you blame Deng Tao?"

Meng Qing looked a little embarrassed in her clothes. Xu Yan grabbed her hair and pulled it hard. Then her upper body hit the table and then fell to the ground. When the books and stationery were scattered, some of them fell on her. Although the impact was not as painful as the impact on the ground, it was still embarrassing and embarrassing.

Looking at Xu Yan at this moment, her eyes could spit fire.

Xu Yan sneered, "Am I insisting? Whose painting is it? Besides, her seat is in the middle. You saw it when I came in. She also saw it when I reached out to draw it, but she still held on to it. What's the purpose? Do you think I'm blind and can't see? Some people are really as stupid as pigs. They don't even know they are being used as swordsmen, and they still jump out stupidly, thinking they are loyal? Tsk!"

Meng Qing's expression changed drastically, and the head teacher of Class [-] frowned. He wanted to say a few words for Deng Tao, but when he looked at the torn-in-two sketch on the table, his mouth opened and closed again.

The painting was indeed torn in Deng Tao's hands, and Xu Yan's analysis was also very rational. As an old teacher, how could he not understand the little girl's little thoughts?
Teacher Gao asked someone to call Xu Yan's deskmate, and also asked Song Jiawen to come over.

At this time, he heard Meng Qing defending Deng Tao and Xu Yan's cynicism. He picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of water. Then he turned to look at Meng Qing and asked, "Did you take the painting out of Xu Yan's table?"

Meng Qing felt a sudden change in her heart. From the initial disapproval of Song Jiawen's painting to the anger of Xu Yan's action, she finally felt a little scared.

She looked up at Teacher Gao and pursed her lips without saying a word.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Xu Yan's deskmate will come over after a while. If you don't accept her testimony alone, you can also find a few witnesses to prove that you didn't rummage through other people's tables without permission and take it out to others privately. of."

In the last semester of the third year of high school, if things were normal, Teacher Gao would have made things like this a big deal. But now this matter is not just a conflict between two students in his own class, but one of them actually having a conflict with someone from another class. unite
Teacher Gao hates this kind of eating and drinking behavior, not to mention that it involves Song Jiawen.

But he never looked at Deng Tao from beginning to end. He was not his student and he had no control over it.

But it was precisely because of his attitude that the head teacher of Class [-] was extremely embarrassed.

He couldn't let Deng Tao go back, but he didn't know what to say while standing here.The most important thing is that Deng Tao is also very arrogant. No matter what others say, she looks calm and indifferent and doesn't say a word.

It was as if this matter had nothing to do with her at all.

The head teacher of Class [-] sighed. As a student, he really didn’t know what to say to her.

Xu Yan's deskmate came over soon, and Song Jiawen also came with him.

The origin of the incident was the same as what Xu Yan said at the beginning. When her deskmate was talking about it, Meng Qing still lowered her head and remained silent. It was obvious that she acquiesced in her behavior and had nothing to defend.

Just waiting for someone to finish speaking, she said to Teacher Gao a little unconvinced, "Teacher, isn't it just a painting? We are all classmates, can't I just take a look at it?" Teacher Gao laughed angrily until Now she doesn't even realize what she did was wrong.

"No matter what this is, it belongs to others, not you, but you take it without permission. Do you know what this is called? This is called stealing!"

Meng Qing's face turned pale when she heard the word "steal", and she glanced at Deng Tao subconsciously.It's a pity that the latter has maintained the same posture since he entered the office, with his eyes slightly lowered and paying no attention to anyone.


"So now you still think it's wrong for Xu Yan to hit you? What should you do when facing a thief?"

These words are heart-breaking.

Meng Qing's face was pale, and her standing figure was a little unsteady.Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Song Jiawen, and suddenly she had an idea.

"Song Jiawen, please draw another picture for Xu Yan. It's just a picture. You won't be so stingy, right?"

Song Jiawen looked at her coldly, and Xu Yan's suppressed anger surged up again. She glared at Meng Qing and said, "Are you sick? If you are sick, go home for treatment. Don't be disgusting here."

Teacher Gao put the thermos cup in his hand on the table with a bang, "Meng Qing, tell your parents to come to school. If they are not free, then you go home first and wait until they are free to come to me. You Come back again."

Stealing other people's things and not admitting their mistake, but trying to shift the responsibility to other people, is no longer just a conflict between students, it is a quality issue.

Notifying parents is already the lightest punishment. No, this is not even a punishment. After all, she was not even allowed to do basic punishments such as a school-wide inspection.

But Meng Qing burst into tears. She was already in her senior year of high school and her teacher was asking her parents. If she told her mother, she would be a little afraid, because after telling her, her mother didn't know how long she would have to keep a cold war with her.

"Teacher Gao"

"Go back, that's it for now. When your parents come over, I'll tell you the consequences of the punishment later."

Teacher Gao stopped looking at Meng Qing, turned to Xu Yan, her deskmate and Song Jiawen and said, "You three should go back too. The college entrance examination will be held in a short time. Please collect your thoughts, calm down when things happen, don't be impulsive, we have something to solve." If it doesn’t work, just come to the teacher.”

After some warnings, Teacher Gao asked the three of them to leave.

Before leaving, Xu Yan went to get the painting that was torn in half.

After that, only Meng Qing and Deng Tao were left in the office.

Meng Qing looked at Teacher Gao. She finally realized the seriousness of the matter and knew that the decision made by Teacher Gao could not be changed. In the end, she had no choice but to leave the office with tears in her eyes.

Deng Tao, who had been standing indifferently, finally turned around and glanced at Meng Qing's back.

Then she turned to look at their class teacher and asked softly, "Teacher, can I go?"

The head teacher of Class [-] gave her a meaningful look and nodded without saying a word.

 The second update is over, see you tomorrow.

  I rested for a long time today to recover, so be careful when going out during the holidays!
(End of this chapter)

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