Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 42 The Disappearing Painting

Chapter 42 The Disappearing Painting
On the way back to the classroom, Song Jiawen turned to look at Xu Yan. She was still holding the torn-in-two painting like a treasure.

She didn't expect that she would attach so much importance to the painting.

"Xu Yan, let me draw you another picture next time."

It is indeed not difficult for her to draw a picture, but it also depends on whether she is willing.

Xu Yan turned her head and looked at her with tears in her eyes, "Song Jiawen, but I haven't learned the artistic conception of this painting yet."

Song Jiawen:
Is there any artistic conception in this painting?What artistic conception?
Song Jiawen really didn't know how to respond to her words. After all, she always painted casually and didn't think much.

So there really wasn't much to say to ask her to give Xu Yan a few words of guidance.

But even so, her guarantee still gave Xu Yan comfort. At least when she made a new painting in the future, she could let Song Jiawen paint another one for her based on her ideas.

This is a treatment that no one else has.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan's mood instantly turned from gloomy to sunny, and her tears turned into laughter.

The three of them returned to the classroom. The classmates in Class [-] already knew about the commotion Xu Yan made in Class [-]. Even people from Class [-] came to jeer at her because they didn't understand Deng Tao's role in it and only thought it was from their own class. Two students who had conflicts went to Class [-] to cause trouble.

So everyone was so aggrieved that they remained silent.

When Xu Yan, the client came back, they all asked what was going on.

Xu Yan told the story from beginning to end without any politeness. She was already very eloquent, not to mention expressive, and she also hated Deng Tao. Although Meng Qing was the one who started the trouble, who was the main messenger? , everyone heard it clearly.

It turns out that there were a few boys in the class who liked Deng Tao, but now after hearing Xu Yan's words, a few girls despised them.

Several boys: .
No, does this have anything to do with them?

Several people secretly cursed, and the image of the noble saint in their hearts collapsed instantly, and the original hazy feelings were gone forever.

Jiang Yan listened for a long time and finally asked Xiao Qi, "Is your school beauty pretty?"

Xiao Qi looked at him quite speechlessly, "Brother, your focus is very strange. Since Sister Wen came here, how can she still show off her face and become the school beauty? If you say it, it will not embarrass our No. [-] Middle School. Also, , is it now a question of whether Deng Taopiao is beautiful or not?
Now she is hiding evil intentions and instigating our group to engage in internal strife. "

They are a bunch of little brats who have hidden evil intentions and are fighting among themselves.

Jiang Yan secretly laughed in his heart, but said seriously on his face, "Isn't it weird? I've been here for so long and I haven't seen a decent beauty, so I was just curious how someone could be called a school beauty? It turns out that the generals are chosen among the cripples. Ah, then I understand."

Xiao Qi:.
Why did he inexplicably hear a bit of sarcasm, saying that they couldn't get a decent-looking one?

At the same time, Deng Tao did not return to the classroom after leaving the office, but went downstairs to find Teacher Fang.

"What? You also want to participate in the provincial capital's painting competition?"

Teacher Fang was suspicious. She knew that Deng Tao wanted to participate in the Chinese painting competition in Kyoto, but it was not easy to register for the competition, so she
Deng Tao explained without changing her expression, "Teacher Song is currently not in Kyoto. Without his recommendation, I cannot participate in the Chinese painting competition. In order to prevent me from missing both, Teacher Fang, can I submit my name first for the painting competition in the provincial capital?" "

Song Qingping agreed to teach her Chinese painting. In a sense, she was half of Song Qingping's disciple. This was not a secret in the school.

So when they heard that she was going to participate in the Chinese painting competition in Kyoto, everyone thought it was a sure thing.Now he suddenly came over and said that he wanted to participate in the painting competition in the provincial capital. Teacher Fang knew with his toes that he must have failed to register for the Chinese painting competition. But the little girl wanted to save face and was embarrassed to say it directly, so she found an excuse to explain to herself.

Teacher Fang didn't expose her, but just said, "If you want to participate, you should hurry up and draw a sketch. Did you see that I will send these paintings to the provincial capital the day after tomorrow? Only those who pass can participate in the finals at the end of the month. .”

As he spoke, Teacher Fang patted several sketches on the table next to him. On the top one, Song Jiawen's name was clearly visible in the lower right corner.

Deng Tao's eyes paused on the painting for a moment, and finally the other teacher said, "I will try my best to finish the painting today and tomorrow, and leave it to you the day after tomorrow."

After Deng Tao left, Teacher Fang admired Song Jiawen's paintings for a while. It was a quaint old house with a garden in front of the door. In the garden, there was a little girl about three years old flapping butterflies.

Although only the back of the little girl is drawn, the lively and innocent feeling still comes to mind.

Based on this painting, Teacher Fang is 100% sure that Song Jiawen will definitely be shortlisted.

As for others, it is purely to give everyone an opportunity to participate.

There was a gap of one day, Monday morning, and Deng Tao came to hand over the painting on time.

Teacher Fang took it and took a look. His eyes and face were calm and unruffled.

Let Deng Tao fill out the registration form and then let her leave.

Before Deng Tao walked out, from the corner of her eye, she saw Teacher Fang stuffing her paintings into a large paper bag, which also contained other people's paintings. It was obvious that she was preparing to send it out.

After putting her paintings in, Teacher Fang sealed the bag.

A week later, Teacher Fang received a notice from the provincial capital. To her great surprise, Song Jiawen was not among the students who passed the registration, only Xu Yan and Deng Tao.

It made her feel incredible.

At the same time, the first thought that came to Teacher Fang's mind was that Song Jiawen's paintings were taken away and counterfeited after they were sent to the provincial capital.

This kind of thing is not without precedent. Some students with good backgrounds and lack of ability will pretend to be students from ordinary families in order to get a place in the competition.

Although he/she will not win a prize in the finals, he/she will participate in the finals anyway. Just being shortlisted and participating in the finals will add one point to his/her application for the art major if it is written on his/her resume.

It’s very despicable, but it’s repeated over and over again.

Teacher Fang felt angry. She also knew people from the calligraphy and painting association in the provincial capital. If they didn't give her an explanation for today's matter, it would definitely not be over.

However, she did not immediately go to someone she knew. Instead, she called the association's office in charge of the competition to question. However, after checking, the other party was surprised and said, "The paintings we received here did not belong to Song Jiawen. Although there is her registration form, there are no paintings.”

Teacher Fang thought the other party was shirking responsibility, and she said angrily, "I've already handed in the registration form, how could I not hand in the painting?"

You have to find a decent excuse. If people don't participate, why do they need to fill out the registration form?

The other party was suspicious, did they miss it?
He could only comfort Teacher Fang for a few words before turning around and going back to investigate again.However, they rummaged around the office for a long time, rechecking the eliminated and passed ones twice, and finally determined that there were no paintings by Song Jiawen.

(End of this chapter)

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