"Still watching? Brother Yan will be here soon."

As soon as he heard that Jiang Yan was coming over, Big Fatty Jin jumped up from his chair like a spring a dozen sizes thicker, and urged Tian Xiaohui, "Turn it off, it's almost off, it's just like that, it doesn't look good."

"Doesn't look good?" Tian Xiaohui glared and cursed, "Who the hell just looked at you and made you blush and have a rough neck and a face full of excitement?"

"Isn't it you?"

Tian Xiaohui:
Okay, you don’t like watching it, right? I won’t take you to play next time.

Tian Xiaohui closed the webpage angrily. Coincidentally, as soon as he closed the page, Jiang Yan came in.

Dai Lei looked at Yu Hang, who had followed Jiang Yan in, and couldn't help but think of what Du Fei said. Gao Jie was also at Communication University, but which major?

He frowned and realized that he hadn't paid attention to Gao Jie's news for a long time, but in fact he and she had been classmates since the first grade of junior high school, and they didn't separate until they were divided into arts and science classes in the second grade of high school. They had sat in front of and behind each other for two years. In terms of familiarity, he was actually more familiar with Gao Jie than Du Fei.

She was a shy, gentle girl wearing glasses.

But Dai Lei never expected that she would like him.
"Dai Lei, what's wrong with you?"

Before Dai Lei could think any more, Yu Hang turned around and cast a questioning look.

Dai Lei finally came back to his senses. It turned out that he was still staring at people when he was just thinking about it, which naturally attracted Yu Hang's attention.

After hesitating for a moment, Dai Lei asked, "Yu Hang, do you know that there is someone named Gao Jie in your school?"

"Gao Jie? Is it the pure Jie or the outstanding Jie?"

Dai Lei was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean? There are two in your school?"

Yu Hang nodded, "We have Gao Jie in the photography department, a boy. I heard he said that there is a girl in the journalism department whose name has the same sound as him, she is pure white. Because of her name, he wanted to pursue someone before, but it was probably out of the question. Anyway, I didn’t hear anything more after that.”

After speaking, he paused and asked, "Which one are you looking for?"

Dai Lei: "It should be the one from your journalism department."

"Why should I do it? I'm not familiar with it?"

What did Dai Lei say?
"It can't be said that we are not familiar with her. She was a high school classmate and I haven't contacted her since graduation. I just heard that she is at Communication University."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Xiaohui turned to look over, "I just heard about it? Didn't you just answer the call from your stamp collecting girl? Did she introduce you to other girls? Tsk, this person is really unreasonable. , I pulled you down if I didn’t like it, why would I push you to others? What do I think of you?"

Oh, it turns out there is a reason for asking about Gao Jie.

Now even Jiang Yan couldn't help but look over.

Dai Lei scolded Tian Xiaohui with a dark face, "Why the hell do you talk so much?"

It’s also his fault, knowing that he is a big talker and telling him about her affairs.

Tian Xiaohui disagreed, "There are no outsiders here, are you still shy?" I wonder if I was deceived by netizens and have been laughed at by you for more than half a year? What did I say?

Dai Lei didn't want to talk anymore, so he stood up and took the account book to Jiang Yan, then handed him the problems he had accumulated recently, then sorted the accessories scattered on the floor into various boxes, and moved the host to be repaired to the shelf. Post the question above.

"It's a holiday, what are you three planning? Is the repair shop going on holiday, or are you three taking shifts?"

Dai Lei's account book was relatively simple but very clear. Jiang Yan turned to the last page and read the summary before putting it aside. On the contrary, the questions compiled are very insightful.

He thought that maybe Dai Lei could go to the electronics factory to stay for a while.

Also, the Internet cafes in Luyang are now on the right track, and they can consider opening a chain at Beijing University next month.

Once it started, he wanted to take one of the three of them to help the second one.

"Let's take shifts," Dai Lei pondered for a moment and said, "I'll be here for the first twenty days. For the rest of the time, Lao Tian or Fatty, who will go first and who will last?"

Although Tian Xiaohui and Jin Dapang are not strong enough to stand on their own, isn't Jiang Yan always there? If you have any questions, you can call him.

What's more, the second child will come back to look for a house in August, and he will be able to take care of it by then, so working shifts is no problem for them.

Big Fatty said that he could do the latter two periods. Tian Xiaohui thought that if he was in the middle period, would he go home or stay here after it was over? It was too troublesome to go home and boring here, so he wanted to choose the next twenty days.

"Fatty, your home is closer than mine, and there is a driver to take you back and forth. Unlike my brothers, who have to take the train, so I choose a later time slot, okay?"

"What's wrong? I was thinking the same thing just now. Anyway, you two should come on your own time. I can do whatever I want."

This is really a rich second generation with a good personality and no temper.

The shift arrangements were finalized, and seeing that there was nothing going on in the store, Jiang Yan asked the three of them to have barbecue together.

The whole night, Dai Lei was a little absent-minded.

When it was about to end, he and Jiang Yan went to the bathroom together. Jiang Yan asked him, "What's going on?"

Dai Lei happened to be upset too, so he simply told him everything from beginning to end, and then said, "I originally thought of letting it go like this and leaving them alone. Anyway, I have no idea about Gao Jie. We all went to college separately. There will be different encounters in the future, so there is no need to disturb her anymore. But when I think of Du Fei's behavior, and Gao Jie doesn't know anything about it, what can I say, I'm just afraid."

"Afraid Gao Jie will be deceived by Du Fei again? Do you also want her to know the truth?"

Dai Lei scratched his head, "That's about it."

"Then why don't you give her a call and talk to her?"

As for her number, there are so many high school classmates, who can’t I ask?
Of course, Jiang Yan didn't think that Dai Lei had not thought of this. He was just struggling, fearing that when he told Gao Jie, she would bring up the original love letter again and want to give him an answer.

Why is this kid so down to earth?
Du Fei has irritated her so much, and it's true that you sent people stamps for a year, so how stubborn does she have to be to still want answers from you?
"Lei, don't think so much. Maybe Gao Jie has already fallen in love with you."

As he spoke, Jiang Yan patted Dai Lei on the shoulder, shook his head, turned around and left.

Dai Lei was stunned for a while, then realized what Jiang Yan meant, and his face suddenly turned red.

He is indeed a bit pretentious. He is just an ordinary boy. How can he be worthy of someone remaining true to him for two years?

What's more, Gao Jie is very talented and outstanding. Didn't Yu Hang also say that there are other boys in their school chasing her for a long time.

Even so, this call must be made.

Dai Lei took a deep breath, took out his cell phone and sent a message to a high school classmate. He was quite popular, and not long after that, another classmate sent him Gao Jie's cell phone number.

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