Regarding the sisters of the two professors, Xue Yan did not dare to say anything. She just told Cheng Tianbao that Mu Jun was now Serei's assistant and she was going to go through the procedures for him.

After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Cheng Tianbao and Pan Jian looked at each other, and Pan Jian was very worried and said, "Brother, what does Professor Yu mean when he assigns Mu Jun to Serei as his assistant?"

In fact, what Pan Jian wanted to ask more was, if Mu Jun stayed, what about him?
If there is a major mistake in the experiment, someone must be responsible for it. The person who was originally responsible was Mu Jun, an inconspicuous graduate student. He did not study at Beijing University for his undergraduate degree, but passed the examination from the University of Science and Technology. He had no background and no connections, and he had no connections at Beijing University. Several people knew him, making him a perfect scapegoat.

But now.
Pan Jian couldn't figure it out. Mu Jun was a migrant, how could he find a little girl who knew both Yu Ye and Serei?
He was so lucky to be Sere's assistant. He was also a genius. Was he worthy of being a graduate student?

Compared with Pan Jian's anxiety and resentment, Cheng Tianbao's face was not good-looking. He personally handled Mu Jun's case, and also greeted his mentor and asked him to write a self-criticism to admit his mistakes.

But now Yu Ye left the person behind without even saying hello, which was a blatant slap in his face.

After all, he is the assistant to the general manager, Yu Ci. Yu Ci and Feish are not here. Basically, the power of the laboratory lies with him and Yu Ye. Yu Ye is mainly responsible for experimental projects and results, while he is responsible for all personnel arrangements and other trivial matters.

Therefore, Mu Jun is within his jurisdiction.

"I'm going to ask Yu Ye. Stop asking around and go to your place and do your own thing well."

Cheng Tianbao gave Pan Jian a few words and hurried to Yu Ye's office.

"You came just in time, I was looking for you."

Seeing Cheng Tianbao pushing the door open, Yu Ye motioned to Xiao Zhu to go out first. He saved the page on the computer, then closed it. He clasped his hands and placed them on the table. The expression on his face was almost the same as usual, and there was nothing unusual about it. , but the words he said made Cheng Tianbao panic.

"Considering that you have been busy in the laboratory for two months during the summer vacation without a day off, I decided to give you a holiday. If there is anything that needs urgent processing at the moment, you can explain it to Xiao Zhu."

Cheng Tianbao couldn't stand listening to the rest of the words. The perfunctory smile on his face faded and his eyes turned cold, but his words were still polite. After all, Yu Ye was also Yu Ci's cousin, and his own abilities should not be underestimated. He is one of the four geniuses in the laboratory.

"Did you give me a holiday because of Mu Jun? Professor Yu, I can explain this matter. Mu Jun is responsible for sorting out the experimental data of their group every day. He compiled the results of Pan Jian and others who did the experiment on the first day. The data that came out was sorted by the wrong digit."

"Assistant Cheng," Yu Ye interrupted him, "What is the truth? Do you think I can't find out the truth? I don't know if you are too confident or if you don't take Mu Jun seriously. At that time, the computer he used to organize the data There are also saved EXCEL tables in it. The set of problematic data was marked when he was sorting it out, as well as hidden notes. But it was obvious that Pan Jian and the others did not take his words seriously at all. A group of people who thought they had experience A doctoral student, but not a graduate student who sees the problem as sharply as he should. Should I keep such a person in the laboratory to support him in his old age? Or should I wait for him to make another mistake and then squeeze out an innocent and capable researcher?"

Cheng Tianbao was so embarrassed by Yu Ye's words that he originally thought that Mu Jun was looking for someone to intercede for him. Yu Ye only stayed with him because of the face of an acquaintance. He might not have had time to investigate what happened before. Of course, he wasn't afraid of him checking it, because Mu Jun had indeed compiled the data. Even if he didn't do the experiment, as long as it passed through his hands, then if they said it was his fault, it was his fault.

But he never expected that Mu Jun would actually make a note. Not only did he do it, he also hid it. This made it impossible for him to defend Pan Jian.

"Is it really like this?" It took Cheng Tianbao a long time to hold back these words.

Yu Ye looked at him and said calmly, "Assistant Cheng said this because he didn't know?"


"Don't you think you're sloppy when you handle such a simple matter without checking it thoroughly? Others worked hard to get into graduate school, but their futures were ruined because of your few words. You don't have any idea in your mind? On the other hand, Pan Jian and others, But because of your connivance, they may become even more unscrupulous. I asked Xiao Zhu to print out their termination contract. It just so happens that they don’t have any substantive experiments on hand, so they don’t need to come back starting tomorrow."

Cheng Tianbao looked at Yu Ye dumbfounded, wanting to intercede for Pan Jian, his cousin, but he couldn't open his mouth.

He came out of Yu Ye's office dejectedly. As soon as he turned the corner to go to his desk, he heard the noise outside, which was also mixed with a sound that gave him a familiar and headache.

Needless to say, it must have been Xiao Zhu who gave them the notice of dismissal and clamored to see Yu Ye.

Cheng Tianbao didn't want things to get too ugly. After all, Beijing University valued Yuci's team from top to bottom. Of course, the most important thing is that others don’t know what is going on in this matter, but you have no idea what the hell is going on?

Still making trouble? Who are you making trouble for?
At this moment, Cheng Tianbao also felt very resentful towards his cousin. He originally had average abilities and talents, but he finally managed to get him into this laboratory. Instead of working hard, he kept causing trouble for him every once in a while.

Pan Jian was impatient and attentive when conducting experiments. There had been several problems before. Fortunately, the partner he arranged for him was attentive enough and found out and corrected them in time. But he didn't buy into other people's good deeds at all, and offended them to other groups.

Cheng Tianbao had no choice but to temporarily let him form a group with a few people with whom he had a good relationship. But who would have thought that such a big mess would come out of the group in less than two months.

He is no longer in the mood to care about who the little girl is who helps Mu Jun find Yu Ye, because now he can't protect himself.

Yu Ye asked him to take a vacation, but did not say how many days. It was obvious that he would wait for Yu Ci to come back before dealing with him.

Cheng Tianbao limped out and walked out. When Pan Jian saw him, he quickly stopped shouting at Xiao Zhu and hurried over and shouted, "Brother"

"Assistant Cheng came just in time. You know best why we let the three of them leave. Please explain it to us. Brother Ye did not disclose the real reason to the public for your sake and for their future future. But If you choose to break up, we definitely won’t mind.”

The reason for handling it this way was Xiao Zhu's suggestion. As the saying goes, a kid is difficult to deal with. Cheng Tianbao has been at Beijing University for many years and is very famous. Their laboratory isn't afraid of him, but it would be disgusting if he was behind his back, wouldn't it? (End of chapter)

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