Chapter 446 Playing hooligan

Pan Jian turned around and saw four girls coming in at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant. The most eye-catching one was the tall one with delicate features that he had just seen in the laboratory in the afternoon.

"Asked Xue Yan who the girl was, she didn't tell her whether she was alive or dead. I thought she wasn't from Beijing University, but it seems like she can come here to eat."

"That's not necessarily true. There is a medical university nearby."

"I bet she is definitely from Beijing University."

Except for Pan Jian who remained silent, the other three people pointed in Mu Jiawen's direction and made wild guesses.

"What do you think she has to do with Yu Ye?"

After being kicked out of the laboratory, the professor stopped calling me and just called me by name.

The young man sitting with Pan Jian sneered, "What else can we do except hey, hey, where are you going, old Pan?"

While the three of them were talking, Pan Jian suddenly stood up and left. By the time they reacted, he had already walked to the table where the four girls had just sat down.

After Mu Jiawen and the others came in, they were led by the waiter to sit down by the window. Liang Yujun took the menu, picked up a pen and spoke while checking. Mu Jiawen sat next to her and looked down. Suddenly, a shadow cast above her head.

Mu Jiawen, Liang Yujun and Ding Yuanyuan opposite looked up at the same time.

"Are you from Beijing University? What's your name? Which department?"

The tone of his speech was extremely unkind, and it sounded like he was not the type to strike up a conversation.

"Who are you?"

Before Mu Jiawen could speak, Ding Yuanyuan picked up the chopsticks at hand, pointed at Pan Jian and said loudly, "Where did the stinky gangster come from? He came and said some obscene words in broad daylight. Waiter, don't you care? Someone is playing gangster!" What kind of restaurant is this? Doesn’t it allow people to eat?”

Many waiters and customers in the store all turned to look over. They didn't know whether he was being a rogue or not, but Pan Jian was a man standing in front of a table of four girls with a sinister look on his face. He looked like he was looking for trouble.

Looking for trouble is equivalent to playing hooligan, there is nothing wrong with it.

Two male waiters immediately came over and stood opposite Pan Jian, looked at him warily, and said as politely as possible, "You can either go back to your seat, or please leave after you finish eating?"

Ding Yuanyuan looked like she was scared and leaned closer to Sha Yali, "You look at him, as if he wants to beat us, but we don't know him at all. Is public security so bad now? I still get arrested when I go out to eat. He is threatening. Please let him go, otherwise we will not dare to eat here."

"As soon as the girls sat down, he rushed over to them and asked them fiercely what their names were and what department they were in. He seemed to be going to attack them if they didn't tell him. Is there something wrong with his brain?"

There was a family of three sitting next to them, and they seemed to be sending their children to school. The middle-aged woman, attracted by Mu Jiawen's appearance, had been paying attention to their table, and happened to hear Pan Jian's words clearly.

What he said sounded like a gangster, even though he looked polite.

Seeing someone helping, Ding Yuanyuan nodded frantically, "That's right, he, he seems to be drunk, isn't he going to be drunk? It's so scary. You see, my roommate is so scared that he can't speak."

After saying that, she stepped on Mu Jiawen's foot under the table. Her hard leather sandal happened to step on Jia Jia's little toe. The pain caused her to curl her lips and almost cry.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this expression seemed like he was really frightened.

When the two male waiters saw this, they couldn't help but lift Pan Jian up left and right and walked out.

As they got closer, they also smelled the smell of alcohol on Pan Jian's body, so they drank a little bit and saw that the girl was pretty, so they came over to act like a gangster?
People around were talking a lot, especially the parents who came to see off their children. They were all saying that this college student acted like a gangster when he drank some cat urine and pounced on pretty girls when he saw them.
The three companions in the corner not far away watched this scene dumbfounded, because the plot developed so fast and turned so fast that Pan Jian was taken away by the waiter and thrown out of the hot pot restaurant, and they finally realized what happened. The three of them got up quickly, one went to pay the bill, and the other two went outside to find Pan Jian.

As a person involved, Pan Jian is now stunned.

In more than twenty years of life, this was the first time that he was called a gangster in public, and it was also the first time that a waiter in a hotel kicked him out. He was so embarrassed that he forgot to defend himself.

Of course, it was also because he had drunk a lot before that his brain reaction was a bit slow, so when Ding Yuanyuan shouted for the first time, he was so angry that he forgot what he wanted to do.

"Old Pan, Old Pan, why are you so impulsive?" His companion He Chong said dissatisfied, "It's weird that people would tell you if you just ran over like that."

Pan Jian wiped his face, turned his head and looked at the transparent glass window of the hot pot restaurant with gloomy eyes. That position belonged to Mu Jiawen and the others.

"Lao He, isn't that guy from the Student Union Propaganda Department from your hometown? Call him over and ask him if he knows the girl. With a face like that, if she's from Beijing University, it's impossible for the Student Union not to know about her."

Not to mention that the Publicity Department of Peking University specializes in recruiting handsome men and beauties. Even if it wasn't, it would be difficult for someone as stunning as Mu Jiawen to remain unknown in the school.

He Chong made a phone call, and then the four of them went to the coffee shop diagonally opposite. One was to wait for someone, and the other was to sober up.

Not long after, a boy wearing a black T-shirt hurried over.

"Brother He, what's the matter?"

The boy was sweating profusely as he ran and took the juice from He Chong and drank half of it in one gulp.

After he sat down, He Chong pointed to the hot pot restaurant opposite and said, "The table in the middle by the window is for four girls. Do you see it?"

The boy is none other than Yang Boran.

He saw Mu Jiawen at a glance, and he also knew Liang Yujun. After all, there were not many girls in the School of Physics, and he happened to have helped them before, so they were quite familiar with each other.

"Are you talking about Mu Jiawen and the others? What do you mean if it's not Brother He? You want to chase her? She has a boyfriend."

Yang Boran didn't think much and just pulled out Mu Jiawen's bottom, "Do you know the 'Feixue' computer store in front of our school? Didn't I mention it was opened by two students from the computer department? One of them One is her boyfriend."

So don't think you are a doctoral student, but there is no hope.

The four of them, He Chong and Pan Jian, were stunned for a moment. They had also heard a little bit about the sophomore boy from the Department of Computer Science starting a computer store. After all, the four of them bought their computers there.

However, the physics department is different from the computer department. What they care about is experiments and which laboratory they can enter.

So I just let it go after hearing it and didn’t take it seriously.

And the reason why they were surprised was not because of Mu Jiawen's boyfriend, but because of her last name!
Her surname is Mu?

So we are related to Mu Jun?
To avoid making mistakes, He Chong asked again, "Is the Mu Jiawen you are talking about the most beautiful among them? The one wearing a white T-shirt by the window?"

"Yes, isn't she the one you're asking about?"

Oops, this chapter was wrongly scheduled to be released in the afternoon. I just saw it and it’s still sitting in the draft box.

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