Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 451 Your ideals are so lofty

Chapter 451 Your ideals are so lofty

Zhuang Shengkai really wanted to win over Jiang Yan. To be precise, he wanted to keep Jiang Yan in the electronics factory and squeeze Jing Junyang out.

"Now that you've heard it, I won't beat around the bush. In this way, you stay in our electronics factory and work as an assistant to Mr. He, and you make a clear relationship with Jing Junyang, and I will give you five hundred thousand a year. ,How about it?"

He Gong is the boss of engineering and R&D in the electronics factory. Working as his assistant is equivalent to being the second-in-command of the entire engineering department.

Zhuang Shengkai was willing to give him half a million yuan a year, because as far as Jiang Yan knew, He Gong's monthly salary was only 12,000 yuan, and including the year-end bonus at the end of the year, the total was less than 200,000 yuan.

If He Gong knew that Zhuang Shengkai offered him 500,000 yuan in order to win over him, I don't know what he would think.

Jiang Yan did not refuse directly. He pretended to think and remained silent for a while, making Zhuang Shengkai think that his words had an effect, and Jiang Yan was shaken. So he continued to persuade, "Jiang Yan, you have been working with our factory for almost two years, and you must know how much the qualified engineers in the factory are paid, so the salary I gave you is true." I'm very sincere. I don't impose any requirements on your working hours. After all, you haven't graduated yet and you have to go to class most of the time. You can only come to work normally during the winter and summer vacations. You see, there are two holidays a year, plus On weekends and odd hours, I can earn half a million in one go. To be honest, the salary my dad offers me is not as high as yours."

Dad's call was quite smooth.

Seeing that Jiang Yan still didn't say a word, Zhuang Shengkai thought he had agreed, and then began to raise conditions, "To be honest, I decided to give you these five hundred thousand privately, and I haven't even discussed it with my father. So Jiang Yan? , You think this will work, you sign a contract with our factory, and after you graduate, you will work in our company for ten years. This condition is actually pretty good. Do you think any newly graduated student in China can get this kind of treatment? Right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yan couldn't help but laugh, "Mr. Xiaozhuang, don't you think your words are inconsistent? In the first place, you said I was a genius, and you wanted to give me a salary of 500,000 a year, and then you said that I was a graduate of ordinary people. Compared with students, you actually despise domestic college graduates in your heart, right? Listening to Mr. Zhuang and Mr. He saying what I am like, you actually disagree very much. The reason why you spend so much money to win me over is just because you want to buy it. Flying snow, right?"

I just came back from abroad, and everyone else has been doing this a few years ago, and now they are already lagging behind. It is impossible for us to develop this ourselves. If we can't make it, we still have to import it from others, and we have to be willing to spend money to buy it. More advanced technology. He Gong scolded Zhuang Shengkai Chongyangmenwai more than once in front of Jiang Yan. Diaomao didn't understand but still thought he knew everything.

She obviously wanted to win over him, but later she was belittling him intentionally or unintentionally. Do you really think that when you came back from abroad, you were plated with gold and put on the shell of a bastard? You still want to use kindness and power at the same time. How big an official do you think you are?

Is Mr. Zhuang old and confused? You actually want to hand over the factory to this kind of thing?
"Jiang Yan, I admit that you have some abilities, but in the final analysis, you are still too young and too young. Your vision is too narrow and your perspective is not long-term enough. You have to know."

"I only know that whether you are a person or a business, you must keep your word. Since Xiaozhuang always looks down on domestic products and domestic graduates, then why should he feel wronged and insist on giving me 500,000 yuan? Different ways If we don’t work together, we are not from the same place and there is no way we can go to the same place. Goodbye!”

After saying that, Jiang Yan hung up the phone, turned around and found Mu Jiawen looking at him, raising her eyebrows, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mu Jiawen was indignant, "That person only gave you fifty? Who are you looking down on? With a face like this, it will cost you twenty thousand to go out and list it."

Jiang Yan:.
He pulled her over and held her in his arms, gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of mess did you see again? It's still a sign. Who do you think is a sign?"

"Hey, hey, it's broad daylight, and you're still on the street, you two should pay attention to the impact." Jing Junyang came down from the second floor at some point, walked to the door and looked at the two people with disgust on their faces, "I'm tired of it all day long. Yes, can you consider other people’s feelings?”

Mu Jiawen broke away from Jiang Yan's arms, waved her hands and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory first, Yujun and the others are still waiting for me."

The professional courses in the junior year have reached a certain depth. The teacher assigned a lot of difficult homework as soon as the semester started. There was one topic that Liang Yujun and the others didn't understand, so they had to wait for Mu Jiawen to explain it when she returned.

Jiang Yan watched her leave, and then told Jing Junyang about Zhuang Shengkai's call to him.

Jing Junyang, who was still smiling at first, immediately turned gloomy, "I really want to burn bridges by crossing the river. I found their factory to cooperate and help their factory grow, but now I feel that I am no longer needed, so not only You want to swallow up our brand, and you also want to poach my people. Damn, this is too much!"

Jing Junyang immediately called Chen Huan out of the store and told him to bring back the computer files from the electronics factory tomorrow. He also called his aunt. First, he borrowed the money from Jing's company's legal department, and secondly, We are discussing the construction of an electronics factory
If he really wanted to take action, he really wasn't afraid.

While Jing Junyang was making arrangements, Jiang Yan touched his chin and thought deeply. Then, he called Mr. He.

When he hung up the phone, Jing Junyang gave him a thumbs up, "This is a great move. I tell you, Lao Jiang, when our electronics factory is established, as long as you recruit He Gong, our factory will be your boss in the future." That’s the final word.”

Jiang Yan sneered, "Don't dig holes for me. Don't throw all those miscellaneous things to me. My dream in the future is to take care of my children at home."

Jing Junyang:
After a few breaths, he sighed, "Your fucking ideals are really lofty!"

Jiang Yan got back to business, "Don't be too happy. He Gong hasn't agreed yet. After all, he has had decades of friendship with Lao and Zhuang, so he can't just leave. I told him the conditions Zhuang Shengkai offered me. It doesn't have much provocation. After all, He Gong only cares about Lao and Zhuang's face, and Zhuang Shengkai is nothing to him. However, if Lao and Zhuang are determined to hand over the factory to Zhuang Shengkai, He Gong will definitely be the first to stand up. Come out to oppose it.”

He Gong was in his forties but not fifty, and he had an upright temperament. He had a lot of contact with Jiang Yan, and the two of them talked very easily. The main reason was that they had the same ideas, and they both focused on the domestic market and the development of domestic products, and he was also dedicated to the development of the domestic market. Jump on this.

It can be said that 90% of the brands belonging to the electronics factory are produced by He Gong.

But now the products in his hands are still in normal production except for the categories sold in the domestic market. He invested all his energy in developing products that had not yet been released, but they were all stopped after Zhuang Shengkai came back.

Not only that, Zhuang Shengkai also gave him a few other people's things to make samples, and told him that there was no need to develop any new products, because even if you develop them, they will be outdated and not at the forefront of the times.

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