Chapter 460 Discovered
The zipper of Jiang Yan's backpack was not fully zipped. Tian Xiaohui walked behind him and saw the high-mathematics books and papers inside, and suddenly felt sad again.

Damn it, you’re still working so hard when you’re 80 in the exam, then will I, who just passed the test, get struck by lightning after just playing around?

He couldn't help complaining, "In other schools, after the sophomore year, you don't need to study high-level mathematics if you have enough scores. Except for Beijing University, there is no other school that continues to study high-level mathematics in the third year? It's not the mathematics department."

"This is our last semester, and it will be gone next semester." Dai Lei said, "Peking University pays the most attention to physics and mathematics, and these two subjects are deeper than other schools, so you can't use them to follow Compared to other schools.”

Tian Xiaohui looked depressed, "There is no comparison. After all, no one is still doing monthly and midterm exams in college when they are full. You see, Brother Yan is forced to take books with him when he goes out."

Jiang Yan glanced back at him, "Am I forced by the school? I was forced by my uncle."

Gao Jie came closer to Dai Lei and asked in a low voice, "Have Jiang Yan met Mu Jiawen's parents?" Even his uncle and brother have started to interrogate and study?

Although he introduced Gao Jie to everyone, Dai Lei would never talk nonsense about other people's private matters.

Therefore, Gao Jie does not know the true situation of Jiang Yan and Mu Jiawen.

Dai Lei glanced at Jiang Yan and Mu Jiawen who were walking in front, and whispered back, "He is going to be the son-in-law, so he met early."

Tian Xiaohui had sharp ears and was extremely envious when he heard this, "I also want to be a son-in-law, but why doesn't anyone recruit me?"

"Didn't you say that your family is the only son-in-law of the fifth generation? If you become a son-in-law, you won't be afraid that your father will slap you to death if he finds out."

Tian Xiaohui couldn't hide his words. He could dig up his family history and even his ancestors to tell everyone. Therefore, they almost all knew that one of Tian Xiaohui's ancestors was an executioner in the Ming Dynasty, and later passed this profession to his son, and then to his son. grandson.

Maybe it was because of the heavy killings that the three generations did not live very young, but fortunately there were still two or three brothers, so they were not alone. But starting from the next generation of the grandson, one was born and died, the other was born and died, and it was not until the fourth that he could barely support a boy.

The grandson saw that it was okay, but if he continued to be the executioner, he would never succeed. I immediately quit this job and started killing pigs instead.

But even if it was changed, their Lao Tian family has been a single generation since then. His grandfather had no brothers or sisters, and his father was the only one, let alone Tian Xiaohui's generation. With the advent of family planning, he couldn't have a child even if he wanted to.

This family history of his family was known to everyone in their dormitory, and Big Fat Jin laughed when he mentioned it.

Tian Xiaohui thought of his father's big palm-leaf hand for chopping meat. Yes, after his ancestor's grandson switched to butchering pigs, he was an excellent pig butcher until his father's generation. Sometimes he had to lament the miraculous power of human inheritance.

Fortunately, it is the end of his generation.

I remembered that when he was just admitted to Beijing University, his father's broad palm, which was always holding a butcher's knife, kept wiping the tears falling on his face. The majestic and burly man cried like a child. Forget it, for the sake of his father For the sake of it, I'd better not be a door-to-door son-in-law.

The main reason is that no one lets him do it.

The group entered the restaurant, found two long tables pushed together, and then each went to get their favorite food.

After Christmas, final exams come quickly.

As soon as there was a holiday here, Mu Jiawen was immediately carried into the laboratory by Professor Li. He resented this youngest disciple, "What did I tell you before? In my junior year, I learned all the following content quickly so that I could go to graduate school in advance. Why didn't you listen?"

It’s not that I don’t listen, it’s that I want to play more.

But she shrank her head and didn't dare to look back.

Professor Li took her with him to study, and also urged her to complete the content for the second semester of her junior year. With her IQ, she could finish a semester's worth of courses in a month if she tried her best. Professor Li did not intend to let her waste any more time and gave her three months to complete the remaining undergraduate courses. When he reaches the postgraduate stage, it is time for him to officially play his role as a teacher.

So this winter vacation, Mu Jiawen had a hard time.

But one day that she didn't know, something big happened to her second child.
He and Hong Jing have been working together for the past six months, and their relationship has improved to a new level. So as soon as the exam was over, Hong Jing couldn't wait to return to Kyoto.

The Internet cafe here has only been open for less than half a year, but it is already running smoothly. Not only many students come here frequently, but also some professors and successful people who are already working here often come here to relax or work.

And the reputation of 'Flying Deer' has gradually spread around, which makes the second brother, who was originally a little inferior, feel more confident than before.

As for academic qualifications, there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s just a flaw!

Even if he took the postgraduate entrance examination after graduating from undergraduate degree, the diploma he received was still lagging behind that of normal college students.

Knowing that he didn't like studying, Hong Jing didn't force him. Instead, she persuaded him, "They are both undergraduates, so the difference is not big. That's it. It's already good to get an undergraduate diploma."

The two of them had just come out of the Internet cafe and were walking along the tree-lined avenue of the university town. It was getting late, so they hid in the shadows and kissed each other so that no one else could see them.

But the two of them didn't expect that they had just come out of the shadows after kissing each other. When they looked up, they saw Hong Jing's parents looking at them in astonishment with their eyes wide open and their mouths open on the path about ten meters away.

The four people on both sides faced each other, staring at each other. For a long time, they opened their mouths but could not speak.

After taking a few heavy breaths, Hong Jing's mother said with a sullen face, "Hong Jing, come here!"

The second one was in a panic. He wanted to speak but was stopped by Hong Jing. She gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

She is the calmest among the four of them.

In fact, it was the second child who didn't let her say it before, otherwise she would have taken him home to meet her parents.

This will be banged up, which is good.

Hong Jing walked up to her parents and shouted easily, "Dad, Mom."

Seeing her attitude, her mother's face darkened with anger. She reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her hard, "Follow me."

Before leaving, Hong's father looked at his second son with complicated eyes.

To be honest, he had a pretty good impression of this young man before. His aunt said that this kid was very kind and helped a lot to the elderly in the community, especially Old Brother Liu. If he hadn't paid for his house at that time, he might have been taken away by his son and sold. Does he have any money now? There are two options for where to live.

On the other hand, he also saved his daughter. In a sense, he can be regarded as Jingjing's savior.

But no matter what, it cannot be a reason for two people to be together. It is really not a good match in every aspect.

Putting aside the fact that they are not from the same family, the educational level of the two of them is not at the same level. Can the academic qualifications of the Adult College Entrance Examination be compared with the academic qualifications of a normal prestigious university?

What's more, his daughter has been influenced by art since she was a child, learning piano and painting. Although these may not seem to be of much use in life, they can also become the basis for whether the two of them have a common language in the future.

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