Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 462 The feeling of meeting the in-laws

Chapter 462 The feeling of meeting the in-laws
"Auntie, have you gone shopping for groceries?"

Grandma Li arrived at the gate of the community carrying a basket of vegetables and met her nephew. She nodded, "Yes, what are you doing? Going to my house?"

Hong's father didn't know what to say. Although his old aunt lived in Xinyu, she obviously didn't know that Hong Jing was dating Xiaotie.

"I'm looking for Xiaotie. He should be at the repair shop, right?"

"No," Grandma Li said with a smile, "he and Xiao Jiang opened some kind of coffee shop together. Lao Liu said that the shop is very impressive, and now he is there almost all day. The repair shop is managed by Xiao Dai and his children, but They all went home for the holidays. How about Lao Liu helping them look after the store? You want to repair the computer? Why didn't you bring it over? Just leave it to Lao Liu and write the questions on it. Xiaotie will find time to come over in the afternoon to deal with it. I said This kid must be capable, he is only in his early twenties, and the money to buy Laoliu’s house has already been paid off.”

Grandma Li praised Xiao Tie and kept chattering away, leaving Dad Hong at a loss as to how to answer the question.

After a few casual words with his old aunt, Hong's father turned and walked towards the street at the south gate of Beijing University.

He is usually busy with work and rarely comes to Xinyu. Instead, Grandma Li sometimes sees some fresh and better vegetables and meat, and will buy more for them. The benefits from his employer, as well as the supermarket cards that he declined but occasionally accepted, would be given to Grandma Li when she delivered groceries.

They met frequently, but they wouldn't talk about an outsider without any reason, so he didn't know anything about this kid's movements in Kyoto.

According to Grandma Li's description, Dad Hong saw a store opposite the 'Youth Bookstore' with a door decoration that was quite different from the surroundings.

"'Flying Deer'.Internet cafe?"

Dad Hong looked at those four words and felt a little confused. Is this an Internet cafe or a coffee shop? Why such a weird name?
But before he could figure it out, he saw the originally closed glass door being pushed open, and a familiar figure walked out of it, smiling at him and waving, "Uncle, come in and sit down for a while?"

Dad Hong:.
You are so courageous that you are not afraid of him at all.

That's because he didn't know that when the second child saw him standing opposite and looking at the Internet cafe, he was trembling with fear and notified Jiang Yan immediately.

The electronics factory is not far from here. It takes more than ten minutes to drive there. I hope his brother can be there quickly and arrive in five minutes.

Otherwise, should he invite him in, make him tea, and then just wait to hear him tell him to break up with Hong Jing?
Once he said this, nothing in his answer was right.

It is definitely impossible to agree. Now that they have reached this point, they will definitely get married in the future, unless Hong Jing doesn't want him and takes the initiative to propose.

But this possibility is almost impossible.

But if he said he disagreed, Hong Jing's father would definitely be unhappy. If he said something ugly on impulse, what he was most afraid of was that Hong Jing would be caught in the middle and there would be a conflict between the two.

So now the second child can only place his hope on his brother, hoping that his sharp tongue can convince his future father-in-law.

Dad Hong walked into the Internet cafe and was immediately surprised by the decoration and layout inside.

It's said to be an Internet cafe, but that's not all. There are computers and Internet access, but each computer is placed separately. The tables and chairs equipped with the computers are also high-end, and there are many sofas and chairs. In short, it feels spacious here. , comfortable, private and most importantly clean.

There is no stinky smell like cigarettes in ordinary Internet cafes, and there is just a faint aroma of coffee and fruit tea.

As he was surfing the Internet here, he could see that in addition to some students, there were also many middle-aged people. Judging from their clothes, he could tell that they were office workers or people with a small career. They are holding coffee in one hand and browsing the web with the mouse in the other. Others just relax and watch movies while leaning on the back of the sofa.

This is really a good place.

If he hadn't come here today for something serious, Dad Hong would have wanted to turn on a computer and sit down and relax.

"Uncle, this way."

The second brother led Hong's father into an office inside. The space was not large, with only a desk, a couch, two single sofa chairs and a glass coffee table. "You sit down first and I'll make you a cup of coffee."

After finishing speaking, the second child turned around and walked out. From the back, he seemed to be quite calm as he walked away. In fact, his heart was about to jump out of his throat because he was afraid that Dad Hong would say, "Don't be busy, I just want to say a few words to you." Just leave.”

Then get straight to the point
Fortunately, the words he was worried about didn't ring behind him until he walked out of the small office, and the second child breathed a sigh of relief.

But don’t make coffee for too long, otherwise you will be suspected of neglect.

"Uncle, try it, this is a latte."

The second child put the tray he was holding on the coffee table. There was a cup of coffee on it and a small plate of sugar cubes next to it.

After putting it down, he sat down opposite Dad Hong with some restraint.

"This store is opened by you and Xiao Jiang?"

Dad Hong is not unreasonable. He understands that love is a matter between two people. It is not reasonable for him to come to someone unilaterally. What's more, they don't have parents yet. This is clearly bullying.

Therefore, he wanted to resolve this matter calmly and gently, and it would be best to open this hole from other aspects.

"To be precise, there are three of us, me, my brother and Mu Jiawen, my brother's girlfriend. She is also studying at Beijing University, majoring in physics."

Dad Hong knows this, he heard his old aunt mention it before.

"Yes, it's good. The three of us are not big, but we can open such a big store."

"Absolutely," the second child said modestly, "This is the second one, the first one is in Luyang."

"Second store?" Dad Hong was stunned when he heard this, and said in surprise, "Are you still planning to open a chain store?"

When it comes to their careers, the second child is very willing to chat with him. Anyway, as long as he and Hong Jing are not mentioned, he is happy to talk about anything.

"We have this plan. At least here in Kyoto we cannot open one, at least three. As for other cities, we will take our time in the future."

The two chatted about the origin and process of the Internet cafe, as well as business philosophy, etc. Twenty minutes passed unknowingly. When Dad Hong realized the real purpose of his visit today, there was a knock on the office door.

The second child felt happy and hurriedly got up and opened the door. Sure enough, it was Jiang Yan.

"Uncle, this is my brother. You haven't seen him before, right?"

Jiang Yan came in and extended his hand, "Hello, Uncle Hong, I'm Jiang Yan."

Father Hong quickly stood up and shook hands, and looked up at the tall young man in front of him. His face was a little immature, but his gestures and eyes revealed a more mature and steady look than him.

Is this wrong?

After shaking hands, Jiang Yan quickly asked Hong's father to sit down. At the same time, he turned to tell his second son, "Make me a cup of coffee."

After saying that, he naturally sat down opposite Hong's father, with his legs slightly apart, his arms firmly on his knees, and said with a smile, "Something took up a little time. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Now we can Let’s talk about two children.”

Dad Hong:.
Why does he feel like meeting his in-laws?

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