Chapter 465: Thinking far ahead

The conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a major problem in life since ancient times, and the key remains to be solved.

Thinking of this, Hong's mother was also worried. She herself had never suffered from this, because when she married Hong's father, her mother-in-law was not in good health and left within two years. And they don’t live together, so they are quite harmonious with each other.

But many of her friends and colleagues were not as lucky as she was, and many of them were even instigated by their mother-in-law to get divorced.

It can be said that among the ten families, it would be good to have a mother-in-law who is sensible and does not interfere with her son and daughter-in-law. She is not confident that her daughter will meet her.

I don’t know why, but people are so contradictory.

On the one hand, I want my daughter to find a daughter who is better than her and whose family conditions are better than my own. On the other hand, I am worried that if I find such a daughter, I will be picked on and looked down upon.

But if I look for someone with worse conditions, I feel like my daughter will be at a disadvantage.

I am worried about the future relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but if the man has no mother and thinks the family is defective, there may be something wrong with his character.
In short, no one can be 100% assured that it has no flaws.

"Honey, think about it, Xiaotie has no parents, but from my old aunt's mouth, I know that this child's character must be fine. Maybe it doesn't sound good to have no father or mother at first, but what about in the future? When he gets married When we live our lives, isn't it like we have an extra son? Then you are not marrying a daughter, you are marrying a son-in-law."

Hearing this last sentence, Hong Ma's heart was shaken.

She thought of her parents who were teachers. Although it was true that they were intellectuals, their words sometimes hurt her heart.

Last year, my father was diagnosed with a tumor on his lungs. Removal would be a major operation. He would have been reimbursed for most of it at a public hospital, but he insisted on going to a private hospital because the doctor there had returned from abroad and the conditions of the hospital were good. good service. He is already so old and doesn't want to suffer in this area again.

OK, go ahead if you want.

But the old couple didn't want to use their coffin book yet, so they wanted the three siblings to pay for the surgery.

Hong Ma has an older sister and a younger brother. Logically speaking, the surgery fee should be paid equally among the three of them, but her old mother's words made Hong Ma very angry.

"Your sister and your brother are both sons. They will have to save money to buy a house for them in the future, which is a big burden. You don't have to. It doesn't matter if Hong Jing gets married in the future and the dowry is more or less, so you can pay more for the surgery. Do you have any objection to taking less?"

No comment? Why?
Fortunately, her brother was sensible and did not agree. He also said that even if he got more, he had to get more as a son. There was no reason for his daughter to pay more.

Otherwise, this matter will be a thorn in her heart. After all, the old lady is old. If you object and appear to be careless about the old man, you are afraid of making her angry. But if I agree, I will feel so aggrieved!
Why should my daughter have to be shorter than my son?
So recruiting a son-in-law is not considered recruiting, but Xiaotie's situation is similar to recruiting, so it seems good to think so.

"How's it going? Are you tempted?"

Hong's father saw Hong's mother's face changing, and he knew that she had been persuaded by him. To be honest, he himself had been persuaded by himself again.


"bang bang bang"

Dad Hong wanted to continue his persuasion, but suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, followed by the voice of their precious daughter, "Open the door, I need to go to the toilet. If you don't open it, I'll wet my pants!"

Hong’s father & Hong’s mother:.
Hong's mother said angrily, "When did this damn girl become so, so rude and indiscriminate?" Hong's father covered half of his face and urged her, "Hurry up and open the door for her."

Hong's mother went out to open the door, and Hong Jing stood at the door and snorted loudly at her mother.

"Still humming? Who are you humiliating? You damn girl"

Hong's father hurriedly went out and pulled her back to the bedroom. Hong's mother said angrily, "Even if I agree, I can't agree to her so easily. See what it's like? You're used to it!"

Dad Hong:.
Okay, good habits are formed by you, bad tempers are caused by me.

"I'll go talk to her, and you can calm down first."

After speaking, Father Hong turned around and went out, waited for Hong Jing to come out of the bathroom, and followed her into her room.

"Dad went to see Xiaotie today, you know, right?"

Hong Jing looked up at him without saying a word, obviously waiting for him to continue.

"Although I had an idea with your mother yesterday and didn't agree with you two being together. But after I went to see him today, to be precise, after Xiao Jiang talked with me, I changed my mind."

Hong Jing's eyes lit up, but before she could speak, her father said again, "Don't be too anxious to be happy. I was trying to persuade your mother just now, and she felt a little relieved, but look at what you think of your mother." manner?"

Hong Jing lowered her eyes and remained silent.

"Dad has to criticize you here. From the time you were born until you grew up to this age, it was your mother who brought you up. No matter what the circumstances, you cannot treat her like this for anyone. You will hurt your mother very much. Do you know my heart?"


"Don't say that first. You have to know that many times problems cannot be solved by sharp conflicts. You have to rely on IQ and the conditions that can impress her to convince her. Just like yesterday, you just got angry with us and arrested her. You criticize us and get angry with us if we don't agree with this, but don't think about it, will your doing so make your mother and I have a worse impression of Xiao Tie? Not only will we not agree, but we will object even more strongly.

What's the sensible thing to do? It was you who listed and presented Xiaotie's conditions that were beneficial to us one by one, so that we could think and weigh whether it would be appropriate for you and Xiaotie to be together.

Speaking of this, Dad still has to criticize you. The moment you decided to be with Xiaotie, you should have thought that we would object if we knew about it. So now that you've thought of it, haven't you prepared one or two countermeasures in advance? You are twenty-two years old this year, not a child, but an adult. You will enter the society immediately after graduation next year. The people you will come into contact with and the things you will have to deal with will be much more complicated than now, and you may even need to think one step at a time.”

Father Hong took the opportunity to explain some truth to his daughter. Although she benefited a lot, Hong Jing also felt that it was a bit too wordy. However, she still clearly heard the central idea of ​​her father's words, that is, they had already agreed on the matter between her and Xiaotie!

Because of this, she was a little more patient than usual and listened to her father's reasoning. She was even moved when he talked about how she would mediate and coordinate if Xiaotie had a conflict with them when they lived together in the future.

The old man was thinking very far, even thinking of living together after getting married.

However, dad said that Xiaotie wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination?

Why didn't she know when this was decided?
good night!

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