Chapter 471 Unexpected Reason

Kyoto, a cafe in Central Plaza in the city center.

"Your senior brother has already called me. At least you should meet with someone. Hurry, come here within twenty minutes."

Mu Chenyan hung up the phone and said to her daughter sitting next to her, "Your second brother is starting to make me worried now. There are so many female doctors chasing him in the hospital who don't like him and are unwilling to go on a blind date. What does he want?" what?"

Mu Jiawen was bored and stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, holding her chin and replied lazily, "He knows what's going on, why are you so anxious?"

The mother and daughter were shopping here and watching a movie when they received a call from Senior Brother Yu Feng to the dean, saying that she was the daughter of an old friend of his. She had just returned from studying abroad. She was very smart and beautiful.

His old friend's wife met Yu Feng once and was instantly attracted to her. She contacted the dean one after another and asked him to arrange a blind date.

Mu Chenyan also understood in her heart that she was used to seeing her three sons and didn't think it was anything wrong, but in the eyes of outsiders, they were all pretty good.

Xiao Si just made an appointment with Jiang Yan early, otherwise there would be more people coming to see her.

"Mom, you've already called your second brother, why do we still have to wait here?"

She also wanted to buy clothes for Jiang Yan. She really didn't want to waste time here.

"The girl is coming soon, don't you want to see it?"

Mu Jiawen shook her head, "My second brother doesn't even have the intention, I guess it won't work."

"Let's see, mom just agreed to Dean Xiang."

"Okay, you can wait if you want. I'll go to the bathroom."

She got up and walked out.

Because I didn’t want to use the cafe’s toilet, I walked a few steps further to the bathroom on the third floor of the shopping mall outside.

Probably because a repair sign was hung here in the morning, and it had just returned to normal use, so it was quiet inside with no one around.

But not long after Mu Jiawen squatted down, there was a sound of leather heels clicking on the floor outside, and then a female voice called with a coquettish smile -
". He's a doctor. My mother said he's very handsome. As you know, she likes looking at people's faces. Since she thinks he's handsome, it shouldn't be too different. Besides, his profession is not bad, so let's meet him."

"What? I'll give it to you if you don't like it. Since I don't like it, how can I let you come? What? You... have it again?"

"What do you mean? Are you planning to give birth even if you don't have an abortion? Huh? Is that what the doctor said? The chance of getting pregnant after an abortion is very small? Then you can get back together with him."

"What? He's engaged to someone? What a bastard. How long has it been since you two broke up?"

"Let me take a look first. If this person is easy to fool, I will consider arranging for you to meet him. With your face, not even a man can escape."

"Okay, no more talking, it's almost time."

The woman hung up the phone, and Mu Jiawen stood up and stepped on the flushing pedal.

The sound of rushing water seemed to startle the woman. When Mu Jiawen opened the door and came out, she happened to catch her gaze.

She saw the other party was stunned for a moment, but she ignored it, washed her hands, dried them, and walked out of the bathroom.

Mu Jiawen sighed silently, thinking that the second brother's luck would not be so bad. Why do you let me hear the secret but disgraceful side of the other party every time?

He hoped that this woman was not the same person as the one he was about to go on a blind date with.

But unfortunately, Mu Jiawen's prayers were of no use.

Not long after she returned to the cafe, she saw the woman she met in the bathroom enter the cafe where they were, and then walked to the table No. 18 that her mother asked the waiter to reserve and sat down. "Hey, the human girl is here."

Mu Chenyan picked up the coffee in front of her, glanced at the other party secretly, then smiled and said to her daughter, "Look, isn't she pretty?"

To be honest, she was indeed quite beautiful, but Mu Jiawen, who was used to seeing the beauties of her brothers, had no interest in this.

"I'll call your second brother and see where he is."

Mu Jiawen felt quite powerless at this moment. She wondered if she should go to the temple to burn incense one day, so as not to hinder her second brother from finding a wife.

After Mu Chenyan finished the phone call, Mu Jiawen told her what she had just heard in the bathroom.

Helping his best friend find a successor, this girl's outlook on life is extraordinary.

“Today’s young people are really”

Mu Chenyan didn't know what to say for a moment, and she was very annoyed in her heart. I urged my son to go on a blind date, but the result was like this?

She actually doesn't attach much importance to appearance and family, but her views on character must not be distorted. This is a basic requirement and the foundation of a family.

"Second brother is here. It's okay. He doesn't like it."

When Mu Jiawen saw Yu Feng come in, she glanced at them first, and then walked steadily towards table 18.

The woman who was on the phone in the bathroom didn't notice Mu Jiawen, but when Yu Feng approached the table where she was sitting, her eyes suddenly lit up.

Mu Jiawen saw it clearly from the other side, couldn't help but curled her lips, and sneered in her heart, did you like it? It seems useless.

The two chatted for about ten minutes. Yu Feng waved to the waiter to pay the bill. After giving the money, he nodded politely to the other party, then got up and walked over to where his mother and sister were.

The woman seemed a little unwilling, stood up and followed Yu Feng, "Doctor Yu"

She didn't say the next words because she saw Mu Jiawen, and Dr. Yu, who was on a blind date with her, had already walked to her side, raised his hand and patted her head, and said casually, "Sit inside. "

Then Yu Feng seemed to hear her words, turned around and asked slightly surprised, "Miss Lin, is there anything else?"

"Ah? No, no more."

The corner of Miss Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and she smiled with difficulty. Of course she would not think that Mu Jiawen and Yu Feng had any abnormal relationship, because the two looked so similar that it would be okay if they did not stand together, as long as they were together, Even a blind person can tell that they are brother and sister.

Watching Miss Lin leave in a hurry, Mu Jiawen couldn't help turning her head and asked Yu Feng curiously, "Can't we chat?"

I thought her second brother would nod, but he actually gave an unexpected reason, "She has body odor. She should have had surgery before, but it was not completely cured, or it relapsed. Anyway, I can't stand this." smell."

Mu Jiawen looked at him in shock, "It's winter now. Don't tell me you can smell it, then your nose is so abnormal. Also, aren't you a brain doctor?"

"I am interested in all aspects of medicine, so in addition to brain science, your brother can also be called an expert in other aspects."

"Stop pulling her. Just tell me how you noticed she has body odor, right?"

"It smells like this. Maybe the air conditioner in this cafe is set to a high level. She was sweating just now. Although she was sprayed with a heavy perfume, I still smelled it right away. I can tolerate everything else. this is not OK!"


There’s another chapter tonight!

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