Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 51 Zhou Youming comes to find Song Jiawen

Chapter 51 Zhou Youming comes to find Song Jiawen (second update)
As soon as Xu Yan finished speaking, and before Lu Jinglong could digest it, the monitor of Class [-] arrived with the head teacher. Also arriving at almost the same time was Teacher Gao, the head teacher of Class [-].

"Lu Jinglong, what are you going to do? Go back!"

The head teacher of Class [-] looked very ugly. Students from his own class openly came to another class to provoke him, and the reasons were ridiculous and untenable. This made him unable to save any face for Deng Tao.

Because Teacher Gao was looking at him with complicated eyes, he almost didn't ask directly, what does your class want to do?
"Teacher Huang, their class is really bullying others."

Facing the two teachers, Lu Jinglong could barely remember what Xu Yan said and Zhu Zhen's guarantee, but he thought they were just favoring Song Jiawen.

As if saying this can prove how good Song Jiawen is at painting, she made it seem like she would definitely win the prize even though she failed to participate in the finals.

Does she have the ability?
"I tell you again, go back!"

Jiang Yan stood up to stop him, "Teacher Huang, wouldn't it be better to just leave like this? Lu Jinglong just said that he wanted Song Jiawen to return the truth and innocence to your class Deng Tao. I believe Teacher Huang must know the truth, but if If you don't want to explain it to the students in your class, I can ask Teacher Fang to come over. The painting was stolen from her, and I think she should be happy to make the truth public."

Zhu Zhen added, "Those who need to apologize should go to the radio station to publicly apologize to the other party."

Deng Tao stole and tore up Song Jiawen's paintings, but did not apologize to her. Deng Tao owed Song Jiawen a formal apology!

Everyone in Class [-] and Teacher Gao all looked at the Class [-] teacher. He was currently riding a tiger and it was hard to get off.

"Deng Tao stole the painting. It was indeed her fault that Song Jiawen failed to participate in the competition. This is the truth!"

The head teacher of Class [-] glanced at Lu Jinglong and others, turned around and left.

The squad leader of Class [-] sighed helplessly. He had guessed just now that Lu Jinglong was just stubborn and had always admired Deng Tao. He didn't even notice that he was winking at him and was only focused on seeking justice.

Are you asking for justice?
You are being used as a knife.

"Not leaving yet?"

The squad leader of Class Six stretched out his hand and grabbed Lu Jinglong. Isn't it embarrassing enough?

Lu Jinglong and others returned to class in a daze, and they didn't suddenly come back to their senses until they sat down in their seats.

What's the meaning?Deng Tao stole Song Jiawen's paintings?

This result was definitely something Lu Jinglong had not expected. He looked up at Deng Tao, who was sitting quietly in the front row doing homework. His soft long hair was draped over his shoulders, his thin and slender back, and his slim waist.
How could such a beautiful Deng Tao steal other people's paintings?
Lu Jinglong didn't want to believe it from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to go to Deng Tao to ask for details, but just as he was about to stand up, his shoulder was held down by a hand.

It was his deskmate and the companion who had just gone to Class [-] with him.

His deskmate shook his head at him and whispered, "Okay, Lao Lu, stop fussing. It's obvious that Deng Tao is being unreasonable."

The head teacher has spoken. If you don't believe it, you are deceiving yourself.

But Lu Jinglong's deskmate knew how much he liked Deng Tao. In his heart, Deng Tao was a fairy from heaven and could not tolerate others saying anything bad about her.

So my deskmate just gave me a few words of advice and didn't say anything more profound, because if you say too much, he might get angry with you.

Fortunately, Lu Jinglong has calmed down now and no longer pursues the matter.

On the other side, the students in Class [-] didn't pay attention to Class [-]'s unreasonable troubles, although they wanted Deng Tao to publicly apologize to Song Jiawen.

However, the person involved said that she didn’t want to see her or have anything to do with her, so she didn’t need to apologize.

When everyone thinks about Song Jiawen's always aloof and unwilling to get into trouble, you will understand immediately.

When school was about to end, a tall and tall green figure came to the door of class one.

"Song Jiawen."

The classmate sitting at the door called in, and Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan turned their heads at the same time.Zhou Youming's always serious face became softer than usual when Song Jiawen looked over.

When Song Jiawen went out, curious Xiao Qi quickly asked Jiang Yan, "Who is this?"

Of course Jiang Yan knew Zhou Youming, after all, he had met him many times in Jianglin Village.

"Her brother-in-law."


Xiao Qi felt a little strange. He leaned closer to Yu Hang and whispered, "The Yang family came to see her last time. At that time, they said that Yang Yi was her cousin, right? Her brother-in-law is an officer, so it seems that our sister Wen is not someone else at all. The country bumpkin you mentioned has a lot to do with his status and background."

Yu Hang glanced at him and said, "Shut up, don't let Sister Wen hear it. She doesn't like to be said like this."

Although Song Jiawen was younger than them, she had a good mind and rose to the top as soon as she arrived, occupying the position of the first sister domineeringly.

So there's nothing wrong with calling her sister.

Outside the door, more than half a month has passed since the last time I separated from Zhou Youming.

Because Song Xiwen didn't come to see her during this period, Song Jiawen concentrated on studying and selling paintings, and gradually forgot about her sister.

She thought Song Xiwen and Zhou Youming would not come to see her again.

"Today is Haohao's birthday. Your sister is at the door with Haohao. Can you take a day off? Let's go to dinner together?"

Haohao's birthday?
Song Jiawen suddenly realized that she had never forgotten her nephew's birthday in the past. Strangely enough, no matter how much Xie Jingying and Song Laosan ignored her, whether Song Xiwen regarded her as a substitute or something, Haohao would naturally speak. Just call her auntie, I am very close to her.

A child's eyes can't deceive anyone. They are simple and sincere and can make you melt when they look at you.

Therefore, when faced with Zhou Youming's invitation, Song Jiawen could not say no.

She went to Teacher Gao to ask for leave, and when she came out, the bell rang out throughout the campus.

Students upstairs and downstairs rushed out of the classroom with cheers. The corridors, stairs and campus were instantly filled with people.

But even when walking among the crowd, Zhou Youming's green body and tall body are still particularly eye-catching.

Some students from Class [-] and Class [-] saw it and whispered curiously, "Who is that? Why are you walking with Song Jiawen?"

Soon someone from the first class passed the news, "That's Song Jiawen's brother-in-law, dear!"

Team Six stopped talking instantly.

At this time, Deng Tao's father was waiting for her at the school gate. Because of yesterday's incident, he was afraid that Deng Tao would feel uncomfortable, so he asked for leave from Teacher Huang. During this time, Deng Tao would not study in the evening.

She just made use of her evening time to ask her private tutor to give her extra lessons.

Deng Tao wanted to get admitted to Kyoto University. Since the path of traditional Chinese painting was unavailable, he had to work harder and get academic results.

As for the painting competition in the provincial capital at the end of the month, Deng's father decided to take his daughter there himself.

When Deng Tao came out of school, Deng's father was standing by the car looking in the direction of Zhou Youming. He was looking at the epaulettes on his shoulders.

"Is that girl also from your school? Freshman or sophomore?"

 Two more!
  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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