Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 52: Blood sisters cannot be separated from each other

Chapter 52: Blood sisters cannot be separated from each other

Father Deng has always attended Deng Tao's parent-teacher meetings. For more than two years and nearly three years, he has seen all of them, not to mention this year. The key is Song Jiawen's face and temperament. If he has seen her once, It’s impossible not to remember the second time.

That's why Deng's father thought that Song Jiawen was not a senior in high school.

Deng Tao was filled with anger today. When she saw Song Jiawen, she wanted to poke holes in her body.

She gritted her teeth and uttered a few words, "She is Song Jiawen!"

Father Deng's eyes suddenly widened, extremely surprised.

He had always heard his daughter say that Song Jiawen came from the countryside, with the word country bumpkin mixed in, so he thought she was an ordinary girl with a dull look and tacky clothes and thick-soled glasses.

No matter how he thought about it, it couldn't be the stunning face in front of him.

Of course, being beautiful is second, but the most important thing is the officer walking beside her.

To be honest, a big reason why Deng Tao's matter was resolved so smoothly this time was that the other party had no background.

But what if the other party has it?
"What is the relationship between the person walking with her and her?"

"I heard he's her brother-in-law."


"do not know."

Father Deng stopped asking. Even after Deng Tao finished telling the rumors about the school, he advised her to endure it. Anyway, there were only three months left before the college entrance examination. If she didn't want to stay in school, she could ask for leave and stay at home. This also makes it easier for the personal trainer to give her one-on-one tutoring.

Thinking of the strange looks in her classmates' eyes when they looked at her, Deng Tao took a deep breath, accepted her father's suggestion, and asked for leave temporarily.

On the other side, Song Jiawen walked to where Zhou Youming parked his car.


Haohao, who was standing obediently by the car, trotted over and let her hold him. Song Jiawen bent down and picked up the little guy, apologetically saying, "Auntie forgot to buy a gift for Haohao. What do you want? Auntie will buy it for you now." .”

Before this year, almost all of Song Jiawen's pocket money came from Song Xiwen. It's not that she didn't notice her kindness to her before, it's just that she was the only person in the family who was kind to her, and she was used to relying on her since she was a child, so even if there was Abnormal, she also wanted to hold on tightly.

Until Jiang Yan broke into her life later and would mention that her sister had problems from time to time. Song Jiawen was disgusted at first and even almost got into a fight with Jiang Yan because of this.

Later, the Song family wanted to sell her, but Song Xiwen chose to watch and do nothing. Her gradually cooling heart was completely covered with ice.

Without the pocket money given by Song Xiwen, she was more secure with what she earned.

"Auntie, I want instant noodles."

Song Jiawen laughed, this silly kid.

"Instant noodles are too cheap, think about other things."

Haohao rolled his eyes and asked softly, "Bubblegum, is that okay?"

Song Xiwen, who was watching the two hugging each other closely, coughed slightly and said, "Why do you always ask for food from my aunt? You can't exchange it for the same thing."

Zhou Youming smiled and said, "Don't be so strict. For the sake of his birthday today, let him go." Song Xiwen rolled her eyes at him, but she didn't say anything against it.

There were two canteens in front of the school. Song Jiawen took Haohao into one of them, holding bags for him to choose from. Today he took all the items that his mother would not let him eat or drink.

But when it came time to pay the bill, he was worried. With so much money, would he spend all his aunt's money?
Haohao reached out and grabbed a few from the bag and put them back in their original places. Then he ran back and looked into the bag. There seemed to be a lot.

When he was about to take out a few more, he was stopped by Song Jiawen, "You've already put them in, why do you have to take them out?"

He was obviously very excited when he took it just now, but why didn't he like it just for a while?

Haohao looked up at his aunt and said tangledly, "My aunt is still in school and doesn't have much money. I'm afraid that if I spend all her pocket money, she won't have any money to spend."

Song Jiawen was stunned when she heard this, her heart felt warm, and her eyes looking at Haohao were softer than before.

She said softly, "My aunt is rich, Haohao, don't worry, my aunt has learned to make money by herself now."

Zhou Youming and Song Xiwen, who had just come to the door, heard her words and looked over in surprise.

They did not regard what Song Jiawen said as comforting Haohao. On the contrary, they both subconsciously thought it was true.

Song Jiawen didn't let Haohao continue to take things out, so she readily paid the money and took him out.

After getting in the car and Zhou Youming was driving to the hotel, Song Xiwen couldn't help but ask, "Jiajia, you... don't you have enough money? If you don't, you can go to your sister. Why are you embarrassed to ask me for money?" Yes, and also, why did you keep all the money I gave you at home?"

Song Jiawen was playing rock-paper-scissors with Haohao in the back seat. When she heard Song Xiwen's words, she said without raising her head, "No, I sell paintings now, so it's not a problem to earn enough for my own living expenses."

Selling paintings?

Zhou Youming turned to look at Song Xiwen, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.They all knew that she was good at painting and even sculpting, but they didn't expect that she would come up with such a way to make money.

Zhou Youming had a quick mind after all. He remembered the place where he met her last time and asked, "Are you selling your paintings to the Landscape Gallery?"

The most famous one on Shanshui Street is the Shanshui Gallery. There are teachers or comrades in their college who are decorating new houses. If they want to buy paintings to decorate their houses, most of them choose to go to the Shanshui Gallery.

Their political commissar even bought several traditional Chinese paintings by Song Qingping, the owner of the Landscape Gallery and the president of the Yunzhou Painting and Calligraphy Association.

The price is really not cheap.

However, Zhou Youming also understood that for a less famous student like Jia Jia, even if her paintings were very good, they probably wouldn't be able to sell for much money.

"That's it."

Song Jiawen's answer was rather perfunctory, "In short, as long as I can sell one painting a month, it will basically be enough for this month's living expenses, so you don't have to worry about me at all. I can support myself now."

What should have been said with pride, now sounded particularly sad to Zhou Youming.

Both parents at home earn money, and my sister has been working for a long time. The whole family supports a student. Logically speaking, there is no need for her to earn money by herself, but now
But some things Zhou Youming said were really inappropriate, but he still remembered the purpose of calling Song Jiawen out for dinner today. In addition to celebrating his son's birthday, he also wanted to clarify the incident last time to Xiaoxi.

"Jia Jia, you are now a senior in high school. Didn't you say last time that you are very nervous about studying now? Since you are nervous, don't waste that time on painting. If you need money, just ask your sister for it. She is your sister, not an outsider. Isn’t it natural for me to spend money on you? If you feel bad about it, when you graduate from college and start working, you can occasionally give Haohao some pocket money."

Of course, the latter sentence is just an excuse. The most important thing is the front. Jia Jia and Xiao Xi need to be close again. Sisters cannot be so estranged.

(End of this chapter)

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