Chapter 56 Master Mu’s Paintings

Speaking of Shu Wan, Boss Jiang couldn't help but think of what she said to him during the divorce. She said that people like him should not get married or have children, and should live together with his parents and brothers.

Why do you harm others by getting married?

She said that he had never thought about her or the children, and that they were not in his eyes or in his heart.

There's none?
Boss Jiang asked himself, there must be some, but he thought Shu Wan had education and salary, so he didn't need to care about it.And Jiang Yan has his mother Shu Wan in charge, so he doesn't need to spend any money.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn’t have much money, and there are a lot of miscellaneous things happening in his hometown. His parents have to knock down the old house and build a new one. The second and third brothers also need money to have children. He subsidizes them again and again, and usually even pays for them. I didn’t dare to buy decent cigarettes, but in the end I still didn’t have enough money.

Even so, he didn't ask Shu Wan for a penny.

She mainly paid for the household expenses and children's expenses, and he was too embarrassed to say this.

If this doesn't count as thinking about her, what does?

Women are always dissatisfied. The first step to control a man is to hold the man's salary in his hands.

Oh, material!

"There's no need to pick him up. Since his mother wants to take care of him, let her take care of him."

Boss Jiang thought that Shu Wan was a university teacher anyway, and it would be better for Jiang Yan to follow her than to go back to the countryside and follow his grandparents.His grades were average, and he had no idea whether he could get into college in the countryside, but even if he couldn't get into a good school with Shu Wan, he could still go to an average school.When he becomes successful in the future, he can still help take care of his cousins.

This might not be a better way out.

Although he and Mrs. Jiang have different ideas, they have the same purpose!
Uncle Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this answer. He had no intention of picking up Jiang Yan in the first place. Regardless of whether Boss Jiang agreed or not, he would not pick him up.

The reason why I say this is not to get money out of Boss Jiang.

He is reluctant to give money to brothers like them, but he must be willing to give money to his own son.

Jiang Yan didn't let Jiang Yan hear these words. If he wanted to make him laugh to death, the third uncle was really overly modest and underestimated his position in the heart of the elder brother Jiang.

However, Boss Jiang didn't seem to understand what he said. After talking about Jiang Yan, he started asking some random questions about the parents' affairs, without even the slightest intention of asking for money.

Seeing that the visiting time was approaching, Uncle Jiang became anxious.

Don’t the tolls count for running here again and again?You can't just let him use his time and money every time.

Finally, with a sudden heart, he simply said, "Brother."

As he spoke, he glanced around surreptitiously, and when he saw that the man standing with a gun didn't look this way, he whispered, "Where did you put the money you hid outside?"

Boss Jiang: "???"

He didn't understand his third brother's words at first. Money hidden outside?Is he hiding money outside?

When did it happen?Why didn't he know?
"What kind of money is hidden outside? How did you hear that?"

Uncle Jiang was stunned, "No?"

Mr. Jiang laughed loudly, "You know what nonsense you are talking about!"

Uncle Jiang was depressed, "Then why would you?"

Speaking of this, Boss Jiang also fell silent. It cannot be said that he is innocent, but if the crime is serious enough to be sentenced to more than ten years, then it is definitely not the case.

But the problem is that he can't tell the truth, and he doesn't dare!

In the end, I could only say perfunctorily to Uncle Jiang, "I took over someone else's house and have already returned it. I have no money."

Uncle Jiang was dumbfounded, no money?If he has no money, then he didn't run away in vain.When the visiting time came, Uncle Jiang came out in despair, looked up at the gray sky that was about to rain, wiped his face, sighed, and left.

Jiang Yan, who was at school, didn't know yet that he had been pushed to his biological mother by his own father and mother, and he didn't even know that he had become an unscrupulous descendant in his third uncle's mouth who had to spend at least a hundred dollars a week.

But if he knew, he would probably be very happy.

It's good to push him out. He was just trying to find an excuse to break up with them, but now, all excuses are gone.

As for his biological mother, of course he will not go looking for her. The relationship between mother and son is shallow, so no one should disturb the other, and everyone should be well!

On April 26, the painting competition in the provincial capital began.

Jiang Yan put his left hand on the table and tapped his fingers casually on the table. He tilted his head slightly and looked at Song Jiawen. He thought it was a pity. If this guy can participate in the competition, he will definitely become famous.

That Deng Tao, under their control of public opinion, has been asking for leave during this period.Although Song Jiawen didn't care about apologizing, they still felt aggrieved.

It's so cheap for her.

Teacher Fang has already taken Xu Yan to participate in the competition. Jiang Yan knows that Deng Tao's family will also take her there.

That's right, Deng Tao was painting at the competition site in the provincial capital at this time.

Her skills are good, but her skills and aura are average.Teacher Fang glanced in her direction, looked away indifferently, and looked at Xu Yan intently.

Deng Tao's father was also in the audience. He and Teacher Fang naturally knew each other, but the other party didn't mean to say hello to him, so he didn't have to lick his face and look uncomfortable.

He was just an ordinary art teacher in a middle school, not worthy of his attention.

At the end of the competition, the participating students and their parents or teachers walked out of the door in an orderly manner.

"Didn't you say you were going to visit the gallery of Beicheng University before? Now that you have time, do you want to go?"

It can be said that Deng Tao was very hard during this period. He not only had to practice painting, but also had to go to private tutors to catch up on tutoring. It can be said that every minute and every second was not wasted.

Father Deng felt sorry for his daughter and wanted her to take advantage of the competition to relax a little.

Of course it’s impossible to relax completely, that will have to wait until after the college entrance examination.

The School of Art of Beijo University is also a palace in the hearts of many art students. Every painting displayed in the gallery here is considered to be a high-quality product, even no worse than the gallery of Kyoto University School of Art.

This is why so many students are rushing to sign up for the competition, mostly with the purpose of getting into the art academy here.

But Deng Tao's first choice was not here. She had not given up on Kyoto University and Chinese painting, which was her lifelong dream and goal.

At this time, there were many people visiting the gallery like her. Deng Tao and Deng's father walked in along with the flow of people. Every time they passed a painting, the father and daughter would stop and take a closer look.

When encountering paintings by well-known painters and professors, Deng Tao would stop for a long time in front of the paintings, savor them carefully, and try to imprint the paintings in his mind.

These are paintings that cannot be seen outside and are of great reference value.

"Master Mu's painting? It's really Master Mu's painting."

Someone yelled from the front, and then there was the sound of footsteps, and many people who were looking at the paintings all ran in the same direction.

Father Deng was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Naturally, Deng Tao also heard the cry. She was startled for a moment, then took her father's arm and said excitedly, "It should be Master Mu Chenyan's painting. There are Master Mu's paintings here!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't care whether her father understood or not, she let go and ran inside with the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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