Chapter 57 Is it a coincidence? (Second update)
Deng Tao finally squeezed to the front, but was stunned the first second he saw the painting.

As we all know, Mu Chenyan became famous at a young age and was best at traditional Chinese painting. Even her calligraphy was on par with the president of the Kyoto Calligraphy Association.But her painting on display at the Art School Gallery of Beicheng University is actually a sketch.

It's still a sketch that looks familiar to Deng Tao.

The painting shows a little girl about three years old, opening her arms to swat butterflies in the garden. The little girl's front face is not shown, only a profile and back, but even so the liveliness and agility of the little girl can be seen. .

The lower right corner of the painting is stamped with Mu Chenyan's personal seal, which means that this painting was indeed painted by her.

Little girl fluttering butterflies.
Deng Tao's eyelids jumped as he looked at the little girl's back, hairstyle, and the style and texture of the skirt!

Is it a coincidence?
Mu Chenyan's painting can be said to be very similar to the painting that Song Jiawen participated in the competition before, except that she lacked an exquisite old house.

In addition, Mu Chenyan's skills are more sophisticated, calm and emotional than Song Jiawen's.But excluding these, the little girls in the two paintings, whether in appearance, clothing or charm, can be said to be miraculously consistent.

Could it be that Song Jiawen plagiarized Mu Chenyan?

Deng Tao felt that this was unlikely. After all, Song Jiawen came from the countryside. I heard that the farthest place she had ever been to was Yunzhou when she was so old. She had never been to Beicheng, the provincial capital.

Mu Chenyan, on the other hand, comes from a scholarly family in Kyoto. Her husband's family is the most famous in the ancient city, the Yu family, the largest family in Yucheng.How could two people who were so incompatible with each other draw almost identical paintings?
Looking at this painting, Deng Tao felt strange.

Just then, someone asked the art school student who was in charge of the gallery explanation, "Classmate, can you explain the meaning of Master Mu's painting?"

A cute little girl flapping butterflies in the garden. The technique and details of the painting itself are naturally impeccable, but what about other than that?
What emotion does Master Mu want to express?
Or is it just a random painting with no special meaning?
Although the student from the art academy knew every painting here very well, he didn't know much about Master Mu Chen Yanmu's painting.

Mainly because it wasn't long before the instructor brought the painting and everyone was just admiring it and forgot to ask anything else.

Now when he heard someone ask about it, he pondered for a moment, remembered what his mentor said that day, and repeated it exactly as it was, "I heard that the little girl in this painting is the daughter of Master Mu. She was lost while traveling more than ten years ago, and she is still missing now. I couldn’t find it back. Master Mu probably painted this painting because he missed his daughter.”

When Deng Tao heard this, her heart skipped a beat, her heart beat faster, and her ears buzzed. At this moment, she could only think of Song Jiawen's face, and could not hear the pityful comments around her.

"Xiao Tao..., Xiao Tao?"

Father Deng finally squeezed in, but he called Deng Tao several times but got no answer.In the end, he had no choice but to pull her over and squeeze her out of the crowd.

"what happened to you?"

Deng Tao came back to her senses. She looked up at her father, suddenly approached him and whispered, "Dad, when we return to Yunzhou, you can help me check on someone."

"Go out and talk."

Deng's father thought it was noisy here, so he took Deng Tao's arm and wanted to go out.

Deng Tao followed her father for a few steps, and suddenly out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Teacher Fang and Xu Yan walking slowly towards here while admiring the paintings.

Her heart was beating wildly, but her face remained calm, "Dad, I saw Teacher Fang. I'll go say hello to her."

After saying that, without waiting for her father's reaction, she turned around and walked quickly in the direction of Teacher Fang and Xu Yan.

Father Deng wanted to stop her. Why bother with a hot face and a cold butt? People may not pay attention to you.But Deng Tao walked very fast, and before he could speak, she was almost in front of Teacher Fang.

"Teacher Fang."

Teacher Fang and Xu Yan were looking at the group of people in front of them curiously. They had obviously heard Mu Chenyan's name. Although they wanted to see the paintings of this rumored master, they looked at the crowds of people on the third floor and the third floor there. , look at my thin little body again.

The master and apprentice looked at each other, forget it, let's wait until everyone disperses before going over.

At this time, a person suddenly stood in front of him.

After Teacher Fang and Xu Yan saw the person clearly, they both frowned slightly. They had seen them at the competition before and acted as if they hadn't seen them before. Why did they come over to say hello now?

Both felt baffled.

However, Deng Tao didn't seem to notice their displeasure, and smiled to herself, "Teacher Fang, it's a rare occasion for us to come to Beicheng. My dad is treating us, let's go have a meal together."

Teacher Fang found it quite funny. He had always been stiff and lukewarm when apologizing to her at school. Now that he came to Beicheng to participate in a competition, he suddenly asked her to treat her to dinner?

Is there something wrong with this kid's brain?
"No, Xu Yan and I have to visit the gallery again."

I thought Deng Tao would leave after saying this, but she still stood in front of them and continued to invite them with a smile, "Teacher Fang, I apologized to you for being insincere before, now you can give me a chance to make up for it."

In fact, Deng Tao's smile is forced on her face now. After all, she is a little princess who was raised by her family. When has she ever spoken to others in such a low voice?
So before she finished speaking, after seeing her father coming over, she quickly looked over with a pleading look.

Father Deng was confused, with a standard business smile on his face, "Teacher Fang, please give your child a chance. Deng Tao was not sensible before. I have always been very sorry to you. Today is a rare opportunity. Let us Father and daughter are the hosts, and I will give you a serious apology."

After that, Father Deng said a lot of good things, making Teacher Fang unable to refuse.

After all, everyone is an adult, and they can't help but weigh the pros and cons when encountering something, and people with a character like Teacher Fang are no exception.

She didn't want to offend Father Deng too much.

"Okay, you guys wait for us outside for a while. Xu Yan and I want to take a look at Master Mu's paintings."

Deng Tao's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly said, "I just went in and looked at it. It was a Chinese painting that Master Mu painted when he was studying abroad in his early years. There is a photo of this painting in our landscape gallery. You have seen it before. Right?"

It's that painting.

Teacher Fang understood it as soon as he heard Deng Tao's description. It didn't matter whether he saw it or not.

Xu Yan's understanding of traditional Chinese painting is only superficial, and it doesn't matter to her whether to look at it or not.

After successfully reaching an agreement, the four of them turned and walked out.

Deng's father was one step behind Deng Tao. When he was about to walk out of the door, he turned to look back. If he remembered correctly, when he squeezed in to find Deng Tao, what he saw should be a realistic sketch.

But why does Xiaotao want to become a traditional Chinese painting?
Also, she tried every possible means to invite Teacher Fang to dinner. Is it because of the painting?
 It’s not obstruction, it’s different from what you think!
(End of this chapter)

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