Chapter 567 Extra 4: Jiang Xiaodou
"Son, have you changed your ways recently?"

Jiang Yan stopped by to buy groceries after the parent-teacher meeting. When he got home, he saw mother and son playing chess in the living room.

Jiang Xiaodou looks very similar to Mu Jiawen. His eyes, nose, forehead, and mouth are almost exactly the same as his mother. Only the slightly curly hair on his head and his long arms and legs resemble him.

"They are all a bunch of fools, it's no fun to bully them."

Although he is only seven years old, two years younger than his classmates on average, he is tall and strong, and his uncle often takes him to the boxing gym to practice boxing.

So even if he doesn't compare his IQ with others, no one can bully him based on his strength alone.

When Mu Jiawen saw Jiang Yan coming back and wanted to ask him about the parent-teacher meeting, she stopped in a few seconds, got up and left.

Jiang Xiaodou was left staring blankly at the chessboard, puzzled by the fucking layout.

"How is it? Did the teacher say anything?"

"Nothing but praise." Jiang Yan took out the dishes from the bag and placed them on the kitchen counter, and said proudly, "The teacher looks at me with admiration."

Just as Mu Jiawen was about to ask you what she admired, her cell phone rang several times in her pocket.

She didn't go out either, so she leaned against the sliding door of the kitchen, lowering her head while chatting and looking at her phone.

A few minutes later, Mu Jiawen raised her head and asked Jiang Yan suspiciously, "What did you say in your speech?"

"It's nothing. I just casually said a few words about how to take care of your son. Don't they just want to know this?"

This sounded fine, but Mu Jiawen felt something was wrong.

Because there are many parents in the group who are fond of her, saying that she has a good life, and they are very envious of her.

There were no teachers in this parent group, and seeing that most of them were mothers, Mu Jiawen didn't involve Jiang Yan.

How can she raise her son and then other mothers envy her?
She couldn't understand it.

The phone rang a few more times. When Mu Jiawen opened it, she saw a mother asking her——
[Mother Zimo, seeing how quiet you are, I didn’t expect you to be so good at training men. Why don't you tell us how to train your husband, and also share your experience, so that we can relax and not be so hard. 】

Mu Jiawen:
She frowned, feeling that these words were strange and uncomfortable.

She raised her phone and took a photo of Jiang Yan, who was washing vegetables, and then sent it to the group, followed by a reply.

[Sorry, I don’t have time now. I’m watching my husband cook. 】

The group suddenly became quiet, and no one was looking for her.

There was a weekend in between, waiting for Jiang Xiaodou to arrive at school on Monday. "Jiang Zimo, I heard that your father has taken care of you since you were a child, and your father did all the work. Then what does your mother do?"

As soon as I reached my seat and before I put down my schoolbag, a tall boy sitting at the back of the class spoke loudly.

"That's right. Is your mother so lazy that your father can't do it?"

Before Jiang Xiaodou could even turn around, someone else from the right back seat echoed, also a boy.

After the parent-teacher meeting last Friday, their mother came home and kept nagging about how Jiang Zimo was not only excellent, but his father was even better, and he was also very considerate. He had taken care of Jiang Zimo since he was born, and never let his mother worry about it.

Do you know why other people’s children are excellent?
Because it is the father who takes care of the children, the children brought by the father are smarter.

So don’t blame me every time your son fails in an exam. How can he be outstanding if you don’t take care of him for a day?

The father’s counterattack was justified: Shouldn’t a woman take care of the child? I brought it for you, so what do you do?
In short, the father-in-law said that the father-in-law was right, and the quarrel got so intense that he almost started to fight.

The children watched their good home become a mess because of Jiang Zimo's father's words, and they couldn't help but feel resentment towards Jiang Xiaodou's family.

Whose family is not a mother taking care of the children? Why is your family special and different from others?
This resentment still persisted after two days, causing Yi Yiyi to release it as soon as he saw Jiang Xiaodou.

Jiang Xiaodou cursed idiots in his heart, turned around and looked at the boys with cold eyes, and smiled, "You guys are so funny. What do you mean my dad can't do it? Who stipulates that mom must do things at home, dad?" Can't do it? Men are naturally tall and strong, so what's wrong with doing more work outside the workplace? Why can't they do more work at home if they can help the boss and others? In fact, he couldn't call for help, because it was also his home, and that was what he should do.

Just like my dad takes care of me, I am his son, isn’t it the right thing for him to take care of me? Why does my mother have to take care of me? My dad said that my mother had already worked very hard to conceive me and give birth to me. If she worked harder to take care of me, wouldn't it mean that all the hardships would be taken by my mother? So what would a grown man like him do?
You can guess it by looking at how confident you are in saying such inhuman things, your dad."

He stopped talking here and did not continue, but whispered, "Educated children know not to judge other people's parents casually, so you just know what your dad is like, there is no need to wait for others Say it. But I really feel sorry for your mother. From pregnancy to childbirth and then to raising her, what on earth did you do to raise her? Do you not know how hard your mother is? You say that in your family, men are superior to women, and the mother has to do all the cooking and housework for the children? Does the father just come home with his legs crossed and wait for food like an uncle?
No, no, no, what age are we in, and your family is still so out of date? You were all born by your mother, not picked up from outside, and you just watch her suffer like this?

That really raises a white-eyed wolf.

My dad often tells me to be humble to my female classmates in the class, to help the girls more during duty hours, and to be a gentleman. Can’t be chauvinistic”

The young female head teacher standing by the window outside the door felt very relieved when she heard his words at first. His father was a good man and taught his children very well. Later, he became a little moved. It seemed that his standard for choosing a mate was still too low. , a man must not only have a successful career, but also take care of his family and be able to take care of his children and do housework.

Later, I saw that this boy had no intention of stopping and kept talking non-stop. All the girls in the class were moved by him and glared angrily at the boys after what he said. Two girls even turned to the boy who made things difficult for Jiang Zimo in the first place. Throwing books, saying he is shameless, so shameful, chauvinist, get out.

The head teacher found out that if she didn't go in and stop her, there would be chaos after get off work because of the boy's instigation, and those boys might be beaten up by the girls.

So I quickly walked around to the front door, walked into the classroom, and tapped the desk several times before it worked.

She looked at Jiang Xiaodou, who was still standing, with complicated eyes, and asked, "Why are you still standing? Haven't you said enough?"

good night!

Please support the new book next door.

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