"Go down here. There is an orange grove ahead."

The boy's drake voice, which was changing his voice, sounded, and then several bicycles rushed down.

About ten minutes later, the bicycle convoy stopped in front of a dense orange forest.

"Uncle, we are buying green tangerines, can we go in and pick them?"

"Okay, thirty per person, there are bags here, be careful, don't let me knock them off."

"Don't worry, we will pay attention."

The boys and girls parked their bicycles on the side of the road, walked to the man who was guarding the forest, took their bags, and entered the orange grove one by one.

"Jiang Xiaodou, are these enough?"

"That's enough, go back."

Several people were carrying green oranges in their hands. Jiang Xiaodou, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, paid everyone's money. When he turned and walked out, he found a girl behind him peeling oranges and stuffing them into her mouth.

"Hey, don't say it, these oranges are quite good."

The girl grinned so hard that she couldn't open her eyes, but she didn't spit out the orange in her mouth. Instead, she peeled off two pieces from the remaining half and raised it to Jiang Xiaodou's mouth, "It's really delicious. You taste it.”

Jiang Xiaodou looked at her funny. He didn't refuse. He opened his mouth with her hand and bit the two pieces of orange. He chewed it carefully, then swallowed it and nodded, "Well, it's really good. It's quite sweet."

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking out.

But the girl froze in place.

Pretty sweet?
She lowered her head and looked at the remaining petals in her hand suspiciously, then stuffed them into her mouth without believing anything.

So sour.

What kind of mouth is he talking about?

In line with the principle of not wasting, even though it was very sour, she still did not vomit. He endured the discomfort of falling teeth and swallowed the orange in his mouth.

"I finally understand why you came all the way to buy these oranges. It turns out your family likes to eat sour oranges."

Jiang Xiaodou glanced back at her without explaining.

A tall young man who came out later smiled and said, "You're wrong. What my uncle and aunt can't eat the most is sour. Not to mention these green oranges, they don't eat golden oranges." . Even Jiang Xiaodou himself doesn’t like it.”

"Don't like to eat?" The girl looked at Jiang Xiaodou in confusion, "If you don't like to eat, then why do you buy so much?"

He even took them all the way to the orange groves in the suburbs to pick the oranges, because the oranges here are famous for being fresh and without pesticides.

I don’t know how the man who manages the fruit trees managed to plant such a strange orange grove on land that is not suitable for the growth of orange trees.

Tie Hongyi was also confused, yes, uncle and the others didn't like to eat it, and Xiaodou himself didn't eat it, so why did he ask them to buy so much?

He would not take this thing back to his home because no one would eat it if he did.

Too sour.

"My mother's taste has changed and she loves it."

After speaking, Jiang Xiaodou glanced at the convoy, and when he saw everyone was here, he made a signal and the convoy returned to the city.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaodou was sweating profusely and returned home carrying several large bags of green oranges.

After opening the door and seeing no one in the living room, he called upstairs while changing his shoes, "Mom, Mom?"


Mu Jiawen wore a black cotton dress and walked slowly downstairs.

More than ten years have passed, except that she has become more mature than when she was young, but she has basically remained unchanged.

"We are going to participate in the competition the day after tomorrow, and you are not ready to prepare. What is this?"

"Your current favorite."

The bag was red, and she was too far away to see it clearly at first. After she came down from upstairs, walked to her son, and watched him open the bag, Mu Jiawen was stunned, "Green orange?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand, peeled off three in a row and ate them all without changing her expression.

Jiang Xiaodou watched from the side and his mouth watered, sour.

"Mom, what do you think my sister tastes like? She can eat it so sour, which is different from the three of us. Could it be that she has a genetic mutation?"

Mu Jiawen glanced sideways at her son and started to peel off the fourth one without stopping.

"If you want to mutate, you will also mutate you. Your sister is normal."

"Ah, yes, yes, mutate me. I am not normal, and my sister is normal. But can you speed up and give birth to them as soon as possible." Half a year later, Jiang Yan and Jiang Xiaodou, father and son, Mu Chenyan and Yu Heng The couple, as well as Yi Hailan and Yuci, were waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

Jiang Yan sat on the chair, his legs shaking uncontrollably. Jiang Xiaodou held it down for a moment, then let go and shook his hand again. He couldn't help but said, "Lao Jiang, can you calm down?"

"I'm quite calm." Jiang Yan turned to look at Jiang Xiaodou, "I was like this when you were born."

Jiang Xiaodou rolled his eyes. Was this because he didn't know the truth?
He came out before his father even reacted, leaving no time for him to be nervous.

He simply said something else to divert his attention, "Dad, do you think my sister will come out first, or my brother?"

Jiang Yan glared, "Why the younger brother? Can't they be two younger sisters?"

Mu Jiawen was pregnant with twins this time, but it was strange. From the first time she could tell the gender, she could only see that one of them was a girl, and the other one was always holding her legs, so she couldn't see it at all.

At first, everyone was a little worried. If it was really just a leg clamp, it would be fine. After all, it didn't matter whether it was a boy or a girl. As long as the child was healthy, it would be fine.

But the biggest worry is that she/he is not healthy. Is there something wrong with the leg?

Otherwise, the whole pregnancy was so long and I had so many B-ultrasounds, how come it happened so coincidentally every time?

The obstetrician doctor said that this kind of situation also happens, not to mention that other items are normal, so they should not worry.

How can you not worry?
She is already over thirty-five years old, an advanced maternal age, and she is pregnant with twins.

Jiang Yan couldn't help but his legs began to tremble again. Fortunately, this time they didn't tremble for too long. After a while, the door of the operating room opened. The first person to walk out was Yu Feng. He was holding one in his arms, followed by the nurse. Li is also holding one.

"Don't worry, it's just two little cotton-padded jackets."

The corridor outside the operating room was silent for a moment, and then Jiang Xiaodou said, "Yeah!"

"Second uncle, give me a hug. Is this the eldest sister or the second sister?"

Jiang Yan stretched out his hand to push him away, "Don't make trouble. Can you hold him well with your thick hands and feet?"

After saying that, he quickly picked up his daughter from his second uncle's hand. His smile made many fine lines appear at the corners of his eyes.

"Where's Xiaosi? How is Xiaosi?"

"It's good, but it will take a while to come out."

Jiang Yan looked at his two precious daughters for a while, then handed the one in his hand to Yi Hailan and asked her to carry the second child in her mother-in-law's arms to the ward, while he stayed here waiting for his wife.

Jiang Xiaodou followed him to the ward. As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message: [My mother has given birth and I have two sisters! ! ! ! 】

Cuckoo: [Ah ah ah, they are really two sisters, do they look the same? Exactly the same? 】

Jiang Xiaodou raised his eyes and glanced at the two wrinkled "little mice". They had nothing to do with being beautiful, and there was no difference between them.

So he lowered his head and typed: [Exactly the same. 】

Cuckoo: [Your mother is so beautiful, and your sister must be even more beautiful. Jiang Xiaodou, I am starting to be jealous of you now, unless you give me one sister. 】

Jiang Xiaodou: [I’ll give you both. 】

Cuckoo: [Really? If you keep your word, I will go to your house to see them when I go back next week. 】

Jiang Xiaodou: [Don’t forget to bring me a gift. 】

Cuckoo: [Already bought it. 】

Because it was a caesarean section, Mu Jiawen and her two children stayed for a week before being discharged from the hospital.

Jiang Xiaodou discovered that the two sisters changed from "little mice" at the beginning, and changed from one day to the next. After being discharged from the hospital a week later, they turned into exquisite babies.

Just... amazing!
But what frustrated him was that his dad wouldn't let him hold him.

"You're rough, you're going to throw your sister down again."

"How is that possible? Even if I throw myself, I can't throw them both."

But no matter how much he promised, it was useless, not even grandma would stand by him this time.

He was not allowed to hold his two sisters until they were one month old and gradually getting older.

During this period, the cuckoo visited his house several times, which was very rare.

When Cuckoo left, he saw her off and deliberately put his arm around her shoulders at the door.

He was sure his parents must have seen it, but what was annoying was that they didn't ask anything, not even a hint.

Look, they don't even care if he has a puppy love now that he has a sister. (End of chapter)

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