Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 569 Extra 6: 3 Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 569 Extra 6: Three Brothers and Sisters
Cuckoo is Jiang Xiaodou's nickname for Gu Niao.

The little girl is half a year older than him and is a classmate of his junior class. She is tall and thin, fair and beautiful.

However, she always felt that Jiang Xiaodou's face was more beautiful than hers. If he put on a skirt and dressed up as a woman, no one would be able to compare with him.

So Gu Niao Niao has a well-known wish to let Jiang Xiaodou wear a skirt.

"Xiaomi, if your brother puts on a wig and puts on a skirt, will he become a sister? Do you have a biological sister?"

Three-year-old Jiang Xiaoke rolled his eyes and imagined the scene. He felt a chill and waved his little hands like rattles, "Forget it, forget it, sister who is 1.9 meters tall and strong, I don't want her." !”

Her voice was soft, but her attitude was firm.

It's not that she doesn't want a sister, it's that she doesn't want a sister like her brother, because apart from her brother's face being comparable to that of a woman, his figure really doesn't match that of a woman.

The key is that it is easy for her to think about whether she will be like this when she grows up.

That would be really scary!

Because the facial features of the three brothers and sisters all resemble their mother, there is nothing they can do about it. Their mother's genes are strong, and their father is happy to see it happen.

Gu Niao Niao was a little disappointed that no reinforcements were brought in.

"Well, if your brother puts on a wig and a dress, he will definitely look more feminine than a woman."

Jiang Xiaomi's eyes widened in horror. Sister Cuckoo has such a strange aesthetic!

Perhaps due to the influence of the rolling grain during the day, when Jiang Xiaomi saw her brother at night, she couldn't help but picture Jiang Xiaodou in a white dress with long black hair hanging over her shoulders.
She couldn't help but shiver.

Jiang Xiaoyu happened to put down the book in her hand and looked up to see this scene. She asked curiously, "Xiaomi, what are you doing?"

Jiang Xiaomi approached her sister's ear mysteriously, but her voice was surprisingly loud, "Sister, let me tell you, my brother likes to wear skirts."


Jiang Xiaodou, who was drinking water while standing at the dining table not far away, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of water. After coughing twice, he took out a tissue and wiped his mouth while walking to the living room, "Jiang Xiaomi, starting tomorrow You can go painting with grandma at first, or you can go back to Yucheng to find grandpa. Anyway, you are not allowed to follow the cuckoo around anymore, do you hear me?"

"Didn't hear it, I'm deaf."

After saying that, Jiang Xiaomi fell down on the sofa, covering her ears with her little hands, and facing her brother with her buttocks.

Jiang Xiaodou:
He laughed angrily, stepped forward and slapped her little buttocks, causing her to almost roll over.

"Tell me which ear is deaf? Come, let me check it for you."

"I don't want you to check me. You are not a doctor. My second uncle is. I will let my second uncle check me."

After saying that, he struggled to get off his brother and ran towards the door on his short legs.

"Dad, second uncle."

When Jiang Yan came back from shopping for groceries, he happened to meet Yu Feng who had just gotten off work in the community.

He is the only one in his family today. Yuxing was admitted to the military academy at the age of fifteen and passed all the way. At only twenty-one years old this year, he is already a battalion-level cadre and is very busy.

Yi Hailan is not as busy as before. She usually still has time to help take care of the corn sisters, but she happened to be on a business trip these two days, so she was not at home.

But even if the mother and son were at home, as long as he didn't work overtime in the evening, he would bring his wife and children over to eat.

Jiang Yan actually didn't care, it was just a matter of cooking a few more dishes and it wouldn't take much trouble. What's more, he also has a special liking for cooking and likes to cook for his family.

"Xiaomi, did you go painting with grandma today?"

Jiang Xiaomi, who had just run up to him, had a stiff expression, then raised his head and winked cutely at his second uncle, and said in a sweet voice, "Uncle, what are you talking about? My ears are not very good today, so I can't hear you." "Arrived." Jiang Yan looked at his second daughter funny. This girl is different from Xiaodou Xiaoyu. She probably has the same IQ as him, doesn't like drawing, and is average in reading and mathematics.

Of course, this is generally relative to Xiaodou and Xiaoyu. If compared with other children in the kindergarten, they are still far behind others.

Fortunately, this girl is heartless. In addition to playing happily and having wild thoughts every day, she doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with being inferior to her brother and sister.

"There's something wrong with your ears. Come here and let uncle take a look."

However, Jiang Xiaomi changed his mind again, "Uncle, don't you look at other people's brains? You can't do it with your ears. I'd better find a doctor who can look at ears."

Jiang Xiaodou, who was sitting on the sofa not far away, sneered, hugged his eldest sister, and the two of them sat and watched the show together.

After dinner, the family went out for a walk.

The two corn sisters skipped ahead, Jiang Xiaodou followed behind and looked at them, and Jiang Yan and Mu Jiawen walked at the end holding hands.

"Niao Niao's mother is back. She called me and wanted to make an appointment to have dinner together this weekend."

Mu Jiawen said and turned to Jiang Yan, "What do you think?"

Jiang Yan frowned slightly. He had no objection at all to this kid Gu Niao Niao, and Xiao Dou also really liked him.

The only thing that bothers her is her somewhat complicated family.

Her parents divorced, and her father later married another. After the divorce, her mother went to live abroad. Although she never remarried, it is said that she never broke up with boyfriends. In short, she was a very carefree woman.

After all, she is a well-known jewelry designer at home and abroad. It is said that since her debut, she has always come out on top in every competition she participated in, and the first place has never fallen to anyone else.

Legally, Gu Niao Niao was awarded to his father, but her mother was also responsible for her. As long as she had time during the winter and summer vacations, she would definitely take Gu Niao Niao to her.

Jiang Xiaodou asked in private that Gu Niao Niao had never seen her mother's boyfriend, not even one.

As long as she is by her mother's side, her mother will refuse all dates and only focus on being with her.

During the parent-teacher meeting in the juvenile class, Mu Jiawen met each other once and left each other's contact information.

To be honest, she had a very good impression of Gu Niao Niao's mother.

Jiang Yan was indifferent, but what bothered him was Gu Niao Niao's stepmother.

Before that, the woman's representative, Gu Niao Niao's father, had also contacted him and Mu Jiawen, wanting to make an appointment with the two families to have a meal together.

But they refused because they were busy recently and couldn't spare the time.

So I can’t spare time to eat with them, but I can eat with Niao Niao’s mother?
It's not that she's worried about her stepmother, it's mainly that her father and her mother don't have a very good relationship. That man is a bit narrow-minded and it's easy to overthink things.

"How about letting her come to our house for dinner with Niao Niao? It's hard to say no to someone who has finally returned to China."

The most important thing is that Jiang Xiaodou always brings gifts to Jiang Xiaodou every time he returns home. In the past two years, there have even been gifts for Corn and the two sisters, which can be regarded as a very comprehensive gift.

Of course, it was also because he was very satisfied with Jiang Xiaodou.

"Okay, just come home."

After saying this, Jiang Yan looked worried at the two precious daughters running in front of him.

When they grow up, I don’t know which brat they will take advantage of.

Oh, if only I could stay with you forever.

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