Yu Hang's mentality has always been calm, and he is more mature than the average teenager.

Therefore, Jiang Yan felt at ease with him and was not worried about the impact on the next exam. However, before entering the examination room, he still patted him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring look.

This matter will not be revealed so easily.

Yu Hang smiled and comforted Jiang Yan, "I'm fine. You take the exam well. Don't forget that Sister Wen is waiting for you to take the exam at the same school as her."

After getting along for a few months, Yu Hang discovered that Song Jiawen, who didn't like to talk much, was actually a little dependent on Jiang Yan, but it wasn't very obvious, so she might not even be aware of it.

But when it came to getting admitted to the same university, she looked forward to Jiang Yan every time.

Just thinking about Song Jiawen's achievements, Yu Hang felt really worried for Jiang Yan.

Come on, brother!

Chinese listening and speaking in the morning made some candidates cry, while mathematics in the afternoon
Some people couldn't help but burst into tears halfway through the exam and dropped their scratch papers. One person was followed by another, and soon there were several in the same exam room.

Yu Hang glanced around depressedly and thought, is it that difficult?This is not even half as difficult as the questions Sister Wen usually gives them.

As a senior mathematics teacher, Teacher Gao always tries to test the limits of potential talents, so he would find several Mathematical Olympiad questions for Song Jiawen every few days, and just a few every few days.

After Song Jiawen finished, Zhu Zhen and Zhu Jin would take over and study it, and they would inevitably ask her to explain it in the middle.The more times it happened, the more they started listening together.

Slowly, the level of several people has increased more or less.

Therefore, looking at the math paper in front of him, Yu Hang felt that it was quite ordinary.

The math test was over and Yu Hang walked out of the examination room.

Liao Chenyu had just come out of the examination room at this time. He was right next to Yu Hang, and the two of them entered the corridor almost at the same time.

The bruise on the corner of Yu Hang's mouth was still there. He glanced at Liao Chenyu with a deep look, snorted coldly, turned around and walked out.

That cold snort irritated Liao Chenyu. You have been dealt with by him all morning. Are you still not convinced?

He immediately raised his hand and pointed at Yu Hang, "Stop!"

He shouted, without stopping, he took a few strides to catch up with Yu Hang, grabbed his collar, and pushed him against the wall with a bang. The students around him yelled and got out of the way.

"Who the hell are you humiliating? Huh? Are you looking for death?"

As he said that, Liao Chenyu had already raised his fist high, but when he was about to drop it, several scoldings sounded at the same time——


Liao Chenyu froze his fist in the air, and his impulsive hormones seemed to be pressed for a moment. After a few seconds, he realized that the exam had just ended and the teacher hadn't left yet, but he was openly outside the exam room.
"Liao Chenyu, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Yin Shen squeezed in from the crowd of onlookers, pulled away Liao Chenyu's hand that was holding Yu Hang's collar, and loudly accused, "I usually bully honest classmates, but today's college entrance examination, you still bully them From another school. I just accidentally touched you in the morning, and I have already beaten you. I am not letting you go now. What do you want? Tell everyone that you are the school bully of Experimental Middle School? Let everyone avoid you. ?”

In a few words, the whole story was clearly explained. In an instant, the invigilators present and the students from other schools who were watching looked at Liao Chenyu with contempt and disgust.

As for the college entrance examination, you still want to bully students from other schools?
what?Are foreign students not worthy of taking exams in your experimental middle school?

Not only the candidates have this idea, but also the invigilators from several foreign schools.

One of them had already contacted the leaders and teachers of the school, and the other looked at the bruises on the corners of Yu Hang's mouth and asked him, "Did he hit you this morning?"

Yu Hang nodded, "Not just him, but several others. They took water from the toilet and soaked me all over."

Good guy, it’s not enough to hit someone, but you also make them wet all over?Too bad!

This is summer, who can bear the change of season?

The teacher frowned, "Why didn't you tell the teacher?"

Yu Hang said honestly, "I thought today was the college entrance examination, and I didn't want to cause trouble to the teachers. If my clothes got wet, I might as well go home and change, but I didn't expect that he wasn't finished yet."

This sentence is very true, and it is also the sentiment of most ordinary candidates. On such an important day, no one wants to cause trouble.

But I can't stop you from causing trouble, but I want to get into trouble with you.

The candidates around him sympathized with Yu Hang, and several invigilators from other schools also had a good impression of him. This caused their eyes to become even colder when they looked at Liao Chenyu.

"Teacher, we can't just let it go today, otherwise we foreign students will have to worry about the exam tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Isn't that right? Since the Experimental Middle School is so xenophobic, we should tell the higher ups and let them stay in their own school. Why do we let students from other schools like us come here to suffer?"

"It's just that the Experimental School is amazing, but you can't afford to spend an inch of land."

From the conflict between students to the school, everyone said that it should be natural.It’s also that the Experimental Middle School has been too ostentatious in recent years and has attracted a lot of hatred. From teachers to students, no one has a good impression of it.

Just then, the leaders and teachers who stayed at the school and were responsible for logistics support hurried over and heard these words:.
It always feels like their school has been pushed to the forefront.

After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, the school leader glared at Liao Chenyu, "What else do you have to say?"

The invigilators didn't give him a chance to speak just now. Now when the school leader asked, Liao Chenyu immediately said, "Teacher, I didn't hit him this morning. He is lying."

The toilet was surrounded by a few of them at that time, and there was no one else around. So what if he denied it?
He has already passed the college entrance examination, how can he still be punished by the school?

Thinking of this, Liao Chenyu was no longer afraid at all. He stiffened his neck and denied, "I didn't touch him this morning. It was because he scolded me just now."

"Teacher, I saw them beating this classmate in the toilet this morning."

Before Liao Chenyu could finish speaking, a tall candidate who was watching immediately raised his hand and said, "I saw this classmate come out of the toilet soaked all over, and a few of them followed behind and made threats."

As he spoke, the examinee pointed at several students who were watching. Everyone who was pointed at could not help but shrink their necks.

Liao Chenyu said sharply, "Jiang Yan, you are talking nonsense. You were not even there at the time."

The scene was silent, and even the leaders and teachers of the Experimental Middle School couldn't help but look grim.


One of the invigilators from a foreign school sneered, "I saw him beating someone with my own eyes just now, and now he is denying it with strong excuses. Is this because he is taking the college entrance examination and it is not easy to punish him?"

"This is not our student. We really can't talk. So what, Director Wang, we still have to hand in the test papers. We can't delay. Let's go first."

Several teachers turned and left with sarcastic smiles on their faces.

Yu Hang said at this time, "Teacher, it is the college entrance examination after all. I don't want to cause trouble at all. It doesn't matter to me whether you punish them or not, but I want the teachers to guarantee that the next two days will be successful." College entrance examination, let them stop causing trouble for me. After all, at such an important moment, being beaten for no reason will affect the exam."

There was nothing wrong with what he said, and there was also a sense of pity in it, which made it difficult for Director Wang and the teacher who came over to calm down the matter.

After all, it was also revealed in his words that he never thought about pursuing the case, he just wanted to pass the college entrance examination safely.

One more!
Feeling much better today, updates will resume today and tomorrow.

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