"Song Jiawen left? How could she leave? Didn't she hurt my son? How could she just leave? Doesn't she need to be detained?"

Hearing that the parties involved had gone back to eat and sleep, Dean Chen became furious, "How do you police handle cases like this? You can let the parties go but leave the victim behind. You are blatantly using the back door."

Zhou Youming sneered, "I don't know if we used the back door, but Dean Chen, you definitely want to leave, right, Deputy Captain Li?"

Following Dean Chen into the police station, a middle-aged man in casual clothes smiled coquettishly. Their Qingyuan District branch had cooperated with the military academy, so Zhou Youming knew him.

He also didn't expect that the girl who injured Dean Chen's son was Zhou Youming's sister-in-law.

At this time, I had no choice but to smooth things over in the middle, "Look, the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple. They are all one family. It's easy for everyone to discuss things."

"It's easy to discuss?" Zhou Youming raised his hand and pointed at Chen Yijie, "That kid called the police. He was clamoring to sue my sister even before he came in. Sue her for intentional injury, right? That's fine, we'll sue him too. Sue him for being a hooligan. And hinder the candidates' college entrance examination. Officer Lu, please write it down, I will call a lawyer now."

"This, this must be a misunderstanding. Teacher Zhou calm down, calm down."

Seeing that Zhou Youming really wanted to make a call, Deputy Li quickly stepped forward to stop him and winked at Officer Lu, who was in charge of the case.

Officer Lu was also helpless. He did not look at Dean Chen and explained to Deputy Li in a matter-of-fact manner, "Chen Yijie stopped Song Jiawen at the door just after her exam. Later, he got into a fight with Song Jiawen's cousin, who was only 16 years old. He said He was still a minor when he looked up, and his injuries were more severe than him. If he really wants to be the victim, it may not be Chen Yijie."

Dean Chen's eyes immediately widened again, "But what if Song Jiawen hit my son with a brick?"

Officer Lu looked at him with complicated eyes, "I heard that you are a surgeon? Then go and check your son to see if his wounds have healed."

The little girl was obviously weak, or she didn't dare to make a fatal blow, so a small brick would only break a small hole on her head, otherwise she wouldn't have stopped bleeding by the time they arrived.

Just like that, is he guilty of intentional injury?
What the hell!
Deputy Captain Li also feels very ugly. Isn't this causing trouble?
He pulled Dean Chen aside and asked him to persuade his son to leave and stop embarrassing himself here.

Zhou Youming and Xie Yanhai watched with cold eyes until Officer Lu said it was okay, and they got up and left.

If I stay for just one more second, I won't be able to hold back my anger when I see that bastard.

If Jia Jia hadn't been taking the college entrance examination these two days, this matter would definitely not have been settled like this.

After returning to Zhou Youming's house, Xie Yanhai called Yang's house and told Mr. Yang's eldest son in detail what happened today and before.

After hanging up the phone, he explained to Zhou Youming, "Chen is a small-minded person. His son was slapped by Jia Jia today. He must have remembered it in his heart. He is not afraid of anything else. He is just afraid that he will do something secretly again." The secretive methods will harm the success of the additional examination. To nip it in the bud, we’d better prepare in advance.”

This is similar to what Jiang Yan said.

On the other side, Dean Chen took Chen Yijie out of the police station. He first asked him to get into the car, and then he and Deputy Li stood outside the car with a cigarette each.

"Didn't you say that the person named Zhou came from out of town? Is there a backstage?"

Deputy Captain Li nodded, "This is their political commissar Liu's key training target. Do you know the level of their school's political commissar?"

Deputy Captain Li said two words, and Dean Chen's face suddenly turned darker than before.

"So, my son and I have to suffer today?" Deputy Captain Li was really helpless about this, "Let's not talk about Zhou Youming. Just your son taking the initiative to pester you, and there are so many people who testified about it. It’s not easy to handle. This is the urban area, not your county.”

Dean Chen remained silent.

Deputy Captain Li knew that he was petty and would retaliate, so he gave him advice, "Isn't this little girl from your county? Now the college entrance examination is in the urban area, you can't do anything about it. But what about when the college entrance examination is over? Will she not go back to Yunfeng? ? And her admission notice. It’s just a matter of dealing with a little girl. There are many ways, so why rush at this moment."

When Dean Chen heard that it made sense, his originally dull heart relaxed a little, and he smiled as he waved goodbye to Deputy Captain Li.

Unexpectedly, he was bent on planning revenge. Before he could return to Song Jiawen, he was unexpectedly inspected by the Municipal Health Bureau three days later.

He was still eating at home that day when he suddenly received a frantic call from his assistant, "The director is not well. The Municipal Health Bureau secretly came down to check. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, he was stopped by several patients. Those patients , that is, the same ones from before.”

With that blast, Dean Chen felt that his whole brain had exploded, nothing like the five thunders that struck his head.

For several years, the city health bureau has not come to check, or it has notified me in advance before coming. Why did you come today without even saying hello?

And those patients. He gritted his teeth and asked the assistant, "Didn't I ask you to deal with it before? Why are they here again?"

The assistant explained with a grimace, "It has been taken care of. They were all sent back to the village and given comfort money. Who would have thought that they would come back together in such a large crowd, and they happened to block several leaders of the Municipal Health Bureau."

Dean Chen's eyelids twitched inexplicably, and he always felt that there was something wrong with the word "qiao" in the assistant's mouth.

But now he didn't have time to think too much, so he put down the phone and hurried to the hospital.

In the city, the next two days of exams went smoothly. After the last comprehensive science exam, Song Jiawen planned to return to Jianghai Town with Xie Yanhai.

She had agreed with Teacher Yu, Yang Dan and the others before that they would be waiting for her to take graduation photos together after the college entrance examination.

However, before leaving, she had to talk to her sister.

Song Xiwen asked Xie Yanhai to help guide Haohao, and then found a quiet cafe. It was rare for the two sisters to sit face to face in such a formal way.

She knew that this moment would come sooner or later, but Song Xiwen didn't expect it to come so quickly. The 14 years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye without leaving any trace.Looking at Song Jiawen now, the white, tender and smiling snow dumpling in her memory seems to be drifting away, replaced by a slim and cold beauty beyond her imagination.

"The first time I saw you, you were just this big, a small ball, lying pitifully behind the trash can in the corner, with blood all over your head, face and body. If you don't pay attention, you will think you are Dead. I suppressed my screams at the time, and then I looked at your nose and found that you were alive.

I wrapped you in my school uniform and carried you home.

I met neighbors on the road, and they asked me what happened to my sister. I answered very naturally at the time, saying that she accidentally knocked her head while running away.

But actually the day before that, my sister died. "

This chapter has been greatly changed!

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