Chapter 87 Trip to Jade City
"The remaining dozen new dishes, little brother, when do you think you can come over and cook them?"

"The remaining dozen or so?"

Jiang Yan looked at the boss in surprise, "I only agreed to do this one, and I didn't say I would do anything else."

"I know you didn't say it just now, but since you have it, why don't you do it all in one go?"

I cooked it all in one go, and my appetite is quite big!
Jiang Yan asked with a smile, "It's also 3000 yuan a piece?"

The smile on the boss's face froze, "Little brother, you are ruining the market."

Jiang Yan thought about it seriously, and then said, "Well, boss, you are right, I don't know your business, and doing this really violates the rules of your industry. Forget it, the remaining vegetables will not be sold. Just make it at home and eat it yourself.”

After saying that, he politely waved goodbye to the boss, then turned around and left with Song Jiawen.

This little bunny!
"A dish sells for three thousand, is it considered expensive or cheap?"

The first time she saw a recipe being sold, Song Jiawen didn't understand and asked.

Jiang Yan sighed, "That's not a good thing to say, but it's because I had a simple idea before. It's really not possible to make money from this."

Today, this boss wants to take advantage of the situation. If he changes to a smarter one, his dish will be in vain.

Therefore, this method is not feasible and will not work.

Song Jiawen was more easily satisfied than him, "I painted a total of three paintings yesterday and today, and sold them all to Teacher Xu. He gave me one thousand pieces. You sold a dish today for only three thousand, so let's take the ticket to Jade City Will the expenses come out soon? Is three thousand enough?"

Logically speaking, it is enough. After all, current consumption is relatively conservative and not that high. 3000 yuan per person for a trip is enough.

But there is no guarantee about spending money. From accommodation to food to entertainment, there are no standards.

At 06:30 in the morning on July [-], Song Jiawen and his party of six met at the train station.

"Here, here are your tickets, take them. It takes eight and a half hours from Yunzhou to Yucheng. We can arrive at about four o'clock in the afternoon."

Wang Xiaole was unanimously elected as the financial manager of the trip. Everyone gave her 1000 yuan first, and then they added more when the money was not enough.

"By the way, which school did you choose as your first choice?"

At [-]:[-], several people got on the train. After they were seated and the train departed, Wang Xiaole asked Xiao Qi and Yu Hang on the other side.

She didn't need to ask about Song Jiawen, Zhu Jin, and Jiang Yan. It was well known that these three first choices were all from Peking University.

"I applied for Beicheng University, I should be able to go."

Xiao Qi's estimated score is [-], which is very close to his usual score. It can be considered a normal performance.

"Mine is from Kyoto University of Communication. If I go by last year's scores, I should be able to pass."

After Yu Hang finished speaking, Wang Xiaole and Xiao Qi exclaimed almost at the same time, "Are you going to Kyoto?"

Zhu Jin waved his hand, "I may not be able to go online. In comparison, my dad is more optimistic about his second choice."

Zhu Jin's second choice was Beicheng University, which was the same as Xiao Qi's first choice.

Wang Xiaole yearned for Nancheng, so her first choice was Nanhai University.

When we talked about our aspirations and university, everyone was in high spirits, laughing and laughing all the way, and eight hours passed without us noticing.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone arrived at Yucheng Railway Station.

When they got off the train, the group seemed to have crossed a time and space, from modern times to ancient times, from peaceful times to dynasties, with completely different perceptions and experiences.

But this has not yet reached the ancient city tower, and it is far from one-tenth of the original appearance of the ancient city of Jade City.

"Let's go to the tower."

As soon as he got out of the train station, Wang Xiaole couldn't wait to call two taxis. He didn't even look for a hotel. He wanted to go to the ancient city tower first.

Anyway, they all traveled lightly, each of them only brought a backpack.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a majestic tower.The green tiles and red roofs are towering. Just by looking at the momentum, you can imagine how our ancestors created such a magnificent building.

There is a tall statue of an ancient man on the left side of the city gate. He is dressed in elegant robes. Although it has been thousands of years, his former style can still be seen.

"Remember what?"

When everyone else went to pay homage to the Jade Dragon Ancestor, Jiang Yan approached Song Jiawen and asked softly.

"You think of me as a child prodigy. What you can remember is already the limit. This one has no impression at all."

If she is Yuluo, then the original figure of this statue is really her ancestor.

But Song Jiawen really didn't remember that she had been here before.

"I heard it's busier inside at night than during the day. Should we buy tickets now to go in?"

You need to buy a ticket to enter the ancient city, and it is already five o'clock in the afternoon. To be honest, it is not cost-effective to go in now.

But Wang Xiaole and Zhu Jin have been yearning for the ancient city for a long time, and they really want to go in and take a look.

However, considering Song Jiawen's financial conditions, they were afraid that she would feel distressed after buying the ticket, so after some hesitation, they decided decisively, "We will go in tomorrow. Let's find a hotel outside first."

"It doesn't matter, let's go in, I also want to see the night view."

I have no memory of the tower and gate, and I don’t know what’s going on inside.

Song Jiawen wanted to try taking a walk. After all, she had really "dreamed" of a quaint old house.

There were quite a few people visiting Yucheng during the summer vacation. Six people bought tickets and followed the flow of people inside.

Before entering, Jiang Yan said to everyone, "If we get separated later, please remember to meet at the gate at nine o'clock."

Song Jiawen definitely couldn't go with them, and Jiang Yan wanted to be with her, so "getting separated" was inevitable.

"Go along this road and turn left at the front. In the innermost part is the old house left by the country to the Yu family. In addition to the house and yard, there is also an ancestral hall. But the ancestral hall is only open to the public during the day and is closed at night. "

When Jiang Yan entered the door just now, he looked at the road signs and secretly listened to the introduction of other people's tour guides, so he could speak so clearly and clearly now.

However, Song Jiawen looked at the simple and ancient stone road in front of her and said, "I seem to remember this road."

After speaking, without waiting for Jiang Yan to react, he raised his legs and walked forward quickly.

She didn't go to the end like Jiang Yan said, but turned into a small alley in the middle. After walking for about 5 minutes, she saw a thick jujube tree at an obscure intersection.

Song Jiawen stopped in front of the jujube tree and looked up at the top of the jujube tree in a daze. Jiang Yan followed her gaze and saw several red ribbons tied on the branches fluttering in the wind.

There were words written with a black brush on the ribbon, but because the distance was too far and the sky was dark, it was difficult to see what was written on it.

"What's written on the ribbon?"

"I don't know. I just vaguely remember someone telling me that he wanted to tie a ribbon on it for me."

Jiang Yan counted the numbers seriously and found that there were actually seventeen ribbons on it.
 Do you think I haven’t written in the past two days?I'm actually going crazy writing.

  Let me briefly tell you about the content of this change:
  The content of the most controversial chapter 57 has been significantly changed, and then there are changes up to chapter 74, but the new content cannot be put in until the editor comes to work tomorrow.

  Chapters 75 to 86 have also been greatly revised and have been revised.

  I have deleted all the Yu family members who appeared before. I will arrange to reunite in the future, but not now.

  I have to highlight the male protagonist's volume, otherwise it will have nothing to do with the title.

  But even though we haven't reunited now, we haven't tortured each other yet. We just want to take the civilian route naturally.The Yu family is not a wealthy family, but a simple scholarly family.

  Please take a closer look. Some of the plots are new content. I personally feel that they are more reasonable than before. However, you may not be able to change it for a while, so can you just watch two versions?

(End of this chapter)

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