Song Jiawen did not stay in front of the jujube tree for too long. She walked about 50 meters further along the alley and then turned left.After walking less than 100 meters, turn right.
In the end, Jiang Yan turned around, but she accurately touched the door of the Yu family's ancient house.

I heard that this is not the earliest ancestral home of the Yu family. The earliest one has been listed as a cultural relic and protected.This one was built later and has a history of about 100 years. The government left it to the Yu family.

The door of the ancient house is dark and about three meters high. On the top of the door hangs a plaque with the two characters "Jade House" written on it.There is a stone lion on each side. It looks similar to the wealthy family on TV. It is imposing, but also very ordinary.

The door is closed at this time, not because it is too late, but because this is a private residence and not open to tourists.

But even so, there is still an endless stream of tourists at the gate. Many people are taking photos with the gate of Yuzhai, and some are taking photos of the gate with their cameras.

Song Jiawen stood in front of the gate for almost five minutes, then turned and left.

Jiang Yan seemed to follow her around in a circle, and finally came to a small door.

"Is this the back door?"

Song Jiawen thought for a while and nodded, "Probably."

She couldn't remember whether it was the back door. She only vaguely remembered that she had entered and exited through this small door, but not many times. She didn't think she lived here often before.

The small door is closed, not shut.

Song Jiawen reached out and pushed it away, then stepped in, followed by Jiang Yan.

The two of them walked along a quiet bluestone road and soon passed a round arch. After entering, they saw a large garden not far away.

July is the season when flowers are in full bloom, and the garden is full of colorful flowers.

Jiang Yan had never seen the sketch that Song Jiawen wanted to compete in. If he had seen him, he would have been able to tell at a glance that what she drew was the big garden in front of her.

Not far behind the garden, a three-story antique building stands in the distance.
"Hey, who let you in? This is not a tourist area, please get out."

The two of them had been standing in front of the garden for less than five minutes when a short but strong middle-aged man came over to catch them.

Song Jiawen turned to look at each other, said nothing, turned around and walked out silently with Jiang Yan.

When I passed through the round arch again, I heard an old voice behind me, "Chang Xia, who is it?"

"Tourists who don't understand the rules and break in are fine, Uncle Meng, I drove them away."

The elderly Uncle Meng squinted his presbyopic eyes and looked in the direction of the stone arch door, just when Song Jiawen stopped and turned around.

Summer is long, and the sun has just set before six o'clock. The afterglow of the setting sun fills the sky, and the light yellow halo falls on the yard, giving the figures not far away a hazy shimmer.

For a moment, Uncle Meng thought he saw the old lady, the old lady in her youth.

But when he looked intently again, there was no one under the stone arch.

Alas, as I get older, my eyesight is getting worse and worse.
On the other side, Song Jiawen, who came out of the back door of Yuzhai, did not stay here longer.She and Jiang Yan turned back to the street at Yuzhai Gate, bought some food at a food stall, and then found a remote place to sit down.

"Do you know that old man?"

When Song Jiawen turned around when she heard the voice just now, he thought she was remembering something.

But in fact, she didn't. She looked back just out of curiosity. She really had no impression of the old man's face at all.

"What are you going to do now?"

"What to do?" Song Jiawen was puzzled.

Jiang Yan raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the jujube tree and said, "There are seventeen red ribbons on the top of the jujube tree, which are exactly the same as your age. This may mean that someone is tying one for you every year. If it wasn't very If you have deep feelings, you won't do this. Jia Jia, don't you want to know who it is?" Father or brother, it's possible.

Jiang Yan's own relationship is shallow, and no one knows what it feels like to be hurt by no one, so he doesn't want Song Jiawen to be like him.

"Jiang Yan, am I cold-blooded?"

Song Jiawen also looked up in the direction of the jujube tree and said lightly, "I remember the jujube tree, I remember someone promised to tie a red ribbon for me, I also remember the back door of the Yuzhai, the garden and the small building. But... when I remember it, my heart I don’t feel anything at all, just remembering it, and there are no other unnecessary emotions at all.”


Jiang Yan commented on this, "After all, you were only three years old at the time. You were too young and the time was too long. If it were me, I only remember that I wet the bed when I was three years old, and I have no other memory."

He was telling the truth, not entirely to enlighten her.

However, Jiang Yan could still tell that Song Jiawen was still worried about the Yu family's behavior of leaving the country even after they abandoned her, so even now that she knew her life experience, she had no intention of recognizing her relatives.

Jiang Yan no longer mentioned the Yu family, and just sat quietly in the corner with her until dusk fell and the street lights turned on. The two of them got up and walked slowly back to the gate along the stone road.

Wang Xiaole and Zhu Jin must have gone crazy because they can't even see the shadows now.

Afraid of having no place to stay at night, Jiang Yan asked Song Jiawen to wait for them at the Big Bowl Tea Shop at the gate of the city while he went to find a hotel nearby.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two finally arrived with the four others waiting.

In the next two days, a few people went to Yucheng again and then visited the surrounding attractions.

On the third day, we headed back home and got on the train back to Yunzhou.

Results will be released on July 27th.

There were many people standing by the phone early in the morning, just waiting to call as soon as the time came.

Jiang Yan's house had been without people for a long time, so the phone number had been cut off for a long time.

So today he went to the gallery with Song Jiawen with his admission ticket.

"I was quite confident when I was estimating my scores before, but now my heart is pounding, and I suddenly have no idea. Jia Jia, do you think I can pass [-]? And what is the score line of Beijing University this year? This year's questions are difficult. It has to be lower than last year, right?”

As a reborn person, I was extremely nervous at the moment when my college entrance examination results came out.

I have been working hard for a year, hoping that I will no longer follow the path of my previous life and be able to go to the highest university to achieve my goal.When I graduate, I can wave my diploma in a very arrogant way and say, look, this is my school!
Things that were not done before are now done.

Let me also let those companies in my previous life who struggled to get into the company take a look. I have a good school and a high degree of education, but I don’t like to work here. What’s wrong?
It's cool to think about it!
But after thinking about it, Jiang Yan laughed again, how childish.

Next to him, Song Jiawen looked at him with a weird look on his face. He was just giving results. As for being stern and smiling?

So nervous?
The two arrived at the gallery at 08:30, and the results came out at nine o'clock.

The phone was always busy at first, so Jiang Yan angrily turned off the phone.

"Let me do it. I'll beat you."

Huang Kai looked on amused. Knowing that he was nervous, he took the initiative to take over the task of checking the results.

There were a few changes after chapter 56, the most controversial chapter 57 was overhauled, and there were changes all the way up to chapter 74. They have all been uploaded and you can check it out!

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