Chapter 90 A hard kick (first update)

Is Song Laosan excited?
Hearing that Song Jiawen had won the first prize in the provincial examination, he and Xie Jingying were not only excited but almost had a cardiac arrest.

"Didn't you say that this girl couldn't compare with others when she got to the city, and her grades dropped? Why did she get the top prize in the provincial exam?"

Xie Jingying was so worried that she was too lazy to deal with the villagers. She simply closed the door and went back to her house to call Song Xiwen.

When she was able to check her scores a few days ago, Song Xiwen already knew that Song Jiawen's scores had been blocked. It was Zhou Youming who called her uncle to find out.

At that time, Zhou Youming also lamented, "I knew Jiajia would do well, but I didn't expect it to be as good as this. He actually entered the top [-] in the province."

When the results came out, he was not only in the top [-], but directly became the provincial champion.

Now Zhou Youming's comrades, colleagues and leaders at the school all know that his sister-in-law got the top prize in the province, and they are clamoring for them to treat her.

Song Xiwen was quite happy at first. After all, everyone has vanity. Because of Song Jiawen, she was almost famous in the family courtyard of the school. Whenever she met someone when she went downstairs, people familiar with her would ask, "Xiao Song, I heard that you My sister got the top prize in the province? That’s amazing!”

The residents of the family home are basically intellectuals, and everyone is really happy and envious when they say this.

But after receiving the call from Xie Jingying, Song Xiwen's happiness seemed to have been poured cold water on her, and Doutou was extinguished for her.

Because only her parents and her knew that Song Jiawen was not her biological sister.

Oh no, now not only the three of them know about it, but Gaga also knows about it.

"That girl really got the top prize in the province?"

"Yes, uncle and grandma also know about it, and Youming is also very happy. Mom, this is a big happy event for our family, don't let everyone down."

Song Xiwen was reminding Xie Jingying in disguise that she must not do or say inappropriate words at this time.

"I understand what you are saying, but I heard that the provincial champion will go on TV, and reporters will come to interview. Xiaoxi, if she goes on TV, if she gets raped again..."

"Mom," Song Xiwen interrupted Xie Jingying, "We can't stop what's coming. I've told Jia Jia the truth. What will happen next? Just take it one step at a time. I'm not afraid anymore."

Because it is useless to be afraid.

After hanging up the phone, Xie Jingying sat in a chair, motionless.

At this time, Song Laosan walked in from the outside and said, "Shuqin is here. The two of them have lost their jobs. Dean Chen has also been arrested. Shuqin said that Dean Chen went in only because of that girl."

Chen Yijie went to the city to look for Song Jiawen, and she smashed his head with a brick. There was a big fuss afterwards, and they all knew about it.

But hasn’t it been calm these days?Why was Dean Chen still arrested?

"what happened?"

Song Laosan shook his head, "I don't know the details, but Shuqin has been scolding that girl at mom's place. I'm afraid... it really has something to do with her."

"How is this possible? She is a student."

Xie Jingying's words stopped abruptly, and she suddenly thought that Song Jiawen was not only a student now, she was also the number one scholar.

In the eyes of ordinary people like them, although they don't know exactly how powerful and powerful the number one scholar is, they also know that it is very powerful.But being so powerful that he knocked down the director of the county hospital was something the couple never expected.

Of course, what they never expected was that Zhou Youming and the Yang family were involved in Dean Chen's matter.

"Then what should we do now? Now that she is famous, is it possible that her family members will come to find her?"

Song Laosan pondered for a moment, then sighed, "Just come and find her. What can we do? Fortunately, Mom and Yanhai are pretty good to her, and Xiaoxi also loves her. I hope she can look out for them, no. Let her family plan on Xiaoxi hiding her back then."

Can this be ignored?

Xie Jingying was not comforted at all. She was on tenterhooks all day. In the afternoon, she went to pick vegetables with a basket in the field. When she passed by the door of her mother-in-law's house, she heard her sister-in-law Song Shuqin still cursing in the yard. She not only cursed Song Jiawen, but also Song Xiwen and Song Laosan and his wife scolded him at the same time. His own brother could actually scold him like "he deserves to be wiped out."

It's okay if she didn't hear it. How could Xie Jingying spare her if she heard it?
Immediately, he kicked open the courtyard door and rushed in. He stepped forward, grabbed Song Shuqin's hair, and slapped them both, "I let you scold me, I let you scold me. You treat me like a vegetarian."

Neighbors who were watching the excitement ran to Song Laosan and said, "Lao San, hurry up and see. Your wife and your sister are fighting. Shuqin is also shameless. What does it have to do with your second girl if she loses her job? She can't even curse anyone." I’ve been scolding him for a long time and he’s not done yet.”

"That's right, who can bear it? Your wife deserves to be beaten."

"But if your old lady goes too far, your wife will inevitably suffer."

Song Laosan threw down the things in his hands and walked out while wondering in his heart, when will his wife protect that girl?

The two families were not far apart, and Song Laosan arrived at his mother's house within a few steps.

At this time, there were many people gathered in the courtyard at the entrance, but few came to persuade them to break up the fight. Everyone wanted to sit down with handfuls of melon seeds and eat them while watching.

Because Song Shuqin had the help of Mrs. Song, and Xie Jingying did not dare to touch the old lady, the situation was different from the beginning. Her hair was disheveled and she was very embarrassed.

As soon as Song Laosan came in, he heard his wife scolding her while fighting back, "Even if your brother is completely broke, he is still a hundred times better than your man, a loser. He has no ability and has lost his job. If you come to your parents' house to vent your anger, I will let you scold me."

Song Laosan's face turned gloomy. He took two steps forward and grabbed Song Shuqin by the collar. He pulled her over with all his strength, then threw her to the side, and then kicked her over with a bang. With a sound, Song Shuqin's body flew up and hit the wall behind.

The whole courtyard suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at this scene with their mouths wide open in astonishment.

Mrs. Song looked at Mr. Song, then at her little daughter who was lying motionless on the ground. She sat down on the ground and raised her arms, "Oh my God."

"To shut up!"

Old Mrs. Song was shocked by Song Laosan's even louder roar before she could scream. She choked and couldn't get up. Her old face was red and she looked extremely funny.

"Third brother, what are you doing?"

Song Lao and Song Lao Er were also called over from home. As soon as they arrived, they witnessed Song Lao San's cruel kick.

Song Laosan's kick was indeed very hard, and Song Shuqin still hasn't recovered yet. Her mouth is open and she can't even make a sound. First, it hurts, and second, she's scared.

As the only daughter in the family, although she was not much favored, none of her four brothers laid a finger on her since she was little. Even her sisters-in-law were polite to her.

Today was a good day. First, the third sister-in-law pulled her hair and slapped her, and then her third brother got even harsher.
The two of them wanted to beat her to death!
 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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