Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 91 The Responsibility of the Eldest Son and Grandson

"Big brother and second brother are here just in time. I also want to tell you about Song Shuqin."

Song Laosan calmed down at this time, but he did not regret the kick just now.

He pointed at Song Shuqin and said, "At first, her husband's nephew fell in love with Jia Jia. At that time, Jingying and I didn't agree. She came and asked her mother to come to my place to make trouble. We had no choice but to agree to see each other. Later, you also I know, my brother-in-law and my mother-in-law came over and took Jia Jia away. Because of this matter, I am too embarrassed to go to my in-law’s house now.

Now that Jia Jia got the top prize in the examination, she, as an aunt, not only said she was happy for her, but went back to her parents' house and scolded her all day long as if she didn't guard the door.

Even if Jingying and I don't feel sorry for Jia Jia, she is still our daughter. Do you think you can bear it if this matter happens to you? "

That would definitely be unbearable.

Boss Song glanced at Song Shuqin with dissatisfaction and said, "Old Song's family has the number one scholar. This is originally a good thing. What do you think you are causing trouble here?"

It is indeed a good thing. If you tell me about it, everyone in the Old Song family will be happy.

Song Laoer then said, "If you and Xiao Chen's jobs are gone, it's a matter between you two. What does it have to do with Jia Jia? How can she, a child, come to your unit and let your leader fire you two?" Who would believe what you say?"

Song Shuqin wanted to open her mouth to defend herself, but the kick from Song Laosan almost made her stomach convulse in pain. Her voice reached her throat but she could not utter it, and her face turned red with discomfort.

"After asking around all over the country, I have never seen any aunt treat her niece like this."

Old Fourth Song didn't come, but Fourth Aunt Song came. She didn't get along with Song Shuqin. She was annoyed that she would come over to instigate the old lady when she had nothing to do. From time to time, she would come to her house to cause trouble for her, so she was not polite to speak at this time, "It's all The water thrown out by a married daughter is that if you don’t live a good life at your own home, what’s the point of always going back to your parents’ home to stir up trouble?”

Xie Jingying said angrily, "She is just a busybody. I don't care what happens to your family, but I will put it here today. If the old Song family has her, Song Shuqin will not have me, Xie Jingying, and I will not have her. If she comes back in the future, Come to my parents' house, we, the third bedroom, will not care about the old man and old lady's old age support. You can't even think of using filial piety as an excuse to ask for money from us.

This was all forced by her! "

Fourth Aunt Song immediately expressed her position, "I agree with Third Sister-in-law. We don't want to have an accident once Song Shuqin comes. If she comes every day, how can we survive this day? Now she even comes to make a fuss after she won the first prize in the Jiajia exam. This is true even for biological nieces, let alone my unrelated sister-in-law. As long as she is here, she will not care about taking care of our fourth house in old age."

Well, two of the four brothers have expressed their intention not to provide for themselves in old age, and it's all because of Song Shuqin.

This means that I need to cut off all contact with this sister-in-law.

The villagers watching at the door were talking a lot--
"Aren't you saying that Song Laosan and his wife don't care about his second daughter? All because of her, she has to cut off contact with her sister in the county. Is this called not caring?"

"You know nothing! His second girl is now the number one scholar, so he has to fawn over and let her come back."

"If you ask me, Song Shuqin deserves it."

"It's not that good. His heart is too dark. Her husband's nephew looks just like Zhu Bajie. How can he be worthy of a second girl?"

"I'm fine now. I was kicked out by my brother and sister-in-law, and I won't be able to go back to my parents' home in the future."

"Boss and Lao Er's family haven't spoken yet, so it's not a rush."

"Tch, just wait, which one is more important, the niece of the number one scholar or my sister? Is there an answer that even a fool knows?"

Everyone said everything, and finally Boss Song made the decision, "Shuqin, go back to your own home. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't go back to your parents' home."

The brothers walked out together, and Song Lao said to Song Laosan, "If you have nothing to do these days, go and bring Jia Jia back. Let's have a banquet and let's have a good time."

Song Laoer followed closely, "Brother, you have to buy some paper and burn it in the ancestral grave. If the family has the number one scholar, you have to inform the ancestor that there is smoke coming out of the ancestral grave." Both brothers had smiles on their eyes and eyebrows. , obviously very satisfied with Song Jiawen's provincial champion examination.

Song Laosan took the words over vaguely, looked at each other with Xie Jingying, and the two of them returned home with worries.

Mrs. Jiang's house next door.

"What did you say? Jiang Yan passed the 702 exam? Kyoto University?"

Jiang Laosan was also shocked when he heard the news. Jiang Yan was expelled from the city school last year. They all knew that his grades were poor and they had no hope of him entering college this year.

But I didn't expect that she quietly got the best in the exam. I heard that she was only [-] points less than the second girl next door who got the top prize in the province.

"I guess his mother gave him extra lessons after she took him back."

Shu Wan is a university teacher. In their minds, university teachers are all-powerful. It is easy to teach a college student. It would be strange if they cannot teach him.

"Mom, what should we do now? Do we want to take him back?"

Jiang Laoer also came over. He was afraid that the old lady would disagree, so he persuaded him, "Kyoto University is the best university in our country. Didn't you hear what others said? People who graduate from this school are quite capable. The boss is a high-ranking official and can make a lot of money."

Focus on it and you can make money!
A flash of light flashed across Old Mrs. Jiang's cloudy eyes. She turned to Old Man Jiang and said, "Old man, I remember that you took down Jiang Yan's mother's work phone number. Do you still have it?"

Old Man Jiang waved his hand, "It's been so many years, it's long gone."

In fact, there was, but he felt that it was really shameless to make this call.

If the old woman and two sons couldn't be taken care of, he could only take care of himself first.

Mrs. Jiang gave him a look, feeling that this old man was becoming more and more useless.

However, it’s okay if I don’t have a phone.

"The family home of the Normal University where his family used to live. Third brother, do you still remember where it is?"

Then why don't you remember?

When Boss Jiang first moved in last year, he had an idea of ​​that house. Later, he heard that there was no real estate certificate and his ex-sister-in-law had notarized it for Jiang Yan. In short, it was not easy to sell or transfer the ownership, so he gave up. .

"Mom, you mean, where does Jiang Yan live now?"

Mrs. Jiang nodded, "I think he will probably live there by himself. Don't forget that his mother has remarried and has a new home a long time ago. Doesn't this man care about his own child? Besides, it's just his mother. She is petty and has not taken care of Jiang Yan for so many years. The most she wants to do now is to take him back and give him some money to find someone to tutor him. As for taking him home, she probably won't do that. "

"That's easy. I'll go directly to him."

Mrs. Jiang looked at the two brothers and said, "You two will go there tomorrow. It happens to be the time to visit your eldest brother the day after tomorrow. Bring Jiang Yan with you so that he can be happy that his son has been admitted to a good university."

By the way, let Boss Jiang explain to Jiang Yan the responsibilities of the eldest son and grandson, and then set the rules for how to support his grandparents and help his uncle and brothers when he gets rich in the future.
Two more!

Still today.

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