Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 92 Jiang Yan’s achievements

Although the admission notice had not yet arrived, as soon as the results of Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan came out, the Admissions Office of Kyoto University called the school, which was regarded as a reservation in advance.

Zhu Jin originally applied to Beijing University to try his luck, but he didn't expect that he actually got admitted in the end.

Yu Hang got 670, and the Kyoto Communication University he applied for should be fine.

Xiao Qi's score is [-], and he is definitely determined to go to Beicheng University.

Among them, only Wang Xiaole did slightly worse in the exam, and she was the only one who enrolled in a university in another province.The Western Province is not as developed as the Northern Province and is slightly behind in development. Relatively speaking, the university admission score is lower than that of the Northern Province. In the end, I actually got the admission notice from Xicheng University.

After knowing his final results, Jiang Yan's excitement quickly dissipated, and he and Song Jiawen got busy separately.

One works in a gallery while painting, and the other works hard at home dismantling and reinstalling computers, hoping to save more money before school starts so that he won't have to work part-time when he enters college.

In this life, Jiang Yan wants to enjoy his college life and no longer has to work odd jobs here and there for tuition.

When Uncle Jiang and Uncle Jiang came to see him early in the morning, Jiang Yan happened to be carrying the ten computers assembled last night with his second uncle into the car, and then followed him to the county town to sell computers and wholesale spare parts.

Their van and the two Jiang brothers were just a few steps away from each other at the gate of the community.

Uncle Jiang was quite shrewd. Before going upstairs, he glanced at the balcony on the third floor. When he saw the clothes hanging inside, he knew that his mother's guess was correct. Jiang Yan really lived here.

But after they went upstairs, they stood at the door and knocked for a long time, but no one answered.

"Aren't you at home?"

Uncle Jiang didn't believe it, "What time is it now? Will he get up at around seven o'clock? Second brother, have you forgotten what time he used to sleep in the morning and didn't get up in his hometown?"

It’s early after nine o’clock, and I often don’t get up until ten or eleven o’clock until lunch is almost over. I’m too lazy to die.

"I must still be asleep. I didn't hear it in the bedroom."

Thinking of this, I changed the knocking on the door to a "bang bang bang" forceful banging on the door.

But he didn't open the door, but disturbed the neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

Professor Xu, who lived downstairs, came up to look at the two of them and said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of door are you photographing here so early in the morning? Who are you looking for? Xiao Huang or Xiao Yan?"

Xiao Huang?Who is Xiao Huang?
Both brothers were a little confused, but at least they heard the word "Xiao Yan" clearly and said hurriedly, "We are looking for Jiang Yan. We are Jiang Yan's uncles, dear."

"Jiang Yan's uncle?"

Professor Xu pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, a little unconvinced.

These days, the old professors in the community have become familiar with Jiang Yan and Huang Mao. The two children are very capable. Although they don't talk much, every time they encounter something heavy that needs to be lifted, they always talk about it. Not to mention carrying it to the door of the house.

If a lightbulb broke in any corridor, Jiang Yan could easily fix it, which was much more efficient than a real estate agent.

Therefore, during this period, the two half-year-old young men were extremely popular with these old people, and they also knew what they were busy with when they came and went every day.

Collect old computers, dismantle them, reassemble them, and sell them again.

It's a technical job.

It makes these old guys look at him with admiration.Huang Mao talked a little more and accidentally told Jiang Yan that Jiang Yan was left alone and wanted to earn college tuition by himself.

Professor Xu lived downstairs from Jiang Yan's house and knew their family's situation better than others. He was originally very dissatisfied with Shu Wan's behavior of neglecting the children. Now when he saw the man who claimed to be Jiang Yan's uncle, he asked suspiciously, "Uncle? Why are you looking for Jiang Yan?"

"Of course we are here to take him back to his hometown. His grandparents miss him and asked us to take him back to stay for a few days and celebrate him by the way. The child has been admitted to Kyoto University. This is a great event for our Lao Jiang family."

"Yes, it's a great news. I have to go over there and tell his father tomorrow to see if his son will give him more encouragement and get admitted to the best university in the country."

The two brothers were cheerful and even talked to Professor Xu, "You always live downstairs with him, right? He usually troubles you when he is alone. This child has a bad temper. Please be more tolerant."

Professor Xu looked at the two of them and didn't listen to what was said. He just widened his eyes and asked Jiang Laosan, "What did you just say? Which school did Jiang Yan get admitted to?"

"Kyoto University, he scored 702 points in the college entrance examination. What a great guy. He is almost two hundred points higher than the daughter of the fourth Song family in our village. He is only a few points lower than the daughter of the third Song family who won the provincial championship. My eldest nephew is very good. Got it!"

I think you are better, you are 702, and you are the provincial champion. Which village are you from?

Professor Xu didn't quite believe this. His suspicious eyes irritated Uncle Jiang, "If you don't believe it, you can go to No. [-] Middle School and ask. Now that the points are out, can you still cheat?"

After saying that, he no longer wanted to talk to Professor Xu. He turned around and raised his hand and started banging on the door again. While banging, he complained, "Is this kid deaf? You've been knocking for so long and you still can't hear it?"

Professor Xu was upset and agitated by the photo he took, and said angrily, "Stop taking photos. Jiang Yan is so diligent. He must not be at home at this time. He went out with Xiao Huang."

After saying that, he turned around and went downstairs, but after taking two steps, he stopped and turned around to warn Jiang Laosan, "I told you not to take pictures anymore. All the people living in this community are elderly people. If you keep taking pictures so loudly, there will be people." I'm going to have a heart attack in front of you."

After finishing speaking, I was still muttering to myself as I walked down, that girl should be at home, why didn't she open the door?
After Professor Xu left, Jiang Lao Er and Jiang Lao San also went downstairs one after another. Since Jiang Yan was not at home, why were they stupidly staying here?

"What should I do, Third Brother? Do you want to wait?"

Jiang Laosan pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I don't know when he will come back. Where should we wait on this hot day?"

"Then...come back tomorrow?"

"Well, I'll come over at six o'clock tomorrow. I can't let him get up early and go out, right?"

"Probably not. I just took him to meet his eldest brother. From last year to now, he seems to have never visited his father once, right?"

"It's not"

Song Jiawen stood on the balcony and let out a long sigh of relief as she watched the two Jiang brothers walk out of the community.

Really, if no one opens the door after knocking twice, doesn’t that mean no one is home?
Why are you still taking pictures?
It made her very nervous in the house.

At the same time, Professor Xu downstairs walked around in circles in the living room when he returned home. The more he thought about Uncle Jiang Yan's words, the more he felt something was wrong.

702 points, is this really the score Jiang Yan got?

His wife was so dizzy by him that he asked what was going on. After hearing this, she not only laughed at him but said, "I want to know how many tests Jiang Yan took. Why don't you call me and ask the junior high school student? He doesn't happen to be in charge of the senior high school students this year."

Coincidentally, Teacher Gao, the head teacher of Class 1, Grade [-], No. [-] Middle School, is a student of Professor Xu. He comes to visit every Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival, and the exchanges are quite close.

Third update, a supplementary chapter for Saturday!
Continue to make up tomorrow.

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