Professor Xu quickly called Teacher Gao and asked him if he knew Jiang Yan?Afraid of having the same name, I specifically mentioned my family situation and appearance.
After putting down the phone, Professor Xu sat in a chair blankly.

His wife, Grandma Xu, asked strangely, "What's wrong? Don't you know Xiao Gao?"

If you don’t know him, then it’s possible that Jiang Yan didn’t take the 702 exam, let alone Beijing University.

After all, only a few Peking University students in the entire Yunzhou City can go to Peking University in a year. Each one is a treasure and famous in every school.

Professor Xu came to his senses, shook his head and said, "I know him, and he happens to be in his class."

"Oh? How much will Jiang Yan take?" Grandma Xu looked at him with interest.

Professor Xu scratched his head and said, "It is indeed a score of 702, and he was admitted to Peking University."

"Oh, I'd say Jiang Yan is a sure kid. Look, he's already been admitted to Beijing University."

No, does your stability have any inevitable connection with getting admitted to Beijing University?
Fortunately, Professor Xu knew that his wife liked talking about things like a hammer and a stick, so he didn't care. He just couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "Look at this Shu Wan, what should you say about her? You don't want such an outstanding son, why not?" There's that old guy like Lao Shu. His grandson was admitted to Beicheng University last year and he didn't mention it to Jiang Yan. Hey! It's better now."

The Lao Shu that Professor Xu refers to is Jiang Yan's grandfather. Like Professor Xu, he is also a retired professor of the Normal University. If he hadn't been there, Shu Wan, who was still junior, would not have been able to buy the affordable housing at the Normal University.

"By the way, Lao Shu probably doesn't know that Jiang Yan was admitted to Beijing University, right? I'll call him and ask him."

Grandma Xu glanced at him and said in her heart, you are not asking him, are you trying to laugh at him?

When the call was connected, Professor Xu made some false gossip, and then changed the topic, "Hey Lao Shu, did you know that your grandson moved back to live upstairs in my house?"

"Grandson? Are you talking about Jiang Yan? Why did he move back? Didn't he go back to his grandma's house in the countryside?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I've moved back here for several months. Wow, this kid is so hardworking. As you know, almost all the people living in this community are old guys like me, with old arms and legs, and it's hard to carry a bag of rice." It takes a lot of effort. Since Jiang Yan came back, we have all become more relaxed. If someone has something heavy, they will carry it to the door of their house for you without saying a word. If the light in the corridor of someone is broken, it will be repaired in a few times, and they will also install a computer. This The child is really smart, no wonder he was admitted to Beijing University."

The person on the other side took a deep breath. It took a while before I heard the other person's questioning voice, "Old Xu, what did you just say? What did you say Jiang Yan got into?"

Professor Xu said "Huh", "What? You don't know? Jiang Yan was in the class of Xiao Gao, my student at the No. 702 Middle School in the city. He scored [-] points in the college entrance examination. The Admissions Office of Peking University personally called the No. [-] Middle School to make a reservation. My major is computer science. Oh, Lao Shu, your family has good genes. Last year, I heard that your grandson was admitted to Beicheng University, and this year your grandson was admitted to Beijing University. Each of the juniors is more promising than the last one. I’m envious.”

Mr. Shu didn't care whether Professor Xu was really envious or fake. He hung up the phone and stayed there for a full 2 ​​minutes. Then he felt uncomfortable. He stood up and walked around the living room twice, and then sat back down by the phone again. , pick up the phone and call Shu Wan--
"Xiaowan, do you know what Jiang Yan's college entrance examination score was?"

As soon as the call was connected, Mr. Shu asked directly without caring if there was anyone else around her.

Of course Shu Wan didn't know how many exams Jiang Yan took. She even forgot about Jiang Yan's college entrance exam this year.

Mr. Shu sighed in disappointment, "You're the one who did it."

"Dad, what's wrong? I know that Xiaoyan's grades are not good, but he doesn't follow me, so I won't let you."

"Who said his grades were bad? He scored 702. Is that bad?"


"The Admissions Office of Kyoto University personally called the school to book him. Are you saying that his grades are not good?"

"." Shu Wan was stunned by the old man's consecutive words. It took a while before she recovered, and asked in a trembling voice, "Is this, is this impossible? Where did you hear that?"

"Impossible? He has moved back to the family home now. If you think it's impossible, just go and ask and you will know? By the way, there is still his banner in front of the No. [-] Middle School. Go and see if it is your son?"

After saying that, Mr. Shu hung up the phone with a bang and clutched his chest. He felt so heartbroken that he couldn't express it.

Kyoto University, although the Shu family prides itself on being a scholarly family, no one has been admitted to Kyoto University for several generations.

If he had known that Jiang Yan could pass the exam, he should have asked Shu Wan to come over and change his surname to Shu when Shu Wan got divorced.

The old man regretted that his intestines were turning green.


Mr. Shu was immersed in his own heartache. He didn't notice that his wife and eldest son, who had gone out to exercise, came back together. The two of them stood at the door, looking at him in shock. Apparently they had been back for a while, and they had heard All or part of the conversation between him and Shu Wan.

Mrs. Shu came over and sat down, and asked uncertainly, "Old man, is what you just said true? Jiang Yan scored 702 on the exam? Was he admitted to Kyoto University?"

Mr. Shu nodded, "How can it be false? Old Xu called and said that there is still his banner at the gate of No. [-] Middle School."

Shu Chao on the side felt it was magical. A scumbag who was expelled from the Experimental Middle School was finally admitted to the best university in the country.
When Song Jiawen came back from the gallery in the evening, Jiang Yan was installing the computer. When he saw her coming in, he threw down the accessories in his hand, washed his hands and went to cook.

"As soon as you left this morning, your second uncle and your third uncle came."

Jiang Yan already knew about this. Professor Xu had already told him about it when he met him in the afternoon.

"What are they looking for you for?"

The point is, if I don’t ask questions for a few months, why come here to look for me at this time?

After all, Song Jiawen was young and could not think of the deeper levels, but Jiang Yan knew it in his heart.

Now the eighth eldest son of the Jiang family already knows that he has been admitted to Beijing University. How could he miss such a good money tree so easily?
The most important thing is how to get a cash cow without paying a penny.

Jiang Yan sneered, what a beautiful thought!

Song Jiawen pouted, "I didn't see you today, why don't you come back tomorrow?"

Huang Mao, who was placing the dishes and chopsticks, slapped the chopsticks in his hand on the table, stared and said, "Are they coming? If they are coming, I will throw them down. Brother, please don't worry about it, let me deal with it tomorrow."

Jiang Yan smiled and said, "You think I'm afraid of them? You can't hide for a while, not to mention hiding is not my style. Don't worry, I have a way to deal with them."

It's also time to meet his old evil father who was reformed inside.

The three of them ate and went about their business.

Just after six o'clock the next morning, there was a knock on the door of the house.
One more!

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