Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 95 In order to get rid of you

Chapter 95 In order to get rid of you (third update)

How much did you give?
Jiang Fengwei couldn't help but think along Jiang Yan's train of thought. Not counting the subsidies he gave to his family when he was in college, starting from the first salary he received after graduation, at least 60.00% was given to his family.

More than 20 years.

"No, brother, do you take what the kid said seriously? Mom was angry at Xiaoyan for fighting with someone at school and was expelled, so she hurriedly said something to him. This is her eldest grandson, is she willing to drive him away?"

Seeing Jiang Fengwei's attitude, Uncle Jiang immediately became anxious. He interrupted his musings and explained to the old lady, "When you first came in last year, Xiaoyan caused a lot of trouble."

Jiang Yan turned to look at Uncle Jiang with cold eyes, "Uncle is good at telling lies with his eyes open. Let's not talk about whether I caused trouble or not. Let me ask you, you said that grandma was reluctant to drive me away, so what happened to her that day? Did you kick me out?"

Uncle Jiang wanted to say no, but facing Jiang Yan's unusually compelling gaze, he opened his mouth but was unable to say a word.

Jiang Yan stopped looking at him and turned to Jiang Fengwei and continued, "I had no choice but to go to my mother for money. She gave me two thousand at one time, which was my tuition for the third year of high school plus living expenses. You also know , after you two divorced, my mother didn’t want to see me because of you, so she gave so much money at one time just to make me never go to her again. But when I got back, my grandma asked for the money, and after that she only Promise to give me twenty stipends a week.

Do you think 20 yuan is enough for a week? "

Jiang Fengwei pursed his lips and looked at him without saying a word.

"Actually, to be precise, there isn't even twenty for a week. The senior year of high school doesn't have a weekly break. If I don't go back, she won't be able to give me this money. I'll wait for a week or two weeks, or even a month before going back. She The most you can give is twenty at a time. And every time you give back the twenty, it’s like giving it away. Did she forget that the money was taken from me?”

"Even if it was just for a bite to eat, I knew I couldn't stay in Jianghai Town any longer. It happened that the No. [-] Middle School came to recruit Song Jiawen, so I begged the teacher to transfer here with me, and I could also find some work in the city to earn some living expenses.

So Jiang Fengwei, do you know how I got here this year?Do you know why I study so hard? "

"In order to get rid of you, get rid of everyone in the Jiang family."

Jiang Fengwei suddenly raised his head and looked at him with wide eyes.

Jiang Yan sneered, "What? It's unexpected? I don't believe you don't know who the Jiang family is. So, how long do you want to pretend to be stupid? You are not the person who brings glory to the Jiang family at all. They used to treat you as a cash cow, but now they treat you as a disgrace. They are a bunch of vampires who sucked your blood to bring you in, and now they want to suck mine. You can pretend to be stupid, but I won't."

"Renovate it well inside. When you come out in the future, I will provide you with old age care in accordance with the law. But if there are other requirements, I'm sorry, but I won't do it."

After speaking, Jiang Yan stood up and left without any regrets.

Jiang Fengwei's whole body was cold and his head was empty. He stared blankly at the direction Jiang Yan left, feeling unprecedented despair and sadness.
What has this child experienced outside this year to be able to say these words?

Jiang Fengwei suddenly discovered that since he came in, he never seemed to worry about Jiang Yan's life. He was worried that his parents were too old to bear the blow of his crime, and was worried that the lives of the second and third children would be affected, but he was not worried. Guo Jiang Yan, his only son.
He arrogantly believed that he was born with a good life and no need to worry, but if you think about it carefully, he was only 17 years old when he was arrested last year!
Jiang Laosan, who was sitting next to him, was completely shocked by Jiang Yan's words, so much so that Jiang Yan walked away for a while, and he still didn't react until the boss shouted, "Lao San" Jiang Laosan was excited. After regaining consciousness, he hurriedly said, "Brother, why didn't you talk to Jiang Yan just now? Has this child lost his mind and gone crazy? How could he say such treacherous words? His parents are his grandparents, and we are his family. How could he do this? How can you say such disobedient and unfilial words? You are now a college student, how can you."

"Family? You said you are his family, but do you know where he has been in the past few months? I remember that you told me before that your mother took him away."

Jiang Laosan was stunned. From Jiang Yan's words just now, he could tell that it had nothing to do with his mother when he returned to the city. He had no money. When he came back to go to school, he had to earn his own living expenses.

Jiang Laosan was upset and complained that his mother should not have taken advantage of him and withheld his living expenses.

At this time, facing his elder brother's questioning, he could only defend with a guilty conscience, "This, you can't blame me. He walked away without saying a word. I couldn't find anyone when I went to school. When I went home and told my mother, everyone thought His mother transferred him away. After all, transferring to another school is not a trivial matter. Who knew he would have done it quietly on his own."

Under Jiang Fengwei's indifferent gaze, Jiang Laosan's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, until the last sound could not be uttered.

"Ha ha."

After a long silence, Jiang Fengwei suddenly laughed out loud. He lowered his head and shook his shoulders. He laughed for a while before stopping.

When he raised his head again, he had forced back the tears in his eyes, but his eyes were still red. He said in a hoarse voice, "Third brother, please go back. Don't come to see me again. Tell your parents, I have repaid their nurturing love, and from now on, just treat my son as dead. Xiaoyan doesn’t owe them anything, let alone you, so in the future, none of you should go looking for him."

After Jiang Fengwei finished speaking, he stood up, walked in with his shoulders slightly lowered and his head half lowered. His staggering steps made him look as if he had aged more than ten years.

Jiang Lao San was dumbfounded. He stood up in a daze. It was not until Jiang Lao Er pulled him outside when he walked outside that he suddenly came back to his senses.

"What's wrong with you? I called you several times and you didn't respond. It's like you've lost your soul. Let me ask you, third brother, did the boss reprimand Jiang Yan just now? He should be reprimanded! This kid is so shameless, you know? ? He came out and drove away without saying a word. Doesn’t he care about us? You see, he can do it. He has just started to show off after being admitted to college. Who does he think he is? It’s amazing."

On the other side, Jiang Yan drove back to the community at 09:30. Song Jiawen and Huang Mao were not at home, but there was breakfast on the table, including his favorite tofu, fried dough sticks and fried buns specially placed in a thermal box. , there are also two tea eggs and an egg pancake.

Are you treating him like a pig?
There is a note on the dining table, left by Song Jiawen:

"I'm going to buy clothes with Zhu Jin this afternoon. Do you want to bring them to you? If you don't say it, it means you're acquiescing. Just a simple T-shirt and sweatpants? Don't wear shorts anymore. Your legs are hairy and they don't look good. "

The depression along the way suddenly disappeared. Jiang Yan smiled, sat down and started eating breakfast.

 Make up Saturday Chapter 2!
(End of this chapter)

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