Teacher Gao went to the Landscape Gallery to look for Song Jiawen. When he passed by, he found that Teacher Fang was also here.

"Hey, Teacher Fang, come over and look at the paintings?"

Teacher Gao has been very proud of himself recently and is in a good mood. He smiles and makes jokes to everyone he sees.

Teacher Fang looked back at him and hummed, "If I don't look at the painting, how can I look at you?"

On the contrary to Teacher Gao, none of Teacher Fang's art students this year did very well. Except for Xu Yan, who went to the famous Academy of Fine Arts in Xicheng, the other students either passed the art class but failed the cultural class, or failed the cultural class. Passed the fine arts but failed.

All in all, pretty bad.

Teacher Gao knew her situation well, so he didn't care about her harsh words. He still had a smile on his face and said to Song Jiawen, "Reporters from the city TV station go to the school every day. What the principal means is that you should accept a series of interviews." ?”

In recent years, Beicheng has almost always won the top prize in the Northern Province. This is the first time that Yunzhou has the top prize this year. Therefore, the city TV station wants to interview Song Jiawen and take the opportunity to report and promote Yunzhou.

But after searching for a few times, I couldn't find anyone.

Reporters from Song Laosan's family and Xie Yanhai's family in Jianglin Village made a special trip to interview and inquire.

As for the No. [-] Middle School, reporters are there every day.

But no one knew that Song Jiawen was at the Landscape Gallery.

Teacher Gao knew that Song Jiawen didn't like to talk and was a bit introverted, so he refused at first.But those people insisted on interviewing him, and even a call from the city government came to the principal's office.
Song Jiawen was reluctant, "Teacher Gao, I don't think so."

Song Qingping, who was reading next to him, put down the book in his hand and looked over, "If you don't want to go, don't go. You are the province's number one scholar, you are not something they can just use for consumption."

After speaking, he glanced at Teacher Gao and pointedly said, "Jiawen told you that she was here because she believed you. Teacher Gao, I hope you can keep it secret when you go out."

Teacher Gao had a sarcastic look on his face and quickly promised, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

The interview was abandoned. Principal Tan didn't say anything when he found out about it, and he would reject anyone who called again.

On August [-], Luo Xiang's family held a banquet for him to enter college at the Fuyunlai Hotel.

Luo Xiang performed exceptionally well in the college entrance examination and was admitted to Xicheng University. The Luo family was very happy. Although Xicheng University was not as good as Beicheng University, it was still the capital university of the same province.

So as soon as I received the admission notice, I immediately went to Xilaiyun Hotel and booked five banquet tables.

Luo Xiang's mother, Shu Jing, was originally very happy, but after returning to her parents' home, she had a gloomy look on her face when she came back.

Luo Xiang was playing games in the bedroom and didn't care when his mother came in, until--
"Xiao Xiang, do you know what Jiang Yan's college entrance examination score was?"

Luo Xiang's hand holding the mouse paused, and the character in the game died with a snap.

He threw away the mouse irritably and turned to look at his mother, "What do you want to say? You want me to compete with him again?"

Shu Jing and Shu Wan are the same age, and they are cousins. They have liked to compare since they were children. When they were young, they compared their studies, when they grew up, they compared their work, when they got married, they compared themselves with men, and when they gave birth to children, they compared themselves with children.

But Shu Jing couldn't compare to Shu Wan except her husband's family. Who knew that Shu Wan would find a better family after her second marriage.Shu Jing couldn't help but force Luo Xiang to study hard and compare with Jiang Yan.

The competition was already inferior, and even Jiang Yan was expelled and left Yunzhou, but at some point he went to the No. [-] Middle School in the city. Now even the university he was admitted to was many times better than Luo Xiang's.

"So you know that Jiang Yan was admitted to Beijing University?"

How could you not know?
The banner hung at the gate of the No. [-] Middle School, and the penguin colony at the Experimental Middle School were blown over. In the first few days, the word "Jiang Yan" kept appearing in the group.

So these days, he hasn't been on the Penguin once. He plays games every day, just to let the games numb him.

"So what if I know? You are envious, aren't you? It's a pity, envy is useless, he is not your son."

"You" Shu Jing didn't expect Luo Xiang to say these words, her chest heaved with anger, and she pointed at him with trembling fingers without even wanting to curse him for a long time.

The next day at the college entrance banquet, Mr. Shu and his family were also invited over by Luo's father.

Now during the summer vacation, Shu Chao's son, who is studying at Beicheng University, is also back. Together with Shu Wan's family of three, the table is full.

"Is there also a college entrance banquet held across the street?"

There have been a lot of notices coming in recently, and several big hotels in Yunzhou take orders for banquets almost every day. Everyone thinks it's normal when they see it.

Hearing Mrs. Shu talk about it, Shu Chao raised his head and casually glanced at the banquet opposite where his other half was covered, and then froze.

He turned to Mr. Shu and said, "I saw Deputy Director Zhu. Go over and say hello to him."

Deputy Director Zhu is relatively low-key. Only his family and a few close friends know that his daughter Zhu Jin was admitted to Kyoto University. Others don't even know that his child also took the college entrance examination this year.

Shu Chao walked over and was about to greet Deputy Director Zhu, but saw him clinking a glass of wine with a young man. The young man was none other than Jiang Yan.

The smile on Shu Chao's face froze, but soon relaxed naturally. He stepped forward with a wine glass in his hand, "Director Zhu, what are you doing today?"

"Chief Shu? What a coincidence? There is a banquet for my little girl's college entrance examination today. There is no one else but our family and some of her close classmates. Are you also coming to the banquet for your children?"

Shu Chao smiled, "My cousin's child got admitted to Xicheng University."

"Oh, what a great school. Yunzhou really shines this year."

"Isn't it true, what is Ling Ai taking the test for?"

"She's just average, Kyoto University."

Shu Chao:.
For the first time, I discovered that the low-key Deputy Director Zhu actually had such a hypocritical side.

Deputy Director Zhu smiled so hard that he couldn't see his eyes. He asked Zhu Jin to come over and say hello to Shu Chao. Then he pointed at a table that was obviously her daughter's classmates and whispered, "I am really being modest. Have you seen this table? Those tables All the children did better than my daughter, and they all went to Beijing University. Even if I want to praise her, I am embarrassed to do it in front of others."

The children Deputy Director Zhu was referring to included Jiang Yan.

Shu Chao looked at Jiang Yan, who hadn't even raised his head since he came here, and felt quite uncomfortable.

After he returned and sat down, Mr. Shu saw something wrong with his face and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't your relationship with Xiao Zhu okay?" It's not like a toast would cause problems.

Shu Chao first turned to look at Shu Wan, and then sighed, "I saw Jiang Yan. He was invited here by Deputy Director Zhu's daughter."

Upon hearing the word "Jiang Yan", the whole table fell silent.

Mr. Shu glanced at Shu Wan with dissatisfaction. He had told her before to find Jiang Yan. After all, his son was hers. Although she didn't want him when they divorced, she hadn't been too kind to Jiang Yan for so many years. Wait, even if she left him a house, when had Jiang Yan asked her for money and not given it?
Now that he's admitted to college, isn't it normal for you to go to him and give him some money for tuition, so as to ease the relationship between mother and son?
But she has been complaining and still not going.

"Brother, you said you saw Jiang Yan? Where is he?"

Luo's father happened to bring Luo Xiang to toast with a wine glass, and unfortunately he heard Shu Chao's words.

The Luo family did not know that Jiang Yan passed the 702 exam and was admitted to Kyoto University.But before Jiang Yan was expelled and transferred to the countryside, Luo's father knew this. After that, he no longer cared about what happened to Jiang Yan.

Why should he pay attention to a grandson that no one in the Shu family wants?
So now I suddenly heard Shu Chao mention it, I felt quite strange.

The school sports meeting started in the morning and I went to take pictures of the children.

But there will be no shortage of three updates today!

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