"He, he and his classmates are eating opposite."

Shu Chao looked at Luo Xiang as he spoke, smiled and encouraged him, and brought up Jiang Yan's topic.

Father Luo glanced at the man next to Shu Wan out of the corner of his eye, smiled, and said nothing more.

Luo Xiang next to him breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he was really afraid that his father would ask Jiang Yan to come and sit down.

When he was young, his father liked Jiang Yan, saying that he looked like a tiger-like person and was easy to like at first sight.Before Jiang Yan was expelled from the Experimental Middle School, his father even thought about asking the principal to intercede for Jiang Yan. If his mother hadn't stopped him, he might have gone.

Now if he knew that Jiang Yan was admitted to Beijing University, Luo Xiang would feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Fortunately, until the end of the college entrance banquet, no one mentioned Jiang Yan again, and he didn't see him either.

Luo Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, the Zhu Jin family only invited two tables, so everyone left after chatting after eating.

Jiang Yan and Song Jiawen came out of the hotel together. After walking a few steps, he pointed to another path diagonally across the road and asked,
"This is not far from the cafe we ​​went to before. Do you want to buy a strawberry cake to eat?"

He was talking about the cafe where the two of them came to study together before. His cakes were specially made by himself and had a very special taste. Song Jiawen liked them very much.

You see, her eyes light up as soon as she says it.

The two strolled all the way there, and after entering the store, they ordered two cups of coffee and a plate of small cakes.

He found a seat by the window and sat down. While waiting for coffee and cake, Jiang Yan casually glanced around the store and happened to catch a girl looking over.

what do you say that is?

The person who was with Yang Yi before was, oh, by the way, Fan Jingjing.

Because of Yang Yi's relationship, Jiang Yan nodded politely and distantly to the other party, then looked away and looked out the window.

Song Jiawen was sitting opposite him, looking down at a novel that Zhu Jin had lent her, "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair."

"Does it look good?"


In fact, both eyes were glued to the book, obviously reading with great interest.

Jiang Yan was speechless.

But when I think about it again, I think it's normal. After all, she is only 17 years old. Isn't it normal for a little girl to like to read a few romance novels?

When their coffee and cake came, Jiang Yan slowly added a piece of sugar to Song Jiawen's coffee, and then another piece of sugar.
The third piece of candy was blocked by a slender white hand. Song Jiawen grabbed the piece of candy and threw it into his coffee without raising her head.

Jiang Yan:.
I didn’t look very focused on this.

He turned to look diagonally across, not quite understanding why Fan Jingjing kept staring at them.

The two parties are not very familiar with each other, and they are not even acquaintances.

Of course, this is what he thought in his heart, but in Fan Jingjing's view, it was not the case.

In fact, Fan Jingjing has been coming to this cafe frequently these days. She couldn't explain her state of mind. She just wanted to come and sit down and see if she would meet Jiang Yan by chance.

Her grades were not top-notch, but she did well in the exam. Because her aunt married in Kyoto, she took the exam at Jiaotong University in Kyoto.

She was very surprised when she learned that Jiang Yan was admitted to Kyoto University. Then some classmates came to ask if she was going to Kyoto with Jiang Yan.Go together?
In fact, from the last time they met, she noticed that Jiang Yan was different from before. The way he looked at her was strange and bland.

At first she thought he was pretending to show her off, but in the following months he didn't even come to see her once, and Fan Jingjing realized that the truth seemed to be different from what she thought.

She went to talk to Yang Yi and wanted to ask him if his cousin was getting along with Jiang Yan?

After all, Song Jiawen's face looked very threatening to her, and the only chance of winning was that her family background was not as good as hers.

Fortunately, Yang Yi denied it, saying that the two were just good friends.

Fan Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief but also felt a little regretful. She should have kept the love letter Jiang Yan wrote to her and shouldn't have to tear it up.

She has been coming to this cafe every day for a week. She had never seen anyone before, but today she finally waited.

Fan Jingjing frowned and looked at Song Jiawen's back, feeling it was an eyesore.

How could she talk to Jiang Yan alone while she was here?
But if she doesn't go there, Fan Jingjing doesn't know when the next time the two of them will meet again.

Thinking of this, Fan Jingjing no longer hesitated. She stood up and walked towards the two of them, stopping two steps away from their table. She looked at Jiang Yan and said softly, "Jiang Yan, I want to talk to you alone. "

Want to talk to me alone?
Jiang Yan raised his head and looked at her inexplicably. He really didn't understand what he had to talk to her about.What's more, he still remembered how harsh her tone was when she spoke to him last time, which was completely opposite to her current voice, which was so soft and almost watery that it almost made goosebumps come out.

Song Jiawen, who was reading a romance novel across from her, was finally willing to take her eyes away from the book and looked at Fan Jingjing with a confused look on her face.

"We'll see after eating the cake."

Jiang Yan warned her, got up and went to her seat on the other side with Fan Jingjing.

"Come on, what do you want to talk about?"

Although Jiang Yan didn't think he had anything to talk about with her, since the other party brought it up, he would just listen to it and just pass the time while waiting for that girl to finish reading this crappy book.

Originally, Fan Jingjing wanted to ask him which day he would report to school and if he wanted to come with her?
But now looking at his distant and indifferent attitude, my cheeks felt hot, and I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable, as if I was trying to get along with him on a pole.

She bit her lower lip and looked at him with a resentful expression. It wasn't until Jiang Yan couldn't help but stand up to leave that she said, "Jiang Yan, are you blaming me?"

Jiang Yan: "???"

Skull hurts!
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been with Song Jiawen, who has a cold and straightforward personality, for a long time, and I’m a little uncomfortable with the little girl who beats around the bush in front of me.

He rubbed his temples and asked, "What do I blame you for?"

"I didn't mean to tear up the love letter you wrote to me in public, but you just stuffed it into me like that, not formal at all."

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded, with thousands of horses racing in his mind. There was never a moment when he felt that he was so short of words that all he could think of was "fuck".

He subconsciously looked back at Song Jiawen. Fortunately, the girl was still in the novel.

Swallowing hard, Jiang Yan asked Fan Jingjing, "Did you read that love letter?"

Fan Jingjing raised her head and glanced at him, then lowered her head and whispered, "There are so many students in the class, how can we have time."

Didn’t watch it!
Jiang Yan was relieved. He breathed out and smiled casually, "I misunderstood. The love letter was not written by me. It was given to you by Yin Shen. He was embarrassed, so I just ran for him. I thought You would open it and take a look, so you didn't say it clearly at the time. Who would have known? Seeing how this happened, and I didn't receive a reply from you for so many days, Yin Shen was quite disappointed at the time, and he didn't eat well for a week."

Since we are all good brothers, there is no problem in taking the blame, right?

There will be another update tonight to make up for Sunday!

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