People in the Song Dynasty were lawless

Chapter 73 Heart-to-heart talk between ancestors and grandchildren

Chapter 73 Heart-to-heart talk between ancestors and grandchildren (additional update for leader Yun Ge)

After dinner, Zhao Zhen strolled outside Zhao Jun's wooden house.

Zhao Jun was playing with his computer and all his belongings on the bed at this time, sorting them out one by one.

In addition to a suitcase of clothes, he brought a laptop, a pile of textbooks for primary school classes, a large bag of medicine, toiletries and solar charging panels.

In addition, there are a few buckets of instant noodles, a few packages of hairy fish, and a few ham sausages.Some small snacks such as chocolates and candies; instant noodles are brought for myself, and snacks are brought for the children.

But in the current situation, it seems that it is better to eat instant noodles and snacks by himself in the future. At least when eating these things, it can remind him of his identity as a modern person.

Once you travel through time and become an ancient person, it’s really a shame.

Zhao Jun fumbled for his broken cell phone, feeling secretly sad. The WeChat chat records with his parents, friends, and classmates were gone, as were all the phone calls and text messages, and there was nothing left to miss.

"What the hell are these?"

Zhao Zhen walked into the house with his hands behind his back and looked at it curiously.

Zhao Jun introduced them one by one, and then suddenly said: "These books can be printed in the future. They cover all basic education in primary schools and part of junior high school education. They are very helpful in promoting scientific education. As for these medicines, let's see if we can find them The ice cubes are frozen, because the shelf life is only three or four years, so they cannot be stored for long. There is a lot of information in the notebook. I will sort it out and copy it out in the future. It is all good stuff. "

Zhao Zhen saw that Zhao Jun was not in high spirits and was in a low mood throughout the whole speech, so he asked: "Dasun, are you in a bad mood?"

"Can it get better?"

Zhao Jun lamented: "In modern times, we don't have to worry about food and clothing. We have mobile phones, computers, and the Internet. We can call our parents thousands of kilometers away to tell them they are safe. If we miss home, we have to take a two-hour flight to get home. Everything is inconvenient here. , I feel homesick and can’t go back.”

"If you feel homesick, come out and sit down. We'll do these things later. The moonlight is beautiful tonight. Sometimes just looking at the moon reminds me of my family."

Zhao Zhen called him out.

"Okay, bro, you are quite good at comforting people."

Zhao Jun didn't refuse. He was really upset at this time. Although he had sorted out his emotions during the day, he still missed home, his parents, and his grandparents when he was alone.

This kind of longing has entered into the bones. When a person is in a foreign land, he can still make a phone call and have something to think about.Now that I am wandering in ancient times, I have lost all my thoughts, and all that is left is despair.

However, he is not a depressed person. As the saying goes, "The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown." It is good to see the moon more and think about my parents in my hometown.

Following Zhao Zhen out of the room, tables and chairs were already placed on the spacious grass outside the house, with several plates of side dishes and tea placed on them.

Wang Shouzhong stood aside respectfully, and after the two men came over, he retreated twenty steps away.

The surrounding woods, corridors, rockeries, and pavilions were quiet, but there seemed to be figures flashing past, and there were countless guards protecting Zhao Zhen hiding among them.The bright moonlight fell, illuminating the earth with silver.

Zhao Jun walked to the edge of the chair, looked at the chair and said, "Why is it a grand master's chair? It would be great if there was a recliner. It would be so comfortable to lie on the grass and look at the moon."

"What is an imperial chair and what is a recliner?"

Zhao Zhen was puzzled.

Zhao Jun sat on the chair, feeling the coolness brought by the huanghuali wood, and said: "This chair is the Taishi chair, which is the later name for the top chair. The recliner is a chair that allows people to lie down. It seems to have been invented in the Qing Dynasty."

"When the time comes, just describe the style and let the craftsmen do it."

Zhao Zhen smiled and sat down.

There were several dishes of side dishes on the table. They had had dinner before, but their stomachs seemed to be weak. Only the tea and water made Zhao Jun sigh, "We should have wine at this time."

Zhao Zhen poured himself a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Do you like drinking?"

"It doesn't count. There was a brother in college who was a rich second generation. He often asked us to go to bars to drink with him and pick up girls and talk about life. We quit after graduating from college."

Zhao Jun raised his head, leaned on the backrest, looked up at the rounding moon, and said softly: "But at this time, this atmosphere, it would be more comfortable if there was wine."

"Wang Shouzhong."

Zhao Zhen waved to Wang Shouzhong in the distance.

Lao Wang lowered his eyebrows and walked over: "Your Majesty."

"Go get a jug of wine."

"But His Majesty is taking care of himself recently."

"It's alright, let's go."


Wang Shouzhong had no choice but to agree.

The Imperial Kitchen is next to Qingning Palace, a bit far from the back garden.

While waiting for the wine to be served, Zhao Zhen saw that Zhao Jun was still in a bad mood, so he said, "Grandson, can you tell me what your village is like?"

"Our village?"

Zhao Jun looked up at the moonlight and fell into memories, "Looking at the genealogy records, it seems that after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty, a Song Dynasty clan moved from Yangzhou to Hunan, which is now Tanzhou, and hid in the deep mountains and old forests to thrive. Later, more and more people in that place The more it grew, the more it gradually turned into a town, and our village became Zhaojiawan Village."

"There are not even a thousand but eight hundred descendants of the Zhao family in the village. In today's society, there is no unity. The relationship between neighbors and neighbors is basically just a superficial relationship. There must be distance and distance. But the happiness of childhood is very pure. Help the friends to swim in the river, fish, catch frogs, make their own water guns to fight, and go to other people’s houses to watch TV.”

"As I grew up, I was not as happy as that time. All kinds of troubles came. Many people went out to work, and my parents also worked outside. They earned some money so that I could study. My achievements became a way for them to show off. capital, people in the village often say that I got first place in the exam. Comparing each other, the atmosphere has become not good."

"The key is that they sometimes quarrel, which annoys me. Especially once my grades decline, all kinds of beatings, moral kidnappings, and quarrels between each other will take turns. At that time, I am really stressed. I wish I could run away from home, I can only say that high school life is really hard to describe.”

"And even if you get into college, it's not that easy. University is a small society, especially a school like Renmin University. You have to study hard every day. As for my rich second-generation friend, don't look at him. He often goes to Internet cafes, bars, and books. The number of times I have gone to the gym is definitely not less than mine. I have to find a job after leaving society, so I plan to take the entrance examination and go to teach in order to enjoy the preferential treatment from the policy."

"And I'm out of college."

He talked about many things in one breath, thinking of his hometown and the beauty of the village when he was a child.

The older you get, the more troubles you have. School, work, and life are all full of pressure. The feeling of exhaustion can really crush you.

The only good news is that he traveled through time in the second year after graduating from college. If he had been in class for a few more years and been tortured by all kinds of trivial matters for a few more years, a person's will would have been polished long ago.

Zhao Zhen has been listening quietly at this time. In fact, he did not understand many things, but it did not prevent him from being an excellent listener at this time.

Zhao Jun traveled through time and had too many things to talk about. Being able to get such a good audience allowed him to vent all his pressure.

He talked a lot in one breath, which also allowed Zhao Zhen to understand him better.

Just as Wang Shouzhong came over with wine, Zhao Zhen poured him a glass and handed it over, saying softly: "You must be working very hard."

"Actually it's fine."

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Zhen and came back to his senses. He said: "Compared with the people in ancient times, modern people at least have no worries about food and drink, but their spirits are a little depressed. In ancient times, let alone their spirits, they worked so hard for a day. Not enough to eat.”

"This is my fault."

Zhao Zhen sighed: "As you said, productivity can only be so great, and changing the situation of land annexation is as difficult as climbing to the sky. I can't do it. But now I have to rely on you. I haven't done a good enough job."

Zhao Jun took a sip of the wine and felt that the wine was relatively light. It should be fruit wine rather than grain wine. The palace wine had been filtered, there was no residue, and the taste was pretty good.

He put down the cup in his hand and said: "If I were more emotionally intelligent, I should say that it's not your fault, but I think it's better to tell the truth. Brother, you did have some faults in your responsibilities, but the ancients' cognitive level was limited and they couldn't fully understand it. I blame you. I can only say that you have to work hard in the future and don't make the same mistake again." Zhao Zhen couldn't laugh or cry, and scolded with a smile: "You are such an unscrupulous son, can't you say something nice to your ancestors? Do you think I can live a comfortable life? I live my life tremblingly under the authority of the eldest queen, and I have to be careful every step in the palace, just like a puppet. I have only been in charge for only four short years, what can I do?"

"Okay, that's none of your business, but it will be your business from now on, so don't let it slip."

Zhao Jun agreed.

Looking at his casual and perfunctory tone, Zhao Zhen straightened up, looked at him and said seriously: "Grandson."


"Have you thought about the future?"

"In the future? To be honest, I still haven't thought about it now."

"Since we have arrived in the Song Dynasty, why not live a more exciting life in the Song Dynasty?"


"But it looks like you have no fighting spirit."

"I'm really angry today, and I really don't want to come to the Song Dynasty."

"What are you so angry about? I see that you have been scolding me this and that until now. Even after your eyes healed, you continued to scold me. Today, Prime Minister Lu, King, Prime Minister, and others are also your husband. How can you humiliate them like this?"

"I'm really angry."

Zhao Jun said angrily: "In modern society, national interests must be guaranteed first. The country calls itself a beacon of democracy and has never been soft when it comes to cheating its allies. Japan and the Song Dynasty are not allies yet. At most, their relationship is not that bad. They I don’t dare to take action, how can this make the country develop stably?”

Zhao Zhen hesitated, and then persuaded gently and mellowly: "But no matter what, you still have to be reasonable. You are not in the future. In the future, you may become a general or a prime minister and hold power. But you keep talking about "stupid" and "so stupid" "Like a pig" really doesn't sound good. No matter what, they are still elders. Even if their vision is not as far-sighted as yours, they still need to be more patient."

How patient do you have to be?

Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then fell into deep thought.

In fact, I don’t blame him for his hot temper. The modern Internet is inherently violent. If you feel unhappy at all, you will immediately retaliate. It is normal to scold your father and mother.It was already troublesome to travel to the Song Dynasty, but after proposing a practical solution, it became even more annoying when these insects were holding us back.

But what Zhao Zhen said just now made him think calmly.

Because he remembered that he was no longer a keyboard warrior in later generations, but had really come to ancient times.We must begin to aspire to make our country prosperous, learn from the great men and other ancestors who shed their lives and blood, and build a country where the people can be happy and healthy.

To put it simply, the mentality has not changed yet.

After all, he just learned about his time travel this morning, so it was too fast to have such a change in his ideological awareness at night.

But what Zhao Zhen said woke him up.

This is no longer in the future, and he is not a young man with no abilities now. Instead, he stands at the center of national power and needs to make great achievements of his own in the future.

In later generations, no matter before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, or even during the Long March, the great men and the leaders in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China often had quarrels, and the quarrels were particularly fierce, but they never attacked them personally, but always patiently reasoned with each other.

This is the mentality of great men and leaders.

Therefore, he also needs to grow and change himself, and cannot always bring the mentality and ideas of later generations to the Song Dynasty.

After thinking about this, Zhao Jun couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The fact that Zhao Zhen can tell himself this and continue to persuade himself like this proves that he really hopes that he can make a difference.

At the same time, it also proves that he will let go and give himself power in the future, so that he can show the attitude he has learned.

He's really doing it for his own good.

Zhao Jun is not an ungrateful person, but he is always a little sensitive once he knows that he has traveled through time.

Now that I understand some things, things will naturally become different.

So he stood up, looked at Zhao Zhen, earnestly imitated the ancient gesture of bowing his hands, bent down and saluted: "Old ancestor, brother, you are right, I will think twice before doing anything in the future, thank you."

Zhao Zhen saw that he seemed to have some insights and was happy for him, so he said: "We are family, and you are my descendants. I also hope that you can make a difference instead of living a mediocre life. Sit down."

"Okay, I will."

Zhao Jun sat down again.

The atmosphere between the two people suddenly merged a lot.

They talked about many things.

"Dasun, do you think we can find corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes overseas?"

"No matter what, we have to go to sea. This is a long-term plan. We won't see results in a short time, but we must do it."

"Dasun, can you really come back from plundering minerals from overseas?"

"The interests of the country are paramount, and these are the things we need to do to make our citizens prosperous."

"In future generations, will China really be in good health, with its country and its people in peace?"

"Yes, our life is not too good, but it is not too bad either. 14 billion people have no worries about food and clothing, which is a great thing in itself."

"Do you think my Song Dynasty can reach that day?"

"If you have a dream, life is more than just struggle. Even if you can't see it in your lifetime, as long as you keep working in this direction, you will always realize it one day."


The two drank one glass after another, talking more and more happily and congenially. I don’t know how long it took before Zhao Zhen became drunk from the alcohol.

In the summer wind, Zhao Jun raised his head, raised the wine glass in his hand, and looked at the bright moon.

He thought of his hometown again.

The place where he was born and raised.


I'm gone.

I hope you have a good time in the future.

Don't worry about me.

Just pretend that there has never been a son like me.

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

The soft moonlight shines on the heart-to-heart ancestors and descendants, as if covering them with a veil.

(End of this chapter)

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