People in the Song Dynasty were lawless

Chapter 74 Granted a Jinshi background?Not even a dog!

Chapter 74 Granted a Jinshi background?Not even a dog!
In the next few days, Zhao Jun's life consisted of eating, meeting, and sleeping every day. He would get up to continue eating, meeting, and sleeping.

Three points and one line lasted for five or six days.

Although meetings cannot solve actual problems, everyone can gain something from the meeting.

What Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng, Fan Zhongyan and others gained were many ideas and development directions for later generations, which could bring infinite reverie to their limited knowledge.

Zhao Jun was able to have a deep understanding of the current situation of the Song Dynasty and understand the current situation and all the situations of the Song Dynasty from inside to outside.

And during the meeting, Zhao Jun did keep Zhao Zhen's instructions in mind to maintain self-cultivation. Even if he encountered something irritating, he tried to suppress his anger and patiently explained the situation.

For example, the reason for taking action against Japan.

In addition to the fact that the Song Dynasty itself urgently needed a lot of mineral resources to make up for its shortcomings, there was also the deep-seated hatred and hatred of this country by future generations of Chinese descendants.

In that war of aggression that countless people in later generations could not bear to look back on, more than 3000 million Chinese people died.

As many as 2000 million people were massacred by the invaders alone.

And many of them cannot be counted and can only be roughly estimated.For example, 30 victims were killed in the Jinling Massacre, and 310 million people were killed in the seven anti-Japanese base areas of our Party.

The remaining massacres were as high as 150 and four times, and more than 1000 million people died directly at the hands of Japanese pirates.

The number of casualties indirectly caused by the Japanese invasion also exceeded [-] million.

This can still be counted, but we don’t know how many innocent souls there are that cannot be counted.

The blood debts, crimes, and heartbreaking massacres such as germ warfare and biochemical warfare are all deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Chinese in later generations.

Until decades later, even in the 21st century, that anger and unyieldingness have not dissipated with the passage of time.

Because these things will continue to be repeated in the memory of every Chinese person, lingering.

The main reason is that if the Japanese invaders change their minds after the war and sincerely repent, apologize, and make amends for the sins they have committed, the kind-hearted Chinese people will still remember this humiliating history, but they will not be filled with hatred.

But this group of beasts not only denied everything after the war, but also beat them up.At the same time, they revised textbooks, tampered with the history of aggression, went to the toilet to worship ghosts, and challenged the bottom line of the Chinese people again and again.

On the eve of Zhao Jun's time travel, according to the latest news reports, he could still see these beasts dumping nuclear sewage into the ocean, polluting the ecological environment of China's coastal waters.

The crimes are numerous and too numerous to describe, and they are still sophistry and refuse to admit them. This is the bad nature of this country and nation.

Therefore, Zhao Jun strongly demanded colonial control of Japan.

Not only can they obtain mineral materials that are in short supply in the Song Dynasty, but they can also avenge the crimes they committed in later generations. Why not?
And when everyone heard Zhao Jun's angrily narration and told them what happened later, they understood why Zhao Jun was full of hostility and hatred towards Japan.

Some people also advised him that the current situation was different from that of later generations. For the sake of the stability of the Song Dynasty, he should still treat it with caution and discuss this issue when it became stronger in the future.

What's more, after all, things haven't happened yet. We, the Great Song Dynasty, should be more open-minded and not be blinded by hatred.

As a result, the person who said this was slapped back fiercely by Zhao Jun before he could finish his words.

Ignoring Zhao Zhen's persuasion, he scolded the other party bloody.

This is a bottom line issue of principle!

They just heard Zhao Jun talk about it. They had never experienced that humiliating history, so naturally they couldn't talk about any empathy.

Even if future generations suffer such suffering, they will ignore it and ignore it.

But Zhao Jun has experienced and deeply understood that humiliating history, so naturally he cannot leave the hatred of the country and his family behind.

History cannot be forgotten.

And as a time traveler who has just crossed over, the knife that the Japanese invaders inserted into your body is still bleeding, so someone will come over to persuade you to be generous.

Isn't that scolding?
All I can say is that when people like this thunder, stay away to avoid hitting you.

Therefore, under his strong request, the plan was finally passed. Zhao Zhen will immediately dispatch the Imperial City Division to conduct preliminary investigations, and then send a fleet to Japan in the name of merchants to conduct a political invasion.

This matter was finalized, and in the next few days, everyone got along much more happily, and gradually became familiar with each other, without the tense atmosphere at the beginning.

People adapt to the environment. After spending time together for a long time, feelings will naturally develop. Otherwise, why are people in the same dormitory at university the easiest to become buddies?
After staying for several days, waiting for the two sides to talk about what they should talk about, on July [-]th, it was finally time to officially enter the Song Dynasty.

This morning, Zhao Zhen and the others did not come because they had some state affairs. They had been chatting with Zhao Jun every day recently, and even the morning court was only held for seven days, which delayed a lot of government affairs, so everyone had to go back to Chui Gong Hall for the morning court.

After the morning court, Lu Yijian and other ministers went to the political affairs hall to handle government affairs. Zhao Zhen also reviewed memorials in his study room in Chongde Hall to clear up the backlog of affairs during this period.

Zhao Jun was idle and remembered his original intention, so he asked Wang Shouzhong to call the children. He was still assuming the role of teacher.

Now he finally saw the children with his own eyes. They were students from poor families who were eager to study in Daliang Mountain. They were clearly rich young ladies from high-ranking families in the Song Dynasty. They would all be called Xiaoyanei in the future. figure.

In vain, Zhao Jun was okay at first. Yaya had no father since she was a child and was a poor left-behind child. But now I discovered that the clown was actually me.

After finally getting to know the children, they continued their morning class. It was not until the end of the afternoon that Zhao Zhen and the others managed to finish the recently backlogged batch of memorials and came to the back garden together.

The group hadn't had dinner yet, and everyone was already hungry after a busy day. Zhao Zhen ordered the kitchen to prepare royal meals and ate together in Guanjia Hall.

There was no communication all day today, and everyone was frustrated. After dinner, they continued to have a meeting and chat. The meeting lasted until the end of Xu Shi, which was around eight o'clock in the evening, close to nine o'clock.

When it got really late, everyone was still ready to leave.

At this moment, candles are brightly lit in Guanjia Hall.

Everyone gathered around a long table and sat opposite each other on the Grand Master's chair.There were round tables in the Tang and Song Dynasties, but they were not popular.

Therefore, according to the "Han Xizai Night Banquet Picture", we can know that people in the Song Dynasty ate around a long table during banquets, which was no different from ordinary family meals in later generations.

Zhao Zhen sat on the main seat, Zhao Jun sat directly opposite him, and on the left were Lu Yijian, Yan Shu, Song Shou, and Wang Sui.On the right are Wang Zeng, Fan Zhongyan, Cai Qi and Sheng Du, which is quite similar to two camps.

In fact, it was similar. Lu Yijian was kind to both Yan Shu and Song Shou, while Wang Sui was less assertive and followed Daliu.Wang Zeng had a very good relationship with Cai Qi and was kind to Fan Zhongyan. Fan Zhongyan fought with Lu Yijian behind his back, so there were really two camps.

Just now everyone talked freely and talked about a lot of things. Seeing that it was already getting late, Zhao Zhen said: "That's it for today. The sky is getting dark. You don't have to go to court early tomorrow. Everyone has been very tired recently and needs to get more rest. "

Sheng Du is 68 years old this year. According to history, he died five years later. His body and bones are no longer as good as before. He rubbed his dizzy eyes, stood up and said to Zhao Zhen: "Thank you for your understanding, I am indeed a little tired." ."

"Yes, we have been chatting with Mr. Jun in the back garden recently, but we are rarely busy with government affairs. As a result, there is too much backlog of government affairs, which makes us a little overwhelmed."

"I still have a lot of memorials to approve, but Uncle Tong and Xiwen have a free time. They don't have much to do every day, and they often come to Houyuan before us, which is enviable." "I don't have much to do. In order to go to the northwest To resist Zhao Yuanhao, I have to understand the current situation in the northwest every day."

As they spoke, everyone stood up and prepared to bid farewell to the official family.

Zhao Jun immediately became anxious when he saw this scene and said quickly: "Wait a minute, I have something else to say."

"What's wrong, boy Jun?"

Yan Shu, who now has the best relationship with Zhao Jun except Zhao Zhen, asked, "Is there anything else?"

Zhao Jun asked: "Speaking of which, are we just going to chat in the back garden every day? I also want to go out of the palace to see the Song Dynasty. I also said before that I would go to the countryside to investigate and understand the seriousness of the current land annexation. Why are the palaces even connected now?" You won't even let me out? What are you going to do with me in the future?"

Speaking of this, everyone became curious.

Fan Zhongyan even asked Zhao Zhen: "He is an official. Now that Jun's eyes have recovered and his injuries have healed, is it time for him to be naturalized?"

Previously, Zhao Zhen had discussed with everyone that Zhao Jun would be naturalized after his eyes recovered. As for the subsequent arrangements, he would let Zhao Jun take part in the imperial examination. After he failed the imperial examination, Zhao Zhen would give him a special title with the same background as a Jinshi. , it was Lu Yijian who instigated Yan Shu to tell Zhao Zhen at that time, and he did not mention it to anyone else.

So until now, no one knows how Zhao Zhen plans to arrange Zhao Jun.

Zhao Zhen slapped his forehead and said, "I forgot about this. I just asked Wang Shouzhong to buy a large house on Qingtai Street in Changqingfang outside Xihuamen, but I forgot about naturalization, uncle Tong."


Yan Shu cupped his hands and said.

Zhao Zhen said: "You are now the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, so you can handle this errand."


Yan Shu agreed.

"As for Zhao Jun's future arrangements."

Zhao Zhen turned his head and looked at Zhao Jun and said: "Zhao Jun, although you are a member of the clan, the current head of the clan is Zhao Yunrang. If you want to join the clan, you must find him. And I have decreed in the Song Dynasty that members of the clan are not allowed to join the army. Generals cannot take part in the imperial examination, and can only receive idle official positions without real power. So I plan to arrange for you to become an ordinary citizen, and then how about becoming an official through the imperial examination?"

In fact, the clan restrictions in the Song Dynasty were not as rigid as those in other dynasties. In the early Song Dynasty, Taizu Zhao Kuangyin stipulated that the eldest son could not become an official or a general.Later, during the Song Shenzong period, the clan appointment system was changed, which opened the door for clan members to take examinations and be appointed officials. The most famous one was Zhao Mengfu in the late Southern Song Dynasty.

But at least there has been no system reform yet, so today's Song Dynasty clan is still a type of people who eat and die, a bit like the noble generals of the Song Dynasty. Since they are not large in number, they are basically supported by the state.

If Zhao Jun plans to live a bad life and enjoy life in the Song Dynasty, then asking Zhao Zhen to find a way to enroll him in the clan would be a good choice.

But he had ambitions in his heart, so he was naturally unwilling to do so. However, he always felt that something was wrong with the imperial examination, and he wondered: "Can we only take the imperial examination? Can't we give him other positions?"

Lu Yijian explained: "If you want to make a difference, you can only become an official. If you want to become an official, you can only take the imperial examination and become an official. If there is no other way, you will not want to take a military position."

Haha, aren’t you suppressing the military position?

Zhao Jun rolled his eyes in his heart. Although he was a little dissatisfied with the imperial examination, he thought what the other party said still made sense, so he nodded and said: "Okay, that's the arrangement."


Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "It is already July, and we will enter Qiuwei in August. After my uncle helps you naturalize, I will register for you at the Ministry of Rites, and then send you to Gongyuan for reference."

"So soon?"

Zhao Jun scratched his head and said, "The problem is that I haven't read the Four Books and Five Classics. Can I pass the exam?"

"What are the Four Books?"

Zhao Zhen was confused. He knew the Five Classics but not the Four Books.

"Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty extracted the "Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Mean" from the "Book of Rites" separately, and added the "Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius" to form four books, plus the "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites" and "Book of Rites". The Zhouyi and the Spring and Autumn Annals are the Four Books and Five Classics."

Zhao Jun explained: "No one in New China reads these anymore. They are at most positive and uplifting sentences in the Chinese language lesson points. At that time, we paid attention to extracting the essence of traditional culture and discarding the dross, reforming the old and bringing forth the new, so apart from Chinese scholars Outside of ancient literature classes in college, no one studies this stuff, how do you want me to take the exam?"


Zhao Zhen knew that Zhao Jun had a poor foundation in Chinese studies, but he didn't expect that his foundation in Chinese studies was so poor, so he had no choice but to say: "It doesn't matter, you can take the exam when the time comes. If you don't pass, I'll just give you a special name."

"Will you open the back door for me?"

Zhao Jun smiled, then his expression suddenly changed and he asked: "What's the name of the special performance?"


Zhao Zhen nodded: "I can specially grant you the status of Jinshi."

"Good guy, don't fool me."

Zhao Jun's face turned dark and he said: "I remember that this special title was given to someone who was born in the same Jinshi class."

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Zhao Zhen looked surprised.

However, at this time, Zhao Jun's face was already dark and very unkind.

When I was in college, I took "Cultural History" as an elective. The cultural history included not only tea culture, poetry culture, painting culture, but also the imperial examination culture.

The teacher said that the name of this special performance was the special treatment given by the emperor of the Song Dynasty to those who failed to pass the exams repeatedly and ranked fifth in the Jinshi list.

Fifth A!
It's equivalent to a class of fifty people, ranking among the bottom ten in the exam, and being admitted to a school with connections. It's really shameless.

People who have passed the exam often have a very low status in the officialdom and are easily ostracized and looked down upon by their colleagues.

After all, if the first-A program counts Tsinghua University and Peking University, the second-A program counts 985 and 211, the third-A program counts as an ordinary program, and the fourth-A program counts as an ordinary program, then the fifth-A program is at best a belt major.

Why do you, a leader, have face in front of us?

So Zhao Jun was angry at that time, raised his middle finger, and made an unyielding voice: "Special title? Wujia gives the same Jinshi origin? No dog is worthy of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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