Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 102 101 Profile

Chapter 102 101. Profile
Lu Mingfei pushed the phone towards Nono as he slid it along the tabletop of the Sunshine Canteen. With his other hand, he grabbed a greasy grilled elbow with German sauerkraut and ate it until the corners of his mouth and face were covered with oil.

Kassel College is located in Illinois, United States, next to Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago. Logically speaking, this is an authentic American university. In addition to beef burgers, chicken burgers, or hot dogs of various flavors, the cafeteria offers Anyone familiar with the history of this university knows that Kassel is actually a German surname.Its origin comes from Menech Cassel, an old friend of contemporary principal Hilbert Jean Angers.

That was the person who was suspected to have killed a god single-handedly in human history, because Meineke Cassel's spirit was Rhine, and the destruction he caused could almost destroy a city.

The reason why Menike Cassel's name was not included in the list of those who actually killed the first generation species is because the day after the Summer Mourning incident, people only found Deadpool in the manor. Together with the corpses of the first generation members of the Lion Heart Society, they found the dying Angers, but they did not find the bones of the Dragon King.

Then with the support of many emerging wealthy mixed-race families in Europe, Angers came to the United States to open this academy, and the Camarilla was officially reorganized into what it is today, so essentially it is still a German school, and most of the chefs are authentic The most consumed ingredients among Germans are pork knuckles and sauerkraut.The purpose of this cafeteria is that whenever students need it, they can eat hot pork knuckle stewed with pickled cabbage.

There was also such a big pig's knuckle in front of Nono.Although the red-haired miko is a slim girl who pays attention to body management, after all, dragon blood flows in her body, and her super metabolism causes her body to consume huge amounts of energy all the time. For her, gaining weight, which ordinary girls need to worry about, is Simply not a problem.

But the girl's attention was not on the pig knuckle. Nono's eyes were entirely on the phone screen that Lu Mingfei slid over.

She held the phone in her hand and zoomed in on the black and white photo to take a closer look.

In the photo, she is a tall girl with slender eyes. She looks like a person with sharp eyes. The tips of her eyebrows and corners of her eyes are raised a bit, and she is probably very stubborn.

She wore a long black dress and a black cloak, but her skin was fair and clear. Her expression could not be told whether it was joking or solemn, or both. She held a sharp sword in her hand and stood on the marble altar. Directly below, the dome is inlaid with crystals filled with stars.

This photo may be decades old, and many places are blurry. The photographer used a distant perspective blurring technique. Although the person in the center of the picture is highlighted, Nono cannot clearly see the altar and the murals behind it. and literature.

The girl's heroic figure and beauty are still vivid after many years. The wind from many years ago was still blowing her skirt, as if she was about to dance in the air at any time, but the metal swastika enshrined on the altar looked a bit dazzling.

"Senior sister, you must have reviewed the Tokyo mission report before, right? You must have been deeply impressed by Herzog mentioned in the report." Lu Mingfei said while eating.

"Yeah." Nono said lightly.

"I used Norma to investigate Herzog's information, his life and past, and found some interesting things. This man once served Germany and was the chief scientist of the Institute of Genetics of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. After Germany's defeat, he worked for Germany. Soviet service until the destruction of Black Swan Port." Lu Mingfei said that he did not need to tell Nono this information at all, because there were detailed explanations and notes in the mission report of the Tokyo mission. Herzog's experience Being presented in front of the secret party in its entirety.

"But someone deleted some of Herzog's information after the Tokyo incident." Lu Mingfei was still eating the pork knuckle with his head down, but Noono had already pricked up his ears alertly.She no longer only paid attention to the photo, but tilted her head to look at Lu Mingfei's eyes. Those dark eyes were covered by long eyelashes. The shadow concealed Lu Mingfei's gaze. Nono could not see clearly. The boy's eyes.

"The information shows that Herzog once came from a hybrid organization called the Far North. They believe that there is actually a continent called Hybril in the cold Arctic covered by the Arctic Ocean, which is the territory of the gods. , as long as they climb there, they will gain eternal life." Lu Mingfei lowered his head and said.

"A very common organizational purpose. This is not uncommon in mixed-race societies. Many societies, fraternities, and even religious forces have such legends. The kingdom of God is hidden in the north and south, in the sky and on the earth. As long as you find it, you can obtain eternal life. Gain wealth, gain power, I don’t know what kind of organization the Far North is, but it doesn’t sound special.” Nono hesitated and said this.

"But the Far North was not the original name of this organization. Before 1918, it was still part of the Camarilla, an ancient and long-standing society with some religious attributes. At that time, they called themselves the Twilight Doctrine." Lu Mingfei paused when he said this, "The members of the Dusk Doctrine believe that in the ancient times, there were not only advanced species called dragons in the world, but also real gods hidden in the corners of history. They have been in the long history Over the years, we have been enemies of the dragons, launching great wars one after another. In the cognition of the Twilight Dogma, the last war between the dragons and the gods is called the Twilight of the Gods."

Nuonuo's pupils suddenly shrank, and the profiling ability started to activate based on the information provided by Lu Mingfei. Countless secrets hidden in the deepest parts of history were pulled like threads, and frames shot into her like countless arrows. In her mind, the huge flow of information was like a rough ocean that was about to pour into the girl's soul.

Nordic mythology, Twilight of the Gods, Nono was stunned and speechless for a moment by this simple entry.Her heart was pounding like a drumbeat on the battlefield.

There was a cold and biting wind blowing in from the crack in the door of the cafeteria, like a flying knife thrown by a peerless assassin, quietly getting into Nono's collar.She shuddered violently, and her eyes suddenly became frightened and ferocious.

"The leader of the gods who participated in the last battle was Odin." Nuonuo said softly. Her voice was very small, very soft, and very slow. Except for the fact that it was transmitted to Lu Mingfei's ears, the rest of it was eliminated. In the sound of wind.Lu Mingfei just buried his head and gnawed on his pork knuckle, neither expressing agreement nor objection.

That damn fate seems to have formed a closed loop at this moment. The so-called Herzog, the so-called Odin, the so-called god, the so-called spear of fate, the fate that happened in the world was originally intertwined like chaotic threads, and now they found the place where the threads were entangled. .

"The girl in the photo in your hand is the leader of the last members of the Twilight Doctrine and the founder of the Far North. She was known as the Star Maria during the era when the SS held power in Germany. "Lu Mingfei finally finished chewing the pork knuckle, raised his head and looked into Nono's eyes.

"At that time, the leaders of the Third Reich were very interested in the theory of the Far North, and Star Maria became the darling of the entire social circle. She was aloof, beautiful, knowledgeable, and absolutely loyal to her belief in Hybril. , some people said that if she joined the SS, they could consider letting her lead troops to conquer the British Isles. The head of state was also attracted by her name, and met with her alone many times to consult her on occult matters, so she Also known as the 'Imperial Virgin'. A few months before the end of the war, Star Maria left Berlin and has been hiding in Argentina incognito."

Nono looked at the photo in her hand again, and she suddenly realized that Lu Mingfei seemed to have said something less.

"What about the ending? What's the ending for this saint?" she asked.If such a person loses her power, her life will be very difficult. She may become the target of a big shot who covets her beauty, or she may be liquidated after the war and be secretly shot from her hiding place.But Lu Mingfei smiled faintly.

"Eleven years ago, Star Maria left Argentina and bought the YAMAL icebreaker from the Russian government. It is a nuclear-powered icebreaker that sails on the ice all year round. There are no base stations in the place where the ship travels, and short waves are rarely used. Communication, even Norma could not locate her," he said, "like an isolated ghost wandering aimlessly over her grave."

"Do these lunatics still haven't given up looking for Hybril in the far north to this day? Do they still think there is a gathering place for gods there?" Nono's eyebrows wrinkled, which made her look rather boyish. The provocation is like the edge of a sword.

This is indeed an incredible thing.

In today's era of advanced technology and the gradual improvement of the aerospace industry, thousands of satellites are floating in low-Earth orbit.Those are the eyes in the sky created by humans, and they are transmitting holographic images of the entire earth to their respective countries every moment.Today is no longer the Age of Discovery hundreds of years ago. Columbus will no longer rely on sailing ships to cross the entire Atlantic Ocean to find the New World. The island is also clearly marked on the map.

If there really is a continent called Hybril in the Arctic Circle, and on that continent stands the glorious palace built by the gods, then it should have been discovered and excavated by humans long ago, and the treasures and knowledge inside it have been Make it public.

"I think that Hybril who is being searched for by Star Maria is actually a Nibelungen that is outside the real world. Now that we have confirmed that Odin exists, we cannot deny that Hybril It's just that we still can't be sure what Odin is. He doesn't feel like a dragon to me, but more like a puppet controlled by a mask. Maybe there really is some kind of divine race in the world that is very different from dragons. Not sure." Lu Mingfei wiped his fingers and hesitated, "Senior sister, do you want to eat the remaining pork knuckle?"

He looked like he was still a little unfinished.It seems that the skills of the chefs in the academy are indeed pretty good. Even though Lu Mingfei and Fingel have been chewing pork knuckles for half a year, they are still not tired of it.Nono was stunned for a moment, rolled his eyes, then opened his mouth and took a bite out of the surface of the pork knuckle.

"Eat, why don't I eat? You said you wanted to treat me to dinner, but you ended up eating pork knuckles. At this time, you want to take away my pork knuckles too." Nono grinned when he said this. Dissatisfied expression.

"We have different permissions, so the information I saw is more comprehensive. Senior sister, you probably don't know that Star Maria and Herzog are truly from the same era. The cunning old fox even lived in the same place for a long time. She was madly infatuated with our Imperial Saint, but Maria of the Star later chose another member of the Far North to get married secretly in Berlin." Lu Mingfei exhaled a long breath,

"My thoughts are very confused. The materials and information Norma gave are all the truth found out from the shadows of history, but these secrets cannot be connected into a real event. Star Maria is the last member of the Twilight Doctrine , she may still believe in the god named Odin, but she can’t imagine the connection between Herzog and Odin, who used conspiracy and trickery to usurp the throne of the White King. I thought I was about to find the truth, but right now There was a thick wall falling from the sky between me and the path to truth."

"Is the Dusk Dogma, or the Far North, a very large organization?" Nono suddenly asked, "Is that organization considered a giant in the eyes of the college?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Nono asked this, but he still answered honestly, "The information I got from Noma, the Twilight Creed was not an important organization for a long time. They The idea is considered to be the delusion of a madman, and there are countless statements similar to the gods and Odin in various pseudo-science or pseudo-alchemy books. After the organization split, the Camarilla at that time only paid attention to it in less than 30 years. They gave up because they were too weak and had no stable source of hybrids. The members were basically B-level or C-level members who were not taken seriously. Occasionally, one or two A-level hybrids were trained as leaders. "

"So, the Far North isn't that big of a deal?" Nono asked again.

Lu Mingfei pondered for a moment, "Another mixed-race organization working for the Germans at that time was also split from the Camarilla. Its name was the Weili Society. Although they were all women, it was far more powerful than the Far North. The power behind the scenes was It was very strong and took away a lot of their resources.”

"Can you use your authority to find out where the money for the icebreaker in the Far North came from? Or, in other words, did the Imperial Saint, Star Maria, take it with her when she left Berlin? These precious treasures and became a hidden rich man?" Nono caught a certain blind spot. If Star Maria fled from Berlin in a hurry, she should not have many assets.

But 11 years ago, the Far North bought a nuclear-powered icebreaker!
This thing should be worth more than hundreds of millions of dollars, right?

Lu Mingfei also realized this immediately.

He immediately asked Norma a question, and the artificial intelligence's answer was sent directly to Lu Mingfei's mobile phone via email.

"The information provided by Norma shows that Maria and her husband have lived in seclusion in Argentina for decades. Although they are not poor, they are definitely not rich. The method they used to escape Berlin was to travel lightly, which is absolutely impossible. She brought out expensive treasures. With her financial resources, she shouldn't be able to buy that ship." Lu Mingfei raised his head slightly.

There was no expression on his face, but golden light flowed deep in his pupils.

Some people are providing funds for the Far North, looking for the so-called Hybril, and also looking for the so-called God.

Others are providing Herzog with information about the Dragon Clan and helping him finally succeed in ascending to the throne.

Regardless of whether the person who did these two things was the same person, Lu Mingfei decided to go and meet the guy hiding behind the Far North.

He had a strange feeling, as if he was trying to bypass a long and confusing fate and face his own ending.

(End of this chapter)

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