Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 103 102 Chen Motong

Chapter 103 102. Chen Motong

The information in the Far North was easily delivered to Lu Mingfei's hands by Norma, but when he wanted to use the well-deserved uncrowned king in the information world to find the organization or individual who had long provided funds for the icebreaker, Norma said it was completely impossible to inquire.

This is because although huge flows of funds are often transferred to the Zurich bank account of the captain of the current YAMAL icebreaker, each time millions of bearer credit cards around the world are paying that card at the same time. Card transfer.

It's almost like a god is changing the rules in that virtual world.

Lu Mingfei and Nono both realized that they might have inadvertently touched upon the secrets or conspiracies of some worlds, and immediately terminated the investigation.

After experiencing so many things, Lu Mingfei has long realized that although the Camarilla is the most powerful violent organization in the mixed-race world, it is not united. The authority to command Norma has also been divided into dozens of parts. The holders of each black card are her owners.

Lu Mingfei and his senior sister were sitting on the edge of his small bed. There was a small table on the bed, which was all stable. On the table, there was only a small plate of fried peanuts and a few golden and crispy fried chicken steaks. A bottle of The bottle of golden whiskey was opened and placed at the foot of the bed, and the two of them drank sips of peanuts and fried chicken.

That bottle of wine was sent by Lu Mingfei’s fans in Europe. It is said that he is the daughter of a wealthy family. He is crazy about the prowess of the dragon-slaying hero. He said that if you are not the hero in this life, I will give you a bunch of monkeys if you don’t get married. , Lu Mingfei accepted the gift, and then ruthlessly rejected Qianjin's courtship. The main reason was that Qianjin was not only a daughter but also a catty.

The wine is produced by the Bushmill Distillery in Ireland. This distillery was officially established in 1608 and is the oldest whiskey distillery in the world. Some of the whiskeys coming out of it can be sold for tens of thousands of dollars. Who would you like to visit? The wealthy daughter's original plan was probably to have a drink and then have sex with Lu Yingxiong while talking at night.

Neither Lu Mingfei nor Nono said anything, their attention was attracted by a certain movie playing on the tablet.

That movie is "Lovers on the Bridge", a French romance film that's a bit old and a bit crazy. It tells the story of a rich girl Michelle who comes from a military family with eye problems and is abandoned by her first boyfriend.In despair, the girl took her picture folder and picture box and started wandering with her cat. Passing by the New Bridge, she met Alex, a homeless man on the street, and painted his painful appearance. Later, the two had a painful love. .

In fact, Lu Mingfei had watched this movie with his classmates from the literary club when he was in Shilan Middle School.Furthermore, this kind of film is not suitable for Nono.

She probably prefers Resident Evil or something.

But it was this old movie that the senior sister found. The two of them sat opposite each other and watched the movie while drinking.

The lights in the dormitory were dim, and the light from the tablet fell on and off the faces of Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo. The two of them didn't speak, just drank in silence.The peanuts were fried to a crispy aroma and were slightly bitter in your mouth.The room was quite warm, which was incompatible with the biting cold outside.

Lu Mingfei burped with satisfaction, and Nono sat on Lu Mingfei's bed with his two long legs intertwined.She only wore a pair of thin shorts on her lower body, and her long and tight thighs were dripping with fluorescent light.

"Now that you have obtained some key information from Norma and have some insights into Herzog's past, you are probably going to prepare to go to the North Pole and try to board the icebreaker to see the truth of the past. "Nono said this casually, her crimson eyes were breathtakingly beautiful. She stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes with a clearly nonchalant tone, but it made Lu Mingfei feel like he was being pressed closer and closer.

"Well, that's true. I plan to go to Norway sometime, use the Oslo branch to find out when the icebreaker docked at the Oslo port, and then quietly board it when it docks." Lu Mingfei said lowly. He lowered his eyelids, making him look droopy and listless.

He didn't dare to look at Nuonuo because there was no place for Nuonuo in his plan.

This trip to the North Pole was destined to be done alone.

There was a devil roaring at him in the dark, that devil roared in the depths of his soul. He said don't go, never go to the North Pole, never board that icebreaker, that is the end of fate, that is history. The restrainer, that was the end of the world, that was the era when all humans and dragons died, that was the beginning of the next era!
But Lu Mingfei didn't believe in evil, and his intuition was always very accurate.There must be some huge horror hidden on that ship.

But so what?He is no longer the weak kid who huddled cowardly behind his senior brothers and sisters.

Today, he already holds a sword in his hand, and his collar is lined with gold. If the dragon king is standing in front of him, he will kill the dragon king. If there are gods standing in front of him, he will cut off the gods.

There is no head in the world that cannot be chopped off. If there is, then chop off the second knife.

Nono nodded slightly. She knew that in the Oslo branch, the secret party's power distribution there was very weak. The number of hybrids in the entire Oslo definitely did not exceed three digits. Not only did they need to master information about out-of-control hybrids throughout Norway, It is also necessary to prevent the resurgence of dragons on many northern islands, including Iceland and Greenland.

"So when are we going to set off?" Nono said. Her expression was quite eager to try, but she put her hands on the small table, leaned forward slightly, and her breathtaking aura as sharp as a sword came to her. Lu Mingfei's face.

Lu Mingfei felt a huge drop of cold sweat sliding down his forehead. He raised his eyes and quickly glanced at Nuonuo's red eyes, and then quickly lowered his head.

"It's about the time when spring and summer transition. I'm going to prepare for summer. The climate at that time will be warmer and the chance of ships encountering danger while sailing in the Arctic Ocean will be smaller," Lu Mingfei said.

Nuonuo was actually a little happy when she heard Lu Mingfei say this.To this day, she still remembers the last time that Lu Mingfei, even though he had become the president of the student union and a high-ranking figure, was still panicked when Chu Zihang disappeared. He just walked out of the car without a plan and without thinking. Searle College breaks into the Golden Iris Islands of the Republic of Malta.

Although the boy at that time was growing up, he was still immature. When something happened, he still habitually wanted to hide behind his senior brothers and sisters.

But Lu Mingfei is different today. He is a real adult. He has changed a lot.

I also found some truth about what happened back then.

What would Lu Mingfei do if it were the past?He probably wouldn't even try to find the truth. Even if he knew all this, he would just hide and drink somewhere, or cry and seek help from his brothers and sisters.

The Earth's North and South Pole are probably the coldest places on the planet. The polar day phenomenon does not start in the entire Arctic Circle until June every year. The solar radiation will reach its strongest at this time, and the sea ice will begin to melt and the extent of the sea ice will begin to shrink. The thickness starts to get thinner.Almost all Arctic expeditions are conducted in the Arctic summer, because this is when icebreakers can break through the sea ice and sail into the hinterland of the Arctic Ocean.The nuclear-powered icebreaker the members of the Far North are aboard is almost the most powerful icebreaker in the world. It is even more useful than an aircraft carrier on the ice sea. It is probably most suitable to land on the YAMAL in the summer.

Long-term rigorous training has enabled Lu Mingfei to master every muscle in his body. He was even confident that he could hang on the stern of the ship with his bare hands for ten hours and wait until the defense was relaxed before sneaking in. But this kind of This behavior is very dangerous in extremely cold weather. Once he falls into the cold water, he may not be sure to find a piece of land.

"I want to go together." Nono suddenly hooked Lu Mingfei's chin with his fingers, forcing him to look at her. The girl's unique fragrance overwhelmed Lu Mingfei like cold sea water, and he was stunned. Looking at those eyes that were as mellow as red wine, for a few moments, I seemed to see again the sharp and beautiful angel that I had mistakenly thought fell from the sky.

Seeing Lu Mingfei's dull and somewhat at a loss, Nuonuo laughed out loud.

But her expression immediately became serious again.

"We are two people in the same boat, and our fates have already been tied together. If you are going to hell, then we will go to hell together; if you are going to kill someone, then I will carry a rocket launcher to help you clear the way. "If you are going to die, then let the spear destined to pierce your heart pierce me too." When Nono said these words, her tone was as firm as if she wanted to cast steel into mountains, her eyes There was a thin mist in the room, staring into Lu Mingfei's eyes without giving in.

Nuonuo is such a smart girl. Of course she can guess what this bad guy is thinking. He probably never thought of taking her to the North Pole with him.

But as she said, the fates of Chen Motong and Lu Mingfei have long been tightly tied together.

In the last period of time and space, the Holy Spear of Destiny named Kungunil penetrated Lu Mingfei's heart before continuing to penetrate her heart.Their blood and fate are intertwined.If there are people closer than them in this world, then these two people must have experienced greater life and death.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were unavoidable. His chin was pinched by Nuonuo, and his whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds.

In fact, he had a closer contact with his senior sister during the Kuimen Project, but it was more like the madness of a drowning person returning from the dead world. Nono at that time even made him a little scared. .

But Lu Mingfei really didn't want anyone except himself to be involved in the matter about Herzog. Be it senior sister, senior brother, Caesar, or Ling, they were all irrelevant outsiders.

The Far North is just a bump in the road for Lu Mingfei to investigate Herzog, but this bump may also be an endless abyss. The bottom of the abyss is the end of destiny, where the devil thirsting for blood roars.

But Lu Mingfei was a person who made a deal with the devil. His fate was destined to fall into the abyss, so he didn't care about stepping in early.But everyone else is innocent. If this is a journey that inevitably leads to death, then let him go on this journey alone.

But Nuonuo's eyes and tone were so determined, and her fingers were so strong.

But the avoidance she saw in the boy's eyes was not pure shyness, it was fear. He was afraid, that kind of panic, that kind of fear, that kind of sadness that was afraid of losing...

Just like the last time he encountered Odin in the last period of time and space, Kungunir roared and got into his chest and pierced his heart. He was still trying to pierce the boy's body like a snake. He was dying slowly, but When he turned to look at her, his eyes showed relief and fear of her death, but it was clear that it was him, Lu Mingfei, who was going to die.

Nuonuo sighed softly. It was not an expression in some language, but just a heavy breathing. It might be admiration or sadness, but suddenly she seemed to really cry. She was very afraid of fate. In the end, she was the only one walking forward alone on that line.

She slowly approached. At this time, the movie "Lovers at the New Bridge" had ended, and the cast list was being played. In the long darkness, such a weak light fell on the girl's fair skin, revealing the blushing side of her face, and her long and thick lips. The eyelashes cast a shadow on the other side of her face, making her look as beautiful as a nun who stepped out of a poem.

The cast finally rolled to the end, and there was an even longer darkness, as if all the light in the world had disappeared, leaving only the sounds of wind and drizzle.

But suddenly, such a dazzling white light appeared in the black middle of the screen, and it turned out to be a line of handwritten words.

"With love to Juliet - Alex".

The eyes of Lu Mingfei and Nono were both attracted at that moment. It was a really overwhelming sentence. Love was written at the end that everyone could see, even though the ending was not beautiful.

The two people's eyes slowly returned, and finally met above the small table, as if they were looking back after many years.

Lu Mingfei stared at his senior sister blankly, as if he had just had a dream. In the dream was the scattered light, and deep in the light was the red Ferrari parked on the roadside with its engine still roaring.

Suddenly, there was such a deep fatigue pressing on the boy's shoulders. He had been through so many ups and downs, but he never knew whose name would be engraved on his tombstone if he died one day.

But suddenly, Nono said those words, just like the young man who was stained with blood on the battlefield and dragged his broken and tired body back to his hometown. The girl who loves to laugh is still riding a red horse and waiting for you under the camellia tree. Everyone They all fear you and respect you, only that girl holds you and touches your head and says you must have been working hard these years.

Lu Mingfei was finally defeated. He grabbed Nono's hand holding his chin and turned his eyes away from his senior sister's eyes.

"Okay, let's go together." He said.

In a daze, he seemed to see the floating light again. In the floating light was an intoxicating night. The Ferrari was running on the elevated road, with lights on both sides.The dirty child looked at the rapidly passing lights outside and felt that he was dreaming. Now he has become a little firefly in this stream of light, swarming forward with other fireflies, wondering if there is an exit ahead. .

(End of this chapter)

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