Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 104 Professor Group 103

Chapter 104 103. Professor Group

The trustees of Kassel College are definitely some of the richest families in the world. There are probably only a few non-state organizations that can compete with them in terms of financial resources, such as the Henkel family, the leaders of the North American mixed race, and the ancient families in Germany. Cassel family.

The students who successfully graduate from this school will be the elite of the elite no matter where they go in the world and in which industry they work. The vast majority of alumni will be in business or other fields as long as they can retire from the executive department alive. There was a lot of success. There was even a black man who spent four years after returning to Africa to launch an armed coup against a bloody dictator in his barren motherland and achieved final victory and established a new country.

In short, relying on the annual allocations from these school directors and the generosity of alumni, the college's annual funding is an astronomical figure. If the state government finds out, it will probably come to collect taxes.

Among these astronomical funds, the Equipment Department and their Walter Alheim, including the research projects of tenured professors, will share nearly half.

Of the remaining funds, the school medical department definitely accounts for a huge amount.

This is not unreasonable. The commissioner of the execution department is engaged in what can be regarded as the most dangerous job in the world, and Lu Mingfei has a strong say in this.

Considering that the Nibelung Plan was fully implemented, and the serum extracted from the body of Dragon King Constantine and the alchemy matrix compiled by the vice-chancellor himself were all used on him, it stands to reason that he would be able to recreate the peak from the top. A super hybrid was created that could dominate the Dragon King-level battlefield. As a result, Lu Mingfei's performance was mediocre, but his physical fitness improved a lot, from an ordinary person's level to an A-level level.

A-level is not unusable, but it is much worse than the super hybrid that the secret party originally hoped to be able to confront Dragon King-level targets, and it is not even as good as the real S strength possessed by Lu Mingfei today.

The expert group believes that the potential of the Nibelungen Plan may have only been squeezed out of a small part of Lu Mingfei, and he needs to be exercised.

So the old guy from Angers threw the somewhat silly little white rabbit into the execution department full of evil wolves and foxes.

In just half a year, Lu Mingfei rarely rested in a certain city. He was running on new tasks every day. His opponents included Deadpool, a powerful A-level out-of-control hybrid, and those who woke up from the tomb. Pure blood dragon.

If there is no medical logistics structure that can match this kind of high-intensity work, many specialists may not even survive the first year.

Therefore, even the campus hospital is more majestic than other buildings, with impressive marble floor tiles, huge carved columns like ancient Roman pantheons, huge Nightingale sculptures, and the most complete and advanced ones in the world. With state-of-the-art medical equipment and the best expert team, the members of the school medical department are all the absolute elites of the elite. In a sense, they are very similar to the crazy group of people in the equipment department.

What the Minister of Equipment Department often says is "Although it seems like there is something in the world that we can't do..." In the past, Director Akadulla rejected Lu Mingfei's unreasonable requests, such as asking for a set of Iron Man. He would say these arrogant words while wearing a battle suit, while nodding his head frequently.Minister Akadullah is an Arab, and their nods actually mean shaking their heads. Lu Mingfei found it very interesting. He followed this habit for a while when he participated in the brutal training of the Nibelungen Plan, which caused the members of the student union to collapse. .

The name of the director of the school medical department is Gertie Theresa Corey. She won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1947, discovered the catalytic reaction of glycogen, and was once the unknown true leader of Mayo Medical Center.Mrs. Cory's age is probably only slightly inferior to those of the scientific lunatics who serve as heads of departments and the Principal of Angers in the college. She claimed to have died in 1957, but in fact she has been working for Kassel College.

This minister is far more reliable than Akadullah. What she often says is "leave the dead at the door, and prepare for discharge if there is still breath left."It is by no means domineering, but it is very reassuring to the commissioners of the execution department. As long as the commissioners who are performing tasks outside are still alive, even if the entire lower body is cut off or even one-third of the internal organs of the upper and lower body are necrotic, they can still be treated by the school medical department. .But of course those severed limbs have to be replaced with metal prostheses.

The Medical Department is one of the few departments that is still almost fully staffed even during the long holiday.

Because they not only provide services to undergraduates, but are also always ready to rescue seriously injured alumni who spend their days slaying dragons around the world.

"...That's true, but can Mans really do this in his current condition? I'm a little scared, Manstein." Guderian lowered his voice and whispered, squeezing himself into the brown room. Manstein crept behind him in a gray coat. He waddled along the corridor wall with his big belly, like a large elephant following a skinny seal.

Manstein is the skinny sea dog with the glowing head.

Manstein was a little helpless. He first carefully poked his head out of the corner and looked around to make sure there were no night guards wandering around. Then he sighed, "Sometimes I really feel that you are still fourteen or fifteen years old." Guderian, you are now a tenured professor of the college. You are about to have a real business relationship with Jean Grouse. You are still so sneaky when you visit a patient. No one in the school can control you now. You are so afraid. What?"

Guderian was stunned for a moment. He scratched the top of his head with the hand holding the environmental bag. The area was completely bald and sparkling under the bright light from the top of the corridor. It matched Manstein very well.

"I saw that you were also sneaky. I thought we were not allowed to do this." Guderian still lowered his voice.

Manstein covered his face and took a deep breath. "I'm supposed to be on duty in the central control room these days. Although someone has taken over for me, if someone discovers that the director of the Discipline Committee is wandering around instead of being on duty as required, do you think the Discipline Committee's authority among the students will be affected? Will it be affected?"

"Actually, it's not just the director of the Discipline Committee. It's very suspicious for anyone to wander around the hospital at midnight." Guderian looked serious, but his seriousness collapsed within a few seconds. The little old man put the environmental protection The bag jingled by his ears, "By the way, doesn't Mance's situation not allow drinking?"

"Nothing is allowed. He is in a special situation now. Besides, a little alcohol is of no use to people like us." Manstein waved his hand and ran on tiptoe through a consulting room. He said it was a consulting room but it was actually In the medical lounge on the floor of the inpatient department, the nurse on duty didn't notice him, but Guderian's bear-like figure could hardly avoid attracting attention.

"Hello Professor Guderian, come and see Professor Mance personally in the middle of the night!" the little nurse greeted him crisply.

Guderian patted the young nurse on the shoulder in the manner of a leader from the mountainous areas on the western edge of China going to the countryside to inspect. "Well, let me see how Mance is recovering. You are working hard too, kid, come on." He said. When I was there, I thought how refreshing it was for me to visit the doctor in person. Another even more novel thing was that I actually also pooped myself.

Lu Mingfei is probably a magnet for second-rate people in concept, and the people around him are more or less second-rate.

After talking to the little nurse, Guderian became obviously much more refreshed and spoke louder. Manstein was too lazy to care about this little nurse and went all the way outside Professor Mans' ward.

Professor Mance was injured in the last Kuimen Project. Odin's weapon almost tore his heart, one-third of his bones were broken, and one-half of his lungs were completely damaged. If it weren't for Lu Mingfei Yan Ling has probably entered the Hall of Valor at this moment.But although he was rescued from the hands of death by the efforts of Yan Ling who did not want to die and the school medical department, he was still left with injuries that could not be healed.

Mance's left hand was replaced with a prosthetic limb and artificial lung lobes were also replaced. His heart recovered well and is now able to work independently.

The hospital room was quiet. Even though the temperature outside was only a few degrees Celsius, the powerful heating system still made it as warm as early summer.

Mance had been transferred to an independent ward two months ago. His recovery was pretty good, and there were far fewer expert teams visiting during this period.

When Odin pierced him with Kungunir, he probably didn't use the ability to directly erase his destiny, so he actually allowed Mance to save his life.

By the dim light of the bedside, Professor Manns was slowly flipping through a book written in German.His complexion was sickly pale, and his muscles had begun to atrophy from prolonged inactivity.

The ancient god named Odin he encountered during the Kuimen Project left him with indelible damage.That kind of damage is not only reflected in the body, but also reflected in the soul.He lost his most cherished student, but he shamefully survived God's spear.

This lingering, deserter-like sense of guilt and shame often made Mance unable to sleep.

But when he saw Guderian and Manstein pushing in the door, he still laughed from the bottom of his heart.

The three of them are actually Harvard alumni, but the difference is that Guderian and Manstein lived in the same dormitory for a long time, while Mans Rundstedt was two years older than the two of them.

"Hey, Mance, we're here to see you." Guderian was beaming, waving the environmental bag in his hand to Mance across the entire ward.

"Long time no see, Guderian, Manstein, have you brought any wine?" Mansi used his only remaining right hand to support himself and sit up straight.He sniffed and seemed to smell the very faint smell of alcohol in the air, "Is it vodka?"

"Your nose is more sensitive than an Angus hound, my old friend." Guderian smiled happily and placed three 750 ml bottles of vodka on Professor Mance's bedside table.

These wines are high-end goods flown directly from Moscow. The containers that hold them are quartz glass bottles with oak stoppers. The alcohol will seep into the bottle stoppers along the pores of the oak, and then the flavor will evaporate into the air.

Compared to whiskey, a colorless and odorless famous liquor, vodka has a strong alcoholic taste.But through a layer of oak stopper, I'm afraid only the truly outstanding hybrids can smell the faint aroma of wine filling the air.It is obviously impossible for Professor Mans to do this because of his bloodline, but his sense of smell is far more sensitive than others, and he is considered the most senior wine taster in the academy.

"I asked the principal some time ago, and he said that you will be able to return to your normal teaching duties soon, and then I can treat you to a supper. Recently, the cafeteria hired a very good Japanese chef. This chef is very good at Make fried tempura and tonkotsu ramen." Guderian chattered beside Professor Mance. He and Manstein sat on either side of Mance. In contrast, Professor Manstein You have to be much more taciturn.

They did ask the principal of Angers, Professor Manns, when he would be discharged from the hospital, and they did get a definite answer.

Mance will be able to continue coaching probably by the middle of next semester.

But they also received bad news from Angers. Mance would probably not be able to participate in any execution mission from now on.The injuries he suffered would be severe enough for any ordinary person to meet the God of Death. Mance's body could no longer support him in continuing to carry out dangerous tasks.

Manstein certainly knew what a cruel fact this was for Mans.Although this old friend has served in the normal teaching tasks of the college, he is still a real warrior in essence, and his time in the execution department is much longer than that of teaching in the college.

Professor Schneider even once believed that Mance was a more suitable candidate for the position of Minister of Implementation than himself.

He is powerful and ruthless, and has made great achievements on the battlefield of dragon slaying. From the video data left behind by the Kuimen Project, we can see that even when facing dragons like Odin, who are suspected of being the first generation species, Mance did not perform well. Showing no trace of flinching or fear.He still firmly raised his weapon to the gods, even though he was as fragile as a porcelain bottle in front of Odin.

Guderian was still talking, and Mance would occasionally reply. The three of them were drinking together, but Manstein's expression suddenly changed.He noticed two cups of still-steaming coffee on the table to Mance's right.

This aroused his curiosity and alertness, and the director of the Discipline Committee, who was famous among students for his meticulous manners, began to observe the situation in the ward.He immediately noticed another suspicious point. On Guderian's side of the hospital bed, there was an obvious dent on the quilt covering Mance's body, which was the mark of someone sitting on it.

So someone visited Mance not long ago. Judging from the coffee still steaming, this person probably left not long ago.But who would come to visit a patient at such a time?In the middle of the night?

"I have some physical inconveniences, so I would like to ask you two to help me with something." Mance suddenly said at this time, interrupting Guderian's chatter, with his unique silver-gray eyes of the Aryans Golden flames seemed to be dancing inside, and cold murderous intent seeped out. However, this inexplicable murderous intent was fleeting, and Manstein even thought that he might have had an illusion.

"As long as it doesn't violate school rules," Manstein said.

"It will not violate school rules. I need your help to find a piece of information in the paper files in the library. The object of this investigation is an organization called the Twilight Doctrine. It split from the Camarilla more than 100 years ago. Later, it was renamed the Far North before World War II." When he said this, he squeezed the book in his hand.

There was a black titanium alloy card sandwiched inside. One side of the card was carved with a lush World Tree using ancient techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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