Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

105 Chapter 104 Secret

Chapter 105
"Then that's it for today, Mance. You are still a patient, so you need to rest early." Manstein pulled Guderian, who was still a little unfinished, with his cheeks slightly red and wearing half-rimmed glasses. His eyes were watery, making him look several years younger.

Mance nodded slightly, and tapped the hard cover of the German book twice with his right index finger, "Please help me pay attention to the Twilight Dogma, it is very important to me. .”

Manstein waved his hand without looking back until he and Guderian reached the door and suddenly stopped.

This was because Mance called them from behind.

"There's one more thing I want to ask," Mance's voice didn't sound rippled, just cold, like the ice of the Arctic sea.He said, "My students, Aki and Thelma, are they okay?"

"Life is going pretty well. Selma is a carefree girl, as you know. It took Aki Shutoku some time to get over that incident. They have now joined the Dragon Blood Society founded by Lu Mingfei , became one of the committee members of the emerging fraternity. Probably determined to make some changes, Shutoku Aki and Selma are both undergoing very rigorous physical training and fighting skills training. You can see it when you leave the hospital. The students are very different from before." Mance said softly.

Mance then laughed silently. He gently rubbed the black card with his index and middle fingers. The surface of the black card had a matte texture that was not smooth. It was clearly light and delicate, but it made people feel that it was so tight to hold. Heavy power and power.
The last wave of biting cold air has swept over Illinois, and then the warm spring has really arrived.

This is really the season when everything is reviving, even the red birch trees on the mountain outside Kassel College have sprouted lush buds.

"...Okay, I understand, professor. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. No, no, this should be my honor, so I won't disturb you. I wish you a happy holiday. Okay, okay, bye." Lu Mingfei waited for Principal Angers on the other end of the call to hang up the phone before closing the phone and placing the phone screen down on the desk in front of him.He took a long breath and then slowly buried himself into the soft sofa.

The first ray of spring sunshine in Chicago fell into this bedroom through the faint buds of the lush trees outside the window.

The thin and gentle sunlight gently caressed the red hair of the girl sitting next to him.

Nuonuo fell asleep lying on the table. In front of her, like in front of Lu Mingfei, were piles of large books borrowed from the library. The titles of those books were "The Rise of the Han Empire", "The Genealogy of the Dragon Clan - The Continuation of the Bloodline of the Emperors of Han and Tang Dynasties", "The Conflict between Chu and Han - The Rise and Decline of the Chu State", "The History of Mixed Races in Ancient China"...

They are all highly academic books on mixed-race society, and each one is enough to be used as a textbook for a Chinese dragon history course for an entire semester.The information in front of Lu Mingfei was also very different.

The line between Herzog and the Far North cannot make further progress for the time being. The cunning evil ghost has not left much information for reference in the world. We can only wait until Lu Mingfei personally Maybe you can get a glimpse of more secrets by boarding the nuclear-powered icebreaker.So at this time, he and Nono naturally put more energy on the second-generation embryo from the Kassel family in Germany.

Now that they have concluded that the spirit of Xiang Yu, the King of Sky and Wind, resides in the body of the second-generation species named Yu Ji, their exploration has a fixed direction.

Logically speaking, it is not difficult for Nono, who has the talent of profiling, to peel off the cocoons from the existing history to find the original truth.

After all, just as Principal Anger said, Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, is one of the twins of the King of Sky and Wind. This matter should have been obscurely recorded in some ancient Chinese historical documents.

But here's the problem.Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo read through almost all the relevant books they had access to, and of course used their terrifying profiling talents, but they still couldn't find anything about the epic battle of Gaixia. Clues.

It may not be appropriate to say this. A more accurate statement is that they have not been able to find any evidence in history that anything related to the dragon race participated in the Battle of Gaixia.

So their pursuit of this matter should have come to an end here, but Nono was keenly aware of the huge lie buried in history.

Chinese people often say that they are descendants of the dragon, which is actually not without basis.

From Yao and Shun to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, any war related to regime change in any dynasty in the history of this ancient civilization is actually filled with dragons. The replacement of dynasties and the rise and fall of the royal family are actually the result of those powerful, The optimal solution is reached after mixed-race families with different stances fight each other.

Those wealthy families that were known to have lasted for thousands of years on the land of China before modern history, every member of them had hot dragon blood flowing in their bodies.

Even if compared horizontally with the civilizations of all countries in the world, the brutality of ancient Chinese wars is unique.

Some wars have developed to the point where they can be called genocide.For thousands of years, the people on that land have been replaced one after another. Ordinary humans without blood have been reduced to civilians, displaced and without successors, and gradually disappeared.The wealthy families with dragon blood flowing in their bodies spread their descendants to all corners of the country.So a new class of civilians appeared again. Until the rise of the next dynasty, new wealthy families would replace the original rulers, and new civilians would replace the original civilians.

Today, thousands of years later, there are very few pure-blooded humans in China.

Many Chinese people are actually mixed race, but their bloodline is not very pure, and most of the dragon genes show recessive expression. Most people are no different from ordinary people even throughout their lives.But even so, the dark side of China is still the largest mixed-race society in the world, and even the Secret Party has difficulty penetrating its power into such a place.

This is exactly what Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo find strange and strange.Even in the peasant army uprisings like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang that ultimately failed, the dragon clan can be seen, such as the Fish Belly Alchemy Book and the Lonely Sound of the Bonfire. In fact, it is not something that low-level people like Chen Sheng and Wu Guang who have never read or seen anything can think of. The idea was recorded in mixed-race history books and was actually the work of a second-generation prince from the lineage of the King of Sky and Wind.

It makes no sense to say that the War of Gaixia, a war to destroy a country, was so clean that not even the shadow of a third-generation species could be seen.

This period of history is so clean that there is no doubt about it, but this is precisely where its doubts lie.Someone has tampered with this period of history and buried a lot of truth.

Lu Mingfei tried hard not to make any sound, so that the only sound left in the room was Nuonuo's even breathing.He stared at the sleeping girl's side face. The thin and warm sunlight not only fell on the ends of her hair, but also fell on the closed eyelids through the dense and neat eyelashes.

Nono's eyelashes trembled slightly with her breathing. Probably because she stayed up all night, her skin looked a little pale, but her lips were still red, and her eyebrows were still sharp and stubborn.Her jaw is pointed and small, and there are a few small freckles on the tip of her nose.

Lu Mingfei opened the window a crack, skillfully pulled out a pack of Soft Seven Stars from the drawer, lit one with a match, and watched the burning stick gradually burn out, and when it finally went out, only a short stick remained. .

The rising words slightly obscured Lu Mingfei's sight, and Nono just curled up on the sofa in the early morning sun, small and white, like a baby.

Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned.He didn't know when he started putting Nono in the weak position. He suddenly realized that he was now the big animal in the crowd. Big animals want to protect small animals, but he And why did you agree to go to the icebreaker with Nono?

Lu Mingfei stood up and took down a thick blanket from his bed, and tiptoed to cover the girl next to him.

The long red hair curled like a red sunset under the sun. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently touched his senior sister's hair, like stroking a kitten he had raised for many years.

Nuonuo muttered something in his sleep, which scared Lu Mingfei and quickly retracted his paw, scratching his head in embarrassment.

The person he was talking to on the phone just now was Angers. According to the flight information revealed by Norma, the old guy should still be on vacation in London.

The capital of the British Empire, once known as the Empire on which the sun never sets, is naturally one of the gathering places for mixed-race wealthy families. In the early days of the industrial era, many wealthy families who were involved in business or dragon-slaying battlefields settled there, including a large number of secret agents. Party elders also chose to set up their family headquarters there.

The royal family of England actually has dragon blood, which is one of the reasons why the queen has lived for so long. To this day, there are still many high-ranking figures in mixed-race society who have been conferred by Her Majesty the Queen to take over the titles of their fathers.

The principal is very old, about 130 years old. There are only a few of his peers at Kassel College. Unfortunately, he probably has nothing in common with them.Almost all of the old friends who Angers could talk to and who were still alive were gathered in London at this time.

The principal always takes some time every year to get together with his friends who are dying one by one. This is really understandable.

Of course, Lu Mingfei made the call on his own initiative. He still couldn't hold back and chose to ask the principal directly.Angers swore that Xiang Yu was definitely one of the twins of the King of Sky and Wind. This was what he discovered when he borrowed ancient books from some local mixed-race families in China.

According to the principal's speculation, the Battle of Gaixia should be the most magnificent dragon-slaying war that has ever occurred in human history. King Liu Bang of Han Dynasty summoned tens of thousands of hybrids and multiple super hybrids from all over the country - in the words of the principal To explain that a super hybrid is a hybrid whose blood purity is even higher than S level and reaches the critical blood limit. Lu Mingfei immediately understood what kind of person it was.They should be the same kind as those who are called emperors among the blood descendants of the White King. If there have been hybrids similar to the emperor in Chinese history, it means that their bloodline must have been obtained by a powerful king by giving his own flesh and blood.

In short, during the Battle of Gaixia, Liu Bang and Han Xin used a powerful alchemical matrix and used bronze and fire spirits to evaporate hundreds of tons of liquid mercury, making the mercury vapor fill the battlefield like a long-lasting thick fog. On top of that, an astonishing number of emperors were also used to besiege Xiang Yu, the King of Sky and Wind.

The final result of this war was the fall of Dragon King Xiang Yu. His Dragon Bone Cross was obtained by five super hybrids after the war. The five people were Wang Yi who got the head, Yang Xi who got the left leg, and the right Yang Wu got his leg, Lu Sheng got his right arm, and Lu Matong got his blood and bones with the favor of the Dragon King.

Four of the dragon bone crosses were later recovered by the royal family of the Han Empire, and only one belonging to Yang Xi was left outside. The Yang family claimed that the dragon bone was lost.

But among Yang Xi's descendants, there was Yang Jian, the emperor of the Sui Empire. He founded a powerful and violent empire, an empire shaped like a dragon.

From this, it seems that the dragon bone in Yang Xi's hand has not been lost, and has even been passed down to the hands of future generations, helping the family to reach its peak and glory from generation to generation.

Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, left his palace in Northern Europe when Xiang Yu fell, and came to China after a long journey. According to the speculation of the principal and his think tanks, Norton's purpose in coming to China was to obtain the Dragon King. Xiang Yu's Dragon Bone Cross, but he underestimated the strength of the Han Empire's hybrids, and finally had to choose to fall into sleep when he was besieged.

It sounds simple, but even with Lu Mingfei's experience, he can only feel that there is such a magnificent epic hidden in these calm words.The principal's speculation is of course crucial to him. With this information, Nono may be able to restore the truth of history through profiling.

Why did Xiang Yu turn against Liu Bang, what was the Qin Empire that they had to join forces to overthrow, and of course what was the meaning of what Yu Ji said to Lu Mingfei in the spiritual world.

Lu Mingfei stared at Nuonuo's side face, but had no intention of admiring his senior sister's picturesque eyebrows. He smoked cigarettes one after another, and spit out the smoke out the window. There was also some biting wind that swept over his face, which made Su Ye The tired and sleepless spirits were refreshed.

Maybe we have to find an opportunity to ask the principal to temporarily close the alchemy matrix. It suppresses the activity of the embryo and does not even have the power to drag Lu Mingfei into the spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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