Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 106 105 Boar Neo

Chapter 106 105. Boar Neo (please subscribe)

"The next semester is about to start, and there is still no solution." Nono raised her chin and looked at Lu Mingfei's side face, who was looking for information under the library light, with sleepy eyes.Time flies by quickly, and the winter vacation is almost over. Many students have returned to school, and the library has become a little lively.

"Mingfei, Noonuo, you guys are here to check the information too." A girl's voice sounded next to them, and both Lu Mingfei and Noonuo looked up.She was a girl with long legs and beautiful eyes, but even though she was greeting them, the expression on her face was still cold.

"Senior Sister Yaji, you're so early." Lu Mingfei waved hello.

Shuode Aki joined the Dragon Blood Club three months after the end of the Kuimen Project. She and Senior Sister Thelma became new partners, and the changes in both of them were visible to the naked eye.

In the past, Shutoku Aki was a beautiful girl who spoke softly, always smiled, and had some baby fat. However, the intensity of her training in the past few months was comparable to that of Chu Zihang when he was most desperate for killing embryos. Soon she became tall, slender and slender, and her favorite outfit changed from a white skirt or casual clothes to an executive department-style windbreaker suit or tight pants jacket.

But in Lu Mingfei's opinion, the biggest change in Senior Aki is her temperament and aura.

She used to be a very gentle girl, like water, trickling.

But even though she didn't say it now, Lu Mingfei could see that there was hatred like wildfire hidden in her heart, and frost was almost hanging on her face. At this moment, she was still like water, but more like a flood.

Nono yawned, "Hello, senior sister."

"Professor Mance entrusted me to help him check some academic information, so I came a little early." Shutoku Aki said lightly.

Ever since Ye Sheng died, her soul seemed to have died too. It was a kind of loneliness that would make people shiver even from a long distance away, and an incurable blood sorrow.

Lu Mingfei's cell phone, which was originally placed on the table, suddenly made a small sound. It was an incoming call after the volume was turned down.

There was no caller's name displayed directly above the number, but after he picked up the phone and took a look, he had a strange look on his face. Apparently he remembered the string of numbers.

The caller was Henkel, the current mixed-race leader of North America. During the last trip to Chicago, Lu Mingfei had an agreement with Henkel.Henkel helped him search for organizations and individuals throughout North and South America that were connected to the Sheqi Eight Families or had large transactions, and promised that he would use his Word Spirit Holy Judgment to help Lu Mingfei kill someone at some point.Lu Mingfei promised to use his authority to help North American hybrids intervene in Cassel College's research on the two second-generation corpses and share the research results.

In fact, Lu Mingfei had already done this after the trip to Chicago. Today, North American hybrids represented by Henkel are the largest partners of Kassel College in the research of next-generation corpses, followed by the Chinese branch and Russian branch.

They have indeed achieved some research results, such as the physiological characteristics of dragons and the improvement of dragon gene fragments. The most important thing is that the institute has extracted a small amount of ancient dragon serum from those two corpses.The effect of this serum is of course far inferior to the Nibelungen Project, but it is also comparable to the Golden Holy Serum Project.The only flaw is the low success rate.

As a substance that has been refined once, serum is of course much milder and safer than direct dragon blood, but it is still a very strong drug. There have been no clinical trials yet, but it is estimated that the bloodline evolution will be successful after mixed bloods take it. The rate does not exceed 10%.

It seems low, but it is actually quite impressive. If every ten people can create one Transcendent A Grade or even S Grade, it will definitely be a good deal for the iron-blooded veterans.

So now that Henkel suddenly contacted him, could it be that he discovered some important trading partner of the eight Sheqi families in America?
Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, then he smiled apologetically at Jiude Aki, covered the phone's broadcast hole with his left hand, and pointed to his left hand with his right hand. Jiude Aki made an OK gesture and left quickly. .

"Senior sister, I'll take a call. When I get back, I'll treat you to a big dinner." Lu Mingfei said quickly.

Nono moved his fingers as if to shoo away a fly.
"It's me." Henkel's voice and tone were low and vicissitudes of life, like the wind blowing through the wilderness a hundred years ago, solemn and solemn.

But then he added, "I'm Henkel, and I've had hemorrhoids before."

Lu Mingfei was stunned when he heard this. His hand holding up the phone suddenly froze, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he sighed helplessly.

Then both ends of the call fell into silence.

"I am Lu Mingfei. I have never had hemorrhoids but I was circumcised when I was 12 years old." Lu Mingfei said, lowering his voice and smiling awkwardly at the students walking by on both sides.

Then he put the phone to his mouth and cursed in a low voice, "If the bastards around me are gathered in an organized manner, they can probably form a reinforced company, and they can break into the White House and assassinate the President of the United States that night. And among those bastards , You are definitely the most inconspicuous one, Henkel."

The elderly man laughed heartily on the other end of the call.

"I can hear the flaws that you admit from your own mouth. I feel that you are still just a human. Isn't that great? The perfect thing is a dragon, and dragons should go to hell for you secret party. Evil ghost." Henkel's laughter became deeper and deeper, until he finally disappeared completely and finally said such a sentence.

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, and then chuckled, "You are right Henkel, only dragons are perfect, and we are only humans after all."

There are really not many people in this world who have the ability to monitor this conversation. Apart from the college's artificial intelligence secretary Norma, the only one left is Kaguya from the Japanese branch.Although Kaguya can monitor the entire territory of Japan, she cannot spread her tentacles to the outside world protected by Norma.

Lu Mingfei himself is already one of the highest authority holders of black cards in Norma's database. Even if Norma wants to monitor his calls, he must obtain more than two-thirds of the black card holders. Only with recognition.

I wonder if the school board meeting and the elders would be so boring. Lu Mingfei is only a freshman after all.

Although it is completely impossible to monitor their calls, it is not impossible to pretend to be both parties and contact Henkel and Lu Mingfei separately.

It is not difficult to steal Henkel and Lu Mingfei's mobile phones from their hands. As long as a hybrid who is good at hiding himself can do it, Henkel thought that when leaving Chicago, he needed some contact information. Questions and answers that can confirm each other’s identities.

It's just that Lu Mingfei didn't expect that this old bastard would choose to use the unspeakable flaws in the other person's body to determine his identity.

"Dear Mr. Henkel, do you have something important to tell me?" Lu Mingfei sat down on the bench under the red birch tree at the entrance of the library. He faced the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the building. He waved to say hello to Nono who was sitting inside.Nuonuo also waved, her dark red eyes reflected mottled light spots, and her beautiful eyebrows curved into beautiful arcs.

"After you left my manor, I mobilized almost the entire North American mixed race to investigate the matter you entrusted." Henkel said, "This is really a troublesome matter, and my children are very busy with it. I am very worried. The Japanese branch of your Kassel College, an organization nominally governed by the secret party, actually serves the eight Sheqi families you mentioned. Because of this relationship, the investigation of the eight Sheqi families is in Many times, the artificial intelligence secretary will misjudge it as a provocation to the secret party, which often makes it more difficult for us during the operation."

Lu Mingfei was a little stunned for a moment, and then he smiled sarcastically. He really didn't expect this.

The Japanese branch of Kassel College is also on Norma's protection list, but since Henkel called him today, it means that the secretary's protection of the Japanese branch has not been able to bring benefits to the North American mixed-races. What a trouble.

"Even so, my children and I found the person you were looking for, thanks to our group's infiltration of various gangs in North and South America." Henkel said, "A week ago our people in New Mexico destroyed We visited the stronghold of a certain gang occupying the port and found a batch of goods that will be shipped to Rio de Janeiro in the near future. Guess what that batch of goods is." "What is it?" Lu Mingfei felt something uneasy in his heart. With a good premonition, he realized that there might be tragic facts coming out of Henkel's mouth.

"Men, women, the elderly, children, and even pregnant women are all naturally awakened hybrids." Henkel's voice suddenly became cold and sharp, and there were a few moments on the other end of the phone that made Lu Mingfei feel In fact, there are several vicious cheetahs hiding there.

It's like an evil spirit crawling out of a dry well in the wilderness.

Henkel said in a tone that was almost grinding his teeth and sucking blood, "They had the tendons of their hands and feet cut off, and they lost their ability to move. They lived by injecting nutrient solution into their bodies. They are all low-level hybrids, and their bodies are stronger than ordinary people. Even if You can live for a long time just relying on nutrient solution.”

Lu Mingfei shuddered violently. He vaguely guessed where these people who were treated as goods would end up.

"Our people used the most cruel methods to treat the gang leader. The old dog confessed their buyer in Rio de Janeiro, and then I shot him in the head with a revolver." Henkel calmly recounted what had happened. fact.

Lu Mingfei listened quietly. Such people did not deserve sympathy. No matter how much pain and torture they suffered, they would only be salvation before Satan led him into hell.

"Neo the Boar, the person who presided over this criminal transaction. We didn't find out his name. We only know that everyone calls him Neo the Boar. This guy is not only engaged in human trafficking, he is also the largest arms dealer and contraband in the area. Drug supplier, we spent some money to bribe his men and determined that this wild boar was searching for naturally awakened low-level hybrids around Mexico, and then kidnapped them, packaged them, and sent them to Japan."

Henkel took a deep breath, and he could imagine that there was a Cohiba cigar being held in the mouth of this stooped but still powerful old man. The end slowly burned to embers, and the curls of light smoke rose calmly until the pair of cigars gradually burned out. The majestic eyes are still hidden in the fog.

"It's a pity that we couldn't find a Japanese buyer, but apart from the Japanese government and the Jakiki Hachi family, I can't imagine anyone else in Japan who can use such a large amount of money to buy people from Mexico through this method." That's it," Henkel said softly.

Lu Mingfei's expression moved slightly.He thought maybe these hybrids were sold to the Fierce Ghosts.

Outsiders rarely know the existence of the Fierce Ghosts. They hide in the darkness, but they are the shadow of the Snake Qi Eight Family. Those descendants of the White King with blood defects will be called Fierce Ghosts. When these people gather together, they become Fierce Ghosts. Ghosts, the leaders of these two organizations are actually the same person. In Lu Mingfei's memory, Herzog played the two roles of Tachibana Masamune and Wang Jiang respectively in this scene.Therefore, Boar Neo’s final trading partner was Herzog.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and didn't speak for a long time. Now that he knew the origins of Herzog's deadliest servants, this just added to his countless sins.

When the evil spirits are thrown into hell, all their sins will be accounted for!

"Okay, I get it. Leave this boar Neo to me and I'll take care of it." Lu Mingfei said, his tone calm and calm, but even Henkel, who was dozens of kilometers away in Chicago, could feel it. The strong murderous intention seeped into those words.

"His men have entangled a large number of dangerous hybrids. You'd better report it to your academy and bring the execution department into the situation. My children will also invest in this matter. If you want to do it, then do it. Absolutely, we can't leave him any chance of survival." The words coming from Henkel's mouth were so calm, but the content was cruel and violent. That was the style of their generation, powerful and ruthless, and killing them all was the real victory.

The naturally awakened hybrids in North America are naturally in Henkel's camp, and the adjacent South America is not much different. What the boar Neo has done is already touching his bottom line, which is one of the reasons why Henkel is so angry.

Any awakened hybrid is a precious resource. They are both excellent warriors and genius financiers. When war breaks out, they can put on armor and rush into the battlefield. In peacetime, they can bring benefits to the North American hybrid group. Huge capital injection.

"When you come to Chicago again, we can finalize a specific action plan together. That bastard in Angers recognizes you, and of course I recognize you, so you are a person of the same status as us. Now I am fine, what I want to say I've finished talking. If you have nothing to say, our call will end here." Henkel seemed to restrain his emotions immediately. People like him are one of the emperors of mixed-race society, the so-called In his eyes, Neo the Boar was probably just a wild boar waiting to be hunted.

"I am very grateful, Mr. Henkel, for everything he has done for you and your family." Lu Mingfei said suddenly.It can be seen that the North American hybrid is really trying his best to fulfill his requirements. The person who can trade with Herzog is definitely not a simple person. Lu Mingfei can't imagine the energy Henkel spent to find the boar Neo. What he said was so simple.

In comparison, the research on the corpses of two sub-generations seems less valuable.

Henkel did not hang up the phone. His breathing was heavy, accompanied by a slight crackling sound, as if he was close to a fireplace that was still heated by burning wood.

It was a long time before the old man's laughter came from the phone.

"I rarely communicate with young people anymore. The people I talk to now are all old people who are about to put themselves in coffins and bury themselves in graves." Henkel said, "Actually, I am also an old man who is about to die. Guy, but I still like talking to young people like you. Lu Mingfei, Ange said you are a good boy, and I think so too. My guests all think there is a mad dragon hidden in your eyes. , but when I look into your eyes, it’s like I’m looking into the eyes of Angers when he was young. It feels so good, as if I’ve gone back to a long time ago, when the wind that spans hundreds of years blows through the wilderness of the west, and Angers and I ride on horseback. In the unexplored West, when we encountered bandits exploiting small towns, we would draw our guns and blow their heads with revolvers, steal their gold, and take away their fast horses. It was really a wanton and wonderful time. It’s a pity I can never go back.”

"Are you sure the real robbers are not you?" Lu Mingfei also laughed silently.

But Henkel ignored him.

"So I will help you even if you are against the Sheqihachi family. I don't care what those Japanese people are thinking. When I see your eyes, I want to help you, because helping you now is like helping young people." "We were like us at that time." Henkel said hoarsely. When he was young, he was as wanton and reckless as Angers, and he was so powerful that he established great majesty throughout the western United States.

But there was no wildfire hatred in Henkel's heart to support his life. His body had aged and his soul had decayed.

Today, Ange is still like an energetic young man who is active on the front line of slaying dragons. He participates in various high-end banquets and carries beautiful modern girls to and from banquets. His hair is still neatly combed, and his spine is like As straight as a sword.Hilbert Jean Angers is still a sharp knife after 130 years old.

But Henkel is really old. He is like a withered skeleton that clings to the pinnacle of power. He is aging, holding the scepter of life and death in his hand, but has lost interest and desire in everything.Power, wealth, and women could no longer make any waves in his soul. The loss of calcium also made his body stoop. He became shorter and shorter, becoming more and more like an ordinary old man.

His organs are also gradually failing as time goes by. According to the documents given by the hospital, Henkel will one day die because all his organs cannot work.

But he still likes to drink strong alcohol, because only the strongest alcohol can make him briefly indulge in memories that are almost lost in the fog.When such an old guy sees young people dominating the world, it's like seeing himself when he was young. Is there anything more exciting than good memories?

What could be more exciting than helping your younger self?

After Henkel said this, he exhaled a long puff of smoke from his lungs. He was about to hang up the phone, but the child suddenly asked a question.

"Are my eyes really similar to the principal's when I was young?" His voice was so soft, but also so deep, like a lion talking in his sleep.

Henkel slowly sat up straight, his rickety back made a clicking sound, his expression was solemn and solemn, and for a moment it seemed as if the Henkel who was galloping in the west was back again.

"You have fire in your eyes," Henkel said.

(End of this chapter)

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