Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 107 106 The Curtain of Rainfall and Crazy Stream

Chapter 107 106. The curtain of falling rain (1) (please subscribe for full subscription)

"Senior sister, I'm going to Chicago. Chu Zihang and Xia Mi both have flights today. I'll pick them up at the Chicago train station. Do you want to come with me?" Lu Mingfei stood on the balcony with the people in the building next door. As Nuonuo spoke, several red squirrels playing on the big tree were attracted by the silence and tilted their heads to look over.

Nuonuo, with disheveled hair and sleepy eyes, poked his head out of the room.She yawned, her mouth full of toothpaste foam, and said vaguely, "No, I applied for the principal's scholarship. There is an review in the morning and an exam in the afternoon. If you can't leave, go on your own. Do it for me Say hello to junior sister."

Lu Mingfei said "Oh" and threw over a food bag, which contained hot dogs that were still hot and had just been packed back from the Sunshine Canteen.Nuonuo ran out of the room and reached out to catch her. Only then did Lu Mingfei see that she had probably just gotten up not long ago. She was still wearing white silk pajamas. Her fair and smooth shoulders were exposed to the cold wind, and she was a little bit cold. redness.

Nuonuo rinsed the foam from her mouth with water, held a food bag and a toothpaste cup in each hand, stretched out a lot, and the cold aroma of youth and enthusiasm hit her face, and then she looked more energetic. The eyes become more alert.The girl winked and blew a kiss towards Lu Mingfei with a sweet voice, "Thank you, junior brother. Junior brother, I love you."

Lu Mingfei smiled coquettishly, scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and then froze for a moment.

I don’t know since when, my senior sister started to look a little different than she used to be.

Sometimes when he was with Nono, Lu Mingfei actually felt that the person in front of him was no longer the sharp and arrogant girl, but a kitten acting coquettishly towards him.He had never seen this side of Nono, and maybe Caesar hadn't either.

Lu Mingfei is a very sensitive person. He has always known that there is a timid girl hidden in Nono's heart.She is very insecure, she is very afraid of losing something, and she is also very afraid that one day no one in this world will need her anymore.

Nuonuo's loneliness was probably really the loneliness deep in her bones, which was why she wanted to take Lu Mingfei as her younger brother.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei became a little irritable.

Nono was shivering from the cold, but she still looked at Lu Mingfei longingly and eagerly. Her eyes were alert and agile, like a little fox in the mountains curiously looking at the travelers passing by.At this time, Lu Mingfei suddenly realized something, and that fact might have been ignored by him.

Perhaps it wasn't some heroic female knight who picked up a crying child in the wilderness, but a stupid child who picked up a seriously injured and dying female knight on a battlefield still filled with smoke.

The sky was gray, and thick dark clouds were rolling in from all directions, like a frenzy that was about to engulf the college.Nuonuo couldn't bear the cold anymore, so she went back to the house and wrapped herself in a blanket, sticking out her tongue at Lu Mingfei with a red nose.

"Today is the last day before the start of the semester. The principals and professors are all meeting in Chicago. Only Professor Schneider is still in the central command room. If you want to mobilize the CC1000 train at this time, it will not work through manual channels. You are still holding on. The school janitor in this position does not have this authority. Junior brother, you should contact Norma directly and ask her to help you do this." Nono was holding a large backpack in his hand when he said this.Judging from the way she was struggling, that thing was probably very heavy.

A few meters away, Nono threw his backpack to Lu Mingfei.Lu Mingfei took a step forward and hugged the backpack with both hands. His whole body staggered, and his hands suddenly sank.

Through a thick layer of nylon material, Lu Mingfei felt what was in the bag. His eyes sank slightly, and he looked at Nono with a bit of confusion.

"The vice principal gave you a gift. He said you don't have to save anything when using it." Nuonuo said while stuttering the hot dog that Lu Mingfei brought back for her. Her expression was serious, as if she was throwing a bag to Lu Mingfei. What it contained was not a gift from the vice-principal, but someone's life.

Lu Mingfei stared at those crimson eyes for a long time, and finally nodded slowly.He said nothing, threw the bag on his back, turned and walked into the room.

Nono's eyes didn't dodge, but his expression was strange.

Worry, panic, various emotions are intertwined but fleeting.Something is going to happen.

Unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei's dormitory was clean and tidy, but the desk and corners were filled with books that he had not had time to return after reading them.

This place is completely different from the mess when Fingel was still here. The whole room has a cool smell, and there is also a faint fragrance left after the girl stayed there. That is the smell left by Nono. During the winter vacation, she often stayed in Lu Mingfei's house. They stayed overnight in the dormitory, mainly for academic discussions, and sometimes they had late-night snacks together. At this time, Lu Mingfei would sleep in Fingel's upper bunk, and Nono would sleep in his lower bunk.

Lu Mingfei took off his thick pajamas in front of the mirror, folded them and placed them on the neat quilt.There is an executive department-style suit and windbreaker hanging next to the bed. It was still a little wrinkled late yesterday, but it had been ironed by the senior sister at this time.

Thinking about it, my senior sister is probably a good wife and mother, but she has never expressed that side of herself in the past.

The more afraid people are of loneliness, the more they hide their loneliness and make themselves as hard as steel.

Lu Mingfei patted his cheek, and the bones all over his body crackled and fell silent, as if he was preparing for the coming storm.

At this time, it suddenly started raining, very fine and dense rain. Every drop of rain knocked obliquely on the glass window of the balcony. Every drop of rain reflected the stray light, like a small eye.

Lu Mingfei put on his shirt, buttoned it one by one, put on his pants, put on his suit, put on his windbreaker, and stepped on his handmade custom-made leather shoes.The process of dressing him is absolutely meticulous, and he is meticulous in many things he does now.

Because only such meticulousness can enable him to cope with the fight that comes at any time.

Lu Mingfei glanced at himself in the mirror. Every line of the guy in the mirror was sharp. His body was slender, his arms were slender, and his whole body was slender. His knotted muscles were hidden under those close-fitting clothes and could explode at any time. A tremendous strength.

He was actually ready.

For a long time, it rained so much in Chicago that it felt more like London than Chicago.

A desperado like him should walk into the rain.

The smell of paper and ink wafted in the corner of the room. Lu Mingfei walked through the dormitory and suddenly stopped when he reached the door. He pointed his finger on the door handle. His body remained still for a few seconds. Then he turned around and turned away from himself. He pulled out Gu Ao's bronze sword box from under his bed, took out the lust that was easiest to hide among the seven deadly sins, and hid it close to his body in his inner lining.

He then pushed open the door and went out, humming J-Five's "Find a Way" softly, and walked through the silent corridor alone, with the sound of rain pattering on the glass windows on both sides like an accompaniment.

"I'll find a way for you," (I will eventually find a way to you)
"there's a long road, but no one will take it," (it's a long road, but no one will take it,)
"I'll find a way," (but I will find a right way)
"why's there gotta be a test?"

It is really a tragic song. The lively music in the original song makes people feel so cold and lonely.

This day came really unexpectedly. Lu Mingfei held up a black umbrella in the thin rain. The umbrella was like a sword rising from the sky. The sound of the rain suddenly became violent, like the neighing of a horse.

three days ago.

Lu Mingfei immersed himself in researching information as usual. He almost became an expert on the history of the Han Dynasty during the winter vacation. In comparison, Nono was even better. She had already taken Dragon Clan Genealogy and then Dragon Clan History. Now I have even written several papers about the Battle of Gaixia.The weather was sunny for a short time, and they only had two days of sunshine in total. Today it started to rain in Chicago again. It was as if all the precipitation in the past few decades was going to fall in this year. Same.

Nuonuo was half leaning on Lu Mingfei, curled up and leaning on the sofa. Her legs were bent, her red hair was curly, and her knees were slightly pink.

"Senior sister, what are you reading?" Lu Mingfei glanced at the old book with a sense of age that Nono was holding in his hand and flipping through. The title of the book was in runes and the annotations were in ancient Latin. President Lu When I was the president of the student union, I did put some effort into the elective course Ancient Latin for various reasons, but it was only limited to being able to barely understand some basic characters. Such obviously academic words have long been used. It was far beyond his capabilities.

"Alchemy by Nicolas Flamel." Nono didn't even raise his head. Instead, he twisted around on Lu Mingfei's body like a little bug and found a more comfortable position to continue leaning against.

"Vice principal?" Lu Mingfei was shocked.

"What vice principal?" Nono was a little confused.

"Oh, it's nothing, nothing." Lu Mingfei waved his hands repeatedly, "I heard them call Vice Principal Flamel Mentor before when I accepted the Nibelungen Plan."

"This is normal. Ancient families with high virtues and long heritage in mixed-race society will use the names of their ancestors in each generation. They believe that this will bring them strength and bravery. The surname Flamel is similar, but they are different from other Families are different, each generation of Flamel does not rely on blood to pass on, they pass on knowledge," Nono said.

Lu Mingfei was thoughtful.

He is no longer the kid who knew nothing a long time ago. During the year when he was the president of the student union, he also mingled among the elites of the so-called mixed-race society, and he had only a partial understanding of the inheritance of those ancient families.

"It's very interesting. This book says that the reflection of light will shape the door to the unknown world. Mirrors, water surfaces, and even human eyes can be regarded as Nibelung doors or windows under certain conditions. "Nono pointed to the continuous rain outside the window, with a strange look on his face, "The rainfall in Chicago is pretty normal, but since we came back from the Three Gorges last year, the college hasn't seen the sun much. I think there might be something shining through. Those raindrops are watching us.”

Lu Mingfei said nothing. He was also thinking that the rain was a little strange.

Moreover, Nono has the ability of profiling, and she will never target someone blindly. If the senior sister said she found some problem, then she must have found some clues.

"But I don't know what we have that is worthy of that thing spying on for so long. There is a powerful alchemy matrix that has been running for decades in the academy. The medium of that matrix is ​​thousands of tons of liquid mercury, which can suppress the Dragon King level. Target, within this scope, something like the Nibelungen, which has not been confirmed by academic circles so far, cannot theoretically come. Even if the thing spying on us is the Dragon King, he cannot use these raindrops to remove the Nibelungen like the Three Gorges. Bolongen covers the entire academy, and all he can do is watch, and he can't even see inside." Nono frowned slightly.

The vice-principal asked her to meet her in the principal's office in the morning just for this matter, and the principal personally formulated a quite risky plan for this purpose. The only participant and implementer of that plan was Lu Mingfei, but Lu Mingfei himself Don't know about this.

Because both the principal and the vice principal believed that the thing that set off the elemental tide in Chicago was most likely to be Lu Mingfei.

The college secretly conducted a decoy plan to temporarily close the mercury alchemy matrix that protected Norton's Dragon Bone Cross in the ice cellar. However, at that time, there was not only Principal Angers in the college, but also an uninformed Lu Mingfei whose combat power was comparable to that of the next generation, so it was also Not that adventurous.

But nothing came out of the rain to steal the dragon's bones.

Nothing at all.

If there is really a dragon king who is stirring up elemental turbulence and monitoring the entire school through rain falling from the sky, then he must have a certain purpose.This purpose is not for the keel, then what would it be for?
So the second judgment made by the vice principal was Lu Mingfei.

But when to do it?
How to do it?

First of all, there must not be too many powerful and effective forces in the college, such as the principal, professors, and executive department specialists who report daily work. It is best for the entire Kassel College to stand here like an undefended fortress. Mingfei was ambushed on the way out of the academy and was unable to get enough support immediately.

Secondly, make sure that Lu Mingfei is not traveling alone. If he is accompanied by the principal or an entire elite team of executive officers, then he will have to weigh his weight even if it is the Dragon King who wants to ambush him.

This did not bother the night watchman. He immediately thought of the nearest time point, which was exactly...

The day before the start of the next semester at Kassel College.

On this day, as usual, the college will hold a school board meeting in Chicago, and all the professors and debriefing staff of each branch will also go to Chicago to complete the work summary. On that day, only the professors on duty and the person in charge of the central control room will be left in the entire college. The Night Watchmen who keep the academy safe.

"I think if there is something really staring at us, it must be Odin." Lu Mingfei recalled for no reason the dream Lu Mingze saw for him under the Three Gorges Reservoir and before the Bronze City.

Kungunil, the Holy Spear of Destiny, found those of them who tried to rewrite their fate.

Odin came to claim his life.

Nuonuo didn't say anything, but just leaned closer to Lu Mingfei.

The night watchman did not want Nono to inform Lu Mingfei of their plan.Because if there is really a Dragon King-level target that is spying on the real world through the Nibelungs, and is focusing most of its attention on Lu Mingfei.Then any unusual behavior by Lu Mingfei might arouse his vigilance.

Choosing the time before the start of the semester is not just because the college’s defenses were lax at that time, but more importantly, this is a special time period for Kassel undergraduates who are still on campus, including those who have participated in internships and Those who have not participated in internships will return to school one after another during this period. The Lion Heart Club, the Student Union, and even the Dragon Blood Club established by Lu Mingfei personally have considerable power distributed in the college and Chicago at this time.

With the support of the Equipment Department, these people themselves are a group of armed thugs. In frontal combat with dragons or Deadpool, they are not necessarily inferior to the commissioners of the Execution Department.

Once Lu Mingfei was ambushed on the way from the academy to Chicago, they would immediately set off from two directions and arrive at the battlefield within half an hour.And these people only need to hold on for another half an hour before Hilbert Jean Angers, the most powerful hybrid in the world, will arrive leading a large group of elite executioners.

This will not be an ambush battle between the Dragon King and humans, but an encounter directly initiated by the academy.

 After this period, there is the plot of Neo the Boar, and then the plot of the Far North - the Far North is just a prologue to the official development of the follow-up.Specifically, in order to prevent Lu Mingfei from triggering "Twilight of the Gods" in advance, Odin used the news about Jormungandr and Fenrir to force the academy to recall Lu Mingfei to the school. That was the return of the second line of dragons.

  Then there is the plot of BJ Nibelungen, which will be somewhat different from the original work. There will be characters who originally appeared in Dragon Five or Dragon Four.

  In addition, the ambush in this section did not appear suddenly. The next two chapters will explain why.

(End of this chapter)

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