Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 108 107 Rain falls on the curtain of violent flow

Chapter 108 107. The curtain of falling rain (2)

The rain became heavier and heavier, starting with thousands of drops, then a woven rain curtain, and even an airtight wall of rain.

CC1000 is like a silver atrium snake that slams into and penetrates these water curtains. The engine roars and plummets into the eternal black.

The bells of the Peak College and the Valley College were rung at the same time, like thunder, and the bells followed the train that pierced the rain curtain and rushed towards the intensifying storm.

Lu Mingfei was pretending to sleep with a short knife in his arms. Although Nono didn't say it, the bag of weapons thrown to him couldn't be fake. This trip would be very dangerous. It might be a train bound for hell, so he had to keep his spirits up. Prepare for the confrontation that may come next.

Come to think of it, senior sister really trusted him and actually thought that he, Lu Mingfei, could fight his way out of hell.

The raindrops that were blown down by the strong wind slapped fiercely against the heavy double-layered windows. The lights in this carriage were suddenly extinguished, leaving only a weak reading lamp still swaying with difficulty.

Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly opened, and the flowing golden color rose like flames in those dark eyes. A certain aura immediately emanated from this man, ferocious, solemn, calm, and too powerful to be a student. .

He stood up, took off the enlarged backpack placed on the luggage rack, and then opened it along the zippers on both sides.

There were two black boxes neatly stacked inside the bag, and the gaps between the boxes were full but neatly stuffed with magazines filled with steel-core bullets and small projectiles marked with black and yellow intersecting patterns on their surfaces. The weapon should not be a nuclear bomb. Even the madmen in the equipment department of Cassel College are not yet capable of condensing such a powerful nuclear bomb into such a small size.

That was probably a dirty bomb.

This weapon can destroy the genetic structure and cell structure of dragons and deadpools in a short period of time. It is a powerful weapon for hybrids to fight against resurrected dragons, but it is rarely used because the harm it causes to the surrounding environment is terrifying. , the duration is equivalent to eternity in the short term.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, then took out the dirty bombs and placed them on the table one by one. There were three in total. His arm strength was not enough to throw these bombs far enough that they would not pose a threat to him.

The use of such radioactive bombs on the territory of any sovereign country is a provocation to the local regime, which may develop into a diplomatic incident.

Then there are two boxes.

On the surface of the box are the words "Cassell College 2010" and the emblem of the Half-Dead World Tree. It is indeed the Cassell College equipment box, the 2010 version. The material is made of very high-grade aluminum alloy, which is indeed stronger than the ones used by ordinary commissioners. Lu Mingfei often used similar things when performing missions in the past, but the workmanship was not so fine, and of course it was not equipped with dirty bombs.

Lu Mingfei groped along the clasp of the equipment box and found something similar to a card slot on the other side. He then took out his student card from the pocket of his windbreaker. This black card meant the highest authority for Norma. The card slides smoothly through the card slot across the seal.

The box was unlocked with a snap.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, clasped the corners of the box with both hands and opened the box. What lay inside were heavy and hard things, because they were made of steel and were born to kill people or dragons.

Finally, a smile appeared on Lu Mingfei's face.

"The vice-principal was very generous this time. I don't know how he explained to Minister Akadulla." Lu Mingfei said softly.

Guns, ammunition, flares and grenades are neatly arranged in the box. A pair of silver Desert Eagles, which have been modified and are twice as powerful as the original ones and can be called handheld aircraft guns, are placed crosswise in the center of the box, next to it It is an Israeli-made Uzi submachine gun. This little thing that often appears in gun games has a theoretical rate of fire of 1500 rounds per minute.

There were no Frigga bullets with red warheads in the box. This was something Lu Mingfei had never encountered in any of his previous missions. Even with regard to the treatment plan for out-of-control hybrids, today’s Camarilla tends to be moderate and rarely Kill on the spot.

Almost all the bullets in the box that appeared in front of Lu Mingfei were pure black, mercury core blunt gold armor-piercing bullets, which could effectively kill dragons and deadpools, and were far more powerful than brass bullets and steel core bullets. , not even comparable to Frigga Bullets.There are also a small number of bullets with complicated patterns engraved on the warheads, which look like exquisite works of art when turned.

These are real alchemical bullets, and their effect is even more violent. One bullet can blow off the head of an African elephant.

Obviously, the vice principal had no intention of letting Lu Mingfei suppress and capture something this time.

In the front, anyone who is his enemy will be killed.

Is this the academy’s kill order?
Lu Mingfei opened another box. The equipment inside was similar, but there were no firearms, mostly ammunition.

At this time, the CC1000 train under his feet suddenly trembled violently. Lu Mingfei lifted two Desert Eagles from the box almost at the same time!
Sure enough.

At this moment, the violent storm outside became even more fierce. Splashes of rainwater hit the glass, and the entire carriage seemed to be shaking. The express train was slowing down and would soon stop. The sounds outside and inside seemed to disappear completely, and it was silent. Only the howling wind and rain were left, and the sound of slowly approaching footsteps in the distance.

But the car hadn't stopped yet, so how could there be footsteps outside.

Lu Mingfei raised the gun without hesitation. The end of the Desert Eagle's lengthened barrel spit out large clusters of sparks. The sound of the gun was as loud as a thunderstorm. The 0.44-inch Magnum bullet easily penetrated the thickened train and could reach 5 Centimeters of bulletproof layer penetrated into something's body with undiminished force, making muffled sounds and explosions.

The footsteps immediately disappeared.

Black-red rainwater flowed into the car along the holes left by the bullets.

At this time, the train came to a complete stop. Lu Mingfei reached into the inner lining and pinched the hilt of the Seven Deadly Sins of Lust. The weapon seemed to sense the coming fight and trembled slightly with excitement. It was pulled out by Lu Mingfei. The blade vibrated and hummed when it came out.

It doesn't feel like it's raining here now, but it feels like the entire carriage has fallen into the sea. Cold rainwater is pouring in from all directions. There is water everywhere in the holes in the roof of the carriage, the gaps left during welding, the vents, and the door. But there is a strange, dim light flowing on the metal of the carriage. The light is reflected by the water, which is beautiful and dangerous.

All the bones in Lu Mingfei's body were crackling, and the blood was activated silently. The dragon's blood that filled his whole body was boiling hot. Although his whole body was soaked, steam was still rising.

Now Lu Mingfei has an absolute bloodline advantage when facing almost everyone. Unless he faces the next-generation ancient dragon, he has almost no need for violent blood.Just because he can't use it doesn't mean he won't use it. His physique is different from Chu Zihang's. Chu Zihang has used violent blood many times. Even a preliminary violent blood attack will cause inevitable contamination. However, Lu Mingfei used violent blood. The blood will not cause the loss of consciousness, but will only cause the rapid loss of physical strength.

But a violent bloodshed almost no longer consumes his physical strength. If necessary, Lu Mingfei can maintain this state forever.

Lu Mingfei knew clearly that the attack was coming, but he didn't know how it would unfold.The weapon box was put into the bag and fixed on his body, the Desert Eagle was fixed on his waist, and only the short knife named Lust was still held tightly.

There is not much space in the carriage, so the advantages of a short knife like Lust are better reflected.

There was the sound of heavy rain in all directions, and it was like the neighing of horses in all directions.

But the door of the carriage suddenly opened. From the direction of Lu Mingfei, he couldn't see anything outside the door. He could see a vague dim light, which didn't look like rain, but more like dusk.

"You are my little one, little Apple..." The slightly mean cell phone ringtone shattered Shen Shen and Lu Mingfei's growing fighting spirit. His momentum and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly stagnated, as if he was about to As if scattered. "Hello?" Lu Mingfei felt that for some reason his voice seemed to have no strength, a bit like an otaku who had just woken up from a big dream and had not yet recovered.

"Are you still sleeping? You haven't fucking woken up yet! Lu Mingfei, get up! Your signal and your car's signal have disappeared from our lines!" Nuonuo heard Lu Mingfei. Fei's voice sounded angry, and when he was angry, he revealed deep worry.

"Senior sister, I..." Lu Mingfei wanted to explain that he had not slept, and the current situation was unknown. There might be two hundred axemen outside the door waiting for General Lu to show his face and chop him into pieces.

"What am I? Check your weapons quickly. Those are the only things that can save your life now!" Nono's voice was accompanied by the roar of the car's engine and the sound of heavy rain hitting the glass.

"Junior brother, listen to me." Nuonuo's voice suddenly seemed gentle again,

"I didn't tell you this because the Night Watchman said that if you knew it, the Dragon King would also know it. He also assured me that you would not be dragged into the Nibelungs. You just need to stay where you are for 10 minutes to provide support. Arrive. We will leave 10 minutes after you set off. You must not get off the car and rely on those weapons to defend in place. It will be OK as long as you hold on for 10 minutes. Chu Zihang and the others also set off from Chicago. It’s only half an hour away from where your signal disappears, so you must hold on.”

"En." Lu Mingfei said.

"What are you talking about? Don't you want to say something to boost morale?" Nono was angry.

"Sister, don't worry, my life is very tough, and I don't want to die here." Lu Mingfei said lightly.

"If you die, I will die with you, Lu Mingfei, remember!" Nuonuo said fiercely, and then hung up the phone heavily.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, looking at the cell phone in his hand that had completely lost signal and the caller ID of Xia Mi who had just hung up but Nono had not had time to pick up the call, he gave a helpless smile.

It's probably impossible to stay put in the car.The sound of dense footsteps and the sound of dense raindrops almost completely merged. A frightening number of Deadpools or something else had already climbed onto the roof of this carriage.I was really waiting for them to use their claw blades to cut the metal roof of the car and fall in to fight at close range in such a narrow space. Even Lu Mingfei's skills were a little frightened.

And this carriage cannot withstand the impact of the Deadpool group at all.

Lu Mingfei looked out through the car window. The visibility was close to zero and he couldn't see anything. The Nibelungs may not have completely arrived and they couldn't pull him in, but the rules of the real world have changed. Looking out from this carriage, what you can see is not the scene outside, but what is happening inside the Nibelung.

He could hear hoarse, sharp voices ringing out from every corner and direction, and then converging into a raging river. They were hungry, they were thirsty, they were lonely, they longed to kill something, and they were saying: "Meet you!"

Lu Mingfei actually walked towards the door. The closer he got to the door, the more dim firelight he could see drifting in like a wandering skirt. He probably sensed that the prey he was hunting was finally going to escape from that narrow space. Things came out of the tin cans, and those things that made a sharp whistling became more and more excited. Lu Mingfei could even see the dense crowds of surging shadows projected by the firelight onto the ground of the carriage at the door.

At this time, a gap opened in the darkness on the window, which showed that the Nibelungen medium was becoming thinner, and the sound of the heavy rain suddenly weakened, but this did not mean the end of the attack, but only meant that the attacker had already Through this seemingly never-ending rainstorm brought thousands of troops.

An army strong enough to tear Lu Mingfei into pieces.

Brilliant light spilled out from the crack that tore through the darkness like a blazing white tide.

At the same time, the roaring sound disappeared without a trace.

Lu Mingfei held the handle of the knife tightly, and he saw it.

Through the car window, countless golden eyes were streaming with fire, staring at him silently in the still-continuous rain curtain. They were countless dead waiters. They stood silently on both sides of the train, as if they were motionless. High walls, these high walls made of rotten flesh, metal armor and black cloaks seemed endless.Lu Mingfei couldn't see in the distance. He only looked at the near distance and knew that there was no way that this number of Deadpools could be his opponent in this state.

The guy's mind was spinning, and his left and right hands reached through the side openings of the backpack.

President Lu is also a chicken thief, how could he be so honest and easy to catch? The two dirty bombs were held in his hand like two small pumpkins, with cold sweat oozing from his palms.

Lu Mingfei slowly came to the door. Such a direct and real passage would not be affected by the barrier between the Nibelungs and the real world, so what appeared in front of Lu Mingfei must be real.

He was stunned.

It is a huge black whirlpool, right in front of the sky. The whirlpool is thousands of ravens circling silently, and the breath of the ancient times is blowing towards you.

The train stopped in the middle of a wasteland, and he was surrounded by a group of dead waiters. Their number was in the dozens or hundreds, but it was not fixed, because there was a dark figure standing slowly in the puddled water.That's how they seemed to come together.

And further away, Lu Mingfei saw the thing he had been thinking about day and night.

That thing is...


All the deadpools dispersed in front of Lu Mingfei. Their faces were so ferocious, but their movements were as neat as a well-trained army, making way for the person designated to meet the gods in the high wall. the way.

At the end of the road, as Lu Mingfei expected, it was Odin who came to ask for his life.

The ancient god who rarely misses sits high on the back of a monster-like horse, holding a curved spear. The weapon is slowly swung, drawing a huge circle around him. It is really majestic, because Endless lightning crackled and twisted around the path traced by the spear, like a group of leaping snakes.

Odin's armor is still mottled, and the ancient years have left rust-like material on it. The wind cloak is so broken that it looks like it was dug out of a tomb. His face is still wearing a mask like a dead wood, with the eye holes and mouth holes of the mask. All erupted with lava-colored light.

The rain curtain that was still falling could no longer touch Odin. His blood was really burning. Such a hot breath quickly evaporated all the rain. The mist like a sea wave filled up and covered the eight-legged horse together. The monster of Sleipnir snorted hard, stepped on the ground with its front hooves, and its golden eyes slowly opened in the mist.

A large group of dead warriors stood up slowly from the water beside Odin. Their dark wind cloaks, rusty weapons, and dry and pale hands holding the weapons were as numerous as sand. In an instant, the god was surrounded by them. Thousands of troops and horses were gathered.

From left to right, the ancient heart beat loudly, like a roaring war drum. Life slowly returned to these dried corpses with their heads lowered. As the heart that had been dormant for many years began to beat again, each dead body became silent. They raised their heads, and the bones all over their bodies exploded, and the pupils hidden in the shadows lit up with golden light one after another, like countless lights lighting up in the wilderness.

Every pair of eyes looked at Lu Mingfei. The lights behind the man were dim and flickering, but those eyes were simply more dazzling than the sun.

"I'm going to start with the third degree of bloodshed. Senior sister, you have to hurry up..." Lu Mingfei murmured in a low voice. He suddenly raised his gun, and the Desert Eagle made a deafening explosion!

(End of this chapter)

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