Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 110 109 Rain falls on the curtain of crazy flow

Chapter 110 109. The curtain of falling rain (4) (Please subscribe please subscribe)

Lu Mingfei didn't dodge at all, because it was too late to dodge. His body couldn't keep up with his thoughts. He only had time to take a step forward. His muscles undulated like a tiger's, and he stretched out his right arm with unusual ferocity!
Under the dusk, the drizzle that was still relatively dense suddenly dispersed at one place.

There was only a "buzz" sound, and the long arrow that was shot was firmly grasped in Lu Mingfei's hand. The arrow shaft was still twisting and trembling, like an unwilling snake.His blood boiled even more, and the white steam around him was blown by the wind and flowed in the direction of Odin, and soon dispersed in the rain.

This iron arrow was of a style I had never seen before. It was frighteningly long and thick. It was heavy and cold in the hand. The sharp arrow cluster easily cut through Lu Mingfei's palm, and hot blood immediately splashed everywhere.

This is the first time Lu Mingfei has been injured today. His blood is simply the most mellow wine for Deadpool, full of unspeakable temptation. The shadows are even more restless. They are shouting in ancient languages. Tear Lu Mingfei into pieces.

At this time, the giant wolf fell into the shadow after being kicked away and was struggling to get up. It seemed to be afraid that something dangerous was stuck in its throat, so it used its sharp claws to Without hesitation, he slit his own throat, and the same hot blood spurted out like a small fountain.

But before it even had time to make any move, the grenade exploded in its body.

The rolling flames swallowed up the wreckage that immediately became silent. Lu Mingfei did not look back, but the fire dragged his shadow forward for a long time.

The kinetic energy of the arrow was finally worn away. Seeing the remaining heroic knights arranging their bows again, Lu Mingfei suddenly leaned over and squatted down, stepping on the one-armed heroic knight who had almost all the bones in his body cracked under his feet. A similar bow was copied from his body.

In the last period of time and space, after accepting the Nibelungen Plan, Lu Mingfei was equipped with a pair of large-caliber Desert Eagles, but the weapons he used more often were the two carefully forged short swords.Moreover, even the Desert Eagle is actually a serious close-quarters combat weapon. It loses its accuracy beyond a certain distance.

Everyone thought that Chairman Lu was a figure like Himura Kenshin, who would cut down any enemy who stood in front of him with his sword.But few people know that shooting is Lu Mingfei's real strength.Even when he did not accept the Nibelungen Plan, he won the Kassel College live target shooting competition three times in a row, and achieved the best results in the grade in the shooting class.

This kind of shooting talent is not only reflected in the use of firearms, but also in the use of bows and crossbows.

Lu Mingfei shot with an arrow. Although ancient weapons such as bows and arrows are rarely used in modern battlefields with dragons, this action seemed to have been refined over time. He didn't even need to aim at all, and the long arrow already carried a powerful weapon. The terrifying tail of flames flew through the air!

The aura of the powerful heroic spirit riding the giant wolf in front of Odin suddenly collapsed. The whispers of the black shadows suddenly stopped. The air was filled with the smell of blood. It was the blood of the monster-like giant wolf that had been blown to pieces just now. Blood mixed in the cold, damp air.

The long bow splashed on the ground, and the iron arrow was thrown by the huge force, and shot from between the heroic spirit's eyebrows. The hard armor was useless, and only a few arrow shafts connected to the arrow clusters were left outside, trembling violently and buzzing. Continuously, the dense rain dispersed, and black blood surged out.

Lu Mingfei's bones creaked as he twisted his neck and moved his joints. After three times of violent bloodshed, his physical fitness was beyond imagination.

The long bow was crushed in his hand, and he watched helplessly as the arrow penetrated his skull. The heroic spirit immediately drooped its limbs and its head. It was no longer alive and sat on the back of the giant wolf silently.

Sure enough, even something like Deadpool has absolute weaknesses.They are similar to dragons, with their weaknesses being the brain, heart, and spine respectively.

With a long arrow piercing the skull, even a true next-generation species should die, let alone an A+ level Deadpool.

The faces of the black shadows were ferocious, but their golden eyes were dim. In the seemingly endless drizzle, they lowered their heads, but deep in their throats, they were suppressing a hyena-like growl.

They were hungry and timid, and Lu Mingfei could even feel the fear emanating from the bodies of the shadows filling the air.

No matter what Odin is, no matter how he uses magnificent myths and thick epics to describe his honor, in the final analysis, he is just a pureblood who does not even have the courage to face the world with his true name and title. Dragon clan.

The so-called heroic spirits transformed from the bravest warriors recruited by Valkyrie from various battlefields around the world and died in battle are, in the final analysis, nothing more than cowards who genetically betrayed humans and chose the dragon race because of fear of death.

The more they write about their bravery and fearlessness in myths, the more they reveal their fear and cowardice.

The shadows communicated with each other with low growls deep in their throats, confiding their desire for flesh and blood to their companions around them, but when they saw the most powerful heroic spirit dying in battle, their souls were filled with fear.

An increasingly dense rain curtain covered their bodies, and the water droplets falling from high altitudes washed violently against the decaying armor of the heroic spirits. Although their golden eyes were dim, they were still fierce.

The rain completely soaked Lu Mingfei's body, but the extremely high body temperature was rapidly evaporating the liquid covering his body. He panted heavily and slowly stood up straight.

It was only then that the Desert Eagle, which he had just thrown into the air and spinning, finally fell. He stretched out his hands and held these two dangerous weapons in his hands again.

The surrounding heroic spirits were noisy and crowded, making room for him.

Black shadows were bustling, and hundreds of pairs of dim golden pupils were densely lit up in the dark wasteland. Odin and his throne were still radiant and majestic. He held the spear in his hand, with the end of the spear slanted. Pointing to the ground, crackling purple electric arcs lingered above the tip of the gun, and the pattering rain gathered into a stream and splashed at Sleipnir's feet.

Now this monster-like group of eight horses is no longer frantic. Its eight thick horseshoes slam hard on the ground. It stands there like a majestic and majestic mountain. Its face is covered with iron made of bronze metal. The face shone with a cyan cold light, like golden pupils flowing with lava hidden in the mist.

Odin's single eye bursts out with magnificent majesty, reminding people of the sun that can spread light and heat all over the earth.

Lu Mingfei could feel that the heroic spirit under his feet still seemed to have some life breath. The bones all over the thing's body were making crisp sounds, as if they were trying to heal together again.The throat that was pierced by the throat bone made a loud sound, which was the sound of wind being brought out by the air being poured directly into the trachea.Incredible vitality appeared in Odin's Deadpool. When he was attacked by Lu Mingfei, all the bones in his body were immediately shattered, and his heart stopped beating in an instant and no longer provided any energy for his powerful body. Blood transports oxygen.

This monster will soon come to life.Lu Mingfei's face was expressionless. He didn't even take his eyes away from Odin's face. He lowered his hands slightly, and the Desert Eagle's muzzle spit out large clusters of flames, and the thunderous explosions tore apart people. A bone-chilling silence.Two mercury-core alchemical armor-piercing bullets were sent into the brain and heart of the heroic spirit respectively. His limbs fluttered and twisted weirdly, and then he completely lost his life.

Lu Mingfei stared in the direction of Odin. He wanted to see some changes in emotions from the ferocious but sacred and solemn iron surface of the god who came out of the ancient era, but in the end he saw nothing.

Odin is still the same Odin, riding on his horse Sleipnir. He is overlooking the men who dare to challenge the gods on the slope, and the rain in the sky becomes his curtain.

Kungunir, the Holy Spear of Destiny, trembled slightly in Odin's hand. The magnitude of the trembling was almost undetectable, but Lu Mingfei caught it keenly.

There seemed to be something wrong with the legendary great weapon forged from the branches of the World Tree. A faint electric light lingered on the barrel and tip of the gun. These electric lights were twisted and twisted, like a group of tiny snakes.

But the snakes evaporated outwards, and countless dense white threads shot out from the end of their thin tails. The color of these threads was dim and almost without luster. The moment they burst out, they were about to disappear in the heavy rain, but Lu Mingfei saw it. .

That was the thread of fate. He had witnessed Kungunir's appearance when he was about to kill Senior Selma. When the concepts of inevitable hit and death came into play, the majesty of this gun even overshadowed the control of it. The ancient god Odin cannot even compete with the seven deadly sins gathered in one place.

It is those threads representing fate that connect from the tip of Kungunir's spear to Thelma's heart.That is the heart of the gun, the soul of Kungunir, its powerful essence, the unity of seeing destiny, controlling destiny, and authority.

But at this time, the substance that should have been the core of Kungunir is overflowing outwards, and its body is also trembling. The glorious and sacred light on Odin's throne is uncertain, and the glory and holiness are faint. Exuding the smell of decay.Odin's state is actually quite normal. According to ancient legends, his throne was originally built on endless death.The throne made of dead bones should have been in decay.

But Kungunir's situation at the moment is absolutely abnormal. The thing that forged it is said to be the branches of the World Tree, and the World Tree means the origin of everything in Nordic mythology. It should be stable and vibrant. , and it is definitely not what he looks like at this moment, his aura is chaotic and he feels like he is facing a powerful enemy.

Odin is such a arrogant and powerful thing. Even if the person in front of him is just a puppet wearing an iron mask, he still has power that surpasses all the next generations. His body is definitely a dragon king level existence, and may be the throne of the four monarchs. One of the twins.

Lu Mingfei knows many secrets on the other side of the world, which is the vast ocean called time and destiny. He and his friends stand at one end of the world called humans, while the dragon stands at the end of the sky and water.

Lord of Bronze and Fire, Norton, Constantine, Norton is dead, Constantine has lost his power and lost his throne.

The kings of the earth and mountains, Jormungandr and Fenrir, Jormungandr is the junior sister. No matter how you look at Xia Mi, she doesn’t look like a king like Odin who exudes mystery and power from her bones. She looks more like pride. The emperor's daughter or the arrogant princess, and Fenrir was a naughty child. Lu Mingfei thought how bad a child who loved eating potato chips and drinking Coke could be.

Then the remaining targets of suspicion are the King of Ocean and Water and the King of Sky and Wind.

The King of Sky and Wind is worthy of suspicion. Odin once showed a powerful word spirit called Time Zero in front of Lu Mingfei. This holy word ability that rarely appears in history is even better in Odin's hands than in Angers' hands are even more skillful and terrifying.And Time Zero happens to be one of the powers of the King of Sky and Wind.

But there are still doubts.

The first king of sky and wind who appeared in history was Xiang Yu. He died thousands of years ago, and the dragon bones and crosses were divided among the royal family and nobles of the Han Empire.The name of the second twin is Li Wuyue. He participated in the "Mourning of Summer" event a hundred years ago. Although he did not leave a dragon bone cross, there is a possibility of surviving or reborn in a cocoon, but if Li Wuyue is Odin, With just as many heroic spirits as there are sands of sand, he should have conquered the Cassel Manor, and there was no need to go into battle in person.

In this way, the most suspicious thing is the twin kings of ocean and water. The monarchs on this throne rarely leave legends in human history. They even seem to have never existed, always shrouded in mystery.

Or maybe Odin is actually the Black King?Or the White King?
That's too nonsense. Lu Mingfei has also fought against the newly born White King Herzog. Even Lu Mingze is not his opponent. If this ancient god is really of that level, then what kind of conspiracy is there? The Dragon Age can be restarted.

After all, he is at the level of the Four Great Monarchs. There is no doubt about his power, but until now, Odin has not used his real power to kill Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo.They came from the end of fate to cut off the established destiny, and Kungunir just allowed them to grow stronger.

"You really want to kill me, but someone or something is stopping you from doing so. Am I right?" Because of the advanced dragon transformation after three violent bloodsheds, the structure of Lu Mingfei's vocal cords has changed, and his voice Like forged red iron splashing in the rain curtain, dull as thunder.

He spoke directly to Odin. The heroic spirits were not qualified to stand in such a confrontation. They actually crawled down slowly, as if they were meeting the powerful king.

Odin had not made any unnecessary movements until now. At this moment, his rotten and withered metal armor suddenly made a dull sound. It was the sound of the wind and rain blowing the armor leaves lightly. It was not pleasant, but rather like a fight. The roar of war drums.

"Your Kungunir, its concept is death and inevitable fate, but you haven't used it until now, so..." Lu Mingfei's heart became stronger and stronger, and for a while, rain fell from the sky and the earth. As his heart beats.

This is the interface between the Nibelungs and reality. Those originally chaotic elements seemed to be pulled, forming a huge vortex above Lu Mingfei's head, black, with violent thunder flashing in it.

"Now, you can't use it, right?" Every time Lu Mingfei said a word, his heartbeat became more and more magnificent. Until the last word was spoken, there was already warm white light tearing through the chaos and darkness in the deepest part of his consciousness. , showing through the gaps.

It's so warm...

Lu Mingfei sighed in his heart.

Fourth degree of bloodshed, turned on.

The next moment, the rain curtain was shattered by the angry king, and any heroic spirit who dared to stop him would die!

(End of this chapter)

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