Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 111 110 Rain falls on the curtain of violent flow

Chapter 111 110. The curtain of falling rain (5)

Odin's single eye is so hot and bright, and the depths of the pupils are filled with dense, twisted floc.

The pupils were like the sun rising from the ground, and countless dark shadows surrounded Lu Mingfei in the shining light. They were lying on their knees in silence, but at this moment they suddenly raised their heads.

It was like a group of sycophants surrounding the dying emperor. They lit their eyes together, and their golden pupils were like rising torches.

Lu Mingfei's forward figure suddenly stopped, and a huge ravine was brought up on the ground. The rain curtain was torn apart by the violent impact, and then filled up immediately.

The sound of war drums, he really heard the sound of war drums.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized something. The number of dead warriors was still increasing. The rain seemed to be endless, and so were the heroic spirits.Hundreds of Deadpools stood between him and Odin.

Lust pulled out the scabbard commissioned from the equipment department and pulled it out of the lining. Then the knife slipped out of the sheath, the blade shining clear and cold.

In Lu Mingfei's sight, the Holy Spear of Destiny finally hung down. It became dim, no longer surrounded by brilliant light, just like a randomly broken dead branch on the roadside.

There was a "crack" sound, which really hit the brain. This was Odin drawing out his sword with his right hand. It was a two-handed giant sword, two meters long. Even those who are best at using physical strength It is impossible for a hybrid to choose this weapon for fighting, as it weighs more than hundreds of kilograms.

But God took it out so lightly.The thick green-black blade is covered with rust, and the intricate and ancient patterns can still be vaguely seen. It is carried in a dark sheath, which is obviously an ancient weapon.

Odin held the sword in one hand, and Sleipnir's body sank slightly.

Lu Mingfei gathered his two spears and pressed the lust with the scabbard on his left waist. His body was as straight and straight as a mountain piercing the sky, and his right hand slowly grasped the handle of the knife.Lust is also part of the Seven Deadly Sins. Although it cannot be turned into a dragon-slaying knife of several meters or even ten meters like rage, it can still be summoned and turned into a butcher knife on the battlefield.

Kungunir was released by the god. It let out a sharp scream, and then fell into the water. Large clusters of light pillars spewed out of the water pits, and then death swallowed the world.

Odin raised his sword, and the end of the sword was pointed straight in the direction of Lu Mingfei. The eight-legged Pegasus Leipnir raised his front hooves. Its body was huge like a giant, and it let out a dull roar. Its roar was majestic. , simply holding thunder in its mouth and roaring, its nostrils shot out lightning, and its eyes burned with flames.

In this way, Odin could truly overlook Lu Mingfei and everything.

In the light of the throne, the mountain-like horse lowered its front hooves again. Its action just now shattered the surrounding steam road. Mingfei once again faced it and its owner.

Both Odin and Sleipnir wore heavy armor with staggered metal patterns. He wore a dark blue wind cloak, and his single eye illuminated the wilderness like a giant lamp.

Sleipnir, on the other hand, dug at the ground with its dark golden horseshoe. The earth let out an overwhelmed wail, and the rocks opened up wounds one after another.

There was a terrifying mask on the horse's face, and every time it neighed like thunder, tiny shards of electric light erupted from the metal nostrils on the mask.

Just like when we first met.

"Is it you, Uncle Chu?" Lu Mingfei said softly. When he asked this question, he no longer looked like a devil killed in hell, but more like a boy in junior high school or high school, timid but gentle, but still with a strong face. Rong, the figure is ferocious.

Odin's body seemed to be stagnant for a moment, or maybe it was an illusion.

The thunderous sound of war drums became more and more fierce, as if a violent torrent was about to sweep through the world and destroy everything.

The terrifying sword was swung boldly in the rain, and the ancient patterns were blooming with dazzling light.

When the sword edge slashed at Lu Mingfei through the heavy rain curtain, the majestic roar of war drums suddenly stopped, and the chill and deathly silence in the air was ignited by the wasteland that seemed to be boiling.

The deadpools roared and roared, waving the rotten metal weapons or sharp claws in their hands, pressing over from all directions like an airtight wall!

The steam surrounding Lu Mingfei was shattered, as if some kind of transparent barrier opened in the rain. He burst into a high-pitched roar from the deepest part of his throat. This roar came from the vast ancient times, and was like a tiger amidst the screams of the dead waiters. Howling sheep.

The veins on his wrists throbbed furiously, and even the hard scales could not stop the strong impact caused by the ripples of the muscles.

Lu Mingfei fiercely pulled out his right hand holding the sword, and his best skill came in an instant!This is the simplest starting move, but also the most difficult to master the killing move!
While lustful and lustful, the blade of the sword actually extended with a long groan, turning into the shape of a long sword, tearing apart the rain curtain, and cutting out traces like a folding fan between the sky and the earth.

Pick it up!Cut!
All the heroic spirits within three meters in front of them were cut and turned into black haze that flowed and dissipated.But the smell of blood still lingered.

Lu Mingfei, who was in the fourth degree of violent blood state, could not fight the Dragon King. He was simply strolling in such a battlefield.Lu Mingfei almost turned into a whirling and galloping wind. His blade could easily cut bones and tear metal, and slit the neck or spine of the heroic spirit when it rotated.

For a moment, the thick blood pulled out a black streamer more than ten meters long in the wind, and was immediately washed away by the heavy rain!
This is really a simple and pure killing. There have been similar wars in the past, where generations of human ancestors have been on the battlefield to slay dragons, using blood and fire to build the coffin of the Dragon King.

But today the offense and defense have changed!

Lu Mingfei smiled grimly and threw his backpack towards Odin. It contained a bomb that could simultaneously detonate and bring down the Empire State Building, as well as a dirty bomb that was activated in an instant.

After a few seconds, all the bombs will be detonated, and the primers of the alchemy bullets and mercury core alchemy armor-piercing bombs will be activated in a violent explosion. Even a god will be injured in such an attack.

It seemed that God could feel the terror of that thing, and he let out a deep roar, with a hint of urging and unquestionable command in his voice.

A huge number of heroic spirits swarmed towards the backpack, while the other part turned into a steel-like torrent and rushed towards Lu Mingfei from every corner and every direction.

They are ferocious and angry, and can only use their fury to suppress the timidity deep in their souls. Each Deadpool's body is twisted and weird, and his speed is frightening. When he jumps from the ground, he brings up the dark water in the puddle, dragging it under his feet. The long and narrow water flow resembles a swarm of angry snakes.Lu Mingfei only felt that he was in the depths of the sea, surrounded by raging waves, and the tops of the waves were covered with golden swords and guns.

He opened his mouth slightly and exhaled a stream of blue air. His face was jagged, more like a dragon than a human.

"You want to deal with me just with these soldiers, God, you are such a stupid thing..." Lu Mingfei growled fiercely, and he spun fiercely. No weapon could get close to his body, but the lust was so dazzling. The arc of light was about to tear apart the darkness and silence of the wasteland, and the dense rain splashed into a huge circle.

The sound of blood gushing from the wound, the sound of bones breaking under the blade, and the wails of the heroic spirits in pain, all mixed in the rain and wind, seemed to be music from hell.

There was no heroic spirit that could stand upright within a few steps around. Lu Mingfei's whole body was steaming with heat. He suddenly stood still, all the water under his feet was stamped away. Lu Mingfei held the sword in his right hand, but carried the knife on his left shoulder, " Watch out, this move of mine is very strong and I will chop off your dog’s head right away!” he said.

Lu Mingfei still kept talking, but Odin still raised his sword and looked down at him silently.

The blade slashed diagonally from left to right, and then from right to left. First, Shen Xiong was furious, causing a thunderous roar, and then faster and faster, until there was only a galaxy-like sword light in front of Lu Mingfei. He advanced in the shadows, his speed almost unhindered, his broken limbs flying everywhere, really trying to carve a bloody path straight to Odin.The thick and hot blood splashed on his face, and even the rain could not wash it away. He roared with lust, leaping for joy like a wild dragon, roaring to cut off more heroic spirits.

He swung the knife so fiercely, and one black shadow after another split apart in the light of the knife.

Lu Mingfei walked steadily, stepping in the water and mud. Water immediately splashed under his feet, and the thick black blood of the heroic spirits overflowed crazily.Lu Mingfei's sword light in the inky color was like silver light tearing through the darkness.

The so-called heroic spirit could not stop him from killing the god. The throne of the god was right there, almost within reach. At this time, Lu Mingfei really wanted to try what it would feel like to chop off the god's head.

Bloodthirsty and irritability filled his soul. He still had human will and logic, but he was undoubtedly affected by the violent blood. Those golden eyes were almost as unquenchable as Chu Zihang's.

"I don't know if you are Uncle Chu, and I don't know if you are still you. But I want to say that if you are Chu Tianjiao, your son misses you very much. If you are still you, he will travel to the ends of the world to send you. If you get it back, if you are no longer you, then he will chop off your head to the ends of the earth."

Lu Mingfei shouted violently while slashing, "Senior brother is not here today, but that doesn't matter. This move now is a sword technique to accumulate the power of the sword. There is a guy in the second grade in the school named Caesar who named it Chu Zihang's tree chopping machine. I learned it from my senior brother. When I get your mask, if you are not Uncle Chu anymore, then I will use this move to blow your dog's head off!"

The rainwater was cut off with a bang, and the bloody water was cut off. Lu Mingfei's voice became louder and louder, and finally it sounded like thunder on the ground.

He saw that the backpack he threw was wrapped in at least dozens of black shadows. They held hands and screamed in pain, forming an airtight wall. Then they fell into the water and disappeared. A second later, a bright light tore off The darkness deep in the fissure water illuminates everything around it.

Odin was smart to use the Nibelungs to withstand the power of those weapons.The Nibelungen is the Penrose Staircase, a higher-dimensional space where the contamination of dirty bombs can be diluted or even erased.

But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!

Lu Mingfei was about to come in front of Odin. He could already feel Sleipnir's heavy and hot breath. He could already feel the decay and sharpness coming towards his face!

God, after the Three Gorges, will you also wake up from nightmares at night?Do you also think of the unsheathed sword that cut your throat?Do you also remember the sweet taste of blood coursing through your throat?Come on, you want to kill me, then let me test whether your knife is sharp enough!
Odin was always overlooking the man who was coming towards him step by step on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He may have remembered that there was another man walking towards him like this. That huge single eye was so brilliant, and lightning was bursting out. , like a splashing meteor.

Until this moment, Lu Mingfei finally stood in front of him, his body stained with black blood.They looked at each other, like gods from the heaven in the clouds looking down at the unwilling evil ghosts in hell.

The wind was silent at this moment, and the heroic spirits that were still sweeping in like a sea wave seemed to be frozen in place. The mythical word spirit appeared again, the extremely powerful Time Zero, almost the Time Zero where time stopped. !

In an instant, Odin had swung his sword countless times. The sword was so majestic that it seemed like he was waving a mountain!
Every slash is incomparable, Odin is condescending, his majesty is wider than the sky!

That huge sword was so flexible in Odin's hands, lifting it as if it were nothing.Its blade had a dark golden shimmer, and because it was so fast, the shimmer converged into an arc of light, like dark golden galaxies surrounding Lu Mingfei.

It was like a tide of sword light, covering Lu Mingfei's whole body, and it was like a dense meteor shower, destroying everything on the ground!
With the fourth degree of violent blood and the keel state, Lu Mingfei at this time is not inferior to the time he was blessed by Lu Mingze in the Kuimen Project. At that time, he only had three times of violent blood and could face Odin head-on. This time it was supposed to be simpler.

So he ignored the almost stationary heroic spirits and waved his lust in the meteor-like sword light. The power on the sword was only greater than Odin's power!

With the flash of swords and shadows, both sides were so fast that they appeared as phantoms. The giant sword in Odin's hand could hit the Lust with horizontal or vertical cuts every time, and the Lust in Lu Mingfei's hand could always block Odin's heavy chops!
Lu Mingfei stepped on the heroic spirit's body and jumped high, and he slashed!Towards Odin!Toward the head of God!

Lu Mingfei jumped into the air holding the dagger. The blade and edge of the dagger were extended, and it looked like a long and narrow weapon.

This moment was truly tragic. He looked so small, like an ant in front of God.

Odin finally stretched out his pale hand from the dark blue cloak. The hand was wrapped in layers of white cloth, like a mummy's hand, holding a crazily rotating eyeball in its palm.

At this time, the strong wind was blowing, and Lu Mingfei saw in the electric light and flint that the armor plates on Odin's almost rotten dark golden armor were opened and then closed one by one. Underneath the armor plates were layers of shrouds.

Only the dead would use the shroud, not God.

Lu Mingfei did not waver. He became more determined. The lust in his hands drew a sharp arc. It was a really tragic arc. He gave up his life, or in other words, he was ready to die with God!

But the god raised his head from his cloak and let out a mocking laugh.He was really laughing, and the laughter was hoarse and like crying.

Lu Mingfei shuddered violently. Before his knife fell, an even greater deathly silence suddenly fell.

Just behind him, there was another thunderous sound of horse hooves, accompanied by the roar of high-pitched war drums.

(End of this chapter)

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