Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 113 112 The Curtain of Rain Falling and Crazy Streaming

Chapter 113 112. The curtain of falling rain (7) ([-]-word chapter, please subscribe!)
The sharp sword light from top to bottom enveloped the man's body like a meteor, the black windbreaker flew, and the short knife lightly struck the blade of the giant sword, like a black falcon spreading its wings in the carnival of doomsday.

In just an instant, Lu Mingfei switched from offensive to defensive.

This is because the war drums roared behind him, and a new throne slowly rose from the dark and agitated water. The throne was another eight-legged horse. It was still Sleipnir, but this time Sleipnir appeared. The dragon transformation phenomenon on your body is more serious, and dense scales have replaced those manes.

The magnificent scales like metal casting reflected the fierce light like a river of fire, so dazzling and dazzling that the entire wasteland seemed to be illuminated, and every drop of rain seemed to be burning at any time.

And the other Odin is sitting high on the throne.

He held a strange-shaped spear in his hand, which resembled Kungunir but was not Kungunir. It could not lock fate and had no concept of death and inevitable fate.But that thing was undoubtedly an ancient alchemical weapon, because the lust in Lu Mingfei's hand was making a deafening roar.

It senses that something is invading its territory, something that is as dangerous in the concept of weapons as the Seven Deadly Sins.

The sharp sound of brakes came from far away and was dragged out for a long time in the realm of time zero.But Lu Mingfei couldn't be distracted. He was sword-fighting with an Odin, and another Odin was watching behind him.

With the dual blessing of the dragon bone state and the fourth degree of violent blood, Lu Mingfei was able to fight Odin head-on in a short period of time without losing.

He has fought against more than one Dragon King-level target before, so he can be sure that even a puppet god controlled by the strange energy in the mask will display no less majesty on the battlefield than Jormungar in his larval state. have to.

Although Chu Zihang once said when he was in Tokyo before, Jörmungandr's ability is probably equivalent to the top next-generation species.But that was just a guess based on his battle with Xia Mi.

First of all, Chu Zihang has never had any experience fighting next-generation species.Secondly, in BJ Underground Nibelungen, although Xia Mi is a tough talker, she is definitely letting it go. Otherwise, with Chu Zihang’s A+ level bloodline, even if he advances the road to becoming a god to the third or even fourth step, it will not be possible. It is absolutely impossible to pose a threat to a Dragon King.

Lu Mingfei had experience fighting dragons of all levels. In the first generation, there were Fenrir, the king of earth and mountains, Norton, the king of bronze and fire, and Herzog, who had stolen the White King's throne. Yu Norton, the all-element controller who took away Constantine's power during this period of time and space.

There are also second-generation species such as the dragon attendants who guard the Bronze City.

When he entered the executive department as the president of the student union, he also performed many tasks for third- and fourth-generation species.

Lu Mingfei knows the power of dragons better than anyone else. The dragon king who holds all the power in the world is fundamentally different from other dragons. Even the most powerful next-generation species is different from the dragon king. An insurmountable ravine.

Based on his S-level bloodline, Lu Mingfei stimulated the dragon bone state and advanced the road to becoming a god to the second stage. He was already able to challenge and even crush adult second-generation species like Samson in the Bronze City.But even if he pushed the violent blood to the fourth level, he still couldn't guarantee that he could defeat Jörmungandr who gave it a try.

At this moment, Lu Mingfei undoubtedly felt the king-like oppression from the false god Odin.He could not maintain his current state for too long, but Odin's power was as deep and endless as the sea, and it seemed that there would never be an end.

Lu Mingfei roared and swung his knife. He began to regret why he didn't bring the seven deadly sins with him, but only the most convenient one, lust.

His best swordsmanship actually comes from the long-lost two swords and one-piece style created by the sword master Miyamoto Musashi.This style of fighting with two swords has been ignored for a long time because it requires high strength and endurance of the user. It is a killing technique that has been honed thousands of times on the battlefield. .

At this time, Lu Mingfei used this technique to fight Odin.

The black shadows still maintained their pounce posture. They were affected by Time Zero, and their speed approached a standstill. Odin swept the giant sword without paying any attention to the existence of the heroic spirits. Their decayed flesh bodies were torn apart by the terrifying weapon. Cracked, the swords collided, the metal buzzed, and lust was neighing with excitement.

In the world of gods, the fight between kings should be fought with fists and bloody swords. The monarchs have no way to retreat. Behind them is the cliff. They can only tear apart anyone who challenges authority, even if the opponent is on another throne. The king.

There were bloody membrane wings on Lu Mingfei's back, tearing open the muscles and breaking the skin. When they opened, they were extremely huge, showing deep and ancient black. When the pair of membrane wings stretched, the hurricane rolled up with a roaring scream.

There was only lust in his hand. Although the blade no longer looked like a short sword after being extended, it only had one weapon after all, so Lu Mingfei skillfully transformed the two-sword-a-day style into the natural rishin-ryu style of swordsmanship during the fight.

This genre is not good at fencing with gorgeous movements, but can be called vulgar.

But what’s the use of a murderous knife that looks good? It’s a good knife if it can cut the enemy’s neck.

Just as the mysteries of the genre say, being undefeated until death means victory. The natural flow of mind and heart was exerted in Lu Mingfei's hands. It was a madness that risked his life to let the opponent be cut apart. The muscles all over his body were undulating like running water, and his bones were There was almost no gap in the connection. The huge repulsive force coming from the handle of the knife made his wrist shake slightly, but this force was immediately eliminated by the blood as hot as lava and muscles stronger than that of a tiger.

The lustful blade brought out an arc-shaped cold light, and launched a counterattack amidst the meteor-like sword rain. The blades met dozens and hundreds of times in an extreme time, and all the hanging raindrops within ten steps around were swept away. Empty, only the brilliant sparks of Lu Mingfei's long knife and Odin's giant sword were left in the darkness, and the airflow that was sharp enough to tear the skin hit the two people's faces, but no one cared.

Their facial bones are ferocious, their faces are hard, and the blade of the knife cannot hurt them at all. Their golden eyes look at each other, and no one wants to bow their head!
The swords collided with each other at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine. The first spark generated by the collision of the swords had not yet been extinguished, and new sparks immediately splashed out. Finally, they hung upside down like a galaxy, exuding sharp brilliance.

This is a duel that is close to the fourth level or even the fifth level in the time zero domain, and the power of both sides is as heavy as mountains and rivers. From outside the domain, only the light of the sword can be seen, as if it can cut through time and fate. break.

This is a Dragon King-level battle. They can increase their speed to the level of a fifth-level instant just by relying on their own bodies, or even faster. When standing in front of them while wielding their swords, they can only lament that life is like grass and then be chopped off. Cut off, cut off, and cut off.

Lu Mingfei's strength is better than Odin's, and his speed is also better than Odin's. The mythical Word Spirit Time Zero is also ineffective against him, so his life-threatening fighting style actually works. Odin really Suppressed by the light of the sword, the meteors thrown out by the blade were torn apart. He could only stand up the sword to prevent lust from cutting his throat.

Can win!Can really win!
Everything actually happened in just a moment. When Lu Mingfei had this thought, his heart suddenly beat faster. In a hurry, he could only spin wildly in the air, roaring with a ferocious expression and slashing behind him with lust. Blades clashed with spears.

The whole world seemed to freeze.

But in fact, no, that was just Lu Mingfei's illusion. The other Odin's power was far greater than him!The spear repulsed Lu Mingfei, who was swinging out with all his strength, and then the lustful back of the knife fell hard on Lu Mingfei's shoulder blade. There was a sound of broken bones, and he flew out.

It was really a ferocious brute force. Lu Mingfei crashed into the black shadow, and then rolled on the ground, lust piercing the ground. The severe pain made him almost unable to hold the knife, but in the end he relied on it to stabilize his body.

His right hand trembled, blood fell drop by drop, and the long knife kept vibrating in his hand, making it almost impossible to grasp it.
The convoy was like a swarm of moths chasing fire on the road where the rain was constantly pouring, but everyone could feel that the rain was getting thinner and thinner.

Nono stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, held the steering wheel tightly and looked straight ahead. The speed of the car had reached its peak, 260 kilometers per hour. She was running desperately. There was only dense and heavy rain and water seeping from far away in front of her. The mercury-like light comes, and nothing else can be seen.

One after another, twisted faces were pressed tightly against the car glass, and those dim golden eyes spun around to peer into the car. Nono gave them a cold look, and the person sitting in the passenger seat used a large-caliber The pistol shot through the glass and blew the things' heads off.

"Senior sister, don't you still believe Lu Mingfei?" Zero reloaded the revolver. Her expression did not change, and her tone did not change either. She reached out and put the muzzle of the gun into the mouth of another face that was close to her, and spit out the gun. In the lightning-like flames, the thing was completely blown away, rolling and thrown farther and farther behind the car.

"I believe it." Nono said, chewing bubble gum in her mouth, the knuckles of her fingers holding the steering wheel turned white, and her nails were embedded in her flesh.

In fact, this red Ferrari was not at the front. In comparison, Caesar's Bugatti Veyron was a better car than the Ferrari. The man's pride also made him rush to the battlefield first.

At this time, Nono suddenly heard the roar of the beast. She was stunned for a moment, and Zero also heard it. It was not Deadpool's voice.They looked far into the distance.

Not far from this convoy is probably the battlefield. The black shadows there are as dense as the ocean tide. Brilliant light bursts out from the center of the black shadows. Some kind of terrifying elemental turbulence gathers and collides in that direction. , obviously there are horrible things fighting each other.

On the other side of the battlefield, a group of monsters appeared at the end of the long road. They came through the rain curtain, their eyes shining with ferocious light.

"It's Chu Zihang and the others!" Nuonuo said. She let out a long breath but did not relax her foot on the accelerator.

The roar of the beasts came from far to near. It was indeed a motorcade. From a distance, the bright taillights looked like a blood-red swarm of bees.

Those cars stopped far away without turning off their engines. The engines roared like giant beasts, combined with the extremely sharp brakes, which really made people excited.

Those were the first people to come to support like Nono.They set off from Chicago and Cassel College respectively and arrived at the battlefield almost at the same time.

The motorcade led by Caesar also stopped, and for a moment the whistle blew, and the black figures roared as if from the depths of hell.

The frenzy immediately divided into three parts, one part still surrounded the center of the battlefield, one part pounced on the convoy coming from Chicago, and the other part pounced on Nono's convoy.

The doors of every car were pushed open from the inside. Boys and girls were wearing dark green school uniforms. Each of them was armed to the teeth, with golden light shining in their eyes.

Thunder exploded, and the sound of gunfire mixed with the sound of rain was deafening.

The first battle faced by the heroic spirits who have been sleeping for eternity when they wake up is to face the firepower suppression of modern human beings.

The killers who came out of Kassel College all had alchemy swords, individual rockets on their shoulders, and powerful automatic weapons in their hands. The rocket launchers were turned into grenade launchers by these people, and the recoil of large-caliber automatic rifles hit them. It's not a big deal, every bullet has its own explosive effect and armor-piercing effect, and it is based on mercury, which can produce miraculous effects on the battlefield against Deadpool.This is undoubtedly the style of Kassel Academy and the Equipment Department, and it is also the style of the Camarilla. The Dragon Slayers have accumulated huge wealth in their long history. They are not those Middle Eastern dragon hunters who can't even afford body armor. , when necessary, these lunatics can even call in intercontinental ballistic missiles belonging to the Pacific Fleet to carry out indiscriminate bombing here.

The madmen who equip the quilts are undoubtedly geniuses. These people use human science and dragon alchemy to reach the pinnacle of craftsmanship, and then distribute weapons with this pinnacle of craftsmanship into everyone's hands to fight against the heroic spirits on the battlefield. They hit head on.

Every weapon in their hands... no, every prop is a bomb that can be used as a C4 user with a fuse, and the swords they forged are even harder than the swords forged by ancient alchemists.Director Akadulla and Deputy Director Karl agreed that hand-to-hand combat meant dueling in a man's way, so the so-called modern alchemy swords were closer to iron rods in appearance.

The strong wind blew across the long road lit up by countless pairs of dim golden eyes, heavy rain flew across the road, and there was the roar of monsters in the wind!
The heroic spirits had not eaten for a long time. They longed for blood and felt the joy of life passing by in their hands, so this thing with a body comparable to that of a liger ran towards the two convoys from all directions with strange postures.But the bullets coming from the most elite group of students at Kassel College were faster than them!

Explosive, dense gunfire tore through the continuous rain, and the bullets formed a steel curtain in front of the heroic spirit.The steel curtain and the flesh and blood craze collided fiercely!All enemies were blown away by the metal storm, and the evil ghosts who returned from hell had a bad start!

"Wait! There's something in those Deadpools!" Caesar yelled. He and Lu Mingfei used the same shooting weapons, a pair of modified super-large-caliber Desert Eagles, but he was better than Lu Mingfei. A better shooter can explode a Heroic Spirit's head almost every time he spits flames from the muzzle.

Everyone saw that thing.

"Kili! Or Coolic!" Pierre from the Dragon Blood Society shouted loudly. His surname is Cadmus, also known as Saint Cadmus. The eldest dragon slayer in the family is still alive today. Sitting on the seat of the Camarilla Senate, it was also Mr. Cadmus who stood firmly on Lu Mingfei's side after the Kuimen Project, directly or indirectly saving him from a meaningless hearing.

At the same moment, a ferocious silver figure jumped up in front of everyone. This beast, which was more dangerous than a liger, hunched over and launched a sudden attack!

The sharp light blooming from the pair of golden eyes comparable to those of a pure-blooded dragon cut through the darkness of the rain curtain, and the fishy smell hit his face!

At least three flames trailing strong light hit the ferocious beast at an unavoidable speed, and another flame passed it by and exploded in mid-air deep in the rain curtain.

Caesar's face was solemn, and he didn't even check to see if Odin's giant wolf was still alive, because a more dangerous scene appeared in his sight.

"Continue to fire in the direction of the airburst rocket explosion just now!" He calmly directed the young boys and girls around him.

More flames rose into the sky the moment he gave the order, but an invisible barrier stood there. All the cannonballs were isolated at the edge of the field, and only huge ripples were seen spreading out on the battlefield. What happened seemed to become clearer for a few moments.

"Is it the realm of time zero?" The torrent of steel passed through Caesar's side, and the metal storm suppressed the attack of a large number of Deadpools in a short time. He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No, Time Zero does not have this effect. In fact, among the known word spirits, only the Dustless Land can do this." Lancelot said.They had all repeatedly watched the video of Lu Mingfei fighting Odin, and of course they knew that the powerful ancient god could use Time Zero, a word spirit that was called a bug.

Even through the heavy rain curtain, they could still see the monster-like shadows in the center of the battlefield.

"We can't get in!" Caesar roared as he fired with both guns, knocking a heroic spirit back.

It was so noisy here, everyone was shouting, every gun was spitting thunder, the rain was falling and babies were crying.

Suddenly there was the sound of an engine roaring, the bright headlights suddenly turned on, and the red Ferrari slowly came to the front of everyone, rubbing against the Bugatti Veyron. The red-haired girl didn't even turn her head to look at Caesar, Nono just He said coldly, "Follow me, this car has been modified by the Equipment Department, I can blow that thing apart!"

Caesar was stunned for a moment.At this moment, the gunshots were thundering, the smell of gunpowder could not be washed away by heavy rain, and strange cries were heard from the sky to the earth, but he felt that the world had never been lonely.

But he was not allowed to think too much, because Nono's tone was unquestionable, and everyone did not hesitate. They still used firepower to suppress the attack of the heroic spirits, but quickly returned to their cars.

People have to die on the battlefield, Qilan can die, Lancelot can die, Pierre can die, Caesar can die, there is no reason why Chen Motong can't be the pioneer.

Nono stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the red Ferrari underneath her roared into the rain.Dozens of light beams lit up behind Ferrari at the same time, and the beasts roared and filed out!

The car was like a long red knife. After accelerating to top speed, bright flames came out of the nozzle. Nono bit his lips and stared at the figure in the distance who was leaning on the ground with a knife.

Someone from the equipment department installed a NOS cylinder on it, and the nitrous oxide completely squeezed out the potential of the engine. The car body shook violently, and Nono was pressed against the back of the seat by the acceleration.

But her gaze didn't waver at all.

She saw it, they all saw it, two Odins!

That transparent, sharp field can isolate all attacks, but when the bullet hits its surface, ripples appear on the field's membrane, which means that it is not indestructible, and there is a threshold for its energy tolerance.

Nuonuo almost didn't think about it. She wanted to turn her car into a huge bomb, roaring into God at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

But suddenly, right in front of her, at the other end of the wasteland, Shen Xiong's roar came from the darkness that seemed to be submerged in the abyss, and the fierce car lights pierced the darkness!

"I know what you are going to do, Chen Motong, but stop, I will take over the battlefield!" Chu Zihang's voice came out of Ferrari's communication system without warning.When the convoy from the academy was about to give it a try, the soldiers from Chicago also made the same choice. It was not until they were close enough that the communication system was finally able to receive the other party's message.

It's just that there are only a few people participating in the battle, and more luxury cars still have their headlights on to illuminate the battlefield where humans and evil spirits are fighting!
It was a stretch Lincoln belonging to the Lionheart Club. It stopped 100 meters away from the battlefield.

The red Ferrari was spinning and sliding on the road, the brakes were pressed hard, and the tires made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Nono asked loudly.

Chu Zihang had already driven the car to the edge of the field. He used three shots to shatter the glass in front of the driver's seat, and stared at the three monster-like figures fighting each other through the violent storm.

The transparent realm was almost in front of him, flowing with sharp ripples.

"Junior brother used to say that if one day he wants to kill someone, he must take me with him, because I am a humanoid self-propelled mountain cannon. Sometimes I feel that this is not a compliment to me, but now I think he is really right. Fortunately, I am a humanoid self-propelled mountain cannon." Chu Zihang said, he stepped on the hood of the extended Lincoln, and the bright monarch flame field suddenly opened, with black fire snakes of thousands of degrees swimming on it, and the transparent barrier in front of him After the collision, a layer of air immediately appeared on the edge of the contact between the two realms, and the fire snake became frantic.

At this moment, the man silently drew his sword out of its sheath, and swung the sword in an arc, shaking up the continuous rain. The heavy rain washed the blade, splashing a cold light.

In fact, he also has a knife, which is a work of the equipment department. The appearance is exactly the same as Murasame, but it does not use Japanese specialty hand-made steel like the original version. Instead, it uses titanium-manganese alloy as raw material and uses alchemical technology to form it in one go. The hardness of the blade and The toughness of the blade is improved compared to the original version.

But Chu Zihang still prefers this sword, because it is something left by his father. That man only left two things in the world, one is Chu Zihang, and the other is this sword.

How can these two things not stay together while drinking the blood of their enemies?

The rain fell on Murasame's blade. The blade was red and hot. The cold water immediately turned into rising steam and was shattered by the torrential rain.

The high temperature of Jun Yan adheres to this ancient alchemical sword, and it can now easily chop bronze!

The soft ringing of bones sounded in Chu Zihang's body.

Once violently bloody, it turned on.

The second violent blood, open.

Human consciousness was struggling in the dark dream. Chu Zihang slowly raised his head, his pupils seemed to be opened as if a closed furnace door was opened, and the light overflowed violently.

The golden gaze poured great majesty into the minds of the surrounding heroic spirits who were roaring to devour Chu Zihang. For a moment, they thought it was a god who opened their eyes in front of them, looking down from a high position, as if they were overlooking the crawling world in the clouds. Insects.

Three times of violent bloodshed...

The black monarch flame domain was peaceful for a short time, and then opened unbridled with a roar like a wild dragon!

A clicking sound sounded in front of Nono, and something cracked in front of her.

 Let's pilot it for a week first. During this week, we will write a [-]-word chapter every day. If the effect is good, we will continue it. If it is not good, we will resume it after a week.
(End of this chapter)

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