Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 114 113 Rain falls on the curtain of violent flow

Chapter 114 113. The curtain of falling rain (8)

The god stood in the rain, and his majesty fell to the earth like the top of the sky, pressing hard on Lu Mingfei's body. The heavy rain washed away everything, but it could not wash away the dazzling light on the throne of God.

Two Odins, each riding an eight-legged Pegasus, carrying a huge sword and twisted spear in their hands, flowing down like streams of water.

They looked down at Lu Mingfei from a high position, as if they were sure of victory. At this time, they were just admiring the struggle and wailing of the prey before it died.

Lu Mingfei stood up straight. He pulled Lu Mingfei out of the ground. The arc of the knife was as beautiful as a girl's newly painted eyebrows. The mirror-like surface of the knife reflected layers of firelight. With this light, Lu Mingfei felt straight. In the mirror, his own golden eyes were no less than Odin's.

"Don't die," he said.

"Lu Mingfei, don't die!" he shouted.

Neither God nor God had any intention of killing Lu Mingfei at this moment. After all, Odin was also a very moral hero. When he saw Lu Mingfei fall, he waited for him to recover and continue fighting.They stood there so quietly, like two sculptures engulfed in flames.

"I should have thought earlier that Odin is actually just a puppet empowered and controlled by alchemy tools, and you are hiding behind that mask to strategize and plot. Since you can create one Odin, of course you can create a second one. Odin." Lu Mingfei swung his knife casually, the arc of the knife was a perfect semicircle, and the blood spread out in a fan shape. It was Odin's blood, and also his own blood.

Every drop of their blood is hot, falling slowly in the realm of time zero, blooming like a blooming mandala when falling into stagnant water or being hit by raindrops, with white mist evaporating at the same time. rise.

Lu Mingfei's appearance is truly terrifying. The blue-gray scales protrude from the surface of the skin, the bones are extremely distorted and tightly interlocked, the black bone spurs break through the surface of the body, and the muscles bulge violently. Every muscle fiber is so clear, as if it is twisted. steel cable.He was still wearing the same suit with a windbreaker on top, but it was scarred and blood seeped out, dyeing the white lining red.

The evil man laughed silently. What he felt on the edge of life and death was not fear and cold, but joy from the bottom of his heart.

That hard face still looked like Lu Mingfei's, but it was full of cruelty and ferocity. The beauty and evil of absolute violence were vividly displayed on his body, and the dark membrane wings opened and closed like a fusion of angels and demons.A ferocious light shot out from those golden pupils.

There was a crisp sound of bones joining together in Lu Mingfei's body. It was the bones that were broken in the battle just now and were rapidly healing. The wounds that were densely covered in the man's body and were leaking blood were being repaired one by one. He didn't want to die. The spirit was like a miracle in the hands of Lu Mingfei, who was suffering from bloodshed four times.

His hand holding the knife became more and more stable, and Shen Xiong's roar came from his chest like the roar of a liger. It was the heart sending fresh blood to the limbs and bones of the body more powerfully.

Until now, Lu Mingfei knew that it was impossible to fight against two enemies who could reach the level of the first generation species at the same time just relying on his current state. It was unimaginable that the puppets pushed to the stage by the real Odin had such strength. What level of opponent is the real Odin?

"I know you are looking at me from behind that mask, with such a disgusting look, like a rat hiding in the ditch waiting to eat some carrion. You must be brewing some conspiracy, you must be seeking some power, You are very much like an old friend of mine." Lu Mingfei slowly raised the knife, his voice becoming more and more deafening, as if there was a thundercloud hiding in his throat, and steel between his teeth.

"His name is Jung Herzog!" Lu Mingfei spat out the name that he hated so much in a very strong voice, it was like spitting out a mouthful of phlegm.

The tip of the lustful knife was already aimed at Odin on the short slope. The black shadows were prostrate on the ground at this moment, not even daring to raise their heads.

The thunder that exploded in the sky was like a giant tree blooming on the other side of the world. The pale light illuminated the shadows, illuminated the arc of Lu Mingfei's sword, and also illuminated the crack on one of Odin's masks from the upper right to the lower left. Lu Ming Fei remembered that he cut it with his own hands during the Three Gorges, and he even almost killed this god.

The sword and spear were also raised. There was no communication between the gods and gods, but a killing intent that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly burst out.

"Come! Fight again!" Lu Mingfei roared ferociously.

But a hand was placed on his shoulder, and a heavy sigh echoed in his ears. For a moment, it seemed that the sound of rain and thunder had disappeared, let alone the violent gunshots.

Everything turned gray, and the world fell into a vortex where even fate was stagnant. That was not the ability of a certain dragon king, and it was definitely not an effect that a certain word spirit could achieve.

Only the little devil can do this.

"Brother, I'm late." The little boy seemed to hug Lu Mingfei from behind. He was so soft. Lu Mingfei's scales that opened and fastened pierced his skin, and the hot liquid flowed along. The gaps between the scales flowed.

"Lu...Mingze." Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment.
Murasame was held in Chu Zihang's hand, and the tip of the knife touched the Lincoln's hood. It was slightly swayed by the wind, and the soft sound of metal collision sounded from the rain.

After three violent outbursts, Chu Zihang had completely crossed the critical blood limit. In this state, he could even compete with Jörmungandr.

Jun Yan's domain has expanded almost without limit, and that is the arrival of another monarch outside the battlefield between kings!

The first is the transparent barrier that covers a wide area. The realm of words and spirits, which is suspected to be a dust-free place, instantly withstands energy far beyond its endurance threshold, shattering like a car window glass that was hit hard from the front.

The violent rain curtain was shaken away in an instant, and the elemental turbulence generated when the realm was shattered rolled up a huge whirlpool, roaring in the wilderness like an evil ghost.

Jun Yan's domain seemed to be unstoppable, and the black fiery air realm was advancing toward the center of the battlefield like a frenzy, while the shadows crawling on the ground let out shrill howls.They were wrapped in thousands of degrees of heat. Some immediately turned into black smoke and flowed into the boiling water. Some were burned from the inside out. Their skin, flesh and internal organs were burned away, leaving only the bronze skeletons still standing. .

The black ultra-high-temperature air realm moved forward visibly with the naked eye at a steady and slow speed. Wherever it passed the edge of the domain, huge fires immediately broke out on the ground. It was the crackling of the withered bodies of the heroic spirits after long years of weathering. There was a roar, and the sky was filled with white steam.

Jun Yan's domain annihilated everything in this way, and with the death that occurred simultaneously with the silence, he silently came into contact with the blue time zero domain hidden in the deepest part.

When the high-temperature black fire snake wrapped around the ripples on the surface of the blue field, Odin, who was about to charge at Lu Mingfei with a giant sword, slowly turned around.

There was no emotion in those eyes as bright as a gas lamp. His gaze passed through the rising white air, through the dense rain curtain, and also through the edges of the merging fields. He looked at Chu Zihang, who had the same expressionless face and looked like a dragon. The eyes collide.

They stared at each other, their brilliant golden eyes almost burning with flames that turned into substance. Their eyes were murderous but at a loss, as if they were looking at each other across the underworld, the living and the dead in two separate worlds. .

Odin's mask made a slight crisp sound, and the sound was lost in the heavy rain, but along his brilliant golden pupil downwards, thin cracks were like lightning splitting the sky.Dark golden liquid flowed down along the gap, and it was impossible to tell whether it was blood or tears.

"Dad, I found you." Chu Zihang said softly. It was hard to tell whether he was crying or laughing because of his hard bones.The sharp scales bite each other, locking his facial muscles.

Odin turned away.The giant sword buzzed and he pointed the blade at Lu Mingfei in front of the throne.His back is broad and majestic, emitting majesty in all directions.

Chu Zihang exhaled a deep breath of rich turbid air. He relaxed all over and looked up at the sky. His golden eyes seemed to dim for a moment, and the childlike confusion flashed away in those dim golden eyes.

Then the muscles all over his body tightened again, his body bowed slightly, and his raised head lowered again.

The man who was as majestic as a liger had fine scales all over his body, like blue-black armor, and the scales clasped together suddenly!
At the same time, the joints reverse and the nails protrude into sharp claws.

The lengthened Lincoln, whose hood had been modified to withstand frontal fire from large-caliber bullets, suddenly collapsed. The entire front half was torn apart, dented, and sparks of lightning shot out.

He ran wildly, the field erupted, the hot black fire flashed out, and the high temperature instantly melted the metal under his feet.

Chu Zihang jumped up and swung his sword to enter the battlefield of God!
Thunder roared, the rain curtain trembled, and another lightning across the sky spread pale light across the endless wasteland.The moment the realm of Time Zero was shattered, another Odin suddenly turned around. The horse Sleipnir under him raised its front hooves high, and its breathing was so heavy that lightning fragments spilled out from its nostrils and corners of its mouth.

The twisted spear made of bronze was raised high above Odin's head. The god's eyes were cold, as if he was just trying to crush an ant under his feet.

Kungunil, the Holy Spear of Destiny!

Chu Zihang's pupils shrank slightly.Since appearing in the Kuimen Project, he has been looking for information about this weapon from various channels.Only a truly powerful person or dragon can break free from the concepts of absolute death and inevitable fate.But the man running like a liger was neither afraid nor flinching. He raised his head slightly and stared into Odin's single eye. Murasame slid out of a crescent-like arc, seeming to cut off the fate of death.

Chu Zihang had never seen the real Kungunir, so he didn't know.In front of him, what Odin threw was actually a fake.But even so, he was still tasteless, even a little happy.

How can you be afraid when you are seeking revenge?The enemy you think about day and night is right in front of you. You just need to cut his throat, pierce his heart, and chop off his head. Even if you are covered in blood, even if you are scarred in the process, you still have to kill him. !

If you die on this road, your friend will bring your sword and embark on this journey again, and he will eventually bring the god's head to your tombstone to pay homage to you.

And your tombstone will say, "Here is buried a man who wielded a sword to seek revenge on God. His name was Chu Zihang. His life was extremely exciting. When he died, he stood before God without kneeling down."

Thinking of this, Chu Zihang laughed wildly. He knew that Lu Mingfei could definitely do such a thing.

Come on then, God, let’s see which fate is sharper in your palm, or my hatred is hot!

The sound of sharp weapons tearing through the air was as deafening as the blast of a jet fighter flying at low altitude. Chu Zihang swung Murasame, the blade drew a sharp arc, leaving black flames in the rain curtain.

The high-temperature heat flow of thousands of degrees passed by like a wind. When Chu Zihang ran wildly, he brought up sharp air currents. The air currents rolled over the bronze bones that were still standing. White ash was immediately blown up, and then was blown up by the heavy rain falling from the sky. Rinse clean.

Chu Zihang was like an unscrupulous beast smashing through the rain curtain, white mist and dead bones in front of him. His soles stepped on the ground, and in just a few tenths of a second, the soft soil was immediately dried, leaving scorched black marks.

All the accumulated water was evaporated, and the blade reflected the pale light of lightning.

He saw, right in front of him, something tearing through the sky like a dragon, smashing into the rain curtain, making a sharp scream, as if falling from the sky, and trying to pierce his heart!

Chu Zihang roared, and the trajectory of his swinging sword formed a cross, blocking any direction in which the twisted iron spear could move.

He wanted to send the blade into the heart of God, so how could he die here?
The speed of the iron spear was even faster than the sound. As it advanced, its twisted lines squeezed the air to form several fan-shaped water curtains that followed it forward. Lightning tore the sky apart again, and the pale light spread unreservedly to the entire wasteland. Chu Zihang jumped up, and the intense heat spread from the place where his feet exerted force to the surroundings, like a pale dragon devouring everything. All the accumulated water was evaporated, and a thick white mist rose with him. .

The iron spear whizzed down, and it was such a powerful blow. Even a thing like Odin, who only existed in legends, felt his chest rise and fall slightly after throwing the spear.

That single golden eye followed the trajectory of the spear, as if to witness it piercing into Chu Zihang's heart and then exiting his body.

Time seemed to have paused at this moment. The spear that seemed to be thrown from the clouds came with a sharp hurricane, and the manic airflow alone almost overturned the scales on Chu Zihang's face.

His pupils shrank, and the bones all over his body crackled, and huge power burst out from the ripples of his knotted muscles.

Chu Zihang couldn't help but hesitate, the threshold of four violent blood attacks was about to be broken deep in his consciousness!

He has never advanced the ability of violent blood to the terrifying fourth degree. It is difficult to say whether he is a human or something in that state.

Chu Zihang's body was already very unstable. The dragon's mania was slowly swallowing up his rationality as a human being. But at this moment, he could no longer hesitate. The darkness deep in his soul was like the rising and falling tide that was about to swallow up his will. .

There was a tall figure in the darkness reaching out to him, as if to hug him, and Chu Zihang also reached out, as if to embrace that person's embrace.He didn't know who that person was, but he felt inexplicably familiar and warm.Like dad.

Accompanied by a long sigh...

Someone kicked me from the side!
This kick hit the side of Chu Zihang's face fiercely, leaving a ferocious footprint on his face.

This flying kick was so powerful and heavy that Chu Zihang rolled on the ground and was knocked backwards for more than ten meters. When he stabilized his body and finally sat up, he felt like stars were shining in his eyes, and the facial bones that originally covered his face were completely shattered.

His process of advancing the road to becoming a god to the fourth step was interrupted. Chu Zihang looked at the person who attacked him in shock and annoyance.

The man seemed stunned for a moment.

Although the side face had slender and hard bony protrusions and was covered with fine iron-blue scales, he still knew its owner.

It was Xia Mi, the younger junior sister who was always a bit out of touch and always liked to pester Lu Mingfei, but her devilish and ferocious body did not look like that soft and white girl, but more like an angry female dragon.

The girl's golden eyes shone brightly in the rain, like a throne that was always illuminated by candlelight in a dark hall. The majesty that was heavier than the years radiated from the throne to the surroundings.

She was naked, slender and exquisite. Her collarbones were still lonely, her butterfly bones were also lonely, and her iron-green scales fit together regularly. As the girl breathed, those sharp scales slowly expanded in the rain, and scarlet red flowed from the bottom of the scales. of liquid.

The girl's body was soft, and the temporarily activated scales tore her body apart and emerged from the flesh.

It was these steel-like scales that pierced the skin and grew lushly, tearing the Cassel College uniform into pieces.

Her whole body had transformed into a dragon, her knees were bent backwards, and her fingers and toes were deformed into black claws, but she was still beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

But what really made Chu Zihang shudder was the steel spear forged with ancient alchemy techniques. It was being held by the girl with one hand, twisting and struggling crazily, but couldn't make any progress!
That slender body spurted out a mountain of power, and even the spear thrown by Odin was picked off!
Huge power was transmitted from the spear to Xia Mi's body, and then through Xia Mi's body to the ground at her feet. The spear twisted in her hand and tore the skin on her palm, and hot blood spattered.

The ground cracked under Xia Mi's feet, and a huge ravine extended out. She finally stretched out her other hand, actually holding the iron spear in both hands, and then forcibly stopped its twisting.

A huge roar came from Xia Mi's palm.

She broke the nearly indestructible alchemical weapon.

Sleipnir under Odin let out a heavy neigh. It could no longer remain calm. When the real king arrived, all the false kings should kneel down and worship!

Xia Mi raised her face and let the rainwater flow down. Her golden eyes became more and more blazing, her facial bones made a slight "click" sound and twisted, her mouth became wider, and her teeth protruded like sharp swords.

"How dare you!" she roared angrily,

Xia Mi's bent knee joints exploded with extraordinary force, and the figure disappeared in the heavy rain with the help of high-speed movement.

But everyone knows where her goal is.

God also began to panic.

 I don’t have time to write down to six thousand, so let’s start with five thousand.Reporting results, subscriptions to the [-]-word chapter actually dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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