Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 115 114 Bosses

Chapter 115
In Chicago, Illinois, the gentle wind stirs up the sparkling Chicago River. There is an endless flow of people along the river, and the traffic flow is as orderly as a torrent of steel.

Behind the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the hyattregency chicago presidential suite, a tall girl overlooks the crowds of people on the street.The drones that must pass through the Kassel Academy CC1000 train transmitted signals through satellites, and the conquest in the rain was clearly displayed on the hotel's huge indoor projector.

Mai Shutoku's eyes seemed to fall across a long distance on that battlefield, where there were gods and gods, and kings and kings.

It was like the legendary Twilight of the Gods, where everything that had anything to do with the gods rushed to the battlefield with swords in hand.

Wearing white velvet pajamas and burying herself in the velvet quilt, Su Enxi looked relaxed. She was holding potato chips in one hand and holding a tall glass filled with iced vodka in the other. Her eyes were sleepy and her face was rosy. She seemed to be watching some interesting family. Ethical drama.

"Is it okay to just let our little guinea pig deal with something like Odin on his own? I'm really worried about him being beaten to death." Mai Shutoku frowned.

"You have some confidence in our baby. Look, look, how beautiful he is with this knife! This Yan Hui! So handsome! He also has eight-pack abs. He is truly a handsome boy at the level of a male god. I think so. I used his photo as wallpaper!" Su Enxi clenched her fists excitedly.

Mai Shutoku's brows furrowed more and more, "We previously captured the next-generation species that were hidden and raised by locals in diamond mines in South Africa. In that operation, we deployed seven Horn tanks provided by the South African military, and also dispatched The number of elite mercenaries recruited from the Middle East, Siberia and Mexico reached three digits. Even so, they still suffered heavy losses. Things like Odin are more powerful than the next generation, and there is no doubt that the Camarilla did not seek the United States in this operation. With the help of the government, they did not send out tanks, nor did they have an organized army to join the battle. Just relying on a group of undisciplined students from Cassel College, can they really escape unscathed?"

"That's not an undistinguished student. Let me think about it... First of all, Chu Zihang, who was considered to have a bloodline rating since the entrance exam, was actually changed to S level, with golden eyes that never burn out, and then the Gattuso family group sent Caesar, the successor with high hopes, Chen Motong who is almost going crazy, and yes, our most lovely princess." Su Enxi smiled and said, "Looking at your nervous look, don't worry. Seeing that the boss cares so much about Lu Mingfei, this kid's name will be crossed out from the book of life and death, and he will not die."

"More importantly," Su Enxi said vaguely while chewing potato chips, "the little dragon girl is here too. Odin in this state can't beat the little dragon girl."
Just an hour ago, Su Enxi and Mai Jiude had their first meeting this spring at the Hyattregency Chicago Hotel at the invitation of their boss.

In the original plan, Mai Shutoku was supposed to follow Chu Zihang from outside Chicago to the battlefield where Lu Mingfei was ambushed, but the tyrant-like boss temporarily changed their plan, and she had to put the shark skin on The tight-fitting combat uniform was replaced with a backless evening gown, and the sharp weapons hidden close to the body were replaced with flashy accessories.

In the past two months, Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi have been in the suite of this hotel.

hyattregency chicago is not only an asset of Kassel College, Su Enxi itself also holds a considerable part of the equity.In order to meet the special request of this shareholder lady, the manager specially invited a chef from New Mexico who was good at making extra spicy potato chips to serve Su Enxi.

After receiving the mission cancellation order, when he returned to the hotel, the boss, who was disguised as a servant, was already waiting at the door of the room with a silver dining cart.In the dining car are ice cubes flown from Siberia and top-quality dry rosé wine with a slightly orangey yellow color from the Provence wine region in France. The side dishes are thick-cut salmon fillets and pan-fried top-quality Wagyu beef.

The pure white letter was tucked into the note in the dining car. It was not until the end that Mai Shutoku realized that it contained the requirements for the next mission. In addition to the time and place, the mission actually had a dress code, "Please bring fleece warm clothes."

The spring in Chicago was still very cold, bone-chilling, and the potato chip girl was still wearing a down jacket, but after the boss took off the waiter's clothes, there was only a very elegant suit underneath.

Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi walked into their presidential suite under the service of their boss. They were clearly just pushing open a rather luxurious hotel oak password door, but when it was pushed open, its texture was like a magnificent and heavy rosewood. Wood.

Su Enxi and Jiude Mai each pushed open a door, and brilliant light immediately poured out from the crack of the door. The light was as soft as soft silk.

The scene in front of me was truly incredible to the extreme.They were indeed standing in the top presidential suite of the Hyattregency Chicago Hotel, but what they saw outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was not the bustling, vibrant Chicago in the early morning, but the vast ocean.It's not daytime outside, but it's getting dark.

Hundreds of light cyan aurora hung under the dark abyss-like sky. They were soft and gorgeous, like a long skirt that could cover the entire sky. Its edges were decorated with the thinnest light cyan silk.It is also like the most beautiful picture that humans in the world can imagine and witness.

The soft light is those gorgeous auroras.

"The hem of the goddess's skirt is beautiful, isn't it?" The boss looked like a very dignified young man, but his words were inexplicably mean.He led the gorgeous girls to the table and pulled out dining chairs for them.

"This way we can be considered as lifting the skirt of the goddess." He said with a smile while pouring wine for the two ladies.

Mai Shutoku rolled her eyes.

The boss is always such an unconventional person, but sometimes he can be as majestic as a monarch sitting on the throne, so they will never go against his wishes.

After waiting for the two countess-like elegant ladies to sit down, the boss leisurely hung a napkin around his neck and took his seat.

He just sat down facing the floor-to-ceiling window. His aura immediately changed astonishingly. His eyes were so deep that Su Enxi couldn't understand. The majesty of an emperor radiated from the man's body. He sat there. , there became the real eye of power in this closed space.

"First of all, I want to say, Mai, you did a great job. Our little white rabbit was safe throughout the holiday. Those clowns who hid their heads and tails did not disturb the little white rabbit's leisure time." The boss held up the wine glass.

"He is not some little white rabbit, he is clearly a beautiful mountain tiger." Mai Shutoku also raised a glass, "But there are indeed many people who want to trouble him secretly. I knocked them out and threw them all on him. Somali pirate ship." There are many people in the mixed-race society who want to get some benefits from Lu Mingfei. The reason why he can live so relaxed and contentedly these days is indispensable for the secret protection of Mai Shutoku.

"Secondly, I would like to thank Enxi for his contribution to our team." The boss raised his glass again.

"If employees can't create value, what's the point of existence?" Su Enxi said lightly, but she also raised her glass. From this point of view, she didn't look like a subordinate of an unscrupulous boss at all, but more like some kind of boss. Equal positions.

"Enxi, you have done a good job, but it is not enough just to confirm that there are some indirect connections between the Far North and the boar Neo. I need to fully grasp the relationship between Vincent, the old dog, and the boar Neo. The account information of all the boar’s funds, as well as where their funds ended up flowing into.” The boss and the girls held glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

Recently, the tasks he assigned have become more and more difficult, and they have pushed Su Enxi and Jiu De Mai to a desperate situation several times.

"Do you know how many accounts there are in total for transfers to Vincent and Boar Neo?" Su Enxi held the red wine and looked into the boss's eyes through the ice cubes in the glass, "One thousand and one million! One thousand and one hundred Ten thousand! I can't do this job. At least I need a supercomputer to complete such a huge calculation!"

"I believe you." The boss smiled like a big sunny boy. "No matter how difficult it is, our Enxi can't be troubled. If you want a supercomputer, just build one yourself. Anyway, we keep our money." Leave it alone too.”

"Hey, every copper you squander is my hard-earned money, okay?" Su Enxi protested, and then she counted on her fingers, "The cost of developing a supercomputer is close to 100 billion US dollars, we can come up with it It’s so much money, but it’s not necessary, we can rent it.”

"Can this thing be rented?" Mai Shutoku was shocked. "I have a relationship with the director of the Irish High-end Computing Center. If I pay him some money, I can bribe him to let me use the supercomputer 'KAY' for a period of time." Su Enxi smiled, "I will give him [-] million in rent, which is a good deal."

"It's great to have a relationship. If we can establish a relationship with the Pentagon, we can just use Tomahawk missiles to blow up the entire Far North, and we will save so much trouble." The boss said with emotion.

Mai Shutoku glanced at the boss strangely.

In a sense, the boss is a guy like Aladdin. He can do almost anything. Although the nuclear-powered icebreaker carrying all the members of the Far North is strong, sinking it should not be a problem for him. What is so difficult, but judging from what the boss said just now, it seems that even he is unable to do it?

"So why did you terminate Long Legs from the last task and call him back? In addition to giving me a difficult problem, there must be other tasks, right?" Su Enxi sighed.

"Well, there is indeed a new mission. Isn't this to let you adapt to the environment in advance? It took me some effort to move the Aurora here." The boss spread his hands, "And I also prepared clothes and a set of clothes to help you keep out the cold, Mai." A ticket worth $1000 million."

"My mission is to dive onto the YAMAL?" Mai Shutoku thought thoughtfully.

"Absolutely, but it's not a thief thing like sneaking in. The ones we bought the tickets for went up in an open and honest manner, and we are the most distinguished VIP guests." The boss said, "So you understand your mission?"

"Kill that old dog Vincent?" Mai Shutoku said.

"Uh... Although it can be considered a backup plan, I won't use it yet."

"Making the nuclear reactor self-destruct due to overload and sinking the YAMAL?" Su Enxi was eager to try.

The corner of the boss's eyes twitched, "I always thought you, Enxi, were the gentlest among all my little assistants."

Su Enxi spread her hands and said, "Boss, you are never very good at judging people."

"Anyway, don't be so violent." The boss said, "Just go up and act with the YAMAL. You will go wherever it goes. Keep in touch with us at all times, and at the same time investigate what secrets are hidden on the ship. Vincent announced to the outside world that the Star Maria passed away not long ago, but I always feel that things are not that simple."

Mai Shutoku nodded and agreed.

"Do I have the authority to blow up and sink that ship when necessary? I mean, when the things on the YAMAL threaten Lu Mingfei or us." She suddenly asked.

The boss hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking, and finally said, "You decide for yourself, but you have to protect yourself."

Mai Shutoku said nothing, but her earlobes could not help but turn a little red.

The boss stood up. He continued to fill himself with red wine and drank it in one gulp. However, so many fine lines spread like spider silk from the palm holding the wine glass to his wrist, covering him almost instantly. every inch of skin.

Bright red blood seeped out from those textures, and he was scarred. The smell of decay and death hit his face, almost making it impossible for Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi to open their eyes.

The waves were rolling outside the window, and the aurora seemed to be at the end of the world. The world in the soft light was not gentle. Instead, the waves crashed against each other and roared continuously, which was more deafening than thunder.

It reminds me of the beating of war drums during a fight.

Mai Shutoku saw clearly what those lines were, and her expression suddenly changed, "What's going on? The injury was so serious this time?"

The boss shook his hand, and blood splashed like rain. He smiled, with cracks on his face.

"Kungunir wants to kill Lu Mingfei, of course it is not allowed. How can such a despicable thing dare to get involved in the ultimate throne. Unfortunately, I have not fully recovered my strength, and Kungunir is conceptual. Agent, of course I have to pay a price if I fight against it." The boss's voice was weaker than ever.

Su Enxi's face was gloomy, and Jiude Mai's joints were a little white from holding the knife and fork hard. She reached out to hold the boss's sleeve, "Are you okay?"

The boss touched Mai Shutoku's face, looked into the girl's eyes, and suddenly laughed, "I was injured, but not to the point of death. I am the biggest devil in the world, and the only one who can kill me is Jehovah. "

Mai Shutoku looked at him blankly.

Su Enxi suddenly stood up and said, "Where are you? I can hire the most elite mercenaries in the world to blow the place into rubble and find you."

"What you can't do is a battlefield for people like me." The boss smiled.

Then everything collapsed, the aurora and the tide disappeared, leaving only the silver tableware and empty wine glasses on the table.

A splatter of blood remained on the sheets.

 Four thousand words today and a big chapter of seven thousand words will be published tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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