Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 116 Chapter 115 The King of Sky and Wind

Chapter 116 115. The King of Sky and Wind ([-]-word chapter please subscribe)
The whole world turned into a dim gray, time stopped flowing in this gray, and everything came to a standstill.

Lu Mingfei's tense body relaxed, and he raised his head to look up at Odin's iron mask.They have the same body shape, the same face, and even the single eye that shines like a torch is exactly the same.

"So Odin is actually a monster that can be mass-produced, right? Just like Captain America in the movie." Lu Mingfei's voice was cold and hard, but with a hint of imperceptible bitterness.He felt that this world was really fucked up and helpless. One Odin could make the entire secret party miserable. He could even ride on the eight-legged horse Sleipnir with a huge number of heroic spirits accumulated over thousands of years. Entered Kassel Academy.

And what if there are actually a lot of such monsters? Two, three, or even five, six? That is a legion composed purely of dragon kings. Faced with such a power, even all the hybrids in the world will be able to fight like no one before. Even if we unite as one, we cannot stop the tide of gods coming to the world.

"They are not trash like Captain America. If you really want to compare the strength of the Avengers with the Avengers, brother, you have to imagine Odin as something like the Hulk or Thor." Lu Mingze's voice was lazy. The ground sounded behind Lu Mingfei, but the little devil still hugged him from behind. Hot liquid overflowed from Lu Mingze's body and flowed down along the gaps in Lu Mingfei's scales.

Although his tone was still so casual, Lu Mingfei could clearly hear a hint of weakness in the little devil's voice.He held Lu Mingze's hand and turned to look at his younger brother who had been by his side.

The little devil was still wearing a black suit as always, with handmade leather shoes on his feet, and a blooming white rose pinned to his chest. However, dense cracks covered the boy's body, and drops of blood seeped out from these cracks.This made him look like a porcelain doll riddled with holes. Although delicate, it was scarred and seemed to be completely broken at any time.

Lu Mingze tilted his head to look at Lu Mingfei.He was still smiling, and his smile was bright and cute.But Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned. He felt that such huge sorrow and anger were pouring out from the depths of his soul, like a black tide that was about to engulf the world.

He reached out tremblingly to touch the wound on Lu Mingze's cheek. The warm blood covered his palm, conveying a strange touch.

"What's going on? How could it be like this?" Lu Mingfei's voice had a slight tremor that even he didn't notice, and it revealed huge anger that even he himself didn't know where it came from. Lu Mingfei Like a kitten being stroked by its owner, Ze gently rubbed Lu Mingfei's hand with his face.

The faint sadness suddenly became so intense that it was like a flame that was about to burst out of his body. Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, only to feel an inexplicable and huge pain brewing in his nasal cavity.

But it shouldn't be like this. He has never really regarded the little devil as his younger brother. The relationship between them has always been that between the devil and Faust. Lu Mingze tempted him to sell his soul and then satisfied him. four wishes.

These four wishes can mean slaying dragons all over the world and killing those monarchs who crawl out of their graves.It can also be a palace located in Portofino. Lu Mingfei is the owner of the palace and the emperor of a country. His harem includes Nuonuo as the queen, Xia Miling as the noble concubine, Chen Wenwen, Su Xiaoqiang and Liu Miaomiao. Be a concubine or something.

Lu Mingfei always felt that as long as he used up three-quarters of his soul and killed him for the last time without exchanging it, everything would be fine. In this way, his soul would never belong to Lu Mingze. If there really is heaven and hell, with his How can one win a lottery in heaven even if his merits are dead?But Faust's soul has actually fallen into hell. He seems to be able to go to heaven, but who knows what the hell is like in heaven?It's hard to say that Faust was still complacent about his little cleverness. When he rushed into heaven, he saw the devil stirring a pot of hot oil. He turned around and smiled at him and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. I'm ready to get into the pot." Bar.

But think about it again, in the last period of time and space, he, Lu Mingfei, was such a useless loser. Even a loser like Fingel had EVA senior, and his secret love for Nono caused a lot of trouble. Everyone knows that there is no chance, there are really not many people he likes, and there are indeed very few people who like him. Is there really such a girl who is willing to follow him? This useless dog has gone home and wants to go to Korea with him under the crabapple tree. When we were eating ice cream together, he ate vanilla flavor and the girl ate strawberry flavor, but he lost her girl.

After all, the person who stayed with Lu Mingfei in the end was Lu Mingze. He was like this when he was going to kill Norton. He was like this when he was rushing back to save Chu Zihang and kill Fenrir. In the red well of Tama River in Tokyo It was still like this when he was frantically trying to kill Herzog.Whether life or death, in the end they are the only ones who depend on each other.

Besides, Lu Mingze can be regarded as a trustworthy devil. Back then, Lu Mingfei walked out of Hongjing and walked into the streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo, in a daze and alone. It was raining heavily in the sky, and Lu Mingze was just like a little boy being walked. He followed me like a dog and got wet.That time, Lu Mingze uncharacteristically didn't say anything offensive and just followed silently. Lu Mingfei couldn't help but asked him why he didn't hold an umbrella. When he said that, he really touched him as if he were a puppy. Lu Mingze's head.The little devil didn't resist, just tilted his head to look at Lu Mingfei like this.He said, brother, you are very sad, so you want to get wet in the rain. I am your younger brother. If you get wet in the rain, I will also get wet in the rain. If you are sad, I will be sad too.

Those inexplicable fragments of memory were like bubbles rising from deep water, exploding in Lu Mingfei's mind for no reason.But he didn't have time to think that much.

He only felt that the stagnant rain curtain was like the boundary between life and death. Every drop of rain reflected a person's life. After death, those people stood on the other side of the underworld and waved to the living.

Lu Mingfei suddenly sighed deeply.He is really a very weird monster. When Chu Zihang died, he could write on his tombstone "This is a man who once wielded a knife to seek revenge on God." But when someone like him died, what should be written on his tombstone? what.If Lu Mingze was still alive at that time, he could still ask Lu Mingze to help him think about it. The little devil probably knew something, but what if Lu Mingze died too?
That is probably the real loneliness in the world. You don’t even know whose name should be written on the tombstone after you die.In fact, thinking about it, the senior and junior sisters would probably be willing to carve their names on Lu Mingfei's tombstone, but Lu Mingfei was unwilling.A monster like him should stay away from all sad things when he dies.

"Brother, I'm fine. A minor injury will recover soon." Lu Mingze gently hugged Lu Mingfei, his little body seemed to be as hot as charcoal fire.

Lu Mingfei's golden eyes were shining, and he gently stroked Lu Mingze's hair. "You are lying to me. We have killed Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, Fenrir, the King of Earth and Mountain, and Herzog, the White King, together. After every battle, you have never been so weak. Lu Mingze, something is wrong with you, what happened?" Lu Mingfei's voice was low and hoarse, and the keel was oppressing his vocal cords, which made his voice not sound like him.

"Brother, you are still as sensitive as before." Lu Mingze let go of Lu Mingfei, he took two steps back and stuck out his tongue, "What you are doing has touched some people's bottom line, and they want to kill you. . Kungunil was awakened in advance. That gun was a weapon in the concept. You are my brother. Of course I had to help you settle things, so I went to beat Kungunil up. I was delayed on the way. Please give me some time, it’s just now. Don’t look at me being injured, Kungunil was almost broken by me.”

Lu Mingfei's brows furrowed. He didn't speak, but he already figured out why Odin just rode POSS on his horse when the ambush started. It turned out to be because the gun was blocked by Lu Mingze.

Odin, who holds the holy spear Kungunir that discerns destiny, is no less threatening than a real dragon king, but if he loses that spear, Odin is just a super-enhanced version of the next generation.At least that's the case for Odin in his current state.

Lu Mingze shrugged and spread his hands, "I spent a lot of effort to investigate this matter clearly. Brother, you have to take care of my business more often in the future." When he spoke like this, his voice became softer again. A bit mean-spirited, but still unable to hide that ray of weakness.

"The two things you are investigating, the Far North and Neo the boar, I don't know whether you have good luck or bad luck. The two things are very related. One of their connecting points is The Jung von Herzog in your memory, the rat hiding in the stinking ditch and eating carrion, came from the Far North, and when Herzog established the Deadpool hatchery in Japan A large part of the source of wild hybrids comes from the boar Neo."

"So my investigation of Herzog has aroused the taboo of some people. They are allies with Odin and want to kill me to prevent some secret plans from being exposed." Lu Mingfei started to make associations naturally, but Lu Mingfei started to think about it. Narusawa shook his head and said, "Although I still haven't found out who those people are or what their purpose is, I can confirm that Herzog is just a dispensable person to them. The abandoned son. Although these people are also very interested in the White King’s legacy, Herzog is not the only way for them to obtain this legacy.”

Lu Mingfei shuddered silently. The meaning of Lu Mingze's words was that he did not deny that there were people or forces hiding behind the scenes that even Herzog didn't know about, manipulating all of this. They were the world's The biggest conspirators in the world, it is likely that the resurrection of every Dragon King is on the agenda of these people.From the King of Bronze and Fire to the King of Earth and Mountain, and then to the White King, at the end of this schedule must be written a certain great ancient name, the owner of that name, the ultimate throne of the world, the Black Emperor Ned Hogg.

"I think your behavior that really touched their bottom line was your investigation of the Far North." Lu Mingze said quietly. He raised his head to look at the huge raindrops stagnating in the sky above his head. The surface of each drop of rain was smooth. , reflecting the brilliant fire on Odin.

"The nuclear-powered icebreaker owned by the Far North has been cruising in the Arctic Ocean all year round. They claim to be looking for the mysterious Hybril and want to bring the ancient miracles back to light. But my team and I We have conducted an investigation into the funding sources of this organization and Neo the Boar. What is interesting is that it is almost certainly the same organization that provides funds to them. Because that organization transfers money to the Far North and Neo the Boar in exactly the same way. It is through millions of completely different credit cards in the banking system, with the Bank of Zurich as the center, and then transferred to the bank cards designated by Far North and Neo the Boar,” he said.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He felt that he was about to come into contact with some truth of the world. That truth and the conspiracy to hide the truth would involve many people, and even eventually point to the only throne, the throne of the Black King.

"But I don't understand what is monitoring me, and why Odin would choose to attack me at this time." Lu Mingfei said.

"Brother, you can judge the behavioral logic of the organization behind all these events through the Tokyo incident. Everything they do has a strong purpose. For example, investing money to support Neo the boar, the ultimate goal is We want to support Herzog’s research. But in the end they didn’t even get a hold of King Bai’s throne, which shows that these people must be seeking something far greater than King Bai’s power.” Lu Mingze said coldly, “Except Nidhogg’s supreme authority, what else in the world can be more precious than the White King’s throne?”

Lu Mingfei had expected this. He didn't say much, but he held the knife harder and his bones creaked.

"Brother, you must have guessed that the so-called Hybril may be a Nibelungen hidden in the Arctic Circle, right?" Lu Mingze asked with a smile.

"Except for the Nibelungs, I can't imagine any other continent in the Age of Gods that can still be hidden in the icebergs in this era of satellites flying all over the sky." Lu Mingfei answered Lu Mingze's question head-on. The Far North The Hybril he was pursuing was a very mysterious term, and he and his senior sister spent the entire winter vacation investigating the meaning of this term.

In traditional Greek mythology, the Hybrians are a group of people living far north of Greece. Their country is called Hybril, which means "beyond the north wind" in ancient Latin. Outside, the sun never sets."In this mythological system, the sun god Apollo would spend the winter in Hybril, and Theseus and Perseus also visited Hybril. There should be some kind of place independent of the Olympian gods. The territory of the gods outside.

There are many famous Greek and Roman writers who have described the country of Hyperia. Pliny the Elder, Herodotus, Virgil and Cicero all have such works. In these documents, Hyperia has It has a lifespan of thousands of years, but the sun only rises once a year in this country. It also has a huge amount of gold, which is guarded by griffins that can make dragon roars.From a modern perspective, these records reflect the polar day and night of the Arctic Circle. The northernmost point of the earth does indeed see the sun rise only once a year.All this shows that the dogma embraced in the Far North is not unfounded.

But there are no gods in the world, and all so-called gods are dragons.Then the only explanation for Hyberil is Nibelungen.

"Your and Chen Motong's speculation is not wrong. Although it is still not the most correct idea, it is very close to the truth. But the facts I want to say may be even more horrifying than this." The cracks on Lu Mingze's body are still seeping out The blood is as gorgeous as the most expensive ruby, but it also carries the unique sweetness of blood. The smell is dispersed in the air and spreads into the still rain curtain.

"According to our original script, destiny should still be on the right track. Even if I discovered this fact, you would not have the ability to touch it. But brother, you have changed a lot this time. I can no longer write our story. It's fate, so I think you should have the right to know about this matter." The color of gold was flowing in Lu Mingze's eyes, and it was like a blooming golden mandala slowly rotating.

He said in a voice that was almost gritting his teeth, "The Hyperion that the icebreaker is looking for, that Kingdom of God, that Nibelungen, are more likely to be the burial ground and hatchery of Black King Nidhogg! "When Lu Mingze said these words, he seemed to be holding steel between his teeth, wishing he could grind his teeth and suck blood, but the majesty in his eyes was as heavy as mountains, and his tone was like an angry king scolding a sycophant!
Lu Mingfei felt like he was struck by lightning.

He leaned on the ground with the lust in his hand to support his body. A deafening sound like the roar of war drums came from his chest. He took a deep breath and felt the bloody smell of ancient times rushing towards his face.

It was as if a towering throne was erected in front of him. The rugged steel of the throne was firmly rooted in the depths of the ice sea in the far north. The surging waves roared like thunder. Ancient copper pillars filled with proverbs stood on the throne. The surroundings seem to lift up the sky!The ancient emperor slowly spread his wings at the top of the throne, and darkness enveloped the world, leaving only the majestic golden eyes that seemed to be able to control fate, shining brightly in the darkness.

Lu Mingfei knew that all the speculations were closed, Herzog, the White King's throne, the return of the monarchs one by one, the far north, Odin, the holy spear that understands destiny, Hybril...

Nid Hogg!

There is a thread that connects all these seemingly unrelated things. Someone is planning the resurrection of a certain supreme being. When that supreme being wakes up, everything that has rebelled against him will die.

There is only the Black King, Black King Nidhogg, who is the enemy of all life. His return means despair and destruction. Black wings cover the sky, and the end is coming to the world.

"Where's the evidence? Is there any evidence?" There was no emotion in Lu Mingfei's voice. For many years, he had long been accustomed to hiding timidity in the deepest part of his soul. He was someone who had faced both kings and gods. His timidity is the cracks that things from the grave can tear him apart from.

The Camarilla's general understanding of the historical process of the Dragon Clan is that the resurrection of the four kings must be accompanied by the decline of a certain era, and the ending of the fifth era is the end of everything. On that day, mankind will inevitably face the return of Niederho. grid.

Lyonge also said some time ago that the first generation of the Lion Heart Society had obtained the flesh and blood of the Black King, but no dragon was prepared to take away that flesh and blood, because all dragons knew that the emperor would definitely return, no matter who made it No matter what happens, the Black King will keep his appointment at the end of the world and return to the world on the day when it finally comes.

This is the mainstream view of the Black King among hybrids, so Cassel Academy's crazy hunting of dragons is a bit like a desperate counterattack by a drowning man.

But since he had been mentally prepared, when he received this important news from Lu Mingze, although Lu Mingfei was still uneasy, it was no longer so difficult to accept.But President Lu is now a person who has seen big storms. Of course, he will not believe Lu Mingze's nonsense just because he said a few random words. He always pays attention to evidence when it comes to teasing.

Lu Mingze was stunned for a moment, "Of course, I have sent it to your personal email. Brother, you can see it when you get back after solving the matter here."

"Is there really any evidence?" Lu Mingfei's facial muscles twitched slightly, and the hard facial bones and scales prevented him from making many difficult expressions.

"You have already found out about the founder of the Far North, Star Maria, and she is related to her. I suspect that she may have been contaminated by the Black King's genes, but more conclusive evidence is needed." Lu Mingze said, "You After I went back, I realized that the recorded performance of that lady was a replica of Jormungandr."

"Looking at the current situation, is it too far-fetched for me to escape unscathed?" Lu Mingfei turned around and looked at the two Odins who were frozen in this gray space. They were sitting upright on their horses, like He is a monarch who sits high on the throne, and his sword and spear ebb and flow with light like a tide.The strength of each Odin is probably close to each other, and even the glow lingering on their bodies is similar, like a fire that can burn the sky. The light is majestic and terrifying, and the hot airflow is accompanied by the breath of the Odins. The elements flowed turbulently and splashed outward in a fixed trajectory. Sleipnir's scales were messy, and lightning fragments were sprayed out from their nostrils, making their faces look sacred, yet hideous and terrifying.

"It's a bit difficult for me to deal with an Odin. Two dragon king-level enemies can push your brother to the ground and rub him." Lu Mingfei looked at Lu Mingze with burning eyes, "How about some customer feedback? I No more, just something for nothing, I have four levels of violent blood and keel state, and as long as I have 30% fusion, I can knock their heads off."

Lu Mingfei didn't know what the purpose of this password was, but when he beat Fenrir in the last period of time and space, it was 60%, and when he beat Herzog, it was 100% fusion. The Odin in front of him was neither Fenrir nor Fenrir. Of course, his opponent couldn't beat Herzog, who was on the White King's throne. Lu Mingfei also tried the depths last time in the Three Gorges, and the 30% fusion was very reliable.

Lu Mingze was shocked and leaned back, "Brother, look at my injuries, just to help you block Kungunir. Otherwise, do you think you can still be alive and kicking now? What a pity, those potato farmers in Siberia in 1950 No Japanese have ever been so exploited!”

"Just kidding, if this request is difficult for you, you can get me a commandment spirit. I will go up and fight with them hand to hand, punch to flesh, and even bite Odin's throat with my teeth!" Lu Mingfei said! .

"You can kill these two guys if you want. Their evolution is still in the early stages, and their integration with power is still very rudimentary. I'll help you pinch their throats with some water, but you'll only gain a quarter of their lives." ." When Lu Mingze talked about this matter, he returned to his true nature as a profiteer, humming and looking to the other side, even the dense cracks on his body seemed to have begun to heal.

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. Looking at the current situation, he probably couldn't get out of danger on his own.

He hesitated whether to trade with Lu Mingze, but the little devil waved his hand uncharacteristically, "Actually, brother, you don't have to be so anxious. Didn't you see that Junior Sister Xia Mi was so anxious? When she was angry, she was very capable. The female dragon who caused the world-destroying disaster such as tectonic plate movement, what does Odin mean in front of the real king? Jormungandr can tear one apart with his own hands, so there is no need to worry about the remaining one. An old guy will arrive soon. He I’ll give you a big surprise.”

"Old guy?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

Lu Mingze curled his lips, "It's just that old bastard Angers. To be honest, this old guy also gave me a huge surprise. I don't know whether your intervention in fate is a good thing or a bad thing."

The gray space-time suddenly began to distort from the edge, like looking at a frozen oil painting through high-temperature airflow.

Lu Mingze frowned, "I hate being disturbed when reminiscing with my brother." But he still turned around, waved his hand, and shouted to Lu Mingfei, "Brother, I'll see you next time. Bye, I'll help you this time." If you block Kungunir, you will treat it as customer feedback, and you will be charged for this kind of thing next time!"

A huge black umbrella appeared in the hands of the little devil. He hummed an old Irish ballad and disappeared into the dark rain.

Time began to flow again at a very slow speed. Although Lu Mingfei's thinking was still at the same speed as when he was communicating with Lu Mingze, his body could only move like those slowly falling raindrops, almost stuck in a quagmire.

He saw with his own eyes that Odin, who was holding a sword, turned around and looked back and raised his sword towards him again, but lightning-like cracks appeared under the iron-faced single eye in an instant. He also saw with his own eyes that Odin, who was holding a gun, turned around and threw the spear, and the sound echoed in the sky. A deafening roar.

At this time, another horse hoofbeat suddenly sounded from the depths of the rain curtain. Lu Mingfei's face suddenly became even more ugly, but the two eight-legged horses raised their front hooves in awe and excitement. The Odins immediately looked around. , the scorching golden eyes seemed to be spitting out flames.

The sound of horse hooves was so clear, majestic and heavy, as if they were carrying mountains approaching.

A larger field covered from the direction of Chicago, which was the field of strong winds. The knight was approaching, and every step he took was shaking the real world and the Nibelungen. The two Odins looked in different directions, and they were equally Realized something was coming.

That thing was angry.

Finally, the strong wind cut through the clouds that hung down the continuous rain, and the knight stood in the clouds.

He was wearing majestic armor made of bronze, and in his hand was a metal halberd that seemed to be burning.The horse under the knight is pure black, purer than night. Only its four hooves are as white as snow. It is as tall as a mountain and like a ferocious throne.

The knight in the clouds sat on his throne, quietly overlooking Odin.

Looking down on God.

 The new person who appears is actually Anger, who can also be regarded as Xiang Yu, the king of sky and wind, who temporarily borrowed Angers body. This is not a spoiler. The causes and consequences of this matter will be explained in the following chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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