Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 118 117 Confluence

Chapter 118 117. Confluence
Chu Zihang no longer set his sights on Xia Mi, and his remaining reason was still telling him that if he did that, the hatred in his eyes that was almost as hot as mountain fire would be exposed in front of the girl.

If she were still a girl.

Chu Zihang has always known that Odin is an ancient dragon, so he hates all dragons.

Now, boys and girls with almost equal levels of dragon transformation are running side by side. They tear through the realm of time zero like ligers out of the cage and come to the final battlefield.

Everything was close at hand, but at this moment there was a loud roar and explosion,
Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the other side of the low slope, and something sharp shot up from the air. It was an iron spear with a twisted shape that was almost exactly the same as Kungunir. This iron spear was carried by Odin, who appeared later. Throwing it out, his armor immediately burst into dazzling fire, and the monster-like eight-legged horse sank all over. The eight Optimus Pillar-like legs covered with scales were severely bent, and the surrounding area was affected by Time Zero. The raindrops that fell slowly due to the impact were all shaken away.

The iron spear rose into the sky in a straight trajectory, its sharp whistling tearing through the silence.

The parting cloud has a hole through the rain curtain leading to the starting point from which it was thrown.

Perhaps it was because the distance was too far, or perhaps it was restricted by some rules. The front end of the gap, that is, the halberd originally held by the King of Sky and Wind, fell as heavy as a mountain. It was not as fast as expected. wind.

The iron spear thrown by Odin was aimed at the halberd.

The magnificent single eye of Odin, who was holding the giant sword, burned with a fierce light that illuminated the abyss. He leaped on horseback and actually set foot on the clouds, but he was not as high as Xiang Yu. He seemed to be going down and up. The sycophant!
The halberd has not yet arrived, but the people behind Odin have realized that it is an inevitable and fatal attack, and they must go all out.

Even the light seemed to be blown away by the strong wind, and the whole world became dark and deep in an instant.

The giant sword unsheathed was like a dazzling rainbow, burning with scorching light!
Odin’s posture turned out to be Iai!
It is a fast cut in Japanese swordsmanship. The long sword reaches a high speed invisible to the naked eye at the moment it leaves the sheath. The opponent often does not understand what happened after being hit by the sword.This is Lu Mingfei's best fighting move, and he will never mistake it.In the last period of time and space, he had used similar sword-drawing skills more than once to defeat the mission targets issued by the academy.

These targets include desperadoes whose blood level can even be judged as A, out-of-control hybrids that have fallen after using immature evolutionary drugs, and fourth- and third-generation dragons that are running around throughout South America.

In a sense, Lu Mingfei is a master of Japanese swordsmanship and Japanese swordsmanship. Of course, he is very aware of the terrifying power of the Speedy Slash blessed by Time Zero.

And that monster-like god used a giant sword weighing hundreds of kilograms or even nearly a ton to perform Iai. Odin's power was indeed comparable to the Hulk as the little devil said.Using this giant sword Iai will tear apart the air and everything standing in front of the sword holder, even the mountain peaks will be split into two!
The characteristic of this kind of swordsmanship is that there is no defense or blocking, only an all-out attack. Both parties must have an injury in the fight.

There was a long distance between Odin and the halberd that fell from the sky like a divine punishment with brilliant majesty, but when he unsheathed his sword, the blade was already in front of Xiang Yu's blow!

The roar of the swords was deafening, even louder than thunder, and even made people mistakenly think that the bells of Ragnarok were ringing.

The one-eyed god's body was filled with brilliant light. He brushed against the fallen halberd. The giant sword was unsheathed and retracted. The moment he passed by, he completed a complete gathering. The sword blade was as unshakable and majestic as it struck a mountain. The killing weapon swept through the air with a sharp knife-like impact.

The giant sword buzzed, but the halberd did not waver at all.

But this is definitely not the end. Odin's majesty is challenged, and large groups of ravens gather under the clouds in all directions like a tide, like a black sea suspended in the sky.

He reined in his horse and turned around, Sleipnir snorted loudly, they almost merged into one, and at the same time became a double image again, passing by the halberd for the second time!

The time zero domain belonging to Odin has been completely shrunk. Now the miraculous word spirit is acting on this magnificent giant. His speed is incredibly fast. No one can say how far he has pushed the word spirit.

But the third sword, the fourth sword, the fifth sword... Odin and Sleipnir charged repeatedly, the giant sword rolled up a hurricane that swept the world, and each time the ancient alchemy weapon struck the King of Sky and Wind. The thrown weapons, which seemed bound to kill the god, faced off head-on. Uninterrupted thunder roared, and the giant sword poured out a galaxy-like sword light towards the halberd stabbed by the falling god of death. The sound of metal collision and sharp blades tore the air. The sounds were mixed together, like the thunder connecting the sky and the earth falling from every cloud at the end of the world.

The blue wind cloak was torn apart by the majesty attached to the weapon thrown by the Wind King, and dark golden armor fragments mixed with the blood of the god spurted out.

The weapon that fell from the sky remained motionless, pronouncing God's death sentence with supreme power!

Odin still swung his sword wildly, and each of his swords hit the middle part of the halberd. The huge and accumulated force could even cut through the earth's crust, but the metal object was almost unaffected.

Finally, the iron spear thrown by another Odin came up with the same power that could pierce the world!

——On the ground, with Chu Zihang’s eyesight, he could only see what seemed to be a river of stars flowing backward!

A huge roar resounded from the sky, wrapped in a violent impact, sweeping away the heavy rain!

Seconds later, a swarm of fiery meteors fell from the sky, bringing with them billows of smoke.

Odin instantly used the ability of the Holy Word, which was also Time Zero, and swung the giant sword thousands of times in a few seconds, each time accurately hitting a point on the halberd.

He failed, the sword shattered and the halberd impaled him.

The thrown twisted iron spear also failed.

It burst out a huge amount of metal, which was compressed by some ancient alchemy and filled into the weapon to increase the weight and power of the iron spear.

But when the iron spear was easily destroyed, it turned into a scorching meteor shower.

After a few more seconds, the heavy rain of flames covered the area where the two Odins were. The halberd penetrated the heart of the sword-wielding Odin. The huge force wrapped him in the heavy rain of flames and caused him to fall fiercely. Knocked over the spear-wielding Odin.

When the halberd fell, it brought up a shock wave with fierce flames. Both Xia Mi and Chu Zihang were swept in by the hurricane of the shock wave, but no matter which one of them it was, they firmly fixed their bodies in the The ground is full of gravel.

This action is not difficult for Xia Mi. She was originally Jormungandr, one of the twins among the kings of earth and mountains. Although her control of power is not as close as that of Fenrir to the supreme one, she is still in all respects. Among the dragon kings, her mastery of power is the best among them.The force of the strong wind, fierce flames and ferocious impact flowed backwards along the girl's slender body, barely affecting her.

In comparison, Chu Zihang was much more embarrassed, but he was a real killer. The shock wave that could almost overturn an African elephant could not take him away because the man's feet and hands were inserted into the hard ground at the same time. , he almost merges himself with the earth.

But suddenly, Chu Zihang's eyes changed. He saw the girl next to him who had become extremely hardened and jumped forward in an almost ferocious posture. She collided with the oncoming figure that was carried by the huge shock wave. The figure let out a muffled groan, Hot blood spilled from his mouth.

Xia Mi hugged Lu Mingfei, who was knocked away, and used his own body as a buffer. He was brought to the ground by the terrifying recoil force, slid and bounced in the strong wind, until he landed behind Chu Zihang.
The roar of the motorcycle was like the roar of a beast, the red Ferrari and the silver Bugatti Veyron violently smashed into the rain curtain. The realm of time zero was useless to them, or maybe the knight who stood in the clouds and charged at Odin was originally No ill will toward them.

The two cars were running side by side, and the bright headlights were like the sun rising from the horizon. They drove out of the darkness at the end of the road, and the rear of the car was spitting out blue flames, and the speed was so fast that it almost looked like red and silver. of bullets.

Deep in the darkness, Xia Mi hugged Lu Mingfei tightly, as if she was afraid of losing him.The girl's body was originally as hard as steel, with scales as sharp as blades, but now it was as soft as clouds in the sky, and her hanging hair still had a faint scent of shampoo.

Lu Mingfei was stabbed through the abdomen by Odin's last desperate attack with an iron spear. His internal organs were shattered, he suffered severe blood loss, and four or five ribs were broken. At this moment, his face was pale, and the pain was as strong as the wind. He was almost speechless.But he still held Xia Mi's hand and said in a low and urgent voice, I'm okay, I'm okay, junior sister, I'm okay. His hard facial bones were broken, which was caused by the rain of fire falling from the sky. Although the target of the Wind King was not him, but just It was the lingering influence that almost killed him.

When Xia Mi heard Lu Mingfei's voice, she buried her face in his arms. There were still traces of dragon transformation on her body, which were fine scales like armor. These scales tore her clothes, but at this moment This saved the junior sister from the risk of being exposed in front of Chu Zihang.

She said through gritted teeth that the vice-principal was such an old bastard and I was going to demolish his attic.

Lu Mingfei hugged her tighter and said, "Junior sister, I'm really fine. Odin can't beat me. I was accidentally injured by the new guy."

Chu Zihang held Murasame in his hand and stood in front of Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi like a towering mountain. A thin layer of black flame covered his body surface and Murasame's blade.

White steam rose and filled the air, and two points of brilliant golden light seeped out from the depths of the white mist. Those were Chu Zihang's eyes. The look he looked at Odin was so fierce that he looked like a vicious wolf.

Just now, the sword-wielding Odin fell from the sky with a halberd piercing his chest. Chu Zihang jumped into the air. Murasame tore out a hot arc in the rain curtain, and the blade curved like a girl's newly painted eyebrows.

He will take this opportunity to chop off Odin's head!
But the mask was faintly broken, revealing half of the man's face.Chu Zihang saw that face clearly.

Although it had been many years, he still saw that man in his dreams from time to time, and what accompanied that man was always a heavy rain with no end in sight.

He is Chu Tianjiao, Chu Zihang's father.Even though Chu Zihang's will was stronger than steel, he still wavered at that moment. The blade that was slashing at Odin's neck was deflected and slid down hard against the god's shoulder.

They all undoubtedly saw Nono and Caesar driving a roaring motorcycle through the siege of heroic spirits and rushing to the rescue.

Everyone knew that there was going to be an earth-shattering battle between the two Odins and the king in the clouds. All three of them had at least Dragon King level combat power.Regardless of whether it was Lu Mingfei or Chu Zihang, the forbidden technique of violent blood was burning the dragon blood in their bodies without restraint.

In a short period of time, they may be qualified to intervene in the Dragon King's battle, but once the duration of the violent blood passes and the feeling of weakness comes like a tide, they will immediately become a hybrid with a human body again, even worse than a hybrid. Even worse.

In this case, being affected by the Dragon King's battle is quite fatal.

But there was always Odin between the three of them, Lu Mingfei, and the speeding motorcycle. The two gods stood side by side, facing Xiang Yu who was riding down from the clouds.

The gods and kings obviously had no time to care about the ants around them at this moment.

Odin lost their mounts and had to tread the earth.

The eight-legged horse Sleipnir, who originally served as the god's throne, was already dead. The first one died in the sky. His head was shattered by the halberd thrown by Xiang Yu, and then he faced the rain of fire after the iron spear shattered. , the body was torn apart and burned to ashes.The second head was pierced through the heart, and flying lightning fragments flowed from the wound.

Chu Zihang stared alertly at Odin, who was not paying attention to them at the moment. He had felt the power of God, and just the iron spear thrown made him almost helpless.

If the two kings of Asgard in Norse mythology chose between the knights killed by Skyrim and them at this time, then he might really need to use the fourth degree of violent blood.

That was an unprecedented feat, but it was also the last resort.The evil ghost imprisoned in the depths of the soul will tear apart all the cages, and a force more turbulent than the tide will flow to Chu Zihang's limbs and bones.

That's when the boiling dragon's blood completely takes over the body. Violence, bloodlust, blood thirst, ferocity, and all negative and violent emotions will wash away the already shaky body in a short period of time until the dragon's will completely replaces it. Human will, until the dragon's logic completely replaces human logic.

There is no doubt that after initiating the fourth violent bloodshed and advancing the road to becoming a god to the fourth step, Chu Zihang will undoubtedly enter a state similar to Lu Mingfei's current state.That simply releases the heart of the Dragon King. In a short period of time, the bloodline difference between A-level and S-level will be completely eliminated by the manic dragon blood. His heart will become far stronger and more powerful than ever before. The powerful but poisonous blood will be easily sent throughout the body in a short time.

He will completely transform into a mindless Deadpool after the battle.

But it doesn't matter.

Chu Zihang's eyes were always on that man, and he still remembered every bit of him.For no apparent reason, the Irish song that was often played through his headphones rang in his ears.

The trees they grow high, the leaves they do grow green,

Many is the time my true love I've seen,

Many an hour I have watched him all alone,

He's young but he's daily growing.
Father, dear father, you've done me great wrong,

You have married me to a boy who is too young,

I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen,

He's young but he's daily growing.
It was "Daily Growing" by the Irish band Altan. On that rainy night many years ago, this song was playing on the Maybach, and I broke into God's territory without any further delay.

For a moment, Chu Zihang seemed to be stunned. He seemed to really see the man who should be called dad in his life looking back and smiling at him. Everything was just like the rainy night he had dreamed about countless times, transparent. The air curtain opened in the rain, and the high-pitched roar that burst out from the depths of Chu Tianjiao's throat seemed to come from the vast ancient times.

Now he is no longer the stupid kid who didn't understand anything. Chu Zihang is now recognized as one of the most promising students in Kassel College. Before Lu Mingfei appeared, many people even thought that he and Caesar would be together. The executive department that rules the future.

He knew what the roar meant. It was the word spirit named Time Zero that was being pushed forward. The violent elemental turbulence swept through God as the center, and then was suddenly compressed, as if to make it become an armor attached to the God's body. .That is a symbol of the extreme compression of the realm. The words and spirits recited by Chu Tianjiao will only be effective for gods.

Then the high-pitched chanting became louder and faster, almost becoming the roar of thunder.

But the king who swooped down from the clouds on a horse was not panicked at all. He neither slowed down because of worry and fear, nor speeded up his pace because of anger and ferocity. He was as calm as the inevitable death, descending from the sky and announcing his fate. .

The halberd was held by the end of Odin who was reciting the words, and he pulled it out from his heart. A huge amount of blood spurted out like a tide, and then the wound healed immediately, but there was always a terrifying power regenerating. Open the wound.

The weapon thrown by the king had lethal properties similar to Kungunir's, but the god used his near-immortal life to curb the irresistible decay.

With a heavy roar, the metal weapon fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Zihang didn't notice how strange Xia Mi's eyes were, because the girl's golden eyes were dim. When she saw the new king targeting Odin, she immediately stopped her dragon transformation process, so that she could still deal with it. The Academy explains that she also used the Bloodshot technique and advanced it to the third or even fourth degree in extreme rage.

As long as the Dragon King's identity is not exposed, she can still hide in Kassel Academy as Xia Mi. With the secret party's methods, whether it is science or alchemy, they can't break through the disguise of the first generation species, just like they are still here. Constantine in the Chicago train station, even though he has lost his power as the King of Bronze and Fire, is still a genuine first-generation species, powerful and majestic, and the knowledge in his head can even create a brilliant civilization.

He was even able to change his bloodline to a certain extent, allowing the academy to always show a stable A-level bloodline when testing his blood samples.

"Those things can't take care of us anymore. Odin can't face the new Dragon King alone, and the huge number of heroic spirits cannot pose a threat to the Dragon King. It's a pity that this operation failed. Although I led out the Nibelungs I opened my window to Odin at Kassel College, but I didn't expect that he would be so difficult to deal with." Lu Mingfei struggled to stand up, he stuffed his lust into Xia Mi's arms, and then put the clothes on his body that were stained with The bloody windbreaker took off and wrapped around the girl's body. The golden eyes were as dim as a candle that would be extinguished at any time. "God will not stop Senior Sister and Caesar from taking us away. The power I have shown will not let Odin behind him." The person is timid, but it is definitely enough to make him afraid. At this time, dragging us into the battle circle is definitely not the best choice for him."

Chu Zihang and Caesar, as the leaders of the Lion Heart Club and the Student Union respectively, are definitely the best in both combat and tactics, but Lu Mingfei is definitely not weak either. He has received truly professional training in the last period of time and space. The incidental training of the Nibelung Plan was ten times more rigorous than the training in any mercenary camp in the world, and his teacher was a warrior and politician like Angers who had truly held the highest power in the entire mixed race society for hundreds of years. .

His vision is unmistakable.

If nothing else, the Dragon King in the cloud who looks like Xiang Yu is more likely to be the principal himself.Although he didn't know what exactly happened, this was probably the surprise Lu Mingze told him.

The sound of the roaring engine was very close, and it was accompanied by music that was played to the extreme. It was actually the movement "Requiem Mass" played at the funeral.

At this time, the music still progressed to the second section, "Day of Wrath".

“In the Day of Wrath the world will be reduced to ashes, so David and Sibe prophesied.

How the world will tremble when the Day of Judgment comes, when all things are strictly weighed. "

Xia Mi and Chu Zihang didn't seem to hear the sound. They only noticed the movement of Ferrari and Maybach.

Lu Mingfei squinted his eyes, and then he saw a small shadow standing on the roof of the red Ferrari. The speed of 260 kilometers per hour did not throw him away, and the music was transmitted from his body. come out.

It's Lu Mingze, he's back again.

The senior sister and Caesar were already very close. Less than 20 meters away from Odin, they suddenly turned the steering wheel in different directions. The sound of tires scraping against the ground was sharp and harsh. The luxury cars that are famous in the whole world were different from Odin. Passing by, a wall of water as high as one person was raised.

The singing, accompanied by the high-pitched sound of the engine, seemed to reverberate in Lu Mingfei's ears with majesty like divine power, fire and thunder.

He remembered that although "Requiem Mass" was a funeral song, "Day of Wrath" was a real song of judgment!

Silver and red crossed in front of the three of them, and the strong wind brought with it the heat of engine oil. Ferrari and Maybach turned their cars around at the same time, then pressed the brakes firmly, and stopped not far from Lu Mingfei with a harsh sound. The place.

(End of this chapter)

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