Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 119 118 Meniek Cassel

Chapter 119 118. Meineke Cassel

"I'm surprised, aren't you? Your friend, Meineke Cassel, who hates dragons more than evil spirits in your memory, actually lives with dragons in such a way that he can only survive." Meineke suddenly changed. He looked like a different man, wearing a black dress, a hard hat, a gold chain pocket watch in his waistcoat, and holding a pipe, looking quite like an English gentleman.

Those dark brown eyes always seemed to be filled with the joy of meeting an old friend again.

Angers was surprised to find that he was standing still leaning on a quiet bridge at this moment. He was wearing a three-piece suit and shiny Oxford shoes. His white hair was neatly combed, and his plaid scarf was quite retro, although it was not his original one. The clothes he wore were quite to his taste.

The weather was fine at this time, and the small white sails were winding down along the middle line of the creek. The buildings on both sides were classical and elegant, and young men and women were clustered in groups talking in low voices.

At this time, girls in white skirts passed in front of them. They held Bibles in their arms and smiled at Angers and Meineke. The breeze from the river blew by, lifting up a corner of their skirts, revealing their slender white skirts. His calves shone in the sunlight, as if they were flowing with pearly fluorescence.

Those sad, happy, and things that can no longer be possessed are hidden in the memories, drowning Angers.

"Cambridge..." he said softly, his iron-gray eyes dimmed under the half-moon-shaped lenses.

"The last time we gathered here, what year was it? It was 1898, right? Hilbert, I remember that year you graduated from the Department of Medicine, officially accepted the review and invitation, and joined our Lion Heart Club. "

"Yes, it has been many years. I still remember what a huge shadow the St. Mary's Church cast in the summer sun that day, and I still remember how beautiful the little legs of the girl playing the violin on the Cam River were." Angers seemed really He began to reminisce about the good past, with a hint of old man's blush on his face.

"It's a pity that you were still a shy boy at that time and didn't have the guts to say hello to that girl." Meineke laughed.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and took Angers to jump off the bridge. A black shadow enveloped the cruise ship like a bird.

It turned out that a white sailboat was passing under the bridge at this moment. The outdoor coffee table occupied a small half of the deck. Meineke led Angers to sit down at the table.

"Later I became less shy, but I really didn't have much energy to love someone." Angers also said with a smile. He also ordered the waiter who was standing respectfully nearby, "a cup of triple caffeine." Strong black coffee, thank you!”

"I'm the same as him." Meineke didn't look back. He continued to talk to Angers, "I found out about this through the elders in the family. You are the only one among us who has truly survived. You bear the burden of You have given up our hatred and carried our vision, but have you ever thought about living for yourself?"

Meineke sounded like an elder when he spoke like this, but it was clear from his appearance that Angers was old enough to be his great-grandfather.

Meineke Cassel's family is one of the few mixed-race families active in both the mythical age and modern times.

The four most famous old families in the mixed-race world are the Cadmus family, the George family, the Sigurd family and the Beowulf family. Their surnames have been passed down from the mythical era to today. The leaders of each generation will have their own names. The great "holy" is added before the title, so the elder of Pierre Cadmus should be called Saint Cadmus.

Before the Industrial Revolution, they had always had the final say in the world of mixed races. They were the elders of the secret party and the rulers of the dark side of the world. Some families even established powerful countries in the history of mankind.

The subsequent industrial revolution easily changed the world's structure. Steamships crisscrossed the seven seas, and some emerging mixed-race families quickly emerged and took control of the secret party's voice.

For example, the Gattuso family, the Gaotingen family, and the Morgan family.

These new families are incompatible with the old people left over from the mythical era, and they form a new power system.

But there are also some outliers who inherit the ancient and noble bloodline, but catch up with the tide of the times and continue the ancient power to this day. The Cassel family is such an outlier.

This family based in Germany split in the mid-[-]th century. The branch to which Meinecke belongs has become extinct today, but the other branch still maintains its dominance over mixed-race society throughout Germany. Among young people, the Cassel family His representative work is Charlotte Cassel, the girl who once appeared in Henkel's auction.

The old man Meineke mentioned probably came from that branch.

When coupled with the attitudes of the Charlotte and Cassel families, which are now almost completely divided and forming their own line, Angers immediately thought of many things.

"How should I live for myself? All my friends are dead, and the girls I like are buried with Cambridge in 1896 in memories that I rarely read anymore. Meineke, I live. At the age of 130, my life should have come to an end long ago. Every year after a routine physical examination, my personal doctor will notify me of a critical illness. All the bones in my body are facing the inability of every elderly person. to avoid severe calcium loss; my heart is weakly supporting the maintenance of this body, and it can no longer even allow me to use the spirit as unscrupulously as in the past; all the organs in my body are failing, every minute and every I am dying every second, and death is no longer a noun for me, but a state." Angers looked at Cambridge, which he could not see clearly.

"The real Hilbert Jean Angers died long ago in the autumn of 1900, and the old man who is still active on the battlefield today is just a shell driven by wildfire hatred." Angers said His iron-gray eyes had never been as dim and turbid as they are today. If any professor from Kassel College heard the exhaustion in his voice, they would think that the end of the world was coming.

Since the destruction of the original Lionheart Society and the reorganization of the Camarilla into Cassel Academy, the rules and order of the mixed-race society have been established bit by bit by this iron-blooded old man over a period of 100 years.In the eyes of everyone, he means powerful, efficient, indestructible, and a man destined to exterminate the dragon clan.

But when Meniek Cassel, a man who had always been like a brother to him, appeared in front of Angers, a crack appeared in his indestructible soul.

For a moment, Angers felt that his sight had penetrated the fog of fate and saw the end of time. The young and heroic self of 100 years ago suddenly looked back.Two pairs of iron-gray eyes stared at each other for a long time.

Angers suddenly laughed.

"Look, Meineke, fate has been really kind to me, allowing me to see the scenery I once had at the end of this journey. But there are many doubts in my heart." Angers sipped the coffee in his hand and looked out. St. Mary's Cathedral in the distance seems to be shrouded in a thick fog rising from the depths of memory.

The building is still as magnificent, elegant and magnificent as before.

But Ange can no longer remember every brick and tile of it like he did in Menghui when he was young. He is really a 130-year-old old man.

"It was beyond my expectation that you survived that tragedy, Angers, and inducting you into Lionheart was probably the best decision I have ever made in my life. I know you are here in America in my name." It's great to have a mixed-race university, just like I thought in the past. Old friends will also be happy to know about it, and they will be proud of you."

"But you know that's not what I want to hear, Meineke. I have been fighting for 30 years in the center of the whirlpool of mixed-race socio-political struggles in Europe. I am no longer the ignorant guy you picked up on the streets of London. It's a baby." Ange said calmly.

Meineke Cassel, this man as hard and upright as his family heirloom hunting knife, suddenly fell silent, his eyebrows furrowed, and the collar of his suit swayed slightly in the breeze blowing from the river.

"I don't want to take you to relive what happened that night, Angers. You know why. I can see a lot of fatigue in your eyes. As Baron Charlotte used to say, people You can't always live in the sorrow of the past." Meineke Cassel said softly.

"You know, Meineke, there is a philosopher in our college who said, 'Man is actually a fish living in the ocean of his own imagination.' I think there is some truth, so I removed him from the position of assistant professor. Promoted to tenured professor." Angers loosened his collar, which was probably a little tight. The collar seemed to be suffocating him.

He said, "Everyone has an ocean that supports him to survive. The things that make up this ocean can be love, hope, or even passion. And the ocean that supports me, an old fish who has lived for 130 years, , the things that make up it have always been hatred and sorrow. I have survived in this world for 100 years relying on this sorrow that can be gathered into an ocean, but you want to tell me not to live in the sorrow of the past?" Angers eyes. Strangely, his tone was deeply self-deprecating.

Menek let out a deep sigh.

"I knew you were going to say that," he said. "Well, if you want to know."

"I think you should have deduced a lot of what happened that day, including the awakening of the Dragon King, the conflict from the mixed-race forces from the East, the Qing government's army and the attack of the Immortals." Meineke took out a cigar from under the table. He took a piece out of the box, put it under his nose and trimmed it hard, then used cigar scissors to cut off the very end.

The curling smoke quickly rose, and the man who appeared in front of Angers after so many years was obscured by the smoke.

"You witnessed Li Wuyue's return with your own eyes. The ancient Chinese could not kill him, but only sealed him with magical alchemical methods. With your current knowledge, it should not be difficult to guess his identity, right?" "Sky and One of the twins of the King of Wind." Angers' pupils shrank slightly. The source of the Summer Mourning incident was the remains of the dragon. If he was an inanimate thing, the entire secret party would be dissected from that time. He benefited a lot from it, but he was a king who had never died. The first thing he did when he woke up was to wash away the shame all over his body with the blood of the blasphemer.

On that day, almost all the members of the first generation of the Lionheart Club gathered at Cassel Manor. They were the best young people of that generation. Each of them was bound to be able to stand alone when they grew up. Each of them cherished the dream of Huge ideal.

But a sudden attack destroyed everything. Even the first-generation Lion Heart Society, which had a luxurious lineup, could not defeat a Dragon King with human power at that era. What's more, the Dragon King did not fight alone. The whistle of the ship finally The Queen Mary disappeared in the sea, rain and wind, bringing with it a coffin that was definitely not a king, and a pack of bloodthirsty wolves following it.

The number of immortals and deadpools raised by the Qing government exceeds three digits. Each of them has the power to fight a liger head-on. Such power is enough to kill everyone in the Lion Heart Society. In fact, they also It really almost happened, but Meineke Cassel used his word spirit for the first time in his life.

Yanling Rhine.

The high-risk word spirit ranked 112 in the word spirit sequence list is a mythical majesty. Few humans can master this level of power. Even the vast majority of noble next-generation species princes cannot use this level of holy words. .

In a sense, it was exclusive to the king.

"Someone on the throne of the King of Sky and Wind. His name is Li Wuyue. His appearance is a conspiracy, but it is not against us, nor against the newly born Lion Heart Society." Menike's voice was calm, just Narrating the story that happened in the way of narrating facts, "Actually, I don't know much more than you do until now, but at least I can be sure that there is a certain Supreme Being involved in this matter."

"Supreme...?" Angers did not raise his eyes, but the blazing golden color flashed in his eyes.

"White King? Or Black King?" His heart almost jumped out of his chest. That was breaking news. Regardless of the Black King or the White King, they are ghosts who have died in history. Ghosts should not be able to interfere in the present world. of.Unless one of them has recovered.

"No, it's not the two emperors who stood at the source of history, but the supreme one who appeared later. It might be one," Menike hesitated when he said this, and continued, "the dragon king who devoured the same kind. "

Angers raised his head in shock.

"Li Wuyue was the last Dragon King created by the Black King. He was the youngest and almost the most favored one. Therefore, when the kings rebelled at the end of the Gods, he was the only one who chose to stand by the Black King until the end. The monarch on the king's side." Menike said, "He is not the most powerful, but he is very balanced and has almost no weaknesses. The purpose of that supreme is to kill Li Wuyue and get his Dragon Bone Cross."

"If the person who plotted this matter was a supreme being who was above the Dragon King, why didn't he do it himself?" Angers' hand holding the cup trembled slightly.

"Because he can't. He is injured, or is in an abnormal state, or is restricted by something, and cannot take action. But he can exert a slight influence on the world, and after a long period of planning, he can realize his conspiracy."

"But how can he get Li Wuyue or the Qing government to send Li Wuyue's coffin to Hamburg? Those Manchus have no motive, and this cannot bring them any political benefits." Politics is not Angers' strong point, but he We know that the investment of political resources must be for greater returns.

Why did the guy hiding behind the scenes want Li Wuyue to take action?
"Remember that box?" Meineke looked into Angers' eyes.

Angers was stunned for a moment, "Box?"

"Lord Mayek's black box, he will never put it down when he does anything." Mayek shrugged, "Do you know what's in it?"

"What could it be that could arouse the interest of a Dragon King?" Ange narrowed his eyes. He seemed to have guessed something, but he was unwilling to confirm his guess.

"Members of the Society of Cross Roses have always believed that they had obtained the bones and blood of the Supreme Being who conquered all others, so at that time everyone thought that the box contained..." Menike took a deep breath, "The Black King's cocoon .”

Angers stood up suddenly.

Therefore, the purpose of Li Wuyue, the King of Sky and Wind, is easily revealed. He is sleeping in a coffin, but there are still pure-blood dragons pursuing the prosperity of the Dragon Empire operating in the court of the Qing government. Those dragons sent a king to Nidhogg's side.

Meineke raised his head, and he saw that Angers' iron-gray eyes seemed to be lit up with a brilliant torch at this moment, and the golden light of the torch almost dispelled the thick fog that was gradually rising around him.

"But we have never seen that Supreme Being. In that era, we have never even seen dragons of the level of the first generation species. It is easy for the Iron Cross Roses to misjudge the contents of the box." Mei. Nick said, "The final facts proved that it was not the Black King's cocoon."

"Could it be this second-generation cocoon?" Angers sat down again, thoughtfully, "There is no case in history of surviving after using the spirit of Rhine. We don't know what will happen to you. , is that mythical word spirit actually depriving you of your spirit and attaching it to the embryo of this next-generation species? If so, what is your relationship now? Symbiosis? Parasitism? Or are you enemies of each other?"

Meineke was speechless.

He shook his head, "It's not a cocoon from the next generation, it's not even a cocoon, it's just bone and blood."

"Dragon bone cross." Angers said every word.He realized that the secret party had also hunted pure-blood dragons of the level of the next generation, and would not recognize the bones and blood of the next generation as the Black King's cocoon, unless the power of those remains was beyond the understanding of hybrids of that era. .

The concept of the Four Monarchs actually only appeared in the mixed-race society after the Age of Gods in the past 100 years. It first appeared in the Ice Sea Fragments. People originally didn’t even know the class structure of the Dragon Clan. The mainstream view in the [-]th century was that black people The king is the only emperor, and countless princes form the cornerstone of the dragon civilization.

If there is no concept of the four great monarchs, then the Iron Cross Society of Roses will certainly not think that those bones and blood belong to a certain monarch.

"The dragon bone cross of the other twin on the throne of the King of Sky and Wind." Menike seemed to finally get to the key to the matter. He said slowly, "When I used Rhine, Li Wuyue could have chosen to escape. , he also has the ability to do so. A king's application of time zero is not comparable to yours. But when he used those words and spirits, the secretly hidden supreme canceled his holy words, which was the master of all elements. With this honor, I confirmed my suspicion that the real murderer was hidden not far away."

"Rhine was released, and the entire manor and everything nearby were destroyed, but my spirit survived, and what saved me was the dragon bone cross in the box, where the dead sky and wind were still hidden. The will of the king, he is the most powerful among the monarchs, he has set off turbulent waves in the history of mankind, his name is..."

"Xiang Yu!"

Angers is like being struck by lightning!

"What happened then? Why did you live in the cocoon of a second-generation species?" he asked impatiently.

"The Supreme One chased the seriously injured Li Wuyue to the east and north, and Xiang Yu's spirit took me away. He also took away a woman who participated in the attack with the immortals of the Qing government. That woman was a third-generation woman. The species transformed into a cocoon 2000 years ago and then revived twice, once 1000 years ago and again in 1890. The name of the third-generation species was Yu Ji." Meineke said, "As you can see, Xiang Yu Use your own power to help Yu Ji evolve into the next generation, and use this to protect his flesh and blood and my spirit."

"This is not normal. If that was really a dragon king, he would not save you as a human." Angers frowned, "The violence and cruelty of dragons are obvious to all."

Menike curled his lips and chuckled.

"Well, what should I do if my good friend doesn't believe you?" This time he was no longer talking to Angers. Instead, Meineke turned his head and looked at the waiter who had been serving beside him with his head lowered.

The waiter raised his head, and it turned out to be a young oriental man with a handsome, majestic face.

Those eyes were as majestic as a divine throne in the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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