Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 120 Chapter 119 Desperados suffer hardships

Chapter 120 119. The desperadoes are in trouble ([-] words long chapter)

Illinois, outer suburbs of Chicago, noon.

The low altitude is covered with lead-gray clouds, and the motorcade roars and roars on the straight road. The vehicles that make up this team are Pagani, LaFerrari, Lamborghini Veneno, Rolls-Royce, and Hennessey. They are incredibly fast and numerous. amazing.

The combined value of all the luxury cars in the fleet is enough to set off a financial storm in a small African country, and it is also enough to make an entire Arctic Fox mercenary group work for you, even if the mission goal is to rush into the dragon's lair and fight the next generation of species, they are all there. No matter what.

But in this team, every vehicle was scarred, and its surface was covered with traces of being scratched by some kind of claw blade.They had just experienced a arduous war with aliens.

That battle impressed everyone, and they once again realized how terrifying Deadpool was.

The arrow-like highway passes through the lonely wilderness, and the motorcade is leaving the city of Chicago. The sky is filled with lightning and thunder, and the thunder and lightning are as dense as war drums.

At the end of the long road behind everyone, where the sky and the mountains meet, the clouds seem to be cut by a huge blade, splitting along the extension line of the road, revealing the bright and high sky above.

As if the high-pitched chants from the ancient times chased the fleeing Kassel students along the long road, the boys and girls turned up the heavy metal rock music to the maximum to resist the kind of ancient songs that made them tremble from the heart. recite.

Caesar was still wearing a suit and tie. He put the hunting knife Dictado on his knees, and the two large-caliber modified Desert Eagles were always loaded.

Within a minute after Lu Mingfei left the academy, he received a call from the vice-principal and an invitation from Nono. He knew what he would face in this war.

Caesar wore the fiery red coat of arms of the Gattuso family on his chest, with a soaring phoenix on it.

Like everyone else, Caesar had witnessed the power of God. His majesty was almost unstoppable by humans, so he was even prepared to die beside Lu Mingfei.

But a sudden change saved their lives. Another god came. Gods and gods were fighting. It was no longer a battlefield that humans could intervene in.

Chu Zihang sat next to him, in the co-pilot. His clothes were ragged and his eyes were gray. Caesar had never seen him in such a mess as he was today.

But his eyes were somewhere between ferocious and angry, as ferocious as a hyena, as if he would do anything to kill something.

At the most extreme moment, Chu Zihang was less than ten meters away from his enemy, but he failed to succeed in his attack and immediately chose to retreat.

Between the two things of revenge and loyalty, Brother Sha Mei chose loyalty.

Caesar had never seen such a dim look in Chu Zihang's golden eyes that even he envied, and he had never seen Chu Zihang show such huge mood swings, and his expression was so ferocious. , the gaze was so fierce, sometimes just from the corner of his eye, Caesar would mistakenly think that Chu Zihang would draw a knife to kill him at those few moments.

Chu Zihang, who was in the third degree of violent blood state, was burning a huge amount of dragon blood every minute and every second. His body was getting weaker and his body was becoming more and more riddled with holes.

The dragon transformation phenomenon is rapidly fading away from this man's body. The scales are peeling off, the bones are loose, and the undulating muscles like a liger are returning to normal, but the dim golden eyes can no longer be extinguished.

Chu Zihang's expression finally began to calm down. He slowly leaned back on the recliner, showing unprecedented fatigue. The ancient alchemy sword named Murasame was firmly held in his hand. It seemed that he could only hold it tightly in this way. own destiny.

Caesar observed the man beside him out of the corner of his eye, and saw Chu Zihang staring blankly at the rearview mirror, staring at the parting clouds at the end of the road behind them.

Chu Zihang suddenly laughed silently. Gods and gods were roaring and fighting. High-pitched chants resounded throughout the world. From the chants that seemed to come from ancient times, he heard Chu Tianjiao's voice.

Dad, we will meet again.

Chu Zihang stared at Murasame, and the smooth blade reflected two dim golden points.
Nono's red Ferrari has been modified by the equipment department. Its body can withstand frontal bombardment from howitzers, and its window glass can ignore the fire of large-caliber automatic rifles.

At its limit, this car can reach speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, and driving on a straight road without obstacles is like a red hurricane.

In the style of the Equipment Department, this vehicle was also transformed into a large-yield bomb.When detonated, it produces as much power as hundreds of kilograms of TNT.

If Chu Zihang hadn't done it just now, Nono would have turned this car into a high-explosive bomb moving at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. This bomb would have easily torn apart Odin's domain and covered the battlefield. The high wall was completely destroyed.

The bright car lights pierced the rain curtain, and the beast-like roar penetrated the wasteland. Lu Mingfei stretched his arms out of the window. His body temperature had not faded away, and his whole body was blazing. The rain was pouring down on him. White smoke, the white smoke was immediately dispersed by the strong wind.

There were wounds all over his body. Xiang Yu's fallen weapon shattered the spear thrown by Odin. Fire rain covered with metal shards fell from the sky. Those metal shards easily cut Lu Mingfei's fourth degree of violent blood state. Indestructible scales grow out of the torn skin underneath.

Except for the abdominal penetrating injury caused by the iron spear, Lu Mingfei's injuries were still very serious, and almost no inch of skin on his body was intact.

There were at least one kilogram of metal shards embedded in Lu Mingfei's body. Those metal shards were tearing apart his healing body all the time. The severe pain made the man's face turn extremely pale.

The rain brought a biting chill, which made Lu Mingfei's hot body slightly stabilized. He leaned against Xia Mi, almost moaning in comfort.

The blood on that arm was quickly washed away, and the wound was slowly healing, but the opened muscles were lifeless gray-white.

He changed his hand under the rain. Xia Mi immediately poured the medical alcohol found in the car onto the cleaned arm to disinfect Lu Mingfei. The more severe pain made Lu Mingfei's body twitch, but he clenched his teeth. Jia Guan did not make a sound.At this time, a large amount of morphine medicine was stuffed into his mouth by the junior sister. These addictive drugs for labor pains quickly took effect, slightly easing Lu Mingfei's pain.

At this time, Lu Mingfei finally had the energy to look at himself in the rearview mirror.

His dragon transformation even faded faster than Chu Zihang's. He was more immune to the irritability of dragon blood, and his tolerance for the toxicity of dragon blood was far greater than that of his senior brother.

Except for the pair of eyes that still shined with majestic light like a king, he was just an ordinary human being at the moment.

Until this moment, Lu Mingfei's eyes still showed the red-gold color of the next generation species. This kind of red golden pupils was second only to the eyes of the Dragon Kings. Chu Zihang's fight against Fenrir in the last period of time and space inspired the fourth degree of violent blood. I also had such eye color when I was young.

For Lu Mingfei, these were the pupils he had after the second violent bloodshed.

Even for him, the road to becoming a god is not without burden. On the contrary, the dragon's will is still eroding his soul, but this erosion is small, while his soul is vast.

Xia Mi hugged Lu Mingfei, her blood dripped on Lu Mingfei's wound, and the anger caused by the dragon's blood slowly dissipated.

The girl was only wearing Lu Mingfei's windbreaker at this time, and her original clothes had been torn apart by the scales growing from her body.

The look she looked at Lu Mingfei was gentle and full of worry, as clear as a spring, but the look she looked at Nono was a little sulky.

Although the counter-ambush plan was formulated by the vice-principal, Nono was the absolute first executor. This behavior of putting Lu Mingfei in danger made Xia Mi very angry.

But Lu Mingfei held the girl's wrist with his backhand.

It feels soft and smooth, no longer as hard and sharp as before.

He shook his head, his face seemed even paler.

The huge amount of metal debris was destroying his organs and body tissues, and he needed to be debrided immediately.But ordinary debridement surgery was already difficult to clean away the debris remaining in Lu Mingfei's body, so he had to use more cruel methods.

The cold rain washed away the bloody smell all over his body. Xia Mi carefully used medical alcohol to disinfect Lu Mingfei, but the heartbreaking pain kept the man's brows from relaxing.

Blood flowed into the driver's seat of the Ferrari. Nono drove the car without saying a word, but the fingers holding the steering wheel turned white with strength.

Lu Mingfei's heavy breathing was the only thing left in the car. He could see his own eyes through the rearview mirror. Although they were dyed with a majestic golden color, weakness and exhaustion were already coming up uncontrollably like a tide that broke a dam. .

Lu Mingfei's body was healing itself at an unimaginable speed, but this was not a good thing at this time.

Sharp metal fragments were hidden in every inch of his muscle fibers. When his body healed, those muscle fibers would bite and tighten like a ferry winch, sending more metal fragments deeper into Lu Mingfei's body. .

They will continue to rupture healing blood vessels, destroy important organs, and some may even touch the heart.

A tenacious and fierce will exploded in Lu Mingfei's mind, running down his spine, and the trembling feeling in the darkness came to his body again.

He sat up straight, shook off his clothes, and pressed his hands on his waist and abdomen. Blood immediately overflowed from between his fingers.

Odin's iron spear penetrated his abdomen. The wound was about to heal, but it was torn open again by the metal debris, and a large amount of blood flowed out, even making his powerful hematopoietic function somewhat stretched.

"Senior brother, senior brother, you are bleeding, you are bleeding!" Xia Mi was at a loss. She rummaged in the medical box at a loss, trying to find some emergency medicine that could help the current situation.

"Lu Mingfei! Hold on!" Nuonuo finally spoke, her voice trembling slightly, and the Ferrari beneath her seat shook.

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Lu Mingfei's voice was calm and strong. It didn't sound like something a seriously injured person could say. He curled up to avoid further expansion of the wound, and at the same time held Xia Mi's hand. Pressing on the huge open wound.

His condition was much worse than he showed. Lu Mingfei couldn't even exert the strength to hold down the wound for a while.

If this continues, he will either die of shock due to excessive blood loss, or die of being pierced by one kilogram of metal debris piercing his organs.

"Don't say too much, senior sister. I want you to contact the old guy from the vice principal immediately. I know he can get the fastest helicopter. I want him to prepare enough tourniquets, at least 10000cc of plasma and blood transfusion kits, and a complete set of surgeries. A knife and enough medical alcohol." Lu Mingfei said calmly. He was once the dragon of the executive department of Kassel College and had experience in dealing with anything dangerous or even half-footed into hell.

He thought back to everything he had learned in training and said quickly, "Isoflurane inhalers, ketamine injections, and epinephrine injections, these are what I need, the more the better, the sooner the better, let him get these right away Get ready to be sent over by helicopter, my life is strong and I can hold on."

"Senior brother, are you really okay?" Xia Mi's voice was filled with tears.

"A mere fatal injury." Lu Mingfei smiled.

At this time, Ferrari pierced the thin border like tearing a curtain. The dull sky immediately became brighter, the rain curtain disappeared, everything disappeared, those high-pitched chants seemed to be blocked by that thin border, and the thunder The roaring sound was also blocked.

This is the end of the area where the Nibelungen meets reality. The alchemy matrix beneath the academy extends its power here. Even Odin cannot launch another attack in this place.

Nono dialed a number and conveyed Lu Mingfei's words to the person on the other end of the phone.

The surroundings became quiet and peaceful, and they were about to enter a lush red birch forest. It was said that there were many confidential research projects of the academy hidden in that forest. Some projects were as dangerous as the Dragon King's resurrection, and the results could even destroy a city. .

"Sister, stop the car," Lu Mingfei said.

Nuonuo didn't say anything. She chewed a nut in her mouth, her cheeks bulging like a dumb hamster, and parked the car against the roadside.

Lu Mingfei pushed open the car door and staggered to sit down on the huge fallen birch tree on the side of the road. This action seemed to use up almost all his strength, and the blood flowed along his feet towards the depression, dyeing it red. In a patch of yellow sand, Nonoila opened the door and ran to Lu Mingfei, helping him sit firmly on the tree trunk. "There is a big problem with your condition. This is not normal." Senior sister's wine-red eyes were filled with a thin layer of mist. She held Lu Mingfei's hand so hard, "I'm sorry, junior brother, I didn't tell you in advance. .”

"Sister, I'm fine. And you did the right thing. If Odin keeps watching me, I can't do anything. That thing will watch us until fate reaches its end according to the predetermined trajectory. Damn it if I can't change it. If my fate is my own, then my life will be meaningless." Lu Mingfei comforted in a low voice. He grabbed Nono's right hand. At this moment, the warm and fragrant nephrite was gone. He only felt severe pain all over his body and in his brain. She was dizzy because of lack of blood.

"Help me do a few things. Find Sister Susie. I want to have a few words with her alone. Have someone dismantle a car and take out two steel brackets that have passed the hardness level. Find a winch for towing. The iron chain inside. Call Chu Zihang and Caesar to my side." Lu Mingfei whispered in Nono's ear, making it look like they were kissing.

Nono didn't ask why, she immediately got up and went to do it.

Xia Mi also got out of the car. She took this time to find a set of school uniforms in the car that were probably used by Nono as a spare. Although they were a bit too big, they still barely fit.

She immediately took over Nono's position and supported Lu Mingfei so that he could lean against her.

She could feel that the man beside her, who had always been stronger than bronze, was getting weaker and weaker. Those tiny metal fragments could not be expelled from the body on their own because they were sent too deep, and some were even embedded in the bones.
"My situation is not optimistic. The Word Spirit's Redemption' is forcibly restoring my body. But the more it does this, the more those fragments are sent into my body, like hundreds or thousands of sharp objects. The knife pierced my organs little by little. I could even hear the footsteps of the God of Death approaching." Lu Mingfei was supported by Nuonuo and Xia Mi to the huge and simple steel welded building erected at the entrance of the red birch forest. In front of the cross, his eyes were almost blurry when he spoke, and his golden pupils were filled with a faint gray-white color.

"But none of us are excellent doctors. The most important thing you should do now is not to stop here, but to return to school immediately to receive the most professional treatment." Susie's voice was soft, but also filled with worry and anxiety.

Lu Mingfei finally glanced at her. He stood up straight with his back against the cross. In this way, the wounds all over his body were torn. In the midday sun, he could see something reflecting sharp light from the depths of those wounds. .

Sure enough, as Lu Ming said, his body was riddled with holes. If it had been any other person, he would have died, but this man was still gritting his teeth and persisting.

"Only you can save me, Sister Su Qian." Lu Mingfei looked at Su Qian's eyes. Those eyes had a unique Chinese pupil color, which was deep and distant, with some tenderness and warmth.

Susie covered her mouth, her expression first showed shock, then the shock slowly disappeared, and finally turned into shock, even her pupils dilated slightly.

"My authority is S. As long as I want to, no secret can be hidden from me in school. Sister Su Qian, you understand what I mean. Your speech spirit..." Lu Mingfei did not continue.

Susie's word spirit is sword control, which can control the magnetic field within a certain range to achieve the purpose of controlling metal.

Lu Mingfei didn't need Susie to meticulously control every piece of metal debris in his body. As long as she could help him avoid the heart and aorta, his body could be restored even if it was riddled with holes.

Susie had obviously thought of this, and her expression became serious, solemn, and even showed a trace of rare respect.

"It would be painful," she said.

"It's just a little pain. I have experienced greater pain before." Lu Mingfei smiled silently.

Although Nuonuo didn't know what they were talking about, she didn't ask, she just hugged Lu Mingfei tighter and tighter. Xia Mi understood, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Lu Mingfei obviously realized that his body would soon be completely destroyed by those metal fragments, and he had to fight back.Susie didn't need to use sophisticated surgical methods to use the word spirit. She only had to control the metal in Lu Mingfei's body to avoid important parts, and let them pierce the flesh and skin like a knife and exit the body.

But the pain and harm Lu Mingfei would endure in this way was unimaginable to anyone. It was a torture that had only existed in the history of the dragon clan - a pain comparable to that of using a ghost-toothed dragon viper to bite the body of a pure-blooded dragon.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Lu Mingfei smiled, but his face was pale. He took his hand out of Nuonuo and Xia Mi's hands and nodded towards Caesar and Chu Zihang not far away.

"Junior brother, do you really want to do this?" A rare trace of hesitation appeared on Chu Zihang's face. He knew Susie's words very well, but was the kind of damage that was pierced by thousands of arrows really something that humans could bear?

"Stop talking nonsense, senior brother, this doesn't look like you." Lu Mingfei tore off his clothes and then his pants, leaving only a pair of shorts stained red by blood. This was to prevent clothing fibers from mixing into the wound and causing third-degree injuries. harm.

He stood in front of the cross with his arms spread wide. Everyone looked at him silently, like a believer watching the crucifixion of Jesus.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other and both nodded. The iron chains that had been prepared bound his limbs. Lu Mingfei did not struggle. He nodded towards Nuonuo and Xia Mi.

"Don't worry, senior sister, junior sister, I still have a lot of things to do, why did I die here?" He whispered.

"We have to tie him up and use all our strength." Chu Zihang glanced at Caesar.

Caesar nodded, squatted down slowly, leaned back, and the end of the chain was pulled in his hand, and the thing immediately straightened.

Chu Zihang also made the same move, and Lu Mingfei was completely locked up.

His strength is terrifying, and he may struggle under extreme pain. Ordinary ropes cannot suppress him.

Caesar and Chu Zihang's physiques are at the peak of A-level, even close to S-level. If they work together in close combat, they can tie up with Lu Mingfei. state, otherwise there is no way to break free.

There were whispers around her, and Nono already realized what was about to happen, but Xia Mi held her wrist.

This was Lu Mingfei's only way to save himself, or he had to summon Lu Mingze.Compared to making a deal with the devil, Lu Mingfei is actually more willing to risk his own life.

But if we do this without powerful anesthetics, is the huge pain really bearable for humans?
"He will die!" Nuonuo whispered, her face expressionless and colorless.

"Senior brother will not die." Xia Mi said firmly.How could the person she chose die so easily?

Both Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at Su Qian nervously. Su Qian's expression calmed down at this moment. She took a deep breath to adjust herself, stood still in front of Lu Mingfei, reached out her right hand, and pressed On the man's heaving chest, blood soaked Susie's palms.

Until now, Lu Mingfei's hematopoietic stem cells were still working hard, but the energy in his body was running out, and he would soon be unable to support the ultra-high-intensity metabolism of his body.

Su Qian looked at Chu Zihang, and the corners of her mouth twitched, as if she wanted to smile, but she didn't laugh, and instead shed tears.

"This is going to hurt," Caesar said.

"Junior brother is a person who carries a lot of things. The pain will not crush him, it will only become his motivation." Chu Zihang was still determined.

"Senior brother is really awesome." Xia Mi whispered.

"He wasn't like this before." Nono didn't blink. She was a witch, and no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.


"Well, he used to be a coward. It was of no use. He was afraid of pain and death. He was a borderline person." Nono lowered his eyelids.

"Senior brother like that must have no one to admire him, and he must be very lonely. It would be great if I could stay with him at that time, so that he wouldn't be so lonely." Xia Mi said.

Nono paused for a moment, and her eyes suddenly turned frightened. She felt that her nose seemed a little sour, and then she closed her eyes, "He used to call me when he was drunk and said that although there were not many people he liked, he was cute. There are indeed very few people. He has done a lot of wrong things and hurt the people who love him. He is in pain. But he doesn't show it at ordinary times. He just goes crazy when he is really lonely and sad to the extreme."

Nono looked at Xia Mi and said, "Junior sister, you and I both love him, so he treats us very well and is afraid that we will be hurt."

"I like this kind of protection very much, and I will also protect my senior brother." Xia Mi looked at Lu Mingfei's rising and falling chest, her voice was thin, but so firm.

——"Tighten it!" Susie pushed a small amount of analgesic into Lu Mingfei's carotid artery, tore off a large piece from the hem of her clothes, rolled it into a ball and gave it to him to bite, then looked at Chu Zihang, He looked at Caesar again, and finally looked directly into Lu Mingfei's eyes, "Junior brother, I'm going to take action."

Lu Mingfei nodded. His golden eyes were really dim, and he was on the verge of shock and fainting.

Chu Zihang and Caesar's whole body bones made crackling sounds. They looked at each other and nodded. The muscles on their bodies were undulating like tides, just like two young ligers.

Susie is a girl who looks gentle but is actually very resolute. Her eyes are timid at first, but after she makes up her mind, she is as firm as a mountain.

Really neat and tidy!

Hundreds of tiny metal fragments slowly left Lu Mingfei's body in a radial pattern, and the splashed plasma immediately dyed the nearby Chu Zihang, Caesar and Su Qian red.

Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was distorted by the severe pain. The dragon-like power reappeared in his body, the metal chain rattled, his expression was ferocious and terrifying, and his whole body was covered in blood.

Xia Mi cried out.

"He can't hold on anymore!" Susie shouted in horror.

"Continue!" Nono growled.

Lu Mingfei struggled instinctively, but the chains restrained everyone and everyone fell silent.

The veins on the man's face were throbbing, and his eyes were bloodshot, staring at Susie's face without blinking.

He spat out the ball of cloth in his mouth, as if there was steel between his teeth, "Continue!"

Blood gushes out of his body like red spring water and cannot stop at all.

Su Qian nodded, Yan Ling and Jian Yu continued to release!

The debris was like a sharp knife, repeatedly cutting off Lu Mingfei's muscle fibers and capillaries, but avoiding important organs and arteries. It drilled out of his skin piece by piece, and then fell to the ground with a clanging sound. sound.

Everyone was shocked.

Nuonuo suddenly took a step forward, and she suddenly pulled out the alchemy weapon called Lust. The mythical weapon let out the roar of a dragon, the blade was as bright as the moon, and the blade was like a mirror.

She held the knife in front of Lu Mingfei's eyes, "Junior brother!"

"No... you want... death!" Lu Mingfei almost bit his teeth into pieces, but still suppressed his growl.

He stared at his own eyes reflected in the blade, and those dim golden pupils glowed slightly again.

Like the morning star in the polar night.

(End of this chapter)

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