Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 121 120 Dragons

Chapter 121 120. Dragons
A heavy and slow drum beat sounded in the darkness, getting denser and louder, as if a majestic king on an ancient battlefield was beating the drum himself, urging the start of the battle.

The sound of the drum was so loud that it was like the roar of thunder in his ears. So Lu Mingfei struggled to open his eyes. The white light caused his pupils to shrink violently, making him unable to see the surrounding scene clearly.

At the same time, heartbreaking pain was transmitted from every inch of skin and flesh throughout the body, like Ling Chi's pain.

The severe pain was transmitted to his brain through neurotransmitters, and a certain area of ​​Lu Mingfei's brain immediately became extremely active, flashing back scenes that he had never seen before, or that had happened before but he could not remember.

The boy and the girl held hands and fled on the ice field. Black crows chased them in the sky. Deadly flying fire fell from the sky. The flames blew the ice and snow into the sky, and the bottom of the clouds were illuminated red.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a hand covering his cheek. The cold hand slightly touched the heat on Lu Mingfei's forehead.

Then the chaotic and broken images in his mind were shaken away, leaving only a sea of ​​orange and yellow flowers in front of him. The girl stood under the white sky and stretched out her hand to him.

Who is she? Who is she?

Hui Liyi, Hui Liyi, I...

Lu Mingfei's eyes were blurry. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, but he froze. The girl's face gradually became clearer, with a faint majesty in her eyebrows, and her pupils were bright gold. She was stunningly beautiful, but she still had a little baby fat. This Although she is not as majestic as other kings, she is somewhat cute.

Standing in front of him was the imperial daughter in a golden crown and gorgeous dress.

Her name is Jormungandr.

"Lu Mingfei, our vow to never break will last until the end of the world, and fate cannot tear us apart," she said.

The world spins, the sea of ​​flowers and the sky light merge into one place.

The drum beat began to become distant, and Lu Mingfei realized that it was his own heartbeat, steady and powerful, full of vitality.

He was finally able to fully open his eyes - he was apparently back in the medical department of Kassel College, which was probably a single ward, with two fruit bowls and two bunches of roses on the bedside cabinet.

The ivory window screens undulated, letting in the dim light of the street lamp. It was night now.

The whole college was quiet, it was probably late at night.

Lu Mingfei struggled to sit up, and the wound opened, so painful that he almost fainted again.

A slender girl looked up from the sheets with sleepy eyes and rubbed her eyes, "Brother, wake up!"

Lu Mingfei had a thought in his mind and thought that this line sounded familiar. He felt that the next sentence was, "The six major sects have attacked our Bright Summit! The master has been beaten to death!"

It was Xia Mi who was wearing white velvet pajamas. Her dark circles were as heavy as a dumb panda.

Lu Mingfei wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth and coughed violently. Those blade-like metal shards penetrated almost all of his body, even damaging his vocal cords and throat.

Xia Mi hurriedly took out an injection, "The ketamine used for pain relief was left by the doctors. Senior brother, please wait a moment and I will inject it for you."

The syringe was inserted into Lu Mingfei's upper arm, and the injection was slowly pushed in. The pain gradually eased, and fatigue came over him like a warm wave.

But he still held on and didn't fall down. He reached out and held Xia Mi's slender shoulders, and his voice was like a low growl stuck in his throat, "How many days have it been?"

Xia Mi was taken aback for a moment.

"Two days, senior brother, you were in a coma for two days."

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He supported his body with both hands and sat up. Xia Mi quickly came closer to help him.

Then, the man took hold of the electrodes inserted into his body and the needle used to inject nutrient solution, and endured the severe pain to pull them out.

Lu Mingfei's body was wrapped with a medical bandage that almost covered his entire body. After Su Qian used Yan Ling Jianyu to perform debridement surgery on him, the dense wounds were deep enough to show the bones, covering almost every inch of his skin. .

These medical bandages presumably serve to stop bleeding.

Lu Mingfei didn't remember very clearly what happened in these two days, and it could even be said that he had no memory at all.

Using Yanling.Jianyu to remove hundreds of metal fragments embedded in the body is something only a lunatic can do. Even with Lu Mingfei's current pain tolerance, he did not persist until the end of the operation. Fell into coma.

The will fell into a deep sleep, and almost all the blood in the body was replaced by the plasma brought from Kassel College by helicopter. The effect of Lu Mingfei's words on himself, which was named salvation and did not want to die, was suppressed to the point of being suppressed. limit.

This is why his wounds are still cracking and bleeding to this day.

At this moment, the body's self-healing ability was awakening with Lu Mingfei's awakening.

He smiled at Xia Mi, then pointed to the mobile phone not far away, and motioned to his junior sister to help him get the mobile phone.

The phone screen is smooth and can barely be used as a mirror.

"Don't die, Lu Mingfei." Lu Mingfei stared at his own eyes in the mirror, his golden pupils slowly lighting up.

Then Xia Mi once again witnessed this miraculous self-healing ability.Even if she is essentially a dragon king like Jörmungandr, who once held high royal power to rule a vast territory in the era when all the kings of the dragon civilization ruled together, she has to admit that this is really unbelievable.

Even the four great kings cannot have this level of self-healing ability. Except for the White King, no king has a word spirit with similar effects.

The moment those words were spoken, the torn wound began to stop bleeding. Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to tear off the bandage covering his whole body and took a deep breath.

As he breathed, the wounds all over his body began to heal, scab, become dim, and finally disappeared, leaving only the largest scars with some remaining traces visible.

"Norma, I want to see the principal, immediately." Lu Mingfei's order is unquestionable. His authority is the same as that of Angers in Norma, so no matter how deeply Angers sleeps now, Norma will wake him up. Then accurately convey Lu Mingfei's wishes to his ears.

"Help me stand up, junior sister, I have to go get something to eat." Lu Mingfei staggered out of bed.

Using Yanling.Salvation is not without cost. The energy in his body is consumed rapidly, and his metabolism will proceed at a speed that is several times or even ten times higher than that of ordinary people.

He must replenish his strength as soon as possible.
In the Hall of Valor conference hall, the secret party elders and the Kassel College Board of Directors were sitting in a tense manner. Everyone had a solemn expression, and their eyes shone like light from ancient lamps. Among them were not only withered old people, but also vibrant fresh blood. But everyone lit up their golden eyes. It was obvious that the lights were dim, but here it was as bright as the sky.

The Elders Council and the School Board are two completely different organizations. They are the leaders of the old era and the new era respectively. They have used unique laws and codes of conduct to restrict the development of mixed-race society over the long years.

In the 100 years since the Camarilla was officially reorganized into Kassel College, the political core of the new era has completely shifted. The school directors have the greatest say and divide the power of the entire world.

During such a long period of time, there were only a handful of formal meetings between the Elders Council and the School Board.But in this short period of one year, the leaders who enjoy supreme power in the entire mixed-race society have gathered in the Hall of Valor for the third time.

Their first meeting took place after the Kuimen Project last year. The appearance of Odin made the entire hybrid world feel threatened. The ancient man who is known as the King of Gods and Nidhogg's mortal enemy in Norse mythology Shen showed incredible strength, but was still defeated by first-year freshman Lu Mingfei.

The result of that meeting was that Saint Cadmus resolutely and strongly vetoed the hearing proposed by the Gattuso family on the issue of Lu Mingfei's bloodline.But at the same time, the Senate also made concessions. They allowed the New Era Leaders School Board, with the Gattuso family as the core, to divide the seven deadly sins of the mythical weapon that would definitely kill the king.

The second meeting took place after the Six Flags amusement park incident in Chicago. Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, resurrected and was far more powerful than Odin who appeared in the Kuimen Project. He could even easily suppress Silber who had started the road to becoming a god by himself. Special Jean Angers and Lu Mingfei.These two people are known as the most powerful dragon slayers in the two eras. They both have the experience of killing the next generation of species princes, and are considered to be the core force of mankind against dragon king-level targets.

If Angers and Lu Mingfei hadn't happened to be at the scene when Norton was resuscitated, the result of that incident would have been at least a flaming natural disaster that swept across the entire state of Illinois.If Lu Mingfei hadn't risked his life and cut open Norton's chest in the end, Caesar wouldn't even have the chance to send the bullet ground from the Philosopher's Stone into the Dragon King's heart.The return of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and his astonishing power triggered panic within the Camarilla. The leaders realized that a new era was coming, an era in which kings resurrected and dragons rose into the sky. Danger and opportunity coexist, then there must be the arrival of the great Supreme. The name of that Supreme is Nidhogg, and he will bring about the doomsday that will devour the world.

The agenda of the second meeting was to divide Norton's legacy and advance the Nibelungen Plan.The implementation plan of the Nibelung Plan was finally determined. There are three places in the first batch to accept the Nibelung Plan. The ones that have been confirmed are Lu Mingfei and Caesar. The third place needs to be selected from dozens of candidates. Selection will be made among the candidates.

Every meeting jointly held by the Senate and the School Board means that the Camarilla once again discovers or even encounters a Dragon King-level target. The first time is Odin, and the second time is Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. This time, it is even worse than The first two times were more serious, and the situation became more severe.

Only the two chairs at the end of the long conference table are still empty. One of the chairs belongs to a certain school director. However, he injects hundreds of millions of dollars into Cassel College every year, but he has never attended. College Management Meeting.He is the most mysterious of all school directors, and there is evidence that he is a Chinese.

The conference room in the Hall of Valor is dark and solemn, like a cemetery or a church where a funeral is being held.

Angers looked around at the people at the table, nodded slightly, saluted, and sat at the front.Even though the four outstanding holy dragon slayers in the Elder Council were all present, he was still the most powerful one. Among the older generation, Angers was the only one who had the honor of hunting a prince-level pure-blood dragon alone. people.

He is a well-deserved leader and the uncrowned king of mixed-race society.

In addition to Principal Angers, there is also a young woman called Lisa and three other men and one woman on the school board.

The old men all had their eyelids lowered, wearing crisp black suits, with crimson handkerchiefs stuffed in their coat pockets. One was leaning on a cane, while the other was twisting a string of monk beads in his hand.

The remaining man and woman are younger. The man is a strong middle-aged man with sharp features. He wears an executive department-style black trench coat and black suit. The large-caliber revolver is placed on the table in front of him. superior.

The last school director turned out to be a girl. She was very young, maybe only 17 years old or older. She was the same age as Lu Mingfei. She had long pale golden hair neatly coiled on her head, and she looked like a baby. The fat little face has a serious expression and the pupils are dark green, like an exquisite doll. The butler wearing a pair of white gloves stands behind her with his head held high.Although she was the youngest, no one present dared to look down upon her. When she and her butler entered the Hall of Valor, even Frost Gattuso, who was on crutches, nodded to the girl and even took off his hat. .

Her name is Charlotte, and her surname is the Great Gottingen. In mixed-race society, it is an alchemical inheritance that can rival the surname Flamel.Elizabeth's Laurent family and the Gottingen family have been allies for generations, and they are on the side of Angers.

The elders sitting opposite the school board are all haggard and old, but they are far more dangerous than Frost and his like. Their names are their surnames, St. George, St. Cadmus, St. Siegfried. Reed and Saint Beowulf, each name is astonishing from ancient times to the present, shining in the history of dragon slaying for thousands of years.They are the guardians of thousands of years of history, and they are the most impregnable wall between the dark world and human civilization. If it is the dragon that wants to subvert human civilization, they will join forces to slay the dragon. If it is the so-called new dragon clan of Frost that wants to subvert human civilization, , and they wouldn’t mind wiping the Gattuso family off the face of the earth.

Never doubt the determination of the old people to defend their faith, nor the power of the dragon-slaying family.

Snap, snap, snap!The sound of slapping palms spread throughout the conference room. Angers put the folding knife in front of him. The ancient silver ring on the index finger of his right hand seemed particularly dazzling.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please look at me," he said, putting down his hands and tapping the table with the index finger of his right hand.

The participants no longer wanted to observe the powerful people on the other side who were naturally hostile but had to join forces, nor did they want to use their thoughts. Everyone looked at the old man at the head.Although he is 130 years old, he looks like a real young man, full of vitality, his eyes are still yearning for new things, and he is also full of hatred for certain things.

"According to the descriptions of the students who participated in the war, the person who attacked Lu Mingfei should be Odin, the suspected Dragon King-level target who appeared in the Kuimen Project. He showed incredible behavior," Angers hesitated and paused while tapping his index finger on the table. "Time zero."

No one spoke, because everyone present had read the mission report of the Kuimen Project in detail and made a professional analysis of Odin's abilities. The powerful Time Zero should be the king's specialty.

"But this is not beyond our expectation. On the contrary, we had expected it and even made countermeasures." Angers frowned, "What really exceeded our imagination was that something happened in that battle. The second Odin has almost similar power to the first Odin, far exceeding the next generation, but far inferior to Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire. In the end, there was even a third figure who was suspected of being the Dragon King, students said He is an ancient general with a Chinese face. He rides a black horse with white hooves. He uses a huge halberd as a weapon. When this dragon king appears, he fights with Odin and gives Lu Mingfei a chance to escape. But even so , that child almost died in the aftermath of the battle, if it weren’t for the fact that his speech spirit happened to be able to regenerate the body at high speed.”

The big shots in control of the entire mixed-race society began to whisper.

"The dragon king's resurgence events that are rare to encounter in hundreds of years have occurred intensively. I think the trumpet of the end has sounded. It is time for the Camarilla to change their style. We need more iron-blooded warriors." Beowulf said.

"The dragons are not united, and we can take advantage of this opportunity." Baroness Laurent said softly. She looked at Angers, "The history of dragons is the history of fighting each other. No king has ever fought side by side with other kings, except There was a war to hunt down the emperor."

"We are not in the eyes of the monarchs. We are not enough to pose a threat to the things on the throne. Only the truly powerful dragon slayers will be regarded as threats by them, such as you, Hilbert, and the one who has been created The child of an epic miracle." The one who spoke was the wise Saint Cadmus. In fact, his dragon transformation phenomenon far exceeded that of other elders. The dense iron-green scales extended along the corners of his eyes towards the center of his fortune, but his eyes were calm and there was no The appearance of being corroded by dragon blood.

"If it is as expected by you and Master Flamel, then Odin's surveillance of Lu Mingfei should have started very early. The god is looking for opportunities to get rid of the child. They are afraid of him." Deimos said.

"I disagree. In our perception, dragons are creatures that are not afraid of." Frost said.

"Actually, Frost, dragons are afraid. I think they are indeed afraid of Lu Mingfei, who was the first human in history to truly kill a king." Angers eyes were burning.Even he would admit that the credit for killing the King of Bronze and Fire belonged almost entirely to Lu Mingfei when there were people around him. The S-class in the fourth degree of violent blood state was really a Dragon King-level monster.

"What is the reason why you summoned us this time?" When St. George spoke, it seemed as if a biting cold wind was whistling in the conference hall. The school directors frowned, everyone was surprised, and everyone felt The bone-deep majesty was spreading from the gray-haired old man.

St. George is the most mysterious one among the senators. Some say that he is more powerful than anyone else, not even Angers.

"We must put the Nibelungen Plan on the agenda immediately, and it is best to create a super hybrid in the near future." Angers said, "On the battlefield against the Dragon King, the number of heroes is still too few."

"Caesar wouldn't be the first," Frost said suddenly.If the Nibelung Plan can only support one person, he will definitely fight for it, but Norton's Dragon Bone Cross contains infinite power. The number of this quota is plural. Caesar will definitely get the opportunity, so why care about the temporary success? No matter the gain or loss, I would rather do the No. 1 adventure.

"Our dragon-slaying hero Lu Mingfei gave me a very good suggestion. Apart from the S-class, the child with the purest bloodline in the academy is the student named Chu Zihang." Angre smiled.

Everyone was silent.

Of course Chu Zihang is very strong and suitable, but in fact many people present have their own agents in the academy. They hope that the first Nibelung Plan implementer as a test subject will be their spokesperson, not Chu A marginalized person like Zihang.

It's not that the school director didn't win over him, but that lunatic was a complete loner. He didn't need support. He seemed to be able to kill through the world with a steel knife.

At this time, someone suddenly broke in. The strong smell of low-quality wine immediately swept over the entire conference table, and there was also a smell of German-style sauerkraut stewed elbow and fragrant kelp soup. The school directors were all pampered big shots. The pig-like smell turned their stomachs.On the contrary, the faces of the elders who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years did not change. They were all warriors who had experienced blood and fire. They had run through mountains of corpses and seas of blood. This taste was nothing.

On the contrary, the old people saw clearly the appearance of the visitor, stood up one after another, and took off their hats.

"Teacher Flamel, I haven't seen you for a long time." The elders nodded in greeting.

The night watchman's right hand is holding the free wine provided by the canteen. He is wearing a denim jacket that has been washed out of shape and jeans with holes on the lower body. He has a figure like a big man, and there is an unknown amount of wine in his stomach. It is inexplicable. Thinking of a certain little plum.

"Mr. Vice-Principal, your eyes..." Dame Elizabeth Laurent was horrified.

"Small injury, small injury, I fell while going to the toilet." Both of the vice principal's eyes were bruised, as if he had been punched twice.

He did not sit down next to the school director. Instead, he came to the side of the elders and stood side by side with the well-dressed old people. He felt like a fat bald dog standing with a group of North American gray wolves, but the gray wolves looked at each other. Full of respect.

The vice-principal patted St. George on the shoulder, and then patted Beowulf on the shoulder, "Thank you so much, masters, please come to Cassel to help me! Why don't you order a few bottles of Lafayette from [-] and put a grilled steak on the table and let's eat together?" explain?"

St. George smiled, "The livers of us old guys are failing and we haven't drank for a long time. But if Master Flamel is interested, I can have a few drinks."

"Forget it, bro, you'd better treat it as a snack. Looking at you like this, you probably won't live for a few more years." The vice-principal waved his hand in disgust, went to sit down in his seat, and put his feet up at the end. On the chair of a mysterious school director who was not present.

Flamel is the most noble surname in mixed-race society. The original Flamel was a Parisian scribe who reconstructed ancient alchemy from lost materials and suddenly became a master of alchemy.He joined the Secret Party in the early 15th century, and his successors were also members of the Secret Party. Each generation of Flamel would pass this name on to their most valued students.Because they were worried that their power would be abused, the Flamurs did not share all the secrets of alchemy with the Secret Party, but they kept their promise and always served the Secret Party.

"Remnants of the old era like me are indeed going to die. I just hope that the young people will not forget our original intention." St. George smiled heartily. These senators all have prominent names and respected honors, but they seem to be far more powerful than others. School managers are easier to get along with.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get straight to the point." The vice-principal waved his hand. He looked at the principal, and Angers nodded at the incoherent old guy.

But suddenly Ange's expression changed. The old guy pressed his right ear, which contained a communication tool that could communicate with Norma. He listened solemnly to Norma's report, and then put on a smile. Looking at the many elders, "The meeting has to be temporarily suspended. I have more important things to deal with."

"What could be more important than us old guys squeezing out so much time from our precious lives to sit here and have a meeting with you?" There was no change in expression on Siegfried's face.

"Lu Mingfei is awake and wants to see me." Angers said, "Norma said he was in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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